كتاب Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench
Pramote Dechaumphai
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كتاب Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench  F_e_a_28
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Preface iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Solving Engineering Problems 1
1.1.1 Problem Ingredients 2
1.1.2 Solution Methods 3
1.2 Finite Element Method 4
1.2.1 What is the Finite Element Method? 4
1.2.2 Finite Element Method Procedure 5
1.3 ANSYS Software 6
1.3.1 ANSYS Workbench 7
1.3.2 Screen and Tool Bars 7
1.3.3 Analyzing steps 9
1.4 Advantages of Finite Element Method 11
Chapter 2 Truss Analysis 13
2.1 Basic Equations 13
2.1.1 Differential Equation 13
2.1.2 Related Equations 14
2.2 Finite Element Method 15
2.2.1 Finite Element Equations 15
2.2.2 Element Types 15
2.3 Academic Example 17
2.3.1 Two Truss Members in One Dimension 17
2.3.2 Two Truss Members in Two Dimensions 29
2.4 Application 39
2.4.1 Twenty-one Truss Members in Two Dimensions 39
Chapter 3 Beam Analysis 41
3.1 Basic Equations 42
3.1.1 Differential Equation 42
3.1.2 Related Equations 42
3.2 Finite Element Method 43
3.2.1 Finite Element Equations 43
3.2.2 Element Types 43vi Contents
3.3 Academic Example 45
3.3.1 Two Beam Members in Two Dimensions 45
3.3.2 Twenty-one Beam Members in Two Dimensions 55
3.4 Application 56
3.4.1 Racing Car Frame Structure 56
Chapter 4 Plane Stress Analysis 61
4.1 Basic Equations 61
4.1.1 Differential Equations 61
4.1.2 Related Equations 62
4.2 Finite Element Method 63
4.2.1 Finite Element Equations 63
4.2.2 Element Types 63
4.3 Academic Example 66
4.3.1 Plate with Circular Cut-out 66
4.4 Application 77
4.4.1 Stress in Motorcycle Chain Wheel 77
Chapter 5 Plate Bending Analysis 81
5.1 Basic Equations 82
5.1.1 Differential Equation 82
5.1.2 Related Equations 83
5.2 Finite Element Method 84
5.2.1 Finite Element Equations 84
5.2.2 Element Types 84
5.3 Academic Example 86
5.3.1 Simply-supported Plate under Uniform Loading 86
5.4 Application 96
5.4.1 Stress in Shelf Angle Bracket 96
Chapter 6 Three-Dimensional Solid Analysis 99
6.1 Basic Equations 100
6.1.1 Differential Equations 100
6.1.2 Related Equations 100
6.2 Finite Element Method 101
6.2.1 Finite Element Equations 101
6.2.2 Element Types 102
6.3 Academic Example 105
6.3.1 Simple 3D Solid Problem 105
6.4 Application 114
6.4.1 Stress in Aircraft Structural Component 114Contents vii
Chapter 7 Vibration Analysis 117
7.1 Basic Equations 118
7.1.1 Differential Equations 118
7.1.2 Related Equations 121
7.2 Finite Element Method 123
7.2.1 Finite Element Equations 123
7.2.2 Element Types 123
7.3 Academic Example 124
7.3.1 Vibration of Thin Plate 124
7.4 Application 132
7.4.1 Modal Analysis of Passenger Car Frame 132
Chapter 8 Failure Analysis 135
8.1 Buckling 136
8.1.1 Fundamentals 136
8.1.2 Academic Example 138
8.1.3 Application 147
8.2 Fatigue and Life Prediction 150
8.2.1 Fundamentals 150
8.2.2 Academic Example 153
8.2.3 Application 162
Chapter 9 Heat Transfer Analysis 165
9.1 Basic Equations 166
9.1.1 Differential Equation 166
9.1.2 Related Equations 167
9.2 Finite Element Method 168
9.2.1 Finite Element Equations 168
9.2.2 Element Types 168
9.3 Academic Example 171
9.3.1 Plate with Specified Edge Temperatures 171
9.4 Application 179
