كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components
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 كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components
Parmley P. E. , Robert O.

كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components  I_s_b_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Power Transmission
Section 1
Gears& Gearing
Section 2
Chains, Sprockets& Ratchets
Section 3
Belts& Belting
Section 4
Shafts& Couplings
Section 5
Section 6
Seals& Packings
Section 7
Tube & Pipe Connections
Section 8
Bushings& Bearings
Section 9
Locking& Clamping
Section 10
Wire &cable 10-1
Single Components
Section 11
Washers 11-1
Section 12
Retaining Rings 12-1
Section 13
O-rings 13-1
Section 14
Grommets, Spacers& Inserts 14-1section 15
Section 16
Section 17
Section 18
Section 19
Threaded Components
Section 20
Fastening& Joining
Section 21
Design Hints
Section 22
Section 23
Section 24
Fabrication Tips
Section 25
Innovative Valving
Section 26
Section 27
Creative Assemblies 27-1
Technical Reference
Section 28
Section 29
Section 30
Design Formulas 28-1
Structural Data 29-1
Nomograms 30-1
NOTE: Subjects are followed by double
numbers to indicate each page reference. The
(first) bold-face number indicates the section:
the (second) light-face number is the page
number of that section.
Adhesive bonding, 20-16, 20-18,
Aerial cable, 10-11
Air bends, 24-18
Air ducts seals, 6.6, 6-8
2 1-42
cable, 10-10
heavy machine, 20-42
timber abutment, 10-10
Angle: (See Specific)
compound, 28-12
nomogram, 30-2
Arc length, 30-3
intersecting circles, 28-10
Assemblies: (See Section 27)
axial motion, 27-6
balance, 27-22
diaphragms, 27-10
hanger, 27-18
liquid level, 27-16
mechanical action, 27-4
mechanical motion, 27-2, 27-21
rotary piston engine, 27-23
rotational motion, 27-6
sheetmetal, 27r20
snap-action, 27-8
Backlash, 1-47, 1-48, 1-50
Ball bearings, 15-18, 15-20, 15-27
Ball slides, 15-12
Ball transfer unit, 15-39
Balls: (See Section 15)
mechanism, 27-22
bearings, 15-14, 15-16, 15-20
miniature bearings, 15-14
multiple use, 15-8
oil, 15-18
rubber, 15-6
slides, 15-12
stress, 15-27
transfer units, 15-8, 15-39
uses, 15-2
curved, 29-7
soft, 15-4
Bead chain, 2-8
Bearings: (See Section 8)
instrument, 8-14
minature, 15-14
mounting, 15-16
preloading, 15-29
reliability, 8-23
rotary-linear, 8-24
selection, 8-17
sleeve, 8-13
Belleville springs;
design, 16-55
washers, 11-12, 11-14
Bellows, 16-24, 21-36
Belting, (See Section 3)
applications, 3-2
adjustment, 3-16
closed, 3-12
conveyors, 3-22
creep, 3-18
drives, 3-14, 3-22
feeders, 3-22
idlers, 3-22
open, 3-12
speed, 3-11
take-ups, 3-22
tension, 3-16
angles, 24-21
length, 28-19
press-tools, 24-22
u-shaped, 24-32
Bevel gears, 1-2, 1-14
Blind rivets, 20-44
Brackets, 21-40
Bushings: (See Section 8)
hp loss, 3-11
Bolts, 19-12, 19-22, 20-8, 29-2
expandable, 8-9
flanged, 8-4
press-fit, 8-7
rubber, 8-2
Cable: (See Section 10)
aerial, 10-11
anchors, 10-10
drives, 10-8
piston rod, 10-12
Cams: (See Section 18)
basic types, 18-45
curves, 18-2
cycloid, 18-41
design, 18-15, 18-18
grooved, 18-9
linking, 18-30
minimum size, 18-30
programed motion, 18-28
spherical, 18-30
Cardan-gear mechanisms, 1-32
Centrifugal clutches, 5-14
Centrifugal pumps, 26-6
Chains: (See Section 2)
bead, 2-8
