كتاب Reverse Engineering - Mechanisms, Structures, Systems, and Materials
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
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إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
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إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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 كتاب Reverse Engineering - Mechanisms, Structures, Systems, and Materials

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Reverse Engineering - Mechanisms, Structures, Systems, and Materials
Robert W. Messier, Jr.

كتاب Reverse Engineering - Mechanisms, Structures, Systems, and Materials  M_r_w_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1–1 Human Beings Are a Naturally Curious Species
1–2 Taking Things Apart to Learn
1–3 Learning from Experience
1–4 The Fundamental Approaches of Engineering
1–5 The Critical Role of Dissection
1–6 Summary
1–7 Cited References
1–8 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 2 The Status and Role of Reverse Engineering
2–1 The Status of Reverse Engineering in References
2–2 Reverse Engineering Defined
2–3 Motivations for Reverse Engineering
2–4 Engineering Design and the Engineering Design Process
2–5 Types of Design
2–6 Uses for and Benefits and Risks of Reverse Engineering.
2–7 Summary
2–8 Cited References
2–9 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 3 History of Reverse Engineering
3–1 The Likely Emergence of Reverse Engineering3–2 Reverse Engineering in the Middle Ages
3–3 Reverse Engineering during the Industrial Revolution
3–4 Reverse Engineering during World War II
3–5 Reverse Engineering in the Cold War and Beyond…
3–6 Summary
3–7 Cited References
3–8 Recommended Readings
3–9 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 4 The Teardown Process
4–1 The Purpose of Teardown
4–2 Observation
4–3 Measurement
4–4 Experimentation
4–5 Other Specific Forms of Teardown
4–6 Summary
4–7 Cited References
4–8 Thought Questions and Problems.
CHAPTER 5 Methods of Product Teardown
5–1 The Product Teardown Process Revisited
5–2 The General Procedure for the Teardown Process
5–3 Teardown Analysis or Value Analysis Teardown
5–4 The Subtract-and-Operate Procedure
5–5 Force Flow Diagrams (or Energy Flow Field Design)
5–6 Functional Models
5–7 Illustrative Example of a Product Teardown
5–8 Summary
5–9 Cited References
5–10 Thought Questions and ProblemsCHAPTER 6 Failure Analysis and Forensic Engineering
6–1 Introduction to Failure Analysis
6–2 Sources of Failures in Mechanical Systems
6–3 Mechanisms of Failure in Materials
6–4 The General Procedure for Conducting a Failure
6–5 Two Exemplary Failure Analysis Cases
6–6 Forensic Engineering
6–7 An Exemplary Forensic Engineering Case
6–8 Summary
6–9 Cited References
6–10 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 7 Deducing or Inferring Role, Purpose, and Functionality
during Reverse Engineering
7–1 The Procedure for Reverse Engineering
7–2 Knowing versus Identifying versus Deducing versus
7–3 The Value of Experience
7–4 Using Available Evidence, Clues, and Cues
7–5 Using Geometry
7–6 Using Flows of Force, Energy, and/or Fluids
7–7 Using Functional Units or Subsystems from a
Functional Model
7-8 Summary
7–9 Cited References
7–10 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 8 The Antikythera Mechanism
8–1 The Discovery
8–2 The Recovery8–3 The Suspected Device
8–4 Operation of the Mechanism
8–5 Reverse-Engineering Investigations and Reconstructed
8–6 Proposed Planet Indicator Schemes
8–7 Similar Devices, Possible Predecessors, and the Possible
8–8 Speculation on Role, Purpose, and Functionality
8–9 Summary
8–10 Cited References
8–11 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 9 Identifying Materials-of-Construction
9–1 The Role of Materials in Engineering
9–2 The Structure-Property-Processing-Performance
