كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن - Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
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 كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن - Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن - Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن - Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course    كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن - Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course  Emptyالأربعاء 05 يونيو 2024, 4:10 am

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كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن
Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course  

كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن - Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course  G_d_p_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 01 getting started \ 01 course overview
03 review and select an outcome \ 03 creating a 3d design \ 01 create a 3d design
02 setting up a generative design study \ 04 dynamic motorcycle load cases \ 01 decide and set up constraints
04 post process a file for production \ 03 all the little details \ 01 detail the pivot bearings
04 post process a file for production \ 02 modify existing features \ 01 explore the timeline
03 review and select an outcome \ 02 selecting the best outcome \ 01 filtering for the best outcome
02 setting up a generative design study \ 02 generative design parameters \ 01 generative study resolution
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 06 create the area a design must avoid \ 01 identify critical components to avoid
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 04 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 01 open and review a design
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 07 week 1 practice exercise 1 \ 01 practice exercise 1 video instructions
02 setting up a generative design study \ 06 week 2 practice exercise 1 \ 01 practice exercise 1 video instructions
03 review and select an outcome \ 04 week 3 practice exercise 1 \ 01 practice exercise 1 video instructions
04 post process a file for production \ 04 week 4 practice exercise 1 \ 01 practice exercise 1 video instructions
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 08 week 1 practice exercise 2 \ 01 practice exercise 2 video instructions
02 setting up a generative design study \ 07 week 2 practice exercise 2 \ 01 practice exercise 2 video instructions
03 review and select an outcome \ 05 week 3 practice exercise 2 \ 01 practice exercise 2 video instructions
04 post process a file for production \ 05 week 4 practice exercise 2 \ 01 practice exercise 2 video instructions
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 09 week 1 practice exercise 3 \ 01 practice exercise 3 video instructions
02 setting up a generative design study \ 08 week 2 practice exercise 3 \ 01 practice exercise 3 video instructions
03 review and select an outcome \ 06 week 3 practice exercise 3 \ 01 practice exercise 3 video instructions
04 post process a file for production \ 06 week 4 practice exercise 3 \ 01 practice exercise 3 video instructions
02 setting up a generative design study \ 03 selecting the preserves and obstacles \ 01 selecting and verifying obstacle regions
02 setting up a generative design study \ 05 manufacturing methods and study objectives \ 01 set up generative study objectives
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 05 recreate preserve regions \ 01 using paste new to create a unique copy
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 03 week 1 overview \ 01 week 1 overview
02 setting up a generative design study \ 01 getting started \ 01 week 2 overview
03 review and select an outcome \ 01 getting started \ 01 week 3 overview
04 post process a file for production \ 01 getting started \ 01 week 4 overview
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 04 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 02 change display properties of a design
03 review and select an outcome \ 02 selecting the best outcome \ 02 comparing multiple outcomes together
02 setting up a generative design study \ 04 dynamic motorcycle load cases \ 02 create complex loading conditions
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 05 recreate preserve regions \ 02 direct editing tools for modifying geometry
04 post process a file for production \ 02 modify existing features \ 02 edit preserve bodies and features
02 setting up a generative design study \ 02 generative design parameters \ 02 generative design materials
03 review and select an outcome \ 03 creating a 3d design \ 02 how to collaborate on a generative project
04 post process a file for production \ 03 all the little details \ 02 insert the design into an assembly
02 setting up a generative design study \ 05 manufacturing methods and study objectives \ 02 plan out manufacturing methods
02 setting up a generative design study \ 03 selecting the preserves and obstacles \ 02 setting preserve regions
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 06 create the area a design must avoid \ 02 use edit model tools to create primitives
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 05 recreate preserve regions \ 03 adding basic geometry
02 setting up a generative design study \ 04 dynamic motorcycle load cases \ 03 clone loading conditions
03 review and select an outcome \ 02 selecting the best outcome \ 03 deciding on an outcome
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 01 getting started \ 03 get the software
03 review and select an outcome \ 03 creating a 3d design \ 03 opening and editing a mesh export
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 07 week 1 practice exercise 1 \ 03 practice exercise 1 solution
02 setting up a generative design study \ 06 week 2 practice exercise 1 \ 03 practice exercise 1 solution
03 review and select an outcome \ 04 week 3 practice exercise 1 \ 03 practice exercise 1 solution
04 post process a file for production \ 04 week 4 practice exercise 1 \ 03 practice exercise 1 solution
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 08 week 1 practice exercise 2 \ 03 practice exercise 2 solution
02 setting up a generative design study \ 07 week 2 practice exercise 2 \ 03 practice exercise 2 solution
03 review and select an outcome \ 05 week 3 practice exercise 2 \ 03 practice exercise 2 solution
04 post process a file for production \ 05 week 4 practice exercise 2 \ 03 practice exercise 2 solution
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 09 week 1 practice exercise 3 \ 03 practice exercise 3 solution
02 setting up a generative design study \ 08 week 2 practice exercise 3 \ 03 practice exercise 3 solution
03 review and select an outcome \ 06 week 3 practice exercise 3 \ 03 practice exercise 3 solution
04 post process a file for production \ 06 week 4 practice exercise 3 \ 03 practice exercise 3 solution
02 setting up a generative design study \ 05 manufacturing methods and study objectives \ 03 solve a generative design study
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 04 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 03 use component color cycling
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 06 create the area a design must avoid \ 03 use edit model to create hardware obstacles
04 post process a file for production \ 02 modify existing features \ 03 using edit form to modify a created body
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 06 create the area a design must avoid \ 04 creating a chain obstacle
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 04 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 04 making a derived assembly
01 identifying and modeling obstacle and preserve regions \ 05 recreate preserve regions \ 04 organizing a timeline
04 post process a file for production \ 02 modify existing features \ 04 smoothing out rough geometry
04 post process a file for production \ 02 modify existing features \ 05 merging two form bodies together
04 post process a file for production \ 02 modify existing features \ 06 smoothing out edges and corners  

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رابط مباشر لتنزيل كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن - Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كورس التصميم الابتكاري لتحسين الأداء بتقليل الوزن - Generative Design Performance of Weight Reduction Course
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 2 من اصل 1
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الدورات والكورسات الهندسية-
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