كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs   كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs Emptyالأحد 13 مايو 2012, 2:15 am

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Machine Designers Reference 
Jennifer Marrs,P.E.

كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs P_672b57ej5

ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

About the Authors .
Acknowledgments .
Chapter 1: Design and Analysis 
1.1: Design of Machinery .
1.2: Engineering Units 
1.3: Equations 
Chapter 2: Ergonomics and Machine Safety
(Co-written with E. Smith Reed, P.E.) .
2.1: Ergonomics .
2.2: Machine Safety: Design Process 
2.3: Machine Safeguarding 
2.4: Other Safety Issues .
2.5: Recommended Resources .
Chapter 3: Dimensions and Tolerances 
3.1: Limits, Fits, and Tolerance Grades 
3.2: Tolerances on Drawings, and GD&T 
3.3: Tolerance Stack-Ups (Written by Charles Gillis, P.E.) .
Chapter 4: Precision Locating Techniques
(Written by Charles Gillis, P.E.) 
Chapter 5: Pins, Keys, and Retaining Rings 
Chapter 6: Pipe Threads, Threaded Fasteners, and Washers 
6.1: Pipe and Port Threads .
6.2: Threaded Fasteners and Washers .
Chapter 7: Welds and Weldments 
Chapter 8: Materials, Surfaces, and Treatments 
8.1: Materials 
8.2: Surface Finish 
8.3: Heat Treatment .
8.4: Surface Treatment 
Chapter 9: Force Generators .
9.1: Springs .
9.2: Pneumatics 
9.3: Electric Motors .
Chapter 10: Bearings 
10.1: Plain Bearings 
10.2: Rolling Element Bearings .
10.3: Linear Bearings .
Chapter 11: Power Transmission Devices .
11.1: Shafts .
11.2: Shaft Couplings .
11.3: Gears (Written by Gregory Aviza) 
11.4: Gearboxes 
11.5: Belts and Chains .
11.5.1: Belts .
11.5.2: Chains 
11.6: Lead, Ball, and Roller Screws 
1. Design and Analysis 
1.1. Design of Machinery 
• Recommended Resources 
• Functional Design Specification 
• Research .
• Synthesis and Conceptual Design .
• Detail Design and Analysis 
• Factors of Safety .
• Critical Considerations: Design of Machinery .
• Best Practices: Design of Machinery .1
1.2. Engineering Units 
• Recommended Resources 
• Engineering Units 
• Unit Conversions 
1.3. Equations .
• Recommended Resources 
• Tables of Equations .1
2. Ergonomics and Machine Safety .
2.1. Ergonomics .
• Recommended Resources 
• Body and Workspace Dimensions .
• Body Dimensions 
• Workspace, Clearances, Enclosures, and Access Openings .
• Operator Physical Capabilities and Limitations:
Reaching / Grasping / Moving / Lifting .
• Critical Considerations: Ergonomics 
2.2. Machine Safety: Design Process 
• Recommended Resources 
• Risk Assessment .
• Risk Reduction 
• Critical Considerations: Machine Safety: Design Process .
2.3. Machine Safeguarding .
• Recommended Resources 
• Guards .
• Protective Devices .
• Procedural Safeguarding: Information, Instructions and Warnings .
• Warnings Included in the Manual .
2.4. Other Safety Issues 
• Recommended Resources .
• Emission of Airborne Substances or Modification of Surrounding
• Emission of Radiation, Intense Light, Vibration, Heat 
• Emission of Noise 
• Hand / Arm Vibration .
• Whole Body Vibration .
• Machine Use in Explosive Atmospheres .
• Moving the Machine 
• Machine Stability .
• Lubrication 
• Danger Warning Alarm Signaling: Audible Signals and Visual
Signals .
• Lockout / Tagout Requirements 
• Emergency Stop Devices .
• Critical Considerations: Other Safety Issues .
2.5. Recommended Resources .
• Governmental Regulations, Statutes, Codes, and Publications 
• Books 
• Industry Safety Standards .
• Internet Web Sites 
• Application of Literature to Design Topics .
3. Dimensions and Tolerances 
3.1. Limits, Fits, and Tolerance Grades 
• Recommended Resources .
• Types of Fits and Their Limits .
• Machining Tolerances .
• Limits of Size Data 
• Critical Considerations: Limits, Fits, and Tolerance Grades .
• Best Practices: Limits, Fits, and Tolerance Grades 
