كتاب Advanced Dynamics and Model-Based Control of Structures and Machines
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Advanced Dynamics and Model-Based Control of Structures and Machines

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Advanced Dynamics and Model-Based Control of Structures and Machines
Hans Irschik, Michael Krommer, Alexander K. Belyaev

كتاب Advanced Dynamics and Model-Based Control of Structures and Machines  A_d_a_17
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Development of Integral Molding of Functionally-Graded
Syntactic Foams
Tadaharu Adachi and Masahiro Higuchi
Dynamic Instabilities of Simple Inelastic Structures Subjected
to Earthquake Excitation . .
Christoph Adam and Clemens Ja¨ger
Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Ultrasonic Technology
Processes and Systems .
V.K. Astashev
Experimental Studies of Thermoviscohyperelastic Behaviour
of Filled Elastomers
T.A. Beliakova, E.V. Lomakin, and Yu.P. Zezin
Example of Instability in Drive Mechanisms .
A.K. Belyaev
Positioning Systems: Global Versus Local .
Fabio Casciati and Li Jun Wu
Real-Time Multi-channel Cable Replacement for Structural Control .
Sara Casciati, Lucia Faravelli, and ZhiCong Chen
Flatness-Based MPC and Global Path Planning Towards
Cognition-Supported Pick-and-Place Tasks of Tower Cranes . .
Markus Egretzberger, Knut Graichen, and Andreas Kugi
Stress Focusing Effect of an Elastic Solid in the Context
of Generalized Thermoelasticity
T. Furukawa
Magnetoelastic Effect as Applied to Estimating Elastic-Plastic
Strains in Steels and Optimization of Technological Processes .
E.S. Gorkunov
On the Potential of Constraints in Nonlinear System Identification .
Christoph Hametner and Stefan Jakubek
Vibration Control of Linear Elastic Beam Structures
with Spatial Local Nonlinearities . 101
Rudolf Heuer
Energy Optimal Feedforward Control of a Cooling System 109
Anton Hofer and Filip Kitanoski
Vibration Control of a Fluid in Micro- and Nanotubes . . 119
D.A. Indeitsev, A.K. Abramyan, and B.N. Semenov
A Model Reduction Technique for High Speed Flexible Rotors 127
Hans Irschik, Manfred Nader, Michael Stangl, and Hans-Georg
von Garssen
Monitoring of Structural Deformations/ Vibrations
Superposed upon Finite Pre-deformations 135
Michael Krommer and Yury Vetyukov
Electromechanical and Mathematical Models of Salient-Pole
Synchronous Motors . 143
G.A. Leonov and N.V. Kondrat’eva
Optimization of Dynamic Characteristics of Electroviscoelastic
Systems with External Electric Circuits . 151
V.P. Matveenko, E.P. Kligman, M.A. Yurlov, and N.A. Yurlova
Control of Surface Waviness 159
N.F. Morozov and P.E. Tovstik
Nonlinear Finite Element Modelling of Moving Beam
Vibrations Controlled by Distributed Actuators . 167
K. Nachbagauer, C. Zehetner, and J. Gerstmayr
Model Based Control of Heating Ventilating and
Air-Conditioning Components. . 175
Jakob Rehrl and Martin Horn
Microsensors Based on Mechanically Vibrating Structures . 183
Erwin K. Reichel and Bernhard Jakoby
Flatness Based Control of Linear and Nonlinear Systems . 195
Kurt Schlacher, Markus Scho¨berl, and Martin Staudecker
Wave Radiation from a Stick-Slip-Like Source Motion (SH-Wave) 205
Kazumi Watanabe
Derivation of the Instability Potential of Plates by Rigid Body
and Equilibrium Considerations . 215
Y.B. Yang, S.R. Kuo, J.L. Peng, and M.H. Shih
A Novel Base Isolation System for Asymmetric Buildings in
Seismic Active Zones: Damping Supplied by Tuned Liquid
Column-Gas Dampers . 225
Franz Ziegler and Basit Khalid
Index . 235
Absolute nodal coordinate formulation
modelling, large deformation structural
problems, 167
piezo-electric actuation, beam element, 170
shear deformable beam, 170, 172
Atomic force microscopy (AFM), 184
Austrian Center of Competence in
Mechatronics (ACCM), 127
Boltzmann-Volterra relations, 153
Cantilever bending
distributions, pre-deformed configurations,
dynamic and quasistatic configurations,
piecewise linear time, loading, 140
vertical coordinate, tip, 140, 141
Cauchy-Green deformations, 161
