كتاب Modular Design for Machine Tools
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Modular Design for Machine Tools

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Modular Design for Machine Tools  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Modular Design for Machine Tools    كتاب Modular Design for Machine Tools  Emptyالأحد 05 يناير 2014, 8:13 am

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Modular Design for Machine Tools
Yoshimi Ito, Dr.-Eng., C.Eng., FIET
Professor Emeritus
Tokyo Institute of Technology

كتاب Modular Design for Machine Tools  M_d_m_10
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Preface ix
Terminology and Abbreviations xiii
Nomenclature xix
Conversion Table xxiii
Part 1 Engineering Guides of Modular Design and
Description Methodology of Machine Tools
Chapter 1. Basic Knowledge: What Is the Modular Design? 3
1.1 Definition and Overall View of Modular Design 11
1.2 Advantageous and Disadvantageous Aspects of Modular Design 17
1.3 A Firsthand View of Developing History and
Representative Applications 20
1.3.1 Application to TL and FTL 27
1.3.2 Application to conventional machine tools 40
1.3.3 Application to NC machine tools 47
1.3.4 Different-kind generating modular design 54
References 60
Chapter 2. Engineering Guides and Future Perspectives
of Modular Design 63
2.1 Four Principles and Further Related Subjects 64
2.2 Effective Tools and Methodology for Modular Design 72
2.3 Classification of Modular Design Including Future Perspectives 76
2.3.1 Modular design being widely employed 78
2.3.2 Modular design in the very near future—a symptom
of upheaval of new concepts 80
2.4 Characteristic Features of Modular Design Being Used
in Machine Tools of the Most Advanced Type 86
2.4.1 System machines 88
2.4.2 Machining complex and processing complex 102
References 108
For more information about this title, click herevi Contents
Chapter 3. Description of Machine Tools 111
3.1 Basic Knowledge about Functional and Structural
Description Methods 112
3.2 Details of Functional Description 115
3.3 Details of Structural Description 123
References 128
Chapter 4. Application of Machine Tool Description
to Engineering Design 131
4.1 Application of Functional Description 131
4.1.1 Classification of machining centers and its application
to marketability analysis 131
4.1.2 Analysis of machining function and its application
to evaluate compatibility with production systems 135
4.1.3 Automated generation of concept drawing 138
4.1.4 Estimation of assembly accuracy in design stage 148
4.2 Application of Structural Description 149
4.2.1 Similarity evaluation of structural configuration—availability
constraints of modular design 150
4.2.2 Variant design for structural configuration 157
4.2.3 Free design for structural configuration 165
References 171
Part 2 Engineering Design for Machine Tool
Joints—Interfacial Structural Configuration
in Modular Design
Chapter 5. Basic Knowledge of Machine Tool Joints 175
5.1 Classification of Machine Tool Joints 181
5.2 Definition of Machine Tool Joint and Representation
of Joint Characteristics 190
5.3 External Applied Loads to Be Considered and Fundamental
Factors Governing Joint Characteristics 196
5.4 Effects of Joint on Static and Dynamic Stiffness, and Thermal
Behavior of Machine Tool as a Whole 198
5.5 Firsthand View of Research History 204
References 210
Chapter 6. Fundamentals of Engineering Design and Characteristics
of the Single Flat Joint 213
6.1 Quick Notes for Single Flat Joint, Determination of Mathematical
Model, and Fundamental Knowledge about Engineering
Design Formulas 214
6.2 Design Formulas for Normal Joint Stiffness and
Related Research 218
6.2.1 Expressions for static normal joint stiffness 218
6.2.2 Representative researches into behavior of the
single flat joint under normal loading
6.3 Design Formulas for Tangential Joint Stiffness, Related
Researches, and Peculiar Behavior of Microslip 232
6.3.1 Expressions for static tangential joint stiffness 232
6.3.2 Representative researches into behavior of the static
tangential joint stiffness and the microslip 233
6.3.3 Peculiar behavior of microslip 243
6.4 Design Formulas for Damping Capacity and Related Researches 246
6.4.1 Expressions for damping capacity 247
6.4.2 Representative research into dynamic behavior 252
6.5 Thermal Behavior of Single Flat Joint 260
6.6 Forerunning Research into Single Flat Joint with Local Deformation 267
References 276
Supplement: Theoretical Proof of Ostrovskii’s Expression 278
Chapter 7. Design Guides, Practices, and Firsthand View
of Engineering Developments—Stationary Joints 281
7.1 Bolted Joint 281
7.1.1 Design guides and knowledge—pressure cone and
reinforcement remedies from structural configuration 288
7.1.2 Engineering design for practices—suitable configuration
of bolt pocket and arrangement of connecting bolts 300
7.1.3 Engineering calculation for damping capacity 311
7.1.4 Representative researches and their noteworthy
achievements—static behavior 320
7.1.5 Representative researches and their noteworthy
achievements—dynamic behavior 332
7.1.6 Representative researches and their noteworthy
achievements—thermal behavior 335
7.2 Foundation 339
7.2.1 Engineering calculation for foundation 345
7.2.2 Stiffness of leveling block 347
References 352
Supplement 1: Firsthand View for Researches in Engineering
Design in Consideration of Joints 354
Supplement 2: Influences of Joints on Positioning and
Assembly Accuracy 357
Supplement References 357
Chapter 8. Design Guides, Practices, and Firsthand
View of Engineering Developments—Sliding Joints 359
8.1 Slideways 363
8.1.1 Design knowledge—slideway materials 370
8.1.2 Design knowledge—keep plate and gib configurations 374
8.2 Linear Rolling Guideways (Linear Guide and Rolling Guideways) 381
8.3 Main Spindle-Bearing Systems 386
8.3.1 Static stiffness of rolling bearing 389
8.3.2 Dynamic stiffness and damping capacity of rolling bearing 395
8.4 Sliding Joints of Special Types 400
8.4.1 Screw-and-nut feed driving systems 401
8.4.2 Boring spindle of traveling type 403
References 406viii Contents
Supplement: Deflection and Interface Pressure
Distribution of Slideway 407
Supplement Reference 414
Chapter 9. Rudimentary Engineering Knowledge about Other Joints 415
9.1 Joints for Light-Weighted Structures 416
9.1.1 Welded joint 417
9.1.2 Bonded joint 432
9.2 Taper Connection 438
9.3 Chucking 447
References 453
Appendix 1. Measurement of Interface Pressure by Means
of Ultrasonic Waves 455
A1.1 Principle of Measurement and Its Verification 457
A1.2 Some Applications and Perspectives in the Very Near Future 466
References 478
Appendix 2. Model Testing and Theory 481
A2.1 Model Testing and Theory for Structural Body Component 482
A2.2 Model Testing in Consideration of Joints 487
References 492
Index 493

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