3.2. Tolerances on Drawings, and GD&T 
• Recommended Resources .
• Implied Tolerances 
• Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) 
• Critical Considerations: Tolerances on Drawings, and GD&T .
• Best Practices: Tolerances on Drawings, and GD&T 
3.3. Tolerance Stack-Ups .
• Recommended Resources .
• Design Practice .
• The Tolerance Stack-Up Chain 
• Practical Applications .
• Summary .
• Critical Considerations: Tolerance Stack-Ups .
• Best Practices: Tolerance Stack-Ups 
4. Precision Locating Techniques 
• Recommended Resources 
• Design Requirements .
• The Two-Hole Problem .
• Datum Reference Frame .
• Design Process 
• Precision Locating Techniques .
• Critical Considerations: Precision Locating Techniques .
• Best Practices: Precision Locating Techniques 
5. Pins, Keys, and Retaining Rings .
• Recommended Resources 
• Pins and Keys in Shear 
• Pins .
• Keys 
• Retaining Rings .
• Critical Considerations: Pins, Keys, and Retaining Rings 
• Best Practices: Pins, Keys, and Retaining Rings .
• Component Data .
6. Pipe Threads, Threaded Fasteners and Washers .
6.1. Pipe and Port Threads .
• Recommended Resources 
• Standards 
• Critical Considerations: Pipe and Port Threads 
• Best Practices: Pipe and Port Threads .
• Pipe and Port Thread Dimensions .
6.2. Threaded Fasteners and Washers .
• Recommended Resources 
• Fastener Threads .
• Tap Drills 
• Fastener Types, Materials, and Selection 
• Grades and Strength of Fasteners 
• Torque of Fasteners 
• Critical Considerations: Threaded Fasteners and Washers 
• Best Practices: Threaded Fasteners and Washers .
7. Welds and Weldments .
• Recommended Resources 
• Weld Types .
• Weld Symbols 
• Weldment Drawings 
• Materials and Treatments 
• Critical Considerations: Welds and Weldments 
• Best Practices: Welds and Weldments .
8. Materials, Surfaces, and Treatments 
8.1. Materials 
• Recommended Resources 
• Metals Nomenclature .
• Material Properties .
• Common Material Choices .
• Materials Data 
• Critical Considerations: Materials .
• Best Practices: Materials 
8.2. Surface Finish .
• Recommended Resources 
• Surface Finish Symbols .
• Surface Finish and Tolerance .
• Surface Finish Data 
• Critical Considerations: Surface Finish 
• Best Practices: Surface Finish 
8.3. Heat Treatment .
• Recommended Resources 
• Hardness .
• Heat Treatment Processes .
• Heat Treatment and Distortion 
• Hardness from Heat Treating .
• Critical Considerations: Heat Treatment 
• Best Practices: Heat Treatment .
8.4. Surface Treatment 
• Recommended Resources 
• Common Surface Treatment Types 
• Selection of Surface Treatments 
• Critical Considerations: Surface Treatment .
• Best Practices: Surface Treatment 
9. Force Generators .
9.1. Springs 
• Recommended Resources .
• Spring Types .
• Spring Materials 
• Helical Coil Spring Terminology .
• Helical Coil Spring Fatigue .
• Helical Coil Compression Springs 
• Helical Compression Spring Catalog Selection Steps .
• Helical Compression Spring Design Steps .
• Helical Coil Extension Springs 
• Helical Extension Spring Catalog Selection Steps .
• Helical Extension Spring Design Steps 
• Helical Coil Torsion Springs 
• Helical Torsion Spring Catalog Selection Steps .
• Helical Torsion Spring Design Steps 
• Belleville Spring Washers 
• Belleville Spring Washer Catalog Selection Steps .
• Belleville Spring Washer Design Steps 
• Critical Considerations: Springs .
• Best Practices: Springs 
9.2. Pneumatics .
• Recommended Resources .
• Pressure and Regulation 
• Pneumatic Circuits 
• Pneumatic Symbols .
• Air Actuators 
• Sizing Air Actuators .
• Calculating Cv 
• Pneumatic Valves .
• Sizing Valves 
• Critical Considerations: Pneumatics 
• Best Practices: Pneumatics .
9.3. Electric Motors 
• Recommended Resources .
• Electrical Power 
• Motor Terminology .
• AC Motors 
• DC Motors 
• Electric Motor Controls 