drives, 2-12, 2-14, 2-17
history, 2-2
hoist, 2-18, 2-19
joints, 2-10
links, 2-10
lubrication, 2-15
roller, 2-4
sprockets, 2-20, 2-23
Chordal height, 30-4
Chordal length, 30-4
Clamping: (See Section 9)
aligning, 9-66
friction, 9-64
panels, 9-34, 9-36
spring, 9-68
Clevis mountings, 9-18, 20-34
Closed belts, 3-12
Clutches: (See Section 5)
latches, 9-26, 9-30
centrifugal, 5-14
disk, 5-23
mechanical, 5-2, 5-18
overloading, 5-10, 5-12
over-riding, 5-4
over-running, 5-6, 5-8, 5-22
serrated, 5-20
torque capacity, 5-23
Coil springs, 16-8, 16-10, 16-38
Compound angle, 28-12
Compression springs, 16-12, 16-14
Computing mechanisms, 22-56, 22-58
Control cabinets, 21-16
Control locks, 27-12
Control mountings, 20-36
Couplings: (See Section 4)
flexible, 4-44, 4-46, 4-48
high-speed, 4-58
offset shafts, 4-54
parallel, 4-52
shaft, 12-8
shift, 4-70
slip, 4-56
small diameter shaft, 4-50
Cotter pin, 17-14
Cross joints, 7-2
Cupped washer, 11-24
thin-end, 29-30
thin-wall, 29-28
Cycloid cams, 18-41Damping, 4-24
Design:(See Specific)
Detents, 5-20, 9-8,9-18, 16-30,21-15
Diaphragms, 27-10
Dihedral angles, 28-15
Disc clutch, 5-23
Dished washers, 11-10
Draw-die radius, 24-15
belt, 3-14, 3-22
cable, 10-8
chain, 2-12, 2-14, 2-17
light-duty, 1-56
Ducting, 6-6, 6-8
Expandable bushings, 8-9
Epicyclic gear trains, 1-38
Escapement mechanisms, 22-70, 22-72
Extension springs, 16-16
Fabrication: (See Section 24)
Facing tools, 24-12
Fasteners: (See Specific)
Feed mechanisms, 22-64
Fire protection facility, 7-8
Flanged bushings, 8-2, 8-4
Flanged inserts, 14-13
Flat springs, 16-4,16-26, 16-28
Flat washers, 11-2, 11-4
Flow regulating valve, 25-13
Four-bar linkage, 23-26, 23-28, 23-34,
Friction devices, 22-28, 22-30, 28-22
Friction springs, 16-52
Fuel injection systems,25-15
cones, 28-18
Gear plates, 20-14
Gear pumps, 30-20
Gears: (See Section 1)
angle, 1-16
backlash, 1-47, 1-48, 1-50
bevel, 1-2, 1-14
cardan-gear mechanism, 1-32
cutters, 1-20
cycloid gear mechanism, 1-40
epicyclic gear trains, 1-38
face, 30-10
form cutters, 1-20
Geneva, 1-34
helical, 1-16
hubless, 4-36
overloading, 1-54
planetary, 1-30
sheetmetal, 2-23
speed reducers, 1-52
spur, 30-7
tooth, 30-12
Geneva drives, 1-36
Geneva gears, 1-34
Geneva wheel, 1-34
Grommets, 14-2
Grooved cams, 18-9
Hand grips, 21-34
Handles, 9-60
Hangers, 27-18
Harmonic analysis, 23-22
Heat treating, 21-6, 21-8
Helical gears, 1-20
Helical springs, 16-40, 16-42, 16-44
Helical wire inserts, 10-4
Hinges, 9-30, 21-27, 21-30
chain, 2-19
Honeycomb panels, 20-38
Hoppers, 2 1-44
Horsepower 26-27
gear, 4-34
Idlers, 3-22
Impact loading, 29-41
Indexing, 27-21
Inserts, 14-8, 14-10, 14-13
Instrument bearings, 8-14
cross, 7-2
tee, 7-2
K-Factor, 29-41
Latches, 9-26
Levers, 16-18, 16-20
Linear motion,30-18
Linkage: (See Section 23)
four-bar, 23-26, 23-28, 23-45
harmonic analysis, 23-22
pin-connected, 23-10
power thrust, 23-18
straight-line, 23-4, 23-6, 23-8
three-dimensional, 23-12
toggle, 23-20
transmission, 23-16
push-pull, 23-2
Links, 2-10
Liquid lever indicators, 27-14, 27-16
Locking: (See Section 9)
clevis mounting, 9-18
control locks, 9-24
control mountings, 9-22
detents, 9-8, 9-18
indexing fingers, 9-4
latches, 9-26
retaining, 9-8
sheetmetal, 9-38, 9-40, 9-42, 9-44,
snap fasteners, 9-12
snap-in, 9-14
tamper-proof, 9-16