9–3 Material Properties and Performance
9–1 A Primer on Materials
9–5 A Primer on Material Properties
9–6 Relationships for Material Properties in Material
Selection Charts
9–7 Identifying Materials by Observation Only
9–8 Laboratory Identification Methods
9–9 Summary
9–10 Cited References
9–11 Recommended Readings
9–12 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 10 Inferring Methods-of-Manufacture or -Construction
10–1 Interaction among Function, Material, Shape, and
Process10–2 The Role of Manufacturing or Construction
10–3 The Taxonomy of Manufacturing Processes
10–4 Process Attributes
10–5 Inferring Method-of-Manufacture or -Construction
from Observations
10–6 A Word on Heat Treatment
10–7 Summary
10–8 Cited References
10–9 Recommended Readings
10–10 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 11 Construction of Khufu’s Pyramid: Humankind’s Greatest
Engineering Creation
11–1 Herodotus Reveals the Pyramids to the World
11–2 The Great Pyramid of Khufu
11–3 Theories on the Purpose of the Pyramids
11–4 Theories on the Location of the Great Pyramid
11–5 Theories on the Construction of the Great Pyramid
11–6 Deducing the Likely Reality of Construction by
Reverse Engineering
11–7 Summary
11–8 Cited References
11–9 Recommended Readings
11–10 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 12 Assessing Design Suitability
12–1 Different Designs, Different Role, Purpose, and
12–2 Form, Fit, and Function
12–3 Using Observable Evidence and Clues to Assess Form,
Fit, and Function12–4 Summary
12–5 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 13 Bringing It All Together with Illustrative Examples ….
13–1 Proverbs Make the Point; Pictures Fix the Lesson
13–2 Conair Electric Hair Blow-Dryer
13–3 An Automatic Electric Coffeemaker
13–4 Toro Electric Leaf Blower
13–5 Skil Handheld Electric Circular Saw
13–6 Lessons Learned
13–7 Summary
13–8 Cited References
13–9 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 14 Value and Production Engineering
14–1 Manufacturability
14–2 Design for Manufacturability
14–3 Value Engineering
14–4 Production Engineering
14–5 Summary
14–6 Cited References
14–7 Recommended Readings
14–8 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 15 Reverse Engineering Materials and Substances
15–1 Flattery or Forgery
15–2 Motivations for Reverse Engineering Materials and
15–3 Finding Substitute and Replacement Substances and
Materials15–4 Creating Generic Materials (Generics)
15–5 Synthesizing Natural Materials and Substances:
15–6 Imitating Natural Materials
15–7 Summary
15–8 Cited References
15–9 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 16 Reverse Engineering Broken, Worn, or Obsolete Parts for
16–1 Necessity Is the Mother of Invention
16–2 The Motivation for Reverse Engineering for
16–3 Reverse Engineering Broken Parts for Remanufacture
16–4 Reverse Engineering Deformed or Worn Parts for
16–5 Reverse Engineering Obsolete Parts for Remanufacture
16–6 Summary
16–7 Cited References
16–8 Thought Questions and Problems
CHAPTER 17 The Law and the Ethics of Reverse Engineering
17–1 Without Morals and Ethics, Laws Mean Nothing.
17–2 Legal versus Ethical
17–3 The Legality of Reverse Engineering
17–4 The Ethics of Reverse Engineering
17–5 Summary
17–6 Cited References
17–7 Thought Questions and ProblemsCHAPTER 18 The End of a Book, the Beginning of a New Story: Closing
18–1 The First Design
18–2 Imperfect Humans Need Reverse Engineering
18–3 Order from Chaos, Light from Darkness, Knowledge
from Knowledge
18–4 Learning from the Old to Create Anew: Four
18–5 Final Words
18–6 Cited References
18–7 Recommended Readings
18–8 Thought Questions and Problems
Appendix A List of All Material Classes and Major Subtypes,
and Major Members of Each
Appendix B Comprehensive List of Specific Manufacturing
Methods by Process Class
Page numbers followed by “F” refer to figures, by “FN” refer to footnotes,
and by “T” refer to tables.
