كتاب Mastering SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Mastering SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Mastering SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal    كتاب Mastering SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal  Emptyالأربعاء 07 أغسطس 2024, 12:37 am

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Mastering SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal
Enhance your 3D modeling skills by learning all aspects of the SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal module
Johno Ellison

كتاب Mastering SOLIDWORKS Sheet Metal  S_w_m_22
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents vi Table of Contents
Adding Bends Using Edge Flanges
Using Edge Flanges 40
Creating your first Edge Flange 40
Edge Flanges – advanced options 48
Adding multiple edges within the same
Edge Flange feature 48
Changing the Flange Profile 53
The Custom Bend Allowance and
Custom Relief Type options 55
The Trim side bends option 55
Summary 57
Getting Familiar with Basic Tools in Sheet Metal
Adding and removing material
using Tabs, Cuts, and Holes 60
Creating basic Extruded Cuts 60
Cutting Simple Holes 67
Using the Hole Wizard for holes 67
Using Tabs 68
Using the Miter Flange tool 70
Adding multiple edges 73
Creating more complex Flange Profiles 75
Using the Hem feature 76
Adding Sketched Bends 79
Creating and using Jogs 82
A practical example of using Jogs 86
Summary 92
Creating Sheet Metal Drawings and Exporting Files
SolidWorks Drawings overview 94
Creating basic 2D drawings of
Sheet Metal parts 95
Using Flat Pattern views 98
Using Ordinate Dimensions 99
Exporting Sheet Metal parts for
manufacturing 101
Summary 104Table of Contents vii
Section 2: Advanced Sheet Metal Tools
Creating Complex Parts Using Swept Flanges and the Fold/
Unfold Tools
How to use Swept Flanges 108
Swept Flange versus Miter
Flange 110
Folding and unfolding 111
Why use Fold/Unfold? 113
Unfolding versus flattening 117
Summary 119
Utilizing Gussets, Cross Breaks, and Vents to Add Part Details
Working with Gussets 122
Adding Gussets 123
Flattening Gusset features 127
Using Cross Breaks 128
Using Vents 130
Summary 136
Producing Advanced Shapes Using Lofted Bends
Creating Formed Lofted Bends 138
Adding Bent Lofted Bends 144
Summary 147
Joining Multi-Sheet Parts Using Tab and Slot Features
Adding Tab and Slot features 149
Adjusting Tab and Slot
properties 157
Summary 160viii Table of Contents
Finishing Off Models Using Corner Details
Reducing gaps by using Closed
Corners 161
Removing corner gaps by
adding Welded Corners 168
Getting rid of sharp corners
with the Break-Corner/CornerTrim tool 169
Using the Break-Corner/Corner-Trim
tool with internal corners 171
Using the Break-Corner/Corner-Trim
tool on flattened models 173
Preparing your model
for manufacturing using
Corner Relief 175
Using the Corner Relief option with 3
Bend Corners 178
Adding Corner Relief cuts to flattened
models 179
Summary 180
Adding 3D Details to Models with Forming Tools
Using Forming Tools 182
Modifying existing
Forming Tools 188
Creating Custom Forming Tools 193
Summary 202
Section 3: Converting 3D Parts to Sheet
Metal and Creating a Sheet Metal Enclosure
Converting to Sheet Metal Using the Insert Bends Tool
Using the Insert Bends tool with
Shelled parts 206
Adjusting Rips 213
Using the Insert Bends tool with
Thin Feature parts 215
Summary 218Table of Contents ix
Building Sheet Metal Parts Using the Convert to Sheet
Metal Tool
Using the Convert to Sheet
Metal tool 220
Convert to Sheet Metal –
Advanced Options 231
Reverse Thickness option 231
The Keep body option 232
Manual Rip Lines 237
Solving conversion issues 241
Summary 243
Practical Example: The Sheet Metal Enclosure
Creating the enclosure base 246
Adding more details to the
enclosure 249
Creating an enclosure lid 256
Adding final details to the
enclosure 266
Summary 272
2D drawings
creating, of Sheet Metal parts 95-97
Adobe Illustrator 103
advanced options, Edge Flange
Custom Bend Allowance option 55
Custom Relief Type option 55
Flange Profile, modifying 53, 54
multiple edges, adding within same
Edge Flange feature 48, 49
Trim side bends option 55-57
advantages 34
disadvantages 34
Auto Relief options
about 23
Obround 24
Rectangular 24
Tear 24
Base Flange
complex shapes, creating 29, 30
creating 7, 10-13
Sheet Metal tab, setting up 9, 10
Sheet Metal toolbar, setting up 9, 10
workspace, setting up 8
Base Flange, options
about 25
Multiple Contained Closed 26, 32
Single Closed Contour Base Flange 32
Single Open Contour 26, 32
Bend Allowance
options 21-23
property 19, 20
Bend Calculation option 23
Bend Deduction option 22
Bend Position options
Bend Centerline 81
Bend Outside 82
Material Inside 81
Material Outside 81
Bend Radius
determining, ways 17
editing 15274 Index