Circular error probable (CEP), 47
Clebsch’s constitutive equations, 37
Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), 44
Drive mechanisms, instability
drillstring, Cosserat line
Clebsch’s constitutive equations, 37
cross-section and tangent t, 37
Frenet formulae, differential geometry,
Kirchhoff’s equations, 36
single differential equation, 37
energy exchange, 42
failures, drillstring, 35
free rotation, drillstring
boundary value problem, closed form
solution, 38
circular form, radius Rs, 38
dependence vs. critical parameter, 39
fold sections, 39, 40
general form, boundary conditions, 38
helical case, plane, 38
quasi-static stability, 42
rotary table, torque, 40
torque case, drillstring’s end, 40
Dynamic thermoelasticity theory
Lord-Shulman and Green-Lindsay theory,
stress focusing effect, 74
Earth center Earth fixed (ECEF), 46
Earthquake excitation, 14
collapse capacity spectra
damped spectral acceleration, structures
period, 17
distribution, 15, 16
median, 15
PGA and PGV, 17
regression analyses, 17
square root, ratio, 15
intensity measurement and collapse
description, 13
IDA curves and spectra, 14
non-dimensional, defined, 13
objective, 11
P-delta effect, inelastic SDOF systems
mechanical model and normalized
bilinear cyclic behavior, 12
parameters, 13
stability coefficient, 13
Electromagnetic-acoustic transduction
magnetostrictive mutual transformation, 88
resonance technique, 88
signal amplitude, 88
Electroviscoelastic systems, external electric
capacitance function, inductance and
resistance, 156, 157
damping coefficient vs. resistance, 157, 158
mathematical formulation, natural vibration
body motion equations, isothermal
process, 152
Boltzmann-Volterra relations, 153
capabilities, advanced electronic
facilities, 155
charge, electrode, 155
displacements and stresses, 153
eigenvalue, 155
piezoelectrical elements, 154
quasi-harmonic process, differential
equations, 154
quasi-static processes, complex
analogue, 153
RLC-circuit, 154
surface integral, 155
modal analysis, 158
smart materials, 151
structure dissipative properties, free and
forced steady-state vibration, 152
trapezoidal plate, 156
Energy optimal feedforward control, cooling
CPLEX/Tomlab solver, 115
external inputs, test cycle, 116
fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, 109
global optimum solution, 110
mathematical model
constraints, 112
cooling system, 110
derivation, 111
five masses, 110
hybrid electrical vehicle, 110
properties, coolant fluid, 110
optimum selection, pump and fan stages,
three power levels, 115
transformation, control problem
bilinear terms, 113
dimensional parameter optimization
problem, 112
linear inequalities, 114
MILP, 113
SOS1, 115
stiff system, 113
time dependence, 113
time discretization, 113
Filled elastomers thermoviscohyperelastic
axial stress dependencies, 29, 30
constitutive relations
axial stress, specimen, 32
five-constant polynomial hyperelastic
potential, 31
hyperelastic part, stress-strain diagram,
linear theory, viscoelasticity, 32
relaxation function, exponents sum, 32
stress tensor components, 31
viscoelastic relaxation moduli, 33
relaxation properties, 34
rubbers, 27
stress-strain diagrams
uniaxial compression, 28, 29
uniaxial tension, 28, 29
Finite element analysis (FEA)
approximation techniques, 189
mode shape function calculation, 192
Force equilibrium
nonlinear analysis, 219
virtual strain energy, 220
Frequency division multiplexing (FDM)
continuous and real-time wireless
transmission, 60
multi-channel data transmission, 57
Frequency response function (FRF)
linear viscous damping device, 106
nonlinear, 107
Functionally-graded materials (FGMs), 1
Functionally-graded (FG) syntactic foams
analysis, grading density distribution
difference equation, 5
initial and boundary conditions, 5
Richardson and Zaki’s formula, 4
Stoke’s equations, 4
compression tests
description, 7
uniform foam, 7, 8
density distribution, 5
epoxy resin viscosity, before curing, 3
principle, 2
process, 3, 4
FGMs, 1Index 237
mechanical properties, 8
micro-balloons distributions, 2
