كتاب SolidWorks 2024 Black Book
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب SolidWorks 2024 Black Book

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
SolidWorks 2024 Black Book
Gaurav Verma, Matt Weber
Edited by

كتاب SolidWorks 2024 Black Book  S_w_2_37
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Training and Consultant Services iv
Preface xvi
About Authors xviii
Chapter 1 : Starting with SolidWorks
Installing SolidWorks 2024 1-2
Starting SolidWorks 2024 1-2
Starting A New Document 1-3
Part Mode CommandManagers 1-7
Assembly Mode CommandManagers 1-11
Drawing Mode CommandManagers 1-11
Opening a Document 1-12Closing a Document 1-12
Saving the Documents 1-13
Printing Document 1-15
Applying Page Setup 1-17
Setting Header/Footer for Print Pages 1-17
Print Margins 1-18
Print Range and other Parameters 1-18
Publishing to eDrawings 1-19
Packing files for Sharing 1-21
Sending Files in Email 1-21
Reloading Files 1-22
Replacing Component in Assembly 1-22
Checking Summary of Document 1-24
Customizing Menus 1-25
Basic Settings of SolidWorks 1-25
Mouse Button Function 1-28
Loading Add-Ins 1-28
Search Tools 1-29
Login to SolidWorks 1-30
Workflow in SolidWorks 1-31
Chapter 2 : Sketching Basic to Advanced
Basics for Sketching 2-2
Sketching Plane 2-3Relation between sketch, plane, and 3D model 2-4
Starting Sketch 2-4
Heads-up View Toolbar 2-5
Sketch Creation tools 2-7
Creating Line Tools 2-7
Creating Rectangle 2-10
Creating Slot 2-13
Creating Circle 2-15
Creating Arc 2-16
Creating Polygon 2-17
Creating Spline 2-18
Creating Ellipse 2-22
Creating Sketch Fillet 2-26
Creating Sketch Chamfer 2-27
Creating Text 2-27
Creating Point 2-29
Sketch Editing tools 2-29
Trimming Entities 2-30
Extending Entities 2-32
Offsetting Entities 2-33
Mirroring Entities 2-34
Creating Linear Sketch Pattern 2-35
Creating Circular Sketch Pattern 2-36Moving Entities 2-38
Copying Entities 2-39
Rotating Entities 2-39
Scaling Entities 2-40
Stretching Entities 2-41
Segment Tool 2-42
Splitting Entities 2-44
Creating Jog Lines 2-44
Dynamic Mirroring 2-45
Replacing Sketch Entities 2-46
Placing Picture in Sketch 2-47
Area and Hatch Fill in Sketch 2-48
Relations 2-49
Dimensional Constraints (Dimensions) 2-49
Geometric Constraints 2-52
Fully Defined Sketch 2-57
Chapter 3 : Advanced Dimensioning and Practice
Dimensioning and its Relations 3-2
Dimension Style 3-2
Style Rollout 3-2
Tolerance/Precision Rollout 3-4
Tolerance modifier Rollout 3-8
Dual Dimension Rollout 3-10Witness/Leader Display Rollout 3-11
Leader/Dimension Line Style Rollout 3-12
Extension Line Style Rollout 3-12
Custom Text Position Rollout 3-12
Override Units Rollout 3-13
Text Fonts Rollout 3-13
Options Rollout 3-13
Horizontal/Vertical Dimensioning between Points 3-13
Sketch Ink 3-13
Starting Sketch 3-14
Selecting the sketch color 3-14
Using Draw tool for Sketching 3-15
Erasing Sketch Ink 3-16
Power Modify 3-17
Practical 1 3-18
Practical 2 3-22
Practical 3 3-29
Chapter 4 : 3D Sketch and Solid Modeling
3D Sketching 4-2
Convert Entities 4-3
Silhouette Entities 4-4
Extruded Boss/Base Tool 4-5
