Handbook of Production Management Methods
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 Handbook of Production Management Methods

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
محمد محمد أحمد
مهندس فعال جدا جدا
مهندس فعال جدا جدا
محمد محمد أحمد

عدد المساهمات : 654
التقييم : 694
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2012
العمر : 32
الدولة : EGYPT
العمل : Student
الجامعة : Menoufia

Handbook of Production Management Methods Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Handbook of Production Management Methods   Handbook of Production Management Methods Emptyالأربعاء 17 يوليو 2013, 11:58 am

قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَٰلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُوا هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ

اقدم لكم كتاب Handbook of Production Management Methods

1 Trends in manufacturing methods
2 List of manufacturing methods
21 List of manufacturing methods
22 Classification of methods by type
23 Mapping the methods by main class
3 Mapping systems
31 Mapping by method objective
32 Mapping by functions that the method
focuses on
33 Mapping the manufacturing methods
4 Decision-making   method selection
41 Objective grading tables
42 Function grading tables
43 General selection method   based on the
decision table technique
44 Summary
5 110 manufacturing methods
51 Introduction to manufacturing methods
52 Brief descriptions of the 110
manufacturing methods
Activity-based costing   ABC
Agent-driven approach
Agile Manufacturing
Artificial intelligence
Autonomous enterprise
Autonomous production cells
Bionic manufacturing system
Borderless corporation
Business intelligence and data warehousing
Business process re-engineering (BPR)
CAD/CAM, CNC, Robots Computer-aided
design and manufacturing 81
Cellular manufacturing 85
Client/server architecture 87
Collaborative manufacturing in virtual
enterprises 88
Common-sense manufacturing   CSM 90
Competitive edge 93
Competitive intelligence   CI 95
Search addresses on the Web 98
Computer-aided process planning   CAPP 98
Computer integrated manufacturing   CIM 101
Concurrent engineering (CE) 105
Constant work-in-process   CONWIP 109
Cooperative manufacturing 111
Computer-oriented PICS   COPICS 112
Core competence 114
Cost estimation 117
Cross-functional leadership 119
Customer relationship management   CRM 122
Customer retention 125
Cycle time management (CTM) 127
Demand chain management 128
Digital factory 130
Drum buffer rope (DBR) 133
E-business 135
E-manufacturing   F2B2C 137
Electronic commerce 140
Electronic data interchange   EDI 142
Electronic document management   EDM 145
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) 146
Environment-conscious manufacturing   ECM 150
Executive Excellence 153
Expert systems 155
Extended enterprise 156
Flat organization 156
Flexible manufacturing system   FMS 159
Fractal manufacturing system 162
Fuzzy logic 165
Genetic manufacturing system 167
Global manufacturing network (GMN) 169
Global manufacturing system 170
Group technology 174
Holonic manufacturing systems (HMS) 179
Horizontal organization 184
House of quality (HOQ) 184
Human resource management   HRM 184
Integrated manufacturing system   IMS 188
Intelligent manufacturing system (IMS) 191
Just-in-time manufacturing   JIT 194
Kaizen blitz 197
Kanban system 199
Knowledge management 201
Lean manufacturing 204
Life-cycle assessment   LCA 207
Life-cycle management 207
Life-cycle product design 207
Manufacturing enterprise wheel 210
Manufacturing excellence 211
Manufacturing execution system (MES) 213
Master product design 216
Master Production Scheduling 219
Material requirements planning   MRP 222
Material resource planning   MRPII 224
Matrix shop floor control 225
Mission statement 227
Mobile agent system 229
Multi-agent manufacturing system 231
One-of-a-kind manufacturing (OKM) 234
Optimized production technology   OPT 236
Outsourcing 237
Partnerships 241
Performance measurement system 243
Product data management   PDM & PDMII 246
Product life-cycle management 249
Production information and control system  
PICS 251
Quality function deployment   QFD 253
Customer value deployment   CVD 254
Random manufacturing system 255
Reactive scheduling 257
Self-organizing manufacturing methods 260
Seven paths to growth 263
Simultaneous engineering (SE) 265
Single minute exchange of dies (SMED) 265
Statistical process control (SPC) 266
Strategic sourcing 268
Supply chain management 271
Taguchi method 274
Team performance measuring and managing 276
Theory of constraint (TOC) 277
Time base competition   TBS 282
Total quality management (TQM) 284
Value chain analysis 288
Value engineering 290
Virtual company 292
Virtual enterprises 292
Virtual manufacturing 294
Virtual product development management
(VPDM) 297
Virtual reality for design and manufacturing 297
Virtual reality 299
Waste management and recycling 302
Workflow management 304
World class manufacturing 307
Handbook of Production Management Methods
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
محمد محمد أحمد
مهندس فعال جدا جدا
مهندس فعال جدا جدا
محمد محمد أحمد

عدد المساهمات : 654
التقييم : 694
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/11/2012
العمر : 32
الدولة : EGYPT
العمل : Student
الجامعة : Menoufia

Handbook of Production Management Methods Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Handbook of Production Management Methods   Handbook of Production Management Methods Emptyالأربعاء 17 يوليو 2013, 4:06 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

Handbook of Production Management Methods Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Handbook of Production Management Methods   Handbook of Production Management Methods Emptyالخميس 18 يوليو 2013, 2:00 am

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Handbook of Production Management Methods
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» محاضرات بعنوان Production Management
» مجموعة محاضرات عن إداراة الإنتاج - Production Management
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» كتاب Handbook of Industrial Engineering - Technology and Operations Management
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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