Generalised total least squares (GTLS)
equality constraints
null-space approach, 98
regressors, 97
statistical assessment, residual error, 96
weighted parameter estimation
algorithms, 97
local affine model structure, 96
Global path planning, tower cranes
and control
algorithm, 65
flatness-based feedforward, 66
heuristic estimate, 68
MPC, 66
predictive feedback control, 67
degree of freedom (DOF), 64
mathematical model, 65
measurement results
degrees-of-freedom, time evolution, 69,
discrete path, 69, 70
input quantities, time evolution, 69, 70
online trajectory re-planning scheme,
ODEs, 65
robots, 63
tower crane, 64
Global positioning system (GPS)
absolute displacement measure, 43
geodesic sensors, 44
Green-Lagrange strain tensor, 32
Heating ventilating and air conditioning
(HVAC) components
controller design
desired closed loop and sought transfer
function, 180
experimental results, controller R1.s/
and R2.s/, 179, 181
describing surface, 179, 180
harmonic balance, 179
limit cycles problem, 182
objectives, 175
test plant
description, 177
functional description and mathematical
model, 176
heating coil, 177
room, 178
Hexahydrophthalic anhydride (HHPA), 3
Incremental dynamic analyses (IDAs)
collapse capacity prediction, 13
intensity measure, median, 14
Instability potential, plates
cylindrical shell, 223
virtual strain energy, 222
force equilibrium, 219
formulation method, 216
Lagrangian formulation, 223
nonlinear analysis, solid structures, 215
nonlinear theory, 216
postbuckling range, 224
rigid body rule
description, 217
in-plane and out-of-plane actions, 219
instability potential, 218
analogical comparison, 221, 222
real rigid displacements, 221
Kinetic energy, 130
Kirchhoff’s equations, 36
Lagrangian formulation, 223
Linear and nonlinear systems, flatness based
conrol loop design
one to one map, 198
optimization problem, 199
polynomial, 199
lumped parameter systems, 195
motivation and examples
algebraic methods, 197
differential geometry, 197
force fields characterization, property,
state feedback equivalence, 198
time optimal trajectories, single mast
stacker crane
finite dimensional parametrization, 202
high bay warehouse, 200
Lagrange multiplier techniques and
total Lagrangian, 201
Lagrangian formalism, kinetic energy,
optimization problem, 202
Ritz ansatz technique, 201
Local model networks (LMN)238 Index
architecture, 93
EM algorithm, 100
validity function, 95
Local positioning systems (LPS)
concept and challenges
GPS signal generator GSS7790, 51
stable positioning result, 50
UWB, 50
DSSS, 44
Lumped mass approach, 110
Magnetoelastic acoustic emission (MAE), 88
Magnetoelastic effect, elastic-plastic strains
estimation, working macrostresses
domain wall displacement, 84
hysteresis half-loops, 85
magnetic anisotropy, 84, 85
induced anisotropy, 83
microstresses level
dislocation density, 87
EMAT signal parameters, 88, 89
MAE, 87
magnetic energy redistribution, 85
magnetic induction plots, 86
rms value variation, 87, 88
analytically obtained tension, 89, 90
nondestructive testing, 89
tensile stress and coercive force, 90
Microsensors, mechanically vibrating
application, 183
electromechanical resonators, 191
integrated sensors examples
deformation field, 190
double membrane cell, 190
metallic resonator, 190, 191
investigated resonators, viscosity and
density analysis, 187
reaction forces, 186
resonator modeling, 188
viscoelastic material behavior
complex viscosity, Maxwell fluid, 186
constitutive equation, Hooke’s law, 185
Kelvin-Voigt body, 185
Newton, force, 185
rheological constitutive models, 184
Mixed integer linear program
(MILP), 113
Model predictive control (MPC)
incremental optimization strategy, 67
trajectory error system, 66
Model reduction technique, high speed flexible
consistent linearization
kinetic energy, 130
modal damping, 129
partial linearization, 130
rotordynamic formulations, 131
novel non-linear rotor model, 127
numerical examples
finite-element model, suspended rotor,
131, 132
instability effect, 134
run-up simulation, 132, 133
Molecular dynamics (MD), 121
Multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) systems, 18
Nonlinear finite element modelling, distributed
elastic forces work and piezo-electric
actuating force and moment, defined,
eigenstrains, shear and bending strain,
internal forces virtual work, Reissner,
strain energy, 171
stress resultants and generalized strains,
geometric description
displacements and displacement
gradients, 169
element configurations, 168
highly flexible two-link robot
ANCF, 171
piezo-electrically actuated, 171, 172
vertical tip position comparison, 172,
quadratic shear deformable beam element,
Reissner’s nonlinear rod theory and ANCF,
Nonlinear system identification
architecture and construction, LMN
expectation-maximisation (EM)
algorithm, 95
hierarchical discriminant tree, 95
prediction error, 96
dynamic MISO
model comparison, equality constraints,
nonlinear model structure, 98, 99
grey-box approaches, 93Index 239
equality constraints, 97
weighted parameter estimation, 96
LMN, 93
model identification subtasks, 94
singular and functional constraints, 94
structural properties, 100
Novel base isolation system
active control rendering, hybrid ATLCGD,
asymmetric building, 227, 228
damping, 226
effective modal damping, TLCGD
control forces, 231
coupled set fine tuning, 232
modal tuning, 232
selected simulation results, 232
element design, 229
mass matrix, 226
modal analysis, base isolated building
natural modes, 229
vectors determination, 228
Novel non-linear rotor model
ACCM, 128
critical unbalance mass, 129
floating-frame-of-reference formulation
(FFRF), 128
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs), 65
Park-Gorev model, 144, 146
Peak ground acceleration (PGA), 13, 17
Peak ground displacement (PGD), 13
Peak ground velocity (PGV)
collapse capacity spectra, 16
intensity measure examples, 13
Poiseuille flow
chocking channel, 123
fluid behavior model, 121
interaction forces, 122
qualitative applicability, 123
structurization process, 124
viscous friction force, 121
Positioning systems, global vs. local
data collection
CEP, 47
East and North coordinates vs. time, 47
ECEF, 46
functions, GPS600, 46
North and East errors nephogram, 47,
pseudoranges fluctuation, 49
single time data print, GPS600
recording, 48
visible satellites distribution, 48
GPS principles
differential (DGPS), 45
main control system (MCS), 45
LPS, 50
mobile sensors, 44
open source
photograph,GPS600, 45, 47
radio (RF) and intermediate frequency
(IF), 45
receiver, 45, 46
potential system architectures, 51
SHM, 43
Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), 183
Real-time multi-channel cable replacement
continuous sensing techniques, 60
controller outputs comparison, 59, 60
FDM, 54
input signals comparison, 59, 60
integrated chip (IC) technology, 54
laboratory test setup, 58
periodic sensing, 53
segments, acquired signals, 59
structural control system
active, 55
active mass damper (AMD), 55
controller types, 56
firmware, wired system, 55, 56
SPI, 55
TDM, 54
wireless sensing system, 56
Reissner’s nonlinear rod theory, 167
Resonator modeling
displacement field, 188
Q-factor, 189
Ritz ansatz/FEA, 189
stress tensor, 188
Richardson and Zaki’s formula, 4
Ritz ansatz technique, 201
Salient-pole synchronous motors
electrical machine, 144
four-pole model, rotor
commutations types, 146
excitation and damping windings, 145
Ohm’s law and electromagnetic
induction, equations, 148240 Index
“series” and “parallel” commutation
cases, equations, 148
type I and III commutation cases, 149
rotating magnetic field, 143
rotor, 144
scheme, six windings, 144, 145
three windings scheme, 144
two-pole model, rotor
excitation and damping windings, 144
function and parameters, 147
Ohm’s and electromagnetic induction
law, 146
Serial peripheral interface (SPI)
structural controller, 55
wireless station unit, 56
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
lock-in amplifier setup, 190
resonance frequency vicinity, 186
Single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems
collapse capacity spectra, 14, 15