Academic learning, 18
Actuators, 138
Adaptive design, 22, 23T
Additive processing methods, 203
bioadhesives, 350–351
natural adhesives, 350
synthetic adhesives, 353
Aesthetics (in design), 166
Alloys, metals and, 173, 175
Analysis, analyzing (approach to engineering), 6, 7
Anomalistic month, 150
Antikythera mechanism, 144, 145
Approaches to engineering, 6
Artificial stone, 350–351
Assembly errors (in failures), 94, 95F
Astrolabe, 145
Atomic bonding:
covalent, 175, 176T
ionic, 175, 176T
metallic, 175, 176T
Backward problem-solving, 17, 17T, 105
Benchmarking, use of reverse engineering for, 24, 25T
Benefits of reverse engineering, 26Bioadhesives, 350–351
Biomedical engineering, biotechnology, 400–401
Biomimetics, biomimicry, 349
Bottoms-up teardown analysis, 70
Brittle (overload) failures, 98, 99
Built-up details (for manufacturing), 202
Callippic (gear) train, 151
Castability, 170
Casting methods, 205
Castings, identifying, 307–308
Chemical spot test kits for metal ID, 192
Cheops’ Pyramid (see Khufu’s [Great] Pyramid)
Clones, 339–340, 380
Clue(s), definition of, 124
Codes of ethics for engineers, 373–375
Combination failures, 98
Combination properties, 177
Commercial espionage, 18
Competitive technical intelligence gathering, 18, 338
Composite materials, 186, 203FN, 331, 353
Computer-based models, use in engineering, 7, 8
Computer simulation (use in engineering), 7, 8
Conceptual design stage, 7
Conjecture, 156
Constructing versus manufacturing, 201
Construction, use of reverse engineering for, 24, 25T
Controls, controllers, 138–139
Converters (of power or motion), 138
Copies, 339
Corrosion failures, 98
Corrosion-fatigue failures, 98
Cost (in design), 166, 317FNCost teardown, 65
Cues, definition of, 124
Curiosity (in humans), 1, 2
of fact versus fiction, 119
process of, 17
Deformation processing methods, 203, 205
Degradation, 91FN
definition of, 19
failures in, 93
process of (steps), 20, 21F
stages of, 7, 8T
types of, 22, 23T
use of reverse engineering for, 24, 25T
Design errors (in failures), 94, 95F
Design for assembly, 318, 320–322, 321T
Design for manufacture (DFM), 318–319, 319F
Design for process, 319–320
Designer materials, 399
Detail design stage, 7
Developmental design, 22, 23T
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 193
Dimensionality, 127, 128T
Discovery (of new concepts/technologies via reverse engineering), 25
Dissection, 9, 10, 11
Documentation shortcoming, 18
Ductile (overload) failures, 98, 99
Duplication, unauthorized, 18
Duty cycle, 274–275
Dynamic teardown, 65
Ease of assembly, 165Ease of fabrication, 165
Ejector pin marks, 288, 295, 301
Electronegative elements, 175
Electropositive elements, 173
Elevated-temperature failures, 98
Embodiment design stage, 7
Energy flow field design/diagram, 76, 85, 292
Energy flow/transport, 129, 129T
Engineered wood/lumber, 354
Engineering composites, 353
Engineering design process (steps), 20, 21F
Enigma, 152
Espionage, 17, 337–338
Ethical conduct, 373–375
Ethicality, 375
Evidence, definition of, 124
Exeligmos (gear) trains, 148, 151
for learning, 4
value of in reverse engineering, 120
Experiential learning, 4, 5
Experiential Learning Model (ELM), 4, 5F
Experiments/experimentation (use in engineering), 7, 64, 65
Exploded view(s), 58, 59F, 72, 83F, 286, 287, 294, 300, 306
Fabrication errors (in failures), 94, 95F
Failure analysis:
definition of, 91
general procedure, 104, 105T
catastrophic, 90, 91
causes of, 94, 95F
clues to, 97Tdegradation, 91 FN
eventual/ultimate, 89
manifestations of, 91
mechanisms of, 95, 96T premature, 90