Revolved Boss/Base Tool 4-9Swept Boss/Base Tool 4-11
Using Guide Curves 4-14
Applying Twist in Sweep Feature 4-14
Circular Profile Sweep 4-15
Reference Geometry 4-16
Plane 4-16
Plane Parallel to Screen 4-18
Axis 4-19
Coordinate System 4-21
Point 4-22
Center of Mass 4-23
Mate Reference 4-24
Bounding Box 4-25
Lofted Boss/Base Tool 4-26
Boundary Boss/Base Tool 4-29
Removing Material from Solid Objects 4-32
Extruded Cut 4-32
Revolved Cut 4-33
Swept Cut 4-33
Hole Wizard 4-35
Advanced Hole 4-38
Thread 4-40
Stud Wizard 4-43Chapter 5 : Solid Editing and Practical
Introduction 5-2
Fillet 5-2
Constant Size Fillet 5-2
Variable Radius Fillet 5-4
Face Fillet 5-5
Full Round Fillet 5-6
FilletXpert 5-6
Chamfer 5-7
Linear Pattern 5-9
Circular Pattern 5-11
Mirror 5-12
Curve Driven Pattern 5-14
Sketch Driven Pattern 5-15
Table Driven Pattern 5-16
Fill Pattern 5-18
Variable Pattern 5-20
Rib 5-22
Draft 5-23
Using Draft PropertyManager 5-24
Using DraftXpert PropertyManager 5-25
Shell 5-26
Wrap 5-27Intersect 5-28
Equations 5-29
Adding Global Variables 5-31
Suppressing/Un-suppressing Features 5-31
Setting Dimension Equations 5-31
Design Table 5-32
Applying Material to Part 5-35
Mass Properties of Part 5-36
Practical 1 5-37
Practical 2 5-41
Practical 3 5-46
Chapter 6 : Advanced Solid Modeling
Introduction 6-2
Creating Dome 6-2
Free Forming Solid 6-3
Deforming Solid 6-4
Deforming model using Point Option 6-4
Deforming Model using Curve to Curve Option 6-6
Deforming Model using Surface push Option 6-7
Creating Indent on Solid Model 6-7
Applying Flex Transformation 6-8
Bending 6-9
Combining Bodies 6-10Splitting a Solid Body 6-11
Moving and Copying Objects 6-13
Deleting Bodies 6-14
Converting to Mesh Bodies 6-14
Applying 3D Texture 6-16
Importing Model in Part Environment 6-17
Fastening Features 6-18
Creating Mounting Boss 6-18
Creating Snap Hook 6-19
Creating Snap Hook Groove 6-20
Creating Vent 6-21
Creating Lip and Groove 6-22
Block Designing 6-25
Creating Block Using Sketch 6-25
Saving the Block 6-26
Editing a Block 6-26
Exploding Block 6-28
Macros 6-28
Creating Macros 6-28
Recording Macros in SolidWorks 6-30
Running a Macro 6-30
Editing Macro 6-30
Mesh Modeling 6-31Decimating Mesh Body 6-31
Segmenting Mesh Body 6-33
Comparing Bodies 6-34
Chapter 7 : Assembly and Motion Study
Assembly 7-2
Inserting Base Component 7-3
Inserting Components in Assembly 7-3
Assembly Constraints (Mates) 7-5
Coincident 7-6
Parallel 7-7
Perpendicular 7-8
Tangent 7-8
Concentric 7-9
Lock 7-9
Distance 7-10
Angle 7-10
Advanced Mates 7-11
Profile Center 7-11
Symmetric 7-12
Width 7-13
Path Mate 7-13
Linear/Linear Coupler 7-15
Advanced Distance 7-16Advanced Angle 7-17
Cam 7-18
Slot 7-18
Hinge 7-19
Gear 7-20
Rack Pinion 7-21
Screw 7-21
Universal Joint 7-22
Exploded View 7-22
Explode Lines 7-23
Bill of Materials 7-24
Mate Controller 7-25
Motion Study 7-27
Playing Motion Study 7-29
Bottom Up Approach and Top Down Approach 7-29
Creating Parts in Assembly (Top Down Approach) 7-30
Creating Multi Body Part from Assembly 7-31
Chapter 8 : Advanced Assembly Practical and Practice
Introduction 8-2
Assembly Editing Tools 8-2