threaded members, 9-2
Locks: (See Specific)
wire, 10-2
roller chain, 2-15
9-46, 9-48, 9-50
Machinery mechanism, 22-2
Machining, 2 1-4
Mechanical action, 27-4
Mechanical moment, 27-2
Mechanisms: (See Section 22)
air cyclinders, 22-52
automatic stopping, 22-42, 22-44,
22-46, 22-48,
cardan-gear, 1-32
computing, 22-56, 22-58
cycloid gear, 1-40
die stamping, 22-62
escapement, 22-70, 22-72
feed, 22-64
friction drives, 22-30
governing speed, 22-34
hydraulic cylinders, 22-52
intermittent movement, 22-26
intermittent rotary, 22-24, 22-28
linear motion elements, 22-36
machinery, 22-2
modified Geneva drives, 1-36
motion, 22-20
paper-feed, 22-60
piston-actuated, 22-54
reverse rotation, 22-38
slider-crank, 22-11, 22-19
small, 22-74
sort, 22-64
speed control, 22-32
spring, 16-34
traversing, 22-22
typical, 22-69
weight, 22-64
Milk transfer system, 15-8
Moment of Inertia, 28-20, 30-13,
30-15, 30-16
accelerated, 30-18
linear, 30-18
Motors, 22-68
Mushroom bumpers, 14-6
Nomograms: (See Section 30)
Nonlinear springs, 16-48
Nuts, 19-220-Rings: (See Section 13)
applications, 13-2,13-4
design problems, 13-8, 13-10
design recommendations, 13-14
seals, 13-14, 13-16
Oil lubrication, 15-18
Offset shafts, 4-54
Open belts, 3-12
Over-riding clutches, 5-4
Overloading, 1-54
Overrunning clutches, 5-6, 5-8, 5-22
Packing: (See Section 6)
Panel-stops, 9-34, 9-36
Paper-feed mechanisms, 22-60
Parallel shafts, 4-52
Pin-connected linkage, 23-10
Pins: (See Section 17)
cotter, 17-14
doweled alternatives, 17-16, 17-18
slotted, 17-2
spiral-wrapped, 17-12
split, 17-10
spring, 17-4, 17-6, 17-8
strength, 29-38
Pipe: (See Section 7)
arrangements, 7-7, 7-8
attaching, 7-2, 7-4, 7-6
Pivots, 21-32
Planetary gears, 1-22, 1-30
Plates, 20-2, 20-4
Pneumatic springs,16-47
Poppet Valve, 25-4
Power thrust linkage, 23-18
Press breaks, 24-20
Press fit bushings, 8-7
Press tools, 24-22
Pressure vessels, 29-33
Priming pumps, 26-26
Printed circuits, 21-24
Prism, 30-15
Pumps: (See Section 26)
applications, 26-17
centrifugal, 26-6
classes, 26-2
gear, 30-19
horsepower to pipe liquids, 26-27,
piping, 7-8
piston, 30-20
priming, 26-26
reciprocating, 26-13
rotary, 26-12
selection, 26-23
types, 26-2
Push-pull linkage, 23-2
Quick-disconnect linkage, 20-32
Radii of gyration, 28-24
Reciprocating pumps, 26-13
Reloading press, 15-10
Retaining rings: (See Section 12)
assembly, 12-4, 12-6
comparisons, 12-2
coupling shafts, 12-8
loaded split circular, 12-22
multiple-purpose, 12-16
versitility, 12-12
blind, 20-44
Roller chains, 2-4
wire, 10-7
linear bearing, 8-24
motion, 30-17
piston engine, 27-23
pumps, 26-12
Rotating disks, 30-6
Rubber balls, 15-6
Rubber grommets, 14-2
Rubber seals, 6-2
Rubber washers, 11-6
Screws, 19-2, 19-6, 19-8, 19-17, 20-
Seals: (See Section 6)
air ducts, 6-6
ducting, 6-6, 6-8
non-rubber, 6-4
O-ring, 13-2, 13-16
rubber, 6-2
window, 6-10, 6-11
Sems, 11-23
Serrated washers, 11-8
Shafts: (See Section 4)
bearing loads, 4-20
beams, 4-8
coupling, 4-40,4-42, 4-44, 4-46,
4-48, 4-50, 4-52, 4-56,
4-58, 4-70
damping, 4-24
deflection, 4-13
fastening, 4-29, 4-34, 4-36, 4-38
offset, 4-54
overview, 4-2
parallel, 4-52
rotation, 4-22
shift, 4-70
slider-crank mechanism, 22-1 1,
small diameter, 4-50
speed, 4-17
stepped, 4-8
strength, 4-13, 4-18, 29-36
stud, 20-2
Shavingtool, 24-14
assembly, 27-10