• Electric Motor Frames and Enclosures 
• Electric Motor Sizing 
• Critical Considerations: Electric Motors .
10. Bearings .
10.1. Plain Bearings .
• Recommended Resources .
• Lubrication of Plain Bearings .
• Bearing Materials for Boundary Lubrication 
• Boundary Lubricated Sleeve Bearings .
• Sleeve Bearing Selection Procedure for Boundary Lubrication .
• Critical Considerations: Plain Bearings .
• Best Practices: Plain Bearings .
10.2. Rolling Element Bearings 
• Recommended Resources .
• Lubrication, Seals, and Shields 
• Bearing Characteristics .
• Bearing Types 
• Radial Ball and Roller Bearing Dimensions and Tolerances .
• Bearing Arrangements .
• Loads on Bearings 
• Bearing Load Ratings and Life Expectancy 
• Bearing Selection Procedure for a Rotating Shaft Application 
• Critical Considerations: Rolling Element Bearings 
• Best Practices: Rolling Element Bearings .
10.3. Linear Bearings 
• Recommended Resources .
• Lubrication 
• Plain Linear Bearings 
• Rolling Element Linear Bearings .
• Critical Considerations: Linear Bearings 
• Best Practices: Linear Bearings .
11. Power Transmission Devices 
11.1. Shafts 
• Recommended Resources .
• Methods of Attachment 
• Materials and Treatments .
• Deflection, Stress, and Fatigue .
• Critical Speeds .
• Shaft Design Procedure 
• Critical Considerations: Shafts 
• Best Practices: Shafts 
11.2. Shaft Couplings 
• Recommended Resources .
• Coupling Types 
• Flexible Coupling Types .
• Coupling Selection 
• Critical Considerations: Shaft Couplings 
• Best Practices: Shaft Couplings .
11.3. Gears .
• Recommended Resources .
• Terms and Definitions .
• Gear Types 
• Gear Trains 
• Shaft Attachment Methods 
• Gear Quality Ratings 
• Backlash 
• Materials and Treatments .
• Lubrication and Wear 
• Spur Gears 
• Spur Gear Selection and Sizing 
• Helical Gears 
• Bevel Gears .
• Worm Gears .
• Critical Considerations: Gears 
• Best Practices: Gears 
11.4. Gearboxes 
• Recommended Resources .
• Gearbox Characteristics 
• Loads on Gearboxes .
• Gearbox Selection 
• Critical Considerations: Gearboxes .
• Best Practices: Gearboxes 
11.5. Belts and Chains 
• Recommended Resources .
• Drive Calculations 
11.5.1 Belts .
• Flat Belt Drive Design and Selection Procedure 
• V-Belt Drive Design and Selection Procedure 
• Synchronous Drive Design and Selection Procedure .
• Critical Considerations: Belts 
• Best Practices: Belts 
11.5.2 Chains 
• Chain Selection and Sizing .
• Critical Considerations: Chains .
• Best Practices: Chains 
11.6. Lead, Ball, and Roller Screws 
Screw Characteristics 
• Screw Stresses, Deflection, and Buckling 
• Critical Speed 
• Linear Motion Screw Types .
• Lead Screws .
• Ball Screws 
• Lead or Ball Screw Selection Procedure .
• Critical Considerations: Lead, Ball, and Roller Screws .
• Best Practices: Lead, Ball, and Roller Screws 
12. Machine Reliability and Performance .
• Recommended Resources .
• Machine Reliability .
• Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis .
• Safety Category 
• Manufacturing Equipment Performance .
• Condition Monitoring 
• Critical Considerations: Machine Reliability and Performance .
• Best Practices: Machine Reliability and Performance

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عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs   كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs Emptyالأربعاء 07 نوفمبر 2012, 6:03 pm

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs   كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs Emptyالخميس 08 نوفمبر 2012, 6:03 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs   كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs Emptyالخميس 08 نوفمبر 2012, 8:05 pm

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs   كتاب Machine Designers Reference - Jennifer Marrs Emptyالخميس 08 نوفمبر 2012, 8:11 pm

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