sources of, 92, 93, 94T, 95T
Fastening (in manufacturing), 202
Fatigue failures, 98, 99
high-cycle/low-stress, 98, 104
low-cycle/high-stress, 98, 104
Finishing processes, finish processing, 207
Fit, 127, 266
Flow processing methods, 203
Flows, 128, 129T
flow of, 129, 129T
movers of, 138
Force flow diagram, 72, 76, 79T, 86F, 128–129, 292
Force flow/transfer, 128, 129T
Form, 127, 266
Form, fit, and function (FFF, F3), 126, 265
Form, fit, and function assessment using observations, 267
design details, 275, 277
electrical and/or thermal robustness, 273
material selection, 270–273
method-of-manufacture/-construction, 270–273
precision, 273
size and robustness, 268, 270
Formability, 170
Formulations of substances, 337, 347, 348
Forensic engineering, 59, 60, 91, 111–112
Forensics, forensic science, 111–112
Forward engineering (see Forward problem-solving)Forward problem-solving, 17, 17T
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 193
Fractographic analysis, fractography, 99
brittle, 364, 366F
ductile, 365, 366F
actual, 64
intended, 57
latent, 57
predicted, 64
Function/functionality of design/entity, 126, 127, 165, 199, 266, 317
Function-Material-Shape-Process interrelationship, 199, 200F
Function units, 130
Functional analysis, 79
Functional diagram, 74
Functional measurement, 63
Functional models, 72, 79, 81F, 136T–137T, 327
Functional structure, 64, 81
Functional tree, 74, 82F
Fundamental approaches to engineering, 6
Gene therapy, 400
Generics, 340, 345–348
Genetic engineering, 400
Geometric measurement, 61
Geometric model, 72
Geometric shape, 127, 128T
Geometric symmetry, 127, 128T
Great Pyramid (of Khufu), 229
Heat treating/treatment, 206, 218–221
High-cycle/low-stress fatigue, 98, 104
Human-caused/-based failures, 93Identification:
of materials/metals by observation:
characteristics, 189T–191T
color, 186
coolness (from thermal conductivity), 187
density/heft, 186–187
flex (for stiffness/modulus), 187
hardness, 187
luster, 186
magnetic attraction/magnetism, 188
ring, sound, 187
of polymers by applications, 191T
as true/false, 119
definition of, 339
of natural materials, 352–353
of Nature (biomimetics), 348–349
Immunotherapy, 400
Improvements of materials, substances, items, 342
Inferring, inference, 119
Injection molding, 288
Inspiration from Nature, 348
Integral mechanical attachments, 322T
Intelligence gathering, 18
Intended function, 57
Internet, growth/impact of, 383
Joining (processes), 207
adhesive bonding, 207
brazing and soldering, 207
integral mechanical attachment, 207
mechanical fastening, 207
mechanical joining, 207welding, 207
Joints, 139
Khufu’s (Great) Pyramid, 30–31, 229
Knockoffs, 341
Knowing (true/false), 119
Kolb ELM (see Experiential Learning Model)
Latent function, 57
from experience, 4
from sensory input, 4
by taking things apart, 3
Learning styles, 4
Learning Styles Inventory (LSI), 6
Legality, 375
Life-cycle cost, 317FN, 318
Look-alikes, 340–341
Low-cycle/high-stress fatigue, 98, 104
Machinability, 170
Machined parts, identifying, 312
Machining (in manufacturing), 206
Maintenance errors (in failures), 94, 95F
Manifestation of failures, 91
Manufacturability, 165–166, 317
cost, 166, 318
of designs, 165
ease of assembly, 165
ease of fabrication, 165, 318
versus constructing, 201
failures in, 93
methods of, 199
use of reverse engineering for, 24, 25TManufacturing processes taxonomy, 203, 204F
additive processes, 203
flow/deformation processes, 203
processing for finish, 203
processing for geometry (shape and dimensions), 203
processing for properties, 203