Creating Hole Series 8-2
Creating Weld Bead in Assembly 8-4
Creating Belt/Chain in Assembly 8-5Smart Fasteners 8-6
Toolbox 8-8
Creating Grooves 8-10
Creating Cams 8-11
Beam Calculator and Bearing Calculator 8-14
Magnetic Mates 8-15
Asset Publisher 8-15
Creating Configurations 8-16
Creating Assembly with Magnetic Mates 8-18
Practical 1 8-20
Practical 2 8-24
Practical 3 8-26
Chapter 9 : Surfacing and Practice
Surfacing 9-2
Surfacing tools similar to Solid creation tools 9-2
Extruded Surface 9-2
Revolved Surface 9-3
Swept Surface 9-4
Lofted Surface 9-4
Boundary Surface 9-5
Filled Surface 9-6
Freeform 9-7
Special Surfacing Tools 9-8Planar Surface 9-8
Offset Surface 9-9
Ruled Surface 9-10
Surface Flatten tool 9-12
Surface editing Tools 9-13
Delete Face 9-13
Replace Face 9-14
Delete Hole 9-15
Extend Surface 9-16
Trim Surface 9-16
Untrim Surface 9-17
Knit Surface 9-17
Thicken 9-18
Thickened Cut 9-19
Cut with Surface 9-19
Practical 1 9-20
Practical 2 9-24
Chapter 10 : Drawing and Practice
Introduction 10-2
Drawing Sheet Selection 10-2
Adding Views to Sheet 10-5
Model View 10-5
Projected View 10-9Auxiliary View 10-9
Section View 10-10
Removed Section 10-14
Detail View 10-15
Relative View 10-16
Standard 3 View 10-17
Broken-out Section 10-18
Break View 10-19
Crop View 10-19
Creating Alternate Position View 10-20
Creating Empty View 10-21
Creating Predefined View 10-21
Replacing Model 10-22
Adding Annotations to View 10-23
Smart Dimension 10-23
Angular Running Dimension 10-23
Chamfer Dimension 10-24
Model Items 10-25
Note 10-26
Flag Notes 10-27
Surface Finish 10-30
Datum Feature 10-31
Datum Target 10-32Geometric Tolerance 10-33
Weld Symbol and Hole Callout 10-38
Generating Exploded View of Assembly 10-38
Generating Bill of Material 10-39
Generating Balloons for Bill of Material 10-40
Editing Title Block 10-40
Practical 10-41
Chapter 11 : AnalysisXpress
Introduction 11-2
SimulationXpress Analysis Wizard 11-2
Fixture Setting 11-4
Load Setting 11-5
Material Setting 11-7
Changing Mesh Density 11-8
Running Simulation 11-9
Results 11-10
Optimizing 11-12
FloXpress Analysis 11-15
Preparing Model 11-16
Starting Flow analysis 11-17
DFMXpress Analysis 11-20
Costing 11-22
Sustainability 11-24DriveWorksXpress 11-25
Chapter 12 : Mold Tools
Starting the Mold Tools 12-2
Analyzing the Model 12-4
Draft Analysis 12-4
Undercut Analysis 12-5
Parting Line Analysis 12-7
Preparing Model for Mold 12-8
Splitting Faces using Split Line tool 12-8
Applying draft using Draft tool 12-11
Increasing/Decreasing thickness of walls
using the Move Face tool 12-12
Scaling the model to allow shrinkage in part 12-13
Inserting Mold Folder 12-14
Parting Line 12-14
Shut-off Surfaces 12-16
Parting Surfaces 12-17
Tooling Split 12-18
Core 12-20
Chapter 13 : Sheetmetal and Practice
Sheet Metal Introduction 13-2
Creating Base Flange/Tab 13-2
Setting Parameters for Base Flange/Tab with Open sketch13-3
Creating Lofted-Bend 13-4
Sheet Metal Design Terms 13-6
Bend Allowance 13-7
K-Factor 13-7
Creating Edge Flange 13-8
Flange Parameters Rollout 13-9
Miter Flange 13-16
Hem 13-19
JOG 13-20
