كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 15 - Casting
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 كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 15 - Casting

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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ASM Handbook, Volume 15 - Casting

كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 15 - Casting Tj05tkzzc0yz
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Applications and Specification Guidelines
Applications and Specification Guidelines
1. History and Trends of Metal Casting 1. History and Trends of Metal Casting
1. History and Trends of Metal Casting
2. Metalcasting Technology and the Purchasing Process 2. Metalcasting Technology and the Purchasing Process
2. Metalcasting Technology and the Purchasing Process
3. Casting Design Issues and Practices 3. Casting Design Issues and Practices
3. Casting Design Issues and Practices
4. Casting Design and Processes 4. Casting Design and Processes
4. Casting Design and Processes
Principles of Liquid Metal Processing
Principles of Liquid Metal Processing
5. Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics 5. Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
5. Chemical Thermodynamics and Kinetics
6. Thermodynamic Properties of Iron-Base Alloys 6. Thermodynamic Properties of Iron-Base Alloys
6. Thermodynamic Properties of Iron-Base Alloys
7. Thermodynamic Properties of Aluminum-Base and Copper-Base Alloys 7. Thermodynamic Properties of Aluminum-Base and Copper-Base Alloys
7. Thermodynamic Properties of Aluminum-Base and Copper-Base Alloys
8. Gases in Metals 8. Gases in Metals
8. Gases in Metals
9. Inclusion-Forming Reactions 9. Inclusion-Forming Reactions
9. Inclusion-Forming Reactions
Melting and Remelting
Melting and Remelting
10. Electric Arc Furnace Melting 10. Electric Arc Furnace Melting
10. Electric Arc Furnace Melting
11. Cupola Furnaces 11. Cupola Furnaces
11. Cupola Furnaces
12. Induction Furnaces 12. Induction Furnaces
12. Induction Furnaces
13. Vacuum Induction Melting 13. Vacuum Induction Melting
13. Vacuum Induction Melting
14. Electroslag Remelting 14. Electroslag Remelting
14. Electroslag Remelting
15. Vacuum Arc Remelting 15. Vacuum Arc Remelting
15. Vacuum Arc Remelting
16. Skull Melting 16. Skull Melting
16. Skull Melting
17. Electron Beam Melting 17. Electron Beam Melting
17. Electron Beam Melting
18. Plasma Melting and Heating 18. Plasma Melting and Heating
18. Plasma Melting and Heating
19. Crucible Furnaces 19. Crucible Furnaces
19. Crucible Furnaces
20. Reverberatory and Stack Furnaces 20. Reverberatory and Stack Furnaces
20. Reverberatory and Stack Furnaces
Molten Metal Processing and Handling
Molten Metal Processing and Handling
21. Transfer and Treatment of Molten Metal - An Introduction 21. Transfer and Treatment of Molten Metal - An Introduction
21. Transfer and Treatment of Molten Metal - An Introduction
22. Degassing 22. Degassing
22. Degassing
23. Molten-Metal Filtration 23. Molten-Metal Filtration
23. Molten-Metal Filtration
24. Steel Melt Processing 24. Steel Melt Processing
24. Steel Melt Processing
25. Aluminum Fluxes and Fluxing Practice 25. Aluminum Fluxes and Fluxing Practice
25. Aluminum Fluxes and Fluxing Practice
26. Modification of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys 26. Modification of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys
26. Modification of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys
27. Grain Refinement of Aluminum Casting Alloys 27. Grain Refinement of Aluminum Casting Alloys
27. Grain Refinement of Aluminum Casting Alloys
28. Refinement of the Primary Silicon Phase in Hypereutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloys 28. Refinement of the Primary Silicon Phase in Hypereutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloys
28. Refinement of the Primary Silicon Phase in Hypereutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloys
Principles of Solidification
Principles of Solidification
29. Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams 29. Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams
29. Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams
30. Nucleation Kinetics and Grain Refinement 30. Nucleation Kinetics and Grain Refinement
30. Nucleation Kinetics and Grain Refinement
31. Transport Phenomena during Solidification 31. Transport Phenomena during Solidification
31. Transport Phenomena during Solidification
32. Plane Front Solidification 32. Plane Front Solidification