subtractive processes, 203
Market pull (in design), 22
Marketing, use of reverse engineering for, 24, 25T
Material errors (in failures), 94, 95F
Material performance indices, 181
Material properties:
definition of, 169
by specific type, 177–181, 182T
Material selection charts, 181–186
Material teardown, 65
Materials, 165, 172, 187F
amorphous, 336
composite, 336
crystalline, 336
for engineering, 336
identification of, 186–191
versus substances (definitions), 335–337
Materials-by-design, 399
Materials-of-construction/-manufacture, 165
Materials revolution, 397–399
Materials science, 163
Matrix teardown, 65
of function, 63
use in engineering, 7, 60
Measurement device criteria, 62TMechanical dissection, 11, 73
Medicine, revolution in, 399–400
Meta-materials, 399
Metal (identification) test kits, 192
Metalloids (semimetals or semiconductors), 175, 177
Metals (and alloys), 173, 175
Method-of-manufacture/-construction, 199
Method-of-manufacture from observation:
cast metal parts, 210, 219T
cold cast ceramic parts, 214
composite material parts, 214
deformation processed metal parts, 212, 219T
forged metal parts, 212–213
identification of:
using batch size, 216
using cost/apparent value, 217
using geometric complexity, 214
using joining method, 217–218
using material class, 210–214
using production rate, 216
using roughness/surface finish, 215
using shape, 214
using size, 214
using surface details, 216
using tolerance/precision, 214–215
using workmanship, 217
machined parts, 219T
molded polymer parts, 214
powder processed metal (or ceramic) parts, 213–214, 219T
Methodizing, 24, 327–329
Methods engineering, 327
Metonic (gear) train, 151Military espionage, 18
Misuse (in failures), 94, 95F
Model-centric approach to design, 21
Moldability, 170
Molding parting lines, 303, 303F
Molding/pressure-molding methods, 205
Moon gear, 151
Motion converters, 138
Motivations for reverse engineering, 18, 19T
Net-shape/near-net-shape processes, 204
New paradigms, 384
Nonmetals, 175
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 193
Observation, use of, 58
Occam’s (Ockham’s) razor, 242, 242 FN
Olympiad (gear) train, 152
Original design, 22, 23T
Overload failures, 98
Periodic Table of the Elements (Standard), 173, 174F
Physical models (use in engineering), 7
Polymers, 177
identification by application, 191T
laboratory techniques for identifying, 192–193
Powder processing methods, 205
Power converters, 138
Power sources, 135
Practice of engineering, 4
Primary properties, 177
Primary shaping processes, 204
Prime movers, 138
Printing press, moveable-type, impact of, 390
Problem statement/formulation, 7Process, 199
Process attributes, 207, 208T
cost, 207, 208T
dimensional accuracy/tolerance/precision, 207, 208T
geometric complexity, 207, 208T
material class, 207, 208T
minimum batch size, 207, 208T
production rate, 207, 208T
shape, 207, 208T
size range, 207, 208T
speed (of processing), 207, 208T
surface finish/roughness, 207, 208T
Process selection charts, 208–209
Processing errors (in failures), 94, 95F
Producibility, 24, 318, 330
Product form, 204
Product functional model, 85, 86F
Product security analysis, 18
Product teardown, 56
benchmarking, 57
forms of, 65
procedure for, 71
process (definition), 69
purposes, 56, 69T, 70
subtract-and-operate procedure, 70, 74, 75T
Production, use of reverse engineering for, 24, 25T
Production engineering, 325
Properties of materials:
acoustical, 170
biological, 170
chemical, 169
combination/complex, 169, 170, 177electrical, 169
magnetic, 169
mechanical, 169
optical, 169