Sketched Bend 13-21
Cross-Break 13-21
Swept Flange 13-22
Close Corner 13-23
Welded Corner 13-23
Break-Corner/Corner-Trim 13-24
Corner Relief 13-25
Forming Tool 13-26
Sheet Metal Gusset 13-26
Tab and Slot 13-27
Stamp 13-29
Extrude Cut 13-30
Vent 13-30Normal Cut 13-32
Unfold Tool and Fold Tool 13-33
Unfold Tool 13-33
Fold Tool 13-34
Convert to Sheet Metal 13-34
Rip Tool 13-36
Insert Bends Tool 13-37
Flatten 13-38
Flat Pattern Properties 13-38
Inserting Flat Pattern in drawing 13-39
Chapter 14 : Weldments and Markup Tools
Introduction 14-2
Welding Symbols and Representation in Drawing 14-2
Butt/Groove Weld Symbols 14-2
Fillet and Edge Weld Symbols 14-3
Miscellaneous Weld Symbols 14-4
Weldment Tool 14-8
Structural Member 14-8
End Cap Tool 14-9
Weld Bead 14-11
Inserting Welding Data in Drawing 14-14
Inserting the Cut list 14-16
Markup Tools 14-17Setting Color and Thickness for Markup 14-17
Drawing Markup 14-17
Erasing Markup 14-18
Chapter 15 : 3D Printing and Model Based Definition
3D Printing 15-2
Part Preparation for 3D Printing 15-2
3D Printing Processes 15-2
Part Preparation for 3D Printing 15-7
Print3D 15-8
Model Based Definition (MBD) 15-10
Auto Dimension Scheme 15-11
Location Dimension 15-13
Size Dimension 15-14
Applying Angle Dimension 15-14
Basic Location Dimension/Basic Size Dimension 15-15
Datum 15-15
Geometric Tolerance 15-16
Pattern Feature 15-16
Show Tolerance Status 15-18
Other DimXpert Tools 15-18
Inserting Tables 15-18
Section View 15-20Model Break View 15-21
Capture 3D View 15-22
Dynamic Annotation Views 15-23
Publish to 3D PDF 15-24
3D PDF Template Editor 15-26
3D PMI Compare 15-28
SolidWorks Inspection 15-29
Starting New Inspection Project 15-29
Adding/Editing Inspection Balloons 15-33
Removing Inspection Balloons 15-33
Selecting Inspection Balloons 15-33
Sequencing Inspection Balloons 15-33
Updating Inspection Project 15-34
Launching Template Editor 15-34
Defining Inspection Methods 15-36
Editing Operations for Inspection Dimensions 15-36
Exporting Inspection Sheet 15-37
Chapter 16 : Introduction to SolidWorks CAM
Introduction 16-2
Defining Machine 16-2
Setting Tool Crib 16-3
Adding Tools 16-3
Editing Tool 16-5Removing Tool from the Crib 16-5
Updating tool in Database 16-5
Saving Tool Crib 16-6
Creating and Saving New Tool in Library 16-7
Setting Postprocessor Parameters 16-7
Posting Options 16-8
Setting Coordinate System 16-9
Defining or Editing Stock 16-10
Setting Milling Operation Parameters 16-12
Extracting Machinable Features 16-13
Generating Operation Plan 16-14
Generating Tool Paths 16-14
Simulating Tool Paths 16-15
Visualizing Toolpaths 16-16
Saving Toolpaths 16-17
Post Processing Toolpaths 16-17
Manually Creating Mill Operations 16-18
Chapter 17 : Rendering
Introduction 17-2
Editing Appearance 17-2
Copying and Pasting Appearances 17-4
Editing Scene 17-4
Editing Decal 17-4Selecting Display States Target 17-5
Integrated Preview 17-5
Adding a Camera 17-6
Activating Perspective View 17-8
Rendering Options 17-8
Preview Window 17-9
Render Region 17-10
Final Render 17-10


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