32. Plane Front Solidification
33. Non-Plane Front Solidification 33. Non-Plane Front Solidification
33. Non-Plane Front Solidification
34. Eutectic Solidification - An Introduction 34. Eutectic Solidification - An Introduction
34. Eutectic Solidification - An Introduction
35. Solidification of Eutectic Alloys - Aluminum-Silicon 35. Solidification of Eutectic Alloys - Aluminum-Silicon
35. Solidification of Eutectic Alloys - Aluminum-Silicon
36. Solidification of Eutectic Alloys - Cast Iron 36. Solidification of Eutectic Alloys - Cast Iron
36. Solidification of Eutectic Alloys - Cast Iron
37. Peritectic Solidification 37. Peritectic Solidification
37. Peritectic Solidification
38. Microsegregation 38. Microsegregation
38. Microsegregation
39. Macrosegregation 39. Macrosegregation
39. Macrosegregation
40. Interpretation and Use of Cooling Curves - Thermal Analysis 40. Interpretation and Use of Cooling Curves - Thermal Analysis
40. Interpretation and Use of Cooling Curves - Thermal Analysis
41. X-ray Imaging of Solidification Processes and Microstructure Evolution 41. X-ray Imaging of Solidification Processes and Microstructure Evolution
41. X-ray Imaging of Solidification Processes and Microstructure Evolution
42. The Oxide Film Defect - The Bifilm 42. The Oxide Film Defect - The Bifilm
42. The Oxide Film Defect - The Bifilm
43. Shrinkage Porosity and Gas Porosity 43. Shrinkage Porosity and Gas Porosity
43. Shrinkage Porosity and Gas Porosity
44. Castability - Fluidity and Hot Tearing 44. Castability - Fluidity and Hot Tearing
44. Castability - Fluidity and Hot Tearing
45. Semisolid Metal Processing 45. Semisolid Metal Processing
45. Semisolid Metal Processing
46. Spray Casting 46. Spray Casting
46. Spray Casting
47. Rapid Solidification 47. Rapid Solidification
47. Rapid Solidification
48. Solidification during Casting of Metal-Matrix Composites 48. Solidification during Casting of Metal-Matrix Composites
48. Solidification during Casting of Metal-Matrix Composites
49. Solidification Research in Microgravity 49. Solidification Research in Microgravity
49. Solidification Research in Microgravity
50. Homogenization 50. Homogenization
50. Homogenization
51. Heat Treatment 51. Heat Treatment
51. Heat Treatment
52. Hot Isostatic Pressing of Castings 52. Hot Isostatic Pressing of Castings
52. Hot Isostatic Pressing of Castings
Modeling and Analysis of Casting Processes
Modeling and Analysis of Casting Processes
53. Numerical Methods for Casting Applications 53. Numerical Methods for Casting Applications
53. Numerical Methods for Casting Applications
54. Modeling of Transport Phenomena and Electromagnetics 54. Modeling of Transport Phenomena and Electromagnetics
54. Modeling of Transport Phenomena and Electromagnetics
55. Direct Modeling of Structure Formation 55. Direct Modeling of Structure Formation
55. Direct Modeling of Structure Formation
56. Modeling of Microsegregation and Macrosegregation 56. Modeling of Microsegregation and Macrosegregation
56. Modeling of Microsegregation and Macrosegregation
57. Modeling of Stress, Distortion, and Hot Tearing 57. Modeling of Stress, Distortion, and Hot Tearing
57. Modeling of Stress, Distortion, and Hot Tearing
58. Practical Issues in Computer Simulation of Casting Processes 58. Practical Issues in Computer Simulation of Casting Processes
58. Practical Issues in Computer Simulation of Casting Processes
59. Thermophysical Properties 59. Thermophysical Properties
59. Thermophysical Properties
Principles and Practices of Shape Casting
Principles and Practices of Shape Casting
60. Shape Casting Processes - An Introduction
60. Shape Casting Processes - An Introduction
61. Patterns and Patternmaking 61. Patterns and Patternmaking
61. Patterns and Patternmaking
62. Casting Practice - Guidelines for Effective Production of Reliable Castings 62. Casting Practice - Guidelines for Effective Production of Reliable Castings
62. Casting Practice - Guidelines for Effective Production of Reliable Castings
63. Filling and Feeding System Concepts 63. Filling and Feeding System Concepts
63. Filling and Feeding System Concepts
64. Processing and Finishing of Castings 64. Processing and Finishing of Castings
64. Processing and Finishing of Castings
Expandable-Mold Casting Processes with Permanent Patterns
Expandable-Mold Casting Processes with Permanent Patterns
65. Introduction - Expendable Mold Processes with Permanent Patterns 65. Introduction - Expendable Mold Processes with Permanent Patterns
65. Introduction - Expendable Mold Processes with Permanent Patterns