physical, 169
primary, 177
radiological, 170
secondary, 177
thermal, 169
Property-performance relationship, 171T–172T
Proprietary materials, 342–343
Purpose of design/entity, 126
alignment, 241–242
casing stones, 252
construction, 244–256
design layout/measurement, 246–247
internal details, completion of, 252
location, 238–239
materials-of-construction, 247–248
orientation of Three Pyramids, 242–244
progress check/plan adherence, 247
purpose, 234–238
role of reverse engineering, 252–256
site preparation, 245–246
site selection, 245
stone transport/positioning, 248–252
Pyramids of Giza, 237
Quality assurance, using reverse engineering for, 24, 25T
Raman spectroscopy, 193
Remanufacture, using reverse engineering for:
broken parts, 363, 364deformed parts, 365
obsolete parts, 363, 367, 369
worn parts, 363, 365
Renewable energy, 394, 395T
Replacements (for materials or substances), 338–339, 344–345
Reverse engineering: benefits of, 26
during Cold War and post–Cold War, 47–49
definition of, 13, 16, 18, 55
emergence of, 29
of Great Pyramid of Khufu, 29–32
during Industrial Revolution, 35–37, 40, 42
during Middle Ages, 33, 35
motivations for, 18, 19T
procedure for, 73, 117–118, 118T
for remanufacture, 362
risks of, 26
status of (in textbooks), 15, 16
uses/potential uses, 23, 25T
during World War II, 42–47
Role of design/entity, 126
Root-cause for failure, 92
Rules of Engineering Practice (NSPE), 375
Saros (gear) train, 151
Scaling/variant design, 22, 23T
Secondary processes/processing methods, 206
Secondary properties, 177
Security analysis of products, 18
Semiconductors, 175, 177
Sensors, 138
Sensory input for learning, 4
Service errors (in failures), 94, 95F
Service failures, 93Shape, macro-/micro, 199, 200
Sidereal month, 150
Simulation, computer (use in engineering), 7, 8
Special processing methods, 206
Spider silk, artificial, 350
Stages of engineering design, 7, 8T
Statement of problems (in design), 7
Static overload failures, 98
Structure(s), 138
Structure-Property-Processing-Performance interrelationship, 166, 167,
168, 168F
Substances versus materials, definitions of, 335–337
Substitutes (for materials or substances), 338, 343T, 344–345
Subtract-and-operate procedure (SOP), 70, 74, 75T
Subtractive processing methods, 203
Suitability of design for purpose, 265–266
Sun gear, 150
Sustainable energy, 394–396, 395T
Synodic month, 151
Synthesis/synthesizing (approach to engineering), 6, 7
bioadhesives, 350–351
diamonds, 349
fibers, 355–356
stone, 350–351
Systems analysis, 81
Systems approach to design, 21, 22
Taking things apart (to learn), 3
Teardown process, 56 (See also Product teardown) Technical systems, 79,
Technology push (in design), 22
Tissue engineering, 401Top-down teardown analysis, 70, 73
Topological evidence/features, 125
Trade-off decisions stage in design, 7
Transportation, new concepts for, 396–397, 398
Troubleshooting, use of reverse engineering for, 25, 25T
Unlicensed/unauthorized duplication, 18
Value, definition of, 323
Value analysis, 323
Value analysis teardown, 73
Value engineering (VE), 24, 322–324, 324T
Variant/scaling design, 22, 23T
Visual, auditory, kinesthetic (VAK) learning styles, 4
Vivisection, 9, 10, 74
Wear failures, 98
corrosion, 98
fatigue, 98
Weldability, 170
Welding (in manufacturing), 202
Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How (“Five Ws”), 3
Wide-angle x-ray diffraction/scattering, 193
Wood, 354, 354FN
Workmanship, 58, 122, 217

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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