Gauge Tables, activating 17
size, setting 16
Bend Table option 23
Bent Lofted Bends
adding 144-147
brass 34
Break-Corner/Corner-Trim tool
sharp corners, taking off 169, 170
using, on flattened models 173, 174
using, with internal corners 171, 172
Closed Corners
gaps, reducing 162-168
computer numerical control (CNC) 95
Convert Solid feature
adjusting 241
Convert to Sheet Metal tool
about 219
advanced options 231, 232
using 220-231
Convert to Sheet Metal tool,
advanced options
Keep body option 232-236
reverse thickness option 231
Rip Lines 237-240
copper 34
Corner Relief
cuts, adding to flattened models 179
model, preparing for
manufacturing 175-177
using, with Three Bend Corners 178
Corner tools 161
Cross Breaks
about 121
using 128-130
Custom Bend Allowance option 55
Custom Forming Tool
creating 193-201
Custom Relief Type option 55
Edge Flange
advanced options 48
bend angle 43
Bend Radius 43
creating 40-48
Flange Position 45
Inner Virtual Sharp 45
length 44
Outer Virtual Sharp 44
selection 42
Tangent Bend 45
using 40
Edge Flange feature
multiple edges, adding within 48-51
embosses 184
details, adding 266-271
enclosure base
creating 246-249
details, adding to 249-256
enclosure lid
creating 256-265
End Reference Point 157
Extruded Cuts
creating 60, 61
deeper cuts, creating 65
linking, to sheet thickness 61-64
Normal Cuts, using 65-67Index 275
Flange Position
options 46, 47
Flange Profile
modifying 53, 54
Flat Pattern views
using 98, 99
flattened models
tool, using on 173, 174
Flatten feature
using 117, 118
flattening parts 25, 30-32
Fold feature
benefits 113
example 113-117
using 113
Formed Lofted Bends
creating 138-143
Forming Tools
about 182
modifying 188-193
using 183-188
Fully Define sketches 11
Gap distance
adjusting 51, 52
reducing, with Closed Corners 162-168
removing, by adding Welded
Corners 168, 169
gauge numbers
using, caution 19
Gauge Tables
activating 17
about 121
adding 123-127
features, flattening 127
working with 122
about 79
adding 76-78
functions 76
Rolled option 79
Tear Drop Hem 79
using 76
Hem tool 122
Hole Wizard
using, for holes 67
injection molding 95
Insert Bends tool
using, with Shelled parts 206-213
using, with Thin Feature parts 215-217
Insert Bends tool, using with Shelled parts
rips, adjusting 213-215
internal corners
tool, using with 171, 172
about 82
creating 82
Fix projected length option 85
Jog Angle property 86276 Index
Jog Position 85
Offset Distance 84
practical example 86-92
using 83-85
Keep body option 232-236
K-Factor bend allowance
about 21
value 22
LibreCAD 103
Sheet Metal parts, exporting for 101-103
adding 60
removing 60
removing, creating Extruded Cuts 60
using 70
Miter Flange tool
complex flange profiles, creating 75, 76
creating 70-72
multiple edges, adding 73, 74
using 70
Multiple Contained Closed
Base Flanges 26, 32
multiple Edge Flanges
adding, within same Edge
Flange feature 48-51
Gap distance, adjusting 51, 52
Ordinate Dimensions
using 99-101
using 70
Portable Document Format (PDF) 97
Reverse thickness option 231, 232
Ribs 132
Rip Lines
about 237
corner details, adjusting 240
rip details, adjusting 240
adjusting 213-215
sharp corners
taking off, with Break-Corner/
Corner-Trim tool 169, 170
Sheet Metal 5, 6
sheet metal materials
about 36
brass 34
copper 34
selecting, considerations 33
sheet sizes 35
stainless steel 35
steel and aluminum 33
thicknesses 35Index 277
Sheet Metal models, creating with
Convert to Sheet Metal tool
conversion issues, solving 241-243
Sheet Metal parts
2D drawings, creating of 95-97
exporting, for manufacturing 101-103
Sheet Metal properties
about 14, 24, 25
Auto Relief options 23, 24
Bend Allowance 20
Bend Radius, editing 15
editing 14
Sheet Thickness, adjusting 14
Sheet Thickness
adjusting 14
Shelled parts
Insert Bends tool, using with 206-213
Simple Hole tool
cutting 67
feature 67
Single Closed Contour Base Flange
about 32
creating 27, 28
Single Closed profile 25
Single Open Contour Base Flange 26, 32
Sketched Bends
adding 79-82
Bend Position options 81
versions 5
SolidWorks Drawings
overview 94
SolidWorks Sheet Metal
ways, to make circular cut-outs in 250
Spars 130
stainless steel 35
Start Reference Point 157
about 33
advantages 33
disadvantages 33
strength-to-weight ratio (SWR) 34
Swept Flanges
about 108-110
creating 108, 109
using 109
versus Miter Flange 110, 111
Tab and Slot features
adding 149-156
Tab and Slot properties
adjusting 157-160
using 68, 69
Thin Feature parts
Insert Bends tool, using with 215-217
Three Bend Corners
Corner Relief option, using with 178
three-dimensional (3D) 143
Trim side bends option 55-57
Unfold feature
benefits 113
example 113-117
using 111-113
versus, flattening 117, 118
unit of measurement 5278 Index
using 130-136
Welded Corners
corner gaps, removing 168, 169


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