66. Aggregates and Binders for Expendable Molds 66. Aggregates and Binders for Expendable Molds
66. Aggregates and Binders for Expendable Molds
67. Green Sand Molding 67. Green Sand Molding
67. Green Sand Molding
68. No-Bake Sand Molding 68. No-Bake Sand Molding
68. No-Bake Sand Molding
69. Coremaking 69. Coremaking
69. Coremaking
70. Shell Molding and Shell Coremaking 70. Shell Molding and Shell Coremaking
70. Shell Molding and Shell Coremaking
71. Slurry Molding 71. Slurry Molding
71. Slurry Molding
72. No-Bond Sand Molding 72. No-Bond Sand Molding
72. No-Bond Sand Molding
Expandable-Mold Casting Processes with Expendable Patterns
Expandable-Mold Casting Processes with Expendable Patterns
73. Introduction - Expendable Mold Processes with Expendable Patterns
73. Introduction - Expendable Mold Processes with Expendable Patterns
74. Lost Foam Casting 74. Lost Foam Casting
74. Lost Foam Casting
75. Investment Casting 75. Investment Casting
75. Investment Casting
76. Replicast Molding 76. Replicast Molding
76. Replicast Molding
Centrifugal Casting
Centrifugal Casting
77. Centrifugal Casting 77. Centrifugal Casting
77. Centrifugal Casting
78. Horizontal Centrifugal Casting 78. Horizontal Centrifugal Casting
78. Horizontal Centrifugal Casting
79. Vertical Centrifugal Casting 79. Vertical Centrifugal Casting
79. Vertical Centrifugal Casting
Permanent Mold and Semipermanent Mold Processes
Permanent Mold and Semipermanent Mold Processes
80. Permanent Mold Casting 80. Permanent Mold Casting
80. Permanent Mold Casting
81. Low-Pressure Metal Casting 81. Low-Pressure Metal Casting
81. Low-Pressure Metal Casting
82. Low-Pressure Countergravity Casting 82. Low-Pressure Countergravity Casting
82. Low-Pressure Countergravity Casting
High-Pressure Die Casting
High-Pressure Die Casting
83. High-Pressure Die Casting 83. High-Pressure Die Casting
83. High-Pressure Die Casting
84. Hot Chamber Die Casting 84. Hot Chamber Die Casting
84. Hot Chamber Die Casting
85. Cold Chamber Die Casting 85. Cold Chamber Die Casting
85. Cold Chamber Die Casting
86. Squeeze Casting 86. Squeeze Casting
86. Squeeze Casting
87. Vacuum High-Pressure Die Casting 87. Vacuum High-Pressure Die Casting
87. Vacuum High-Pressure Die Casting
88. Die Casting Tooling 88. Die Casting Tooling
88. Die Casting Tooling
89. Automation in High-Pressure Die Casting 89. Automation in High-Pressure Die Casting
89. Automation in High-Pressure Die Casting
Semisolid Casting
Semisolid Casting
90. Semisolid Casting - Introduction and Fundamentals 90. Semisolid Casting - Introduction and Fundamentals
90. Semisolid Casting - Introduction and Fundamentals
91. Thixocasting 91. Thixocasting
91. Thixocasting
92. Rheocasting 92. Rheocasting
92. Rheocasting
93. Thixomolding 93. Thixomolding
93. Thixomolding
Cast Irons
Cast Irons
94. Introduction to Cast Irons 94. Introduction to Cast Irons
94. Introduction to Cast Irons
95. Cast Iron Foundry Practices 95. Cast Iron Foundry Practices
95. Cast Iron Foundry Practices
96. Gray Iron Castings 96. Gray Iron Castings
96. Gray Iron Castings
97. Ductile Iron Castings 97. Ductile Iron Castings
97. Ductile Iron Castings
98. Compacted Graphite Iron Castings 98. Compacted Graphite Iron Castings
98. Compacted Graphite Iron Castings
99. Malleable Iron Castings 99. Malleable Iron Castings
99. Malleable Iron Castings
100. White Iron and High-Alloyed Iron Castings 100. White Iron and High-Alloyed Iron Castings
100. White Iron and High-Alloyed Iron Castings
101. High-Alloy Graphitic Irons 101. High-Alloy Graphitic Irons
101. High-Alloy Graphitic Irons
Steel Castings
Steel Castings
102. Steel Ingot Casting 102. Steel Ingot Casting
102. Steel Ingot Casting
103. Steel Continuous Casting 103. Steel Continuous Casting
103. Steel Continuous Casting
104. Shape Casting of Steel 104. Shape Casting of Steel
104. Shape Casting of Steel
105. Steel Castings Properties 105. Steel Castings Properties
105. Steel Castings Properties
106. Selection and Evaluation of Steel Castings 106. Selection and Evaluation of Steel Castings
106. Selection and Evaluation of Steel Castings
Casting of Nonferrous Alloys
Casting of Nonferrous Alloys
107. Nonferrous Casting - An Introduction 107. Nonferrous Casting - An Introduction
107. Nonferrous Casting - An Introduction
108. Dross, Melt Loss, and Fluxing of Light Alloy Melts 108. Dross, Melt Loss, and Fluxing of Light Alloy Melts
108. Dross, Melt Loss, and Fluxing of Light Alloy Melts
109. Aluminum Alloy Ingot Casting and Continuous Processes 109. Aluminum Alloy Ingot Casting and Continuous Processes