9.4.1 Three-dimensional Heat Transfer Through Fins 179
Chapter 10 Thermal Stress Analysis 185
10.1 Basic Equations 186
10.1.1 Differential Equations 186
10.1.2 Related Equations 187
10.2 Finite Element Method 188
10.2.1 Finite Element Equations 188
10.2.2 Element Types 189
10.3 Academic Example 190viii Contents
10.3.1 Thermal Stress Analysis of Thin Plate 190
10.4 Application 202
10.4.1 Thermal Stress in Combustion Engine Cylinder 202
Chapter 11 Incompressible Flow Analysis 207
11.1 Basic Equations 208
11.1.1 Differential Equations 209
11.1.2 Solution Approach 209
11.2 Finite Volume Method 209
11.2.1 Finite Volume Equations 210
11.2.2 SIMPLE Method 211
11.3 Academic Example 212
11.3.1 Lid-Driven Cavity Flow 212
11.3.2 Flow past Cylinder in Channel 222
11.4 Application 227
11.4.1 Flow in Piping System 227
Chapter 12 Compressible Flow Analysis 231
12.1 Basic Equations 232
12.1.1 Differential Equations 232
12.1.2 Related Equations 233
12.2 Finite Volume Method 234
12.2.1 Finite Volume Equations 234
12.2.2 Computational Procedure 236
12.3 Academic Example 238
12.3.1 Mach 3 Flow over Inclined Plane 238
12.3.2 Mach 3 Flow over Cylinder 251
12.4 Application 255
12.4.1 Flow over Shuttle Nose and Cockpit 255
Bibliography 259
Index 263
Aircraft component, 114
3D solid, 99
Beam, 41
compressible flow, 231
failure, 135
heat transfer, 165
incompressible flow, 207
plane stress, 61
plate bending, 81
thermal stress, 185
truss, 13
vibration, 117
bracket, 96
Workbench, 7
cross-sectional, 120
triangle, 64
Beam, 41
cross section, 42
Beam structure,
two-dimensional, 45, 55
Bending moments, 82
Boundary conditions, 3
clamped, 125, 138, 153
fixed, 18, 45, 105
hinged, 29, 136
pinned, 136
simply-supported, 86, 138
symmetry, 66, 191
Buckling, 135
beam, 136
Buckling load,
critical, 136
Euler, 136
factor, 136
lowest critical, 136
Display, 220, 250
File, 23
Filled, 220, 250
Mode, 147
Show in 2D, 20, 31, 47,
68, 88, 107, 127, 140,
155, 174, 193, 214, 240
Show Mesh, 159
Snap, 20, 31, 47, 68, 88,
107, 127, 140, 155,
174, 193, 214, 240
Stream Function, 251
Subtract, 222
Temperature, 250
Velocity Magnitude, 250
edge, 235
Engineering Data, 9
Fluid Flow (Fluent), 214,
Geometry, 10, 176264 Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench
Modal, 125
Model, 10
Results, 10
Setup, 10
Solution, 10, 146
Static Structural, 9, 18,
30, 46, 67, 86, 105,
138, 154, 198
Steady-State Thermal,
172, 191
triangle, 235
Chain wheel, 77
Computational Fluid
Dynamics, 207
Engineering, 1
energy, 232
mass, 208, 232
momentums, 208, 232
Convection coefficient, 167,
179, 204
Convergence, 212
Tresca, 135
von-Mises, 136
Cycles, 119, 151
stress, 153
Deflection, 42, 82, 121
material, 120
Detergent bottle, 147
Differential equations, 3
3D solid, 100, 186
beam, 42
truss, 13
compressible flow, 232
heat transfer, 166, 186
incompressible flow, 208
Laplace, 166
mass-spring, 118
Navier-Stokes, 208, 234
plane stress, 61
plate bending, 82
Poisson, 166
Displacement, 14, 42, 118
components, 188
initial, 119
Domain, 5
Eigenvalues, 137
problem, 137
Eigenvectors, 137
Element equations,
3D solid, 101, 189
beam, 43
heat transfer, 168, 188
plane stress, 123
plate, 84
truss, 15
vibration, 123, 137
area, 15, 64
assembling, 6
beam, 44
domain, 123
hexahedral, 102, 171
length, 15, 44
quadrilateral, 64, 84, 170
rod, 13
spring, 13
tetrahedral, 102, 115, 170
three-node truss, 16