bonding, 20-16
fastening, 9-38, 9-40, 9-42, 9-44,
grip holes, 20-6
9-46, 9-48, 9-50
round, 24-16
Shift shafts, 4-70
Shock resistance, 29-37
Siphon, 25-9
Sleeve bearing, 8-13
Slip coupling, 4-56
Slotted pins, 17-2
Snap-action devices, 27-8
Snap fasteners, 9-10, 9-12, 9-14,
Snap ring, 10-2
Sort mechanisms, 22-64
Spacers, 14-4
Speed reducers, 1-52
Spherical cams, 18-38
Spherical segments, 30-22
Spiral-wrapped pins, 17-12
Split pins, 17-10
Spring bands, 5-25
Spring clamps, 9-68
Spring motors, 22-68
Spring pins, 17-2, 17-4, 17-6, 17-8
Spring-steel fasteners, 20-22, 20-24
Springs: (See Section 16)
back control, 24-30
Belleville, 16-55
buffers, 16-52
4 coil, 16-8, 16-10, 16-38
compression, 16-12, 16-14
deflection, 16-36
detents, 16-30
extension, 16-16
flat, 16-4,16-26, 16-28
helical wire, 16-40, 16-42, 16-45
lever returns, 16-18, 16-20
mechanisms, 16-34
nonlinear, 16-48
pneumatic, 16-47
testing, 16-32
uses, 16-2,16-58
variable rate, 16-22
Sprockets, 2-20, 2-23
Straight-line linkage, 23-6, 23-8
Straight-line motion, 23-4
Stress: (See Specific)
20-27, 20-28
combined stress, 29-37
corrugated stiffness, 29-26
equal, 29-38
impact loading, 29-43
preloaded bolts, 29-2
pressure vessels, 29-31
residual stress, 29-22
shock, 29-39
stresses around holes, 29-12
stresses in bars, 29-7
thick-end cylinders, 29-30
thin-wall cyclinders, 29-28
Take-ups, 3-22
Tamper-proff fasteners, 9-16
Tanks, 30-23
ratchet, 2-27, 30-12Thread components: (See Section 19)
belts, 3-16
backlash, 19-4
bolts, 19-12
screws, 19-2, 19-6
self-locking screws, 19-17
threads, 19-8, 19-22
Threaded inserts, 14-10
Threads, 19-8,19-22
wire, 10-6
joint, 30-5
linkage, 23-20
light drives, 1-56
Torsion-bar, 30-24
Transmission linkage, 23-16
Traversing mechanism, 22-22
Tripple-duty valves, 25-11
Tubing, 7-2, 7-4
Unit stress: (See Specific)
Valves: (See Section 25)
fuel-injection, 25-15
gate, 25-6
hydraulic transmission, 25-2
poppet, 25-4
regulating, 25-9, 25-13
triple-duty, 25-11
Vibration, 21-20, 21-22
Volume, 28-2, 30-21, 30-22, 30-23
Washers: (See Section 11)
Belleville, 11-12, 11-14
cupped, 11-24
dished, 11-10
flat, 11-2, 11-4
rubber, 11-16
SEM applications, 11-23
serrated, 11-8
spring, 11-12, 11-14
Weight, 30-21
Weight mechanisms, 22-64
Weirs, 25-6
Wing bending, 24-28
Window casement sealing, 6-11
Wire: (See Section 10)
Geneva, 1-34
helical inserts, 10-4
rope, 10-7
snap rings, 10-2
ties, 10-6
locks, 10-2
Wc)odruffKey: (See Introduction)
X-Factor: (See Specific )
Yield strength: (See Specific)

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components    كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components  Emptyالأربعاء 10 أكتوبر 2012, 6:42 pm

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عدد المساهمات : 2041
التقييم : 3379
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
العمر : 47
الدولة : مصر
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الجامعة : حلوان

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components    كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components  Emptyالخميس 11 أكتوبر 2012, 3:51 pm

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components    كتاب Illustrated Sourcebook Of Mechanical Components  Emptyالخميس 11 أكتوبر 2012, 3:53 pm

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