كتاب Artisan Welding Projects - 25 Decorative Projects For Hobby Welders
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Artisan Welding Projects - 25 Decorative Projects For Hobby Welders

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Artisan Welding Projects - 25 Decorative Projects For Hobby Welders

كتاب Artisan Welding Projects - 25 Decorative Projects For Hobby Welders W_p_2_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Metal shapes and sizes 6
Purchasing metal 7
Cutting metal . 8
Shaping metal . 9
Cleaning metal . 10
Finishing metal 11
Swivel mirror . 12
Square bar coat hanger 18
Three-panel room divider 22
Tabletop easel . 26
Iron cross . 28
Nesting tables . 32
Tapered-leg table . 36
Swing-away coat hooks . 38
Incidental table with drawer 40
Coat rack . 45
Scroll lamp with table 48
Votive lantern with chain and holder . 52
Fireplace candelabrum 56
Hanging chandelier . 58
Magazine rack . 62
Angled metal shelves 64
Wall-mounted shelf . 68
Étagère 72
Corner étagère . 78
Window box . 82
Square fire pit 86
Laundry-tub planter . 90
Cathedral arbor 94
Cathedral arch with gate 98
Gazebo 104
Alligatored finishes, 11
Angled metal shelves, 64–67
Angles/angle irons, 6
Antique/aged finishes, 11
with gates, 98–103
without gates, 94–97
Bars, 6
Blanks, defined, 5
Candelabra, 56–57
Cathedral arch arbors, 94–97
Cathedral arches with gate, 98–103
Chains, making, 55
Chandeliers, 58–61
Channels, 6
Coat hooks, 38–39
Coat racks, 44–47
Corner étagères, 78–81
Costs, 7
Crackle finishes, 11
C-scrolls, making, 85
Cutting lists
for angled metal shelves, 65
for cathedral arch arbors, 95
for cathedral arches with gate, 99
for coat racks, 44
for corner étagères, 79
for étagères, 73
for fireplace candelabra, 56
for gates, 99
for gazebos, 105
for hanging chandeliers, 59
for incidental tables with drawer, 40
for iron cross wall hangings, 28
for laundry tub planters, 91
for magazine racks, 62
for nesting tables, 33
for scroll lamps with table, 49
for square bar coat hangers, 19
for square fire pits, 87
for swing-away coat hooks, 38
for swivel mirrors, 13
for tabletop easels, 26
for tapered-leg tables, 36
for three-panel room dividers, 23
for votive lanterns with chain & holder, 53
for wall-mounted shelves, 69
for window boxes, 83
Decorated panels, 25
Drawers, making, 40–43
Easels, 26–27
Étagères, 72–77
Fabric panels, 24–25
Fences, 94–97
Finishes, 11
Fire pits, 86–89
Fireplace candelabra, 56–57
Garden projects. See outdoor projects
Gates, 98–99, 102–103
Gauge, inch equivalents for thickness, 7
Gazebos, 104–109
Glass, installing, 54
Handles, making, 16
Hanging chandeliers, 58–61
Hex/ hexagonal bars, 6
Inch equivalents for gauge thickness, 7
Incidental tables, 40–43
Iron cross wall hangings, 28–31
Lamp tables, 48–51
Laundry tub planters, 90–93
Lighting ideas
chandeliers, 58–61
fireplace candelabra, 56–57
scroll lamps with table, 48–51
votive lanterns with chain & holder, 53–55
Magazine racks, 62–63
for angled metal shelves, 65
for cathedral arch arbors, 95
for cathedral arches with gate, 99
for coat racks, 44
for corner étagères, 79
for étagères, 72
for fireplace candelabra, 56
for gates, 99
for gazebos, 105
for hanging chandeliers, 59
for incidental tables with drawer, 41
for iron cross wall hangings, 29
for laundry tub planters, 91
for magazine racks, 63
for nesting tables, 33
for scroll lamps with table, 49
sources of, 110
for square bar coat hangers, 19
for square fire pits, 87
for swing-away coat hooks, 38
for swivel mirrors, 13
for tabletop easels, 27
for tapered-leg tables, 36
for three-panel room dividers, 23
for votive lanterns with chain & holder, 53
for wall-mounted shelves, 69
for window boxes, 83
cleaning, 10
cutting tools, 8–9
finishing, 11
purchasing, 7
shapes & sizes, 6
shaping, 9
thickness, 7
welding thick to thin, 77
Metal table tops, making, 35
Nesting tables, 32–35
Outdoor projects
cathedral arch arbors, 94–97
cathedral arch arbors with gates, 98–103
gazebos, 104–109
laundry tub planters, 90–93
square fire pits, 86–89
window boxes, 82–85
Panel room dividers, 22–25
laundry tub, 90–93
window boxes, 82–85
Rail caps, 6
Rectangular tubes, 6
Room dividers, 22–25
Round bars, 6
Round tubes, 6
equipment for, 10
following instructions and, 5
when cutting metal, 8
Scroll lamps with table, 48–51
Scrolls, making, 39, 60, 71, 76–77, 108
Sheet metal, 6
angled metal, 64–67
corner étagères, 78–81
étagères, 72–77
wall-mounted, 68–71
Spirals, creating, 21
Square bar coat hangers, 18–21
Square bars, 6
Square fire pits, 86–89
Square tubes, 6
Straps, 6
Swing-away coat hooks, 38–39
Swivel mirrors, 12–17
with drawer, 40–43
with lamp, 48–51
nesting, 32–35
tapered-leg, 36–37
Tabletop easels, 26–27
Tapered-leg tables, 36–37
T-bars, 6
Three-panel room dividers, 22–25
Tile table tops, making, 35
Tools for cutting metal, 8–9
Tubes, 6
Verdigris finishes, 11
Votive lanterns with chain & holder, 52–55
Wall-mounted shelves, 68–71
Window boxes, 82–85
Wood table tops, making, 35
Yard projects. See outdoor projects

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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