triangular, 64, 84, 169
two-node, 16, 168, 189
type, 5
volume, 103Index 265
Emissivity, 167
Endurance limit, 151
Engine cylinder, 202
temperature, 203
thermal stress, 204
algebraic, 6
finite element, 5
finite volume, 234
Failure criterion, 151
Gerber, 152
Goodman, 152
Soderberg, 152
Fatigue, 150
File, imported, 57, 133, 148,
163, 227
Fin heat transfer, 179
Finite element,
advantages, 11
equations, 5, 15, 43, 63,
84, 101, 123, 137, 168,
188, 189
procedure, 5
Finite volume,
cell, 209, 228, 235
equations, 210, 234, 236
method, 209, 236
Flexural rigidity, 83
compressible, 231
conservative variables,
convection, 210
diffusion, 210
enthalpy, 233
flux, 235
heat fluxes, 233
incompressible, 207
internal energy, 233
inviscid, 238
lid-driven cavity, 212
normal flux, 235
normal stresses, 233
normal velocity, 235
pressure, 208, 211, 232
shear stress, 233
sound speed, 233
specific heat ratio, 233
steady-state, 236
tangential velocity, 235
temperature, 234
total energy, 233
total enthalpy, 233
transient, 236
velocities, 208, 211, 232
density, 208, 232
viscosity, 208, 234
thermal conductivity, 234
Frame structure, 56
Frequency, 119
circular, 118
forcing, 119
natural, 119, 137
Geometry, 3
Graphic User Interface, 7
Heat flux, 167
specified, 167, 204
Heat transfer, 165, 186
conduction, 167, 186
convection, 167, 204
radiation, 167
steady-state, 166
transient, 166, 186
Hertz, 119, 131266 Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench
Apply, 22, 26, 36, 49, 52,
70, 74, 89, 128, 141,
175, 194, 199, 216, 242
Box Zoom, 20, 31, 48, 68,
88, 107, 127, 140, 155,
174, 193, 214, 240
Edge, 73, 91, 130, 177,
196, 199
Eigenvalue Buckling, 146
Face, 92, 113, 159
Generate, 21, 32, 49, 70,
89, 108, 128, 141, 155,
175, 194, 215, 241
New Sketch, 21, 32, 48,
69, 89, 107, 127, 141,
155, 174, 193, 215, 240
Pan, 21
Show Mesh, 74, 93, 199
Vertex, 25, 36, 51, 143
Internal heat generation, 166,
Interpolation functions,
3D solid, 103
beam, 44
matrix, 124
plane, 64
plate, 85
three-node truss, 16
two-node truss, 16
Analysis Setting, 26, 52,
74, 92, 113, 130, 144,
158, 177, 196, 199
Assignment, 176, 195
Boundary Conditions,
219, 246
Calculate, 219, 249
Contours, 220, 249
Convergence Absolute
Criteria, 248
Cross Section, 142
Density, 219, 224, 246
Energy, 246
Equivalent Stress, 160
Gauge Pressure, 246
Geometry, 25, 34
Graphics, 220, 249
Isotropic Instantaneous
Coefficient of Thermal
Expansion, 198
Line Body, 25, 34, 39
Mach Number, 246
Mean Stress Theory, 161
Mesh, 25, 34, 50, 177,
195, 217, 244
Modal, 130
Model, 220, 246
Monitor, 248
Name Selection, 217, 243
Number of Iterations,
219, 249
Pressure, 224, 247
Rectangle, 142
Reference Values, 247
Reporting Interval, 219,
Results, 220, 245
Run Calculation, 219,
Setup, 146, 218, 221, 245
Solution Controls, 248
Solution Initialization,
Solution Methods, 248
Solution, 27, 36, 53, 74,
93, 113, 130, 144, 146,
179, 197, 200, 218, 245Index 267
Solve, 27, 36, 53, 74, 93,
113, 179, 200
Solver, 245
Specific Heat, 246
Stream Function, 221
Surface Body, 176
Temperature, 247
Vectors, 220
Velocity, 247
Viscosity, 219, 221
Viscous, 229, 246
Jacobian matrix, 237
determinant, 236
Hooke, 14, 42, 62, 100
Newton’s second, 118
Sutherland, 234
Life prediction, 150
compressive, 136
critical static, 135
cycles, 164
cyclic, 153
offset, 115
repeated, 135
static, 135
Mass, 118
density, 166, 186