109. Aluminum Alloy Ingot Casting and Continuous Processes
110. Aluminum Shape Casting 110. Aluminum Shape Casting
110. Aluminum Shape Casting
111. Copper Continuous Casting 111. Copper Continuous Casting
111. Copper Continuous Casting
112. Casting of Copper and Copper Alloys 112. Casting of Copper and Copper Alloys
112. Casting of Copper and Copper Alloys
113. Casting of Zinc Alloys 113. Casting of Zinc Alloys
113. Casting of Zinc Alloys
Nonferrous Alloy Castings
Nonferrous Alloy Castings
114. Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Castings 114. Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Castings
114. Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Castings
115. Copper and Copper Alloy Castings 115. Copper and Copper Alloy Castings
115. Copper and Copper Alloy Castings
116. Zinc and Zinc Alloy Castings 116. Zinc and Zinc Alloy Castings
116. Zinc and Zinc Alloy Castings
117. Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys 117. Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys
117. Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys
118. Cobalt and Cobalt Alloy Castings 118. Cobalt and Cobalt Alloy Castings
118. Cobalt and Cobalt Alloy Castings
119. Nickel and Nickel Alloy Castings 119. Nickel and Nickel Alloy Castings
119. Nickel and Nickel Alloy Castings
120. Titanium and Titanium Alloy Castings 120. Titanium and Titanium Alloy Castings
120. Titanium and Titanium Alloy Castings
121. Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Castings 121. Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Castings
121. Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Castings
122. Synthesis and Processing of Cast Metal-Matrix Composites and Their Applications 122. Synthesis and Processing of Cast Metal-Matrix Composites and Their Applications
122. Synthesis and Processing of Cast Metal-Matrix Composites and Their Applications
Quality Assurance, Nondestructive Evaluation, and Failure Analysis
Quality Assurance, Nondestructive Evaluation, and Failure Analysis
123. Approaches to Measurement of Metal Quality 123. Approaches to Measurement of Metal Quality
123. Approaches to Measurement of Metal Quality
124. Nondestructive Testing of Components 124. Nondestructive Testing of Components
124. Nondestructive Testing of Components
125. Casting Fracture Characteristics 125. Casting Fracture Characteristics
125. Casting Fracture Characteristics
126. Casting Failure Analysis Techniques and Case Studies 126. Casting Failure Analysis Techniques and Case Studies
126. Casting Failure Analysis Techniques and Case Studies
127. Common Defects in Various Casting Processes 127. Common Defects in Various Casting Processes
127. Common Defects in Various Casting Processes
128. Repair Welding of Castings 128. Repair Welding of Castings
128. Repair Welding of Castings
129. Quality Planning Tools and Procedures 129. Quality Planning Tools and Procedures
129. Quality Planning Tools and Procedures
130. Maintenance, Repair, Alterations, Storage of Patterns and Tooling 130. Maintenance, Repair, Alterations, Storage of Patterns and Tooling
130. Maintenance, Repair, Alterations, Storage of Patterns and Tooling
Process Design
Process Design
131. Riser Design 131. Riser Design
131. Riser Design
132. Gating Design 132. Gating Design
132. Gating Design
133. Design for Economical Sand Molding 133. Design for Economical Sand Molding
133. Design for Economical Sand Molding
134. Design for Economical Coring 134. Design for Economical Coring
134. Design for Economical Coring
135. Casting Design and Geometry 135. Casting Design and Geometry
135. Casting Design and Geometry
136. Design Problems Involving Thin Sections 136. Design Problems Involving Thin Sections
136. Design Problems Involving Thin Sections
137. Design Problems Involving Uniform Sections 137. Design Problems Involving Uniform Sections
137. Design Problems Involving Uniform Sections
138. Design Problems Involving Unequal Sections 138. Design Problems Involving Unequal Sections
138. Design Problems Involving Unequal Sections
139. Design Problems Involving Junctions 139. Design Problems Involving Junctions
139. Design Problems Involving Junctions
140. Design Problems Involving Distortion 140. Design Problems Involving Distortion
140. Design Problems Involving Distortion
Reference Information
Reference Information
Metric Conversion Guide
Metric Conversion Guide
Abbreviations and Symbols Abbreviations and Symbols
Abbreviations and Symbols
Index Index

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