P-delta effect, inelastic, 12
Special ordered sets of type 1 (SOS1), 115
Stoke’s equations, 4
Stress focusing effect, thermoelasticity
Laplace transform, 75
Lord-Shulman and Green-Lindsay
theory, 74, 75
radial displacement, 76
dynamic thermolasticity theory, 73
inversion technique, 80
isotropic and homogeneous solid sphere, 74
numerical results
curves, rr  1=, 79
radial stress distribution, 78–80
thermomechanical coupling parameters,
stress singularity, 81
Structural deformations/vibrations superposed
auxiliary quasi-static problem
equilibrium, 139
volume and boundary, 139
cantilever bending, 140
description, 135
sensor design, vicinity
continuous strain-type sensor signal,
original shape tensor, 138
steps, 138
transformed sensor signal, 137
three-dimensional material body, 136
Structural health monitoring (SHM), 43
Surface waviness control
bifurcation equations, 160
buckling problem, 166
compressed plate stability, elastic
foundation, 159, 159, 164
elastic half-space stability, 159
heterogeneous material, 160
plate post-critical behavior, elastic
foundation, 165
pre-buckling state and bifurcation
Cauchy-Green deformations, 161
double periodic functions, horizontal
co-ordinates, 162
elastic potential energy density,
orthotropic material, 160
functional variation, equilibrium
equation, 161
homogeneous plane, non-linear
approach, 161
potential expansion, powers, 161
boundary and decreasing conditions,
162, 163
critical stress/initial critical compression
equation, 163
transversely isotropic homogeneous
half-space, 162
volume stability case, 166
Test plant, HVAC
description, 177
heating coil, 177
room, 178
Time division multiplexing (TDM), 54
Tuned Liquid Column Gas Dampers (TLCGD)
absorber frequency, 231
control forces, 231
coupled set fine tuning, 232
modal tuning, 232
selected simulation results, 232
Tuned mechanical dampers (TMD)
frequency and damping, 226
parameters, 232
Ultrasonic processing systems
amplitude-frequency characteristics
dynamic model, 23
harmonic linearization, 24
high Q-factor, 23
static force different values, 24
autoresonant excitation and resonant modes
cinematic drive, 25Index 241
definition, 25
technological load, 25
nonlinear models
cutting force dependence, 23
deformation and frictional forces, 23
deformed specimen, 21
impulsive regimes, 22
interaction force creation, 22
periodic function, 22
technology processes and devices
cutting force dependence, 21
high-frequency vibration, 19
machine arrangement, plastic
deformation and turning, 20
piezoelectric transducer, 19
strain-force diagram, 20
ultrasonic vibration, 21
Ultra wide band (UWB), 50
Vibration control, linear elastic beam structures
external loading, 105
FRF, 106, 107
classical modal analysis, 102
constitutive equations
inverse piezoelectric effect, 102
stress distribution, 103
frequency domain
equivalent linearization technique, 105
single-span beam, 103
subsystem 1, boundary value problem,
isolated nonlinearity, 108
modified force-method, 107
sensors and actuators, 101
Vibration control, micro-and nanotubes
classical hydrodynamics, 119
mathematical model, 126
proposed model
liquid particle density, 125
molecular dynamics (MD), 121
Poiseuille flow, 121
structure interaction forces, 120
vibration influence, 124
Wave radiation, stick-slip-like source motion
Doppler effects
dynamic response, three Mach numbers,
Hankel functions, 210
“instantaneous” frequency, 211
phase function, 211
typical time response and component,
211, 212
dynamic response, moving load/source,
actual and model velocities, 206
body force, 207
load/source location, integration, 207
simple trigonometric function, 206
reference frequency, 213
response, moving source
first Fourier inversion, variables, 208
integral formula, Delta function, 208
integration formula, 209
last Fourier inversion, 209
non-homogeneous equation, 207
triple Fourier transform,
variables, 207
Wireless sensing system
hardware component level, 57
structural control applications, 56, 57
system architecture, 56
unit, 57

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