Mass-spring system, 118
ductile, 135
capacitance, 168, 169, 188
conduction, 168, 169, 188
convection, 168, 188
elasticity, 62, 187
Jacobian, 236
mass, 123, 124, 137
radiation, 168, 188
stiffness, 15, 43, 65, 84,
101, 123, 137, 189
strain-displacement, 104
File, 8
Help, 8
Tools, 8
Units, 8, 18, 29, 46, 67,
86, 105, 125, 138, 153,
172, 191, 213, 239
Update, 157, 218, 244
View, 8
analytical, 3
finite element, 4
finite volume, 209
numerical, 4
Roe’s averaging, 236
variational, 101
weighted residuals, 15, 43,
63, 84, 168, 234
Modal superposition, 123
Mode shape, 131, 137
k-epsilon, 229
elasticity, 14
Young, 14, 42, 62, 83, 120
Moment of inertia of area, 42,
120, 136
Prandtl, 234
Reynold, 212, 221268 Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench
Add Frozen, 22
Analysis Type, 214, 239
Basic Geometry, 19, 30
Beam Tool, 28, 38, 53
Boolean, 71
Circle, 69, 108
Combined Stress, 54
Connections, 27, 36
Cross Section, 23, 33, 49
Density-Based, 245
Direct Stress, 28, 38, 54
Displacement, 26, 35, 159
Element Numbers, 27, 37
Equivalent (von-Mises),
75, 93, 114, 160, 200
Evaluate All Results, 27,
37, 131, 146, 160
Export Text File, 27, 37
Fatigue Tool, 161
Fatigue, 161
Fixed Joints, 53
Fixed Support, 25, 51,
112, 130, 143
Force, 26, 36, 52, 144
Frictionless Support, 73,
Ideal-gas, 246
Insert, 28, 38, 53, 161
Inviscid, 246
Life, 161
Line, 141, 156, 241
Line Bodies, 19
Lines From Sketches, 21,
32, 49, 141
Magnitude, 74, 93, 113,
177, 196
Max Modes to Find, 133
Mesh Display, 27
Metric, 18, 29, 46, 67, 86,
125, 138, 153, 172,
213, 239
Mid-Surface, 77
Mode, 131
Moving Wall, 219
No Slip, 219, 224
Node Numbers, 27, 37
Normal, 76, 93, 201
Pressure, 113, 158
Radius, 69, 109
Rectangle, 69, 89, 108,
128, 175, 194, 215
Rectangular, 23, 33, 49
Safety Factor, 161
Second Order Upwind,
Shear, 202
Simply Support, 91
Standard Initialization,
Stress, 28, 38, 54, 75, 93,
114, 200
Surfaces From Sketches,
70, 89, 128, 175, 194,
215, 241
Temperature, 179, 197
Total, 27, 37, 53, 75, 93,
114, 130, 144, 160, 200
U.S.Customary, 105, 191
Viscous-Laminar, 219
cycle, 119
harmonic, 118
magnitude, 119
Passenger car frame, 132
Piping system, 227
Piston rod, 162Index 269
Plane stress, 61
bending, 81, 124
with hole, 66
simply-supported, 86
Poisson’s ratio, 62, 83, 120
Pressure, 42, 82
Racing car, 56
Recurrence relations, 123
Residual curves, 219, 249
Safety factor, 136
Screen, 7
Shock wave, 238
angle, 239
oblique, 238
bow, 252
Shock-shock interaction, 257
Shuttle, 255
bow shock, 256
cockpit, 255
nose, 255
Slope, 43
S-N curve, 151
Fluent, 207, 231
Maple, 124
Mathematica, 124
Maxima, 124
package, 1, 5
symbolic manipulation,
Solid stress, 99
converged, 212
Specific heat, 166, 179, 186
Spring stiffness, 118
Steel, 77
structural, 138, 153
Stefan-Boltzmann constant,
Stiffness matrix,
3D solid, 104, 189
beam, 44
plane, 65, 85
two-node truss, 17
axial, 14
bending, 42
normal, 62, 83, 100, 187
shearing, 62, 83, 100, 187
Stress, 151
alternating, 150
axial, 13
bending, 42
effective, 151, 153
maximum, 150
maximum shear, 135
maximum von-Mises, 136
mean, 150
minimum, 150
normal, 62, 83, 100, 122,
shearing, 62, 83, 100, 122,
yield, 135
frictionless, 97
Symmetry, 66, 86
Add Material, 22
Advanced Geometry
Options, 214, 239270 Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench
Angular Measure, 178
Base Objects, 22
Concept, 21, 32, 49, 70,
89, 128, 175, 194, 215,
Create, 71
Deformation, 27, 37, 53,
75, 93, 113, 130, 144,
146, 200
Density, 125
Dimensions, 241
Draw, 21, 32, 48, 69, 89,
108, 128, 141, 156,
175, 180, 194, 215,
241, 252
Element Size, 25, 50, 143,
Engineering Data, 18, 30,
46, 67, 87, 105, 125,
139, 154, 172, 191, 198
Evaluate All Results,
179, 197
Extrude, 110, 155, 180
Fixed Supports, 158
Function, 178
Generate Mesh, 72, 90,
112, 129, 143, 177, 195
Geometry, 19, 30, 139,
154, 173, 192, 214, 239
Grid, 20, 31, 47, 68, 88,
107, 127, 140, 155,
174, 193, 214, 240
ISO, 90, 108
Isotropic Elasticity, 18,
30, 46, 67, 87, 105,
126, 139, 154, 198
Isotropic Thermal
Conductivity, 173, 191
Line, 48, 180
Linear Elastic, 18, 30, 46,
67, 87, 105, 126, 139,
154, 198
Loads, 26, 36, 52, 74, 92,
113, 144, 158
Major Grid Spacing, 20,
31, 47, 68, 88, 107,
127, 140, 155, 174,
93, 214, 240
Meter, 174, 214, 240
Minor-Steps per Major,
20, 31, 47, 68, 88, 107,
127, 140, 155, 174,
193, 214, 240
Modeling, 21, 32, 48, 69,
89, 107, 127, 141, 155,
174, 193, 215, 240
Modify, 155
Operation, 71
Physical Properties, 198
Poisson Ratio, 19, 30, 46,
67, 86, 87, 105, 198
Preference, 27, 37
Probe, 28, 38
Properties, 18, 30, 46, 67,
87, 105, 126, 139, 154,
173, 191, 198, 214, 239
Radius, 155
Relevance, 72, 90, 111,
129, 157, 177, 195,
217, 244
Settings, 20, 31, 47, 68,
88, 107, 127
Sizing, 143
Sketching, 20, 31, 47, 69,
89, 107, 127, 141, 155,
174, 214, 240Index 271
Snap per Minor, 20, 31,
47, 68, 88, 107, 127,
140, 155, 174, 193,
214, 240
Supports, 26, 35, 52, 144,
Target Bodies, 71
Temperature, 46, 177,
196, 198
Thermal, 179, 197
Thickness, 90, 128, 176,
Tool Bodies, 71
Tools, 27, 36, 53
Young’s Modulus, 18,
30, 46, 67, 86, 87, 105,
139, 154, 198
Zoom, 90
Temperature, 166, 183, 186
initial, 167
specified, 167
surrounding medium, 167,
179, 204
zero stress, 187, 190
Gauss, 234
distortion energy, 136
failure, 135
maximum shear stress,
Thermal conductivity, 166,
171, 179, 186
plate, 83, 121
Time, 118, 166, 186
Time step, 236
Tool bar, 7
Truss structure,
one-dimensional, 17
two-dimensional, 29, 39
acceleration, 123, 137
conduction, 168, 188
convection, 168, 169, 188
deflection, 43, 84
displacement, 15, 65, 101,
force, 15, 43, 65, 84, 101,
heat generation, 168, 169,
load, 123
moment, 84
radiation, 168, 188
slope, 43
specified heating, 168,
182, 188
stress, 104
temperature, 168, 188
thermal load, 189
unknown, 123, 137
initial, 119
3D solid, 121
beam, 120
force, 119
free, 119
plate, 121
truss, 120
Water, 227
density, 227
viscosity, 227272 Finite Element Analysis with ANSYS Workbench
Analysis Systems, 18, 46,
67, 86, 105, 125, 138,
154, 172, 191, 198,
214, 239
Details of Displacement,
Details of Fatigue Tool,
Details of Fixed
Supports, 26, 51, 158
Details of Force, 26, 36,
Details of Line Body, 24,
33, 50, 142
Details of Mesh, 25, 34,
50, 72, 90, 111, 129,
143, 157, 177, 195,
217, 244
Details of Normal Stress,
75, 93, 201
Details of Pressure, 158
Details of Solid, 111
Details of Surface Body,
72, 90, 129, 176
Details of Temperature,
177, 196
Details of Total
Deformation, 131
Details of View, 90, 109,
217, 243
Details View, 22, 49
Fluent Launcher, 218,
245, 253
Multiple System, 146
Project Schematic, 18,
30, 46
Toolbox, 198
Tree Outline, 19
Workbench, 7
symbols, 10

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