كتاب Practical Guide to Injection Blow Molding
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 كتاب Practical Guide to Injection Blow Molding

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Practical Guide to Injection Blow Molding
Samuel L. Belcher

كتاب Practical Guide to Injection Blow Molding  P_787d77dh2
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Preface ix
Chapter one History .1
Chapter two The process: injection blow molding 5
Chapter three Resin (raw materials) for injection blow molding .11
Resin 13
Colorants 15
Regrind .16
Chapter four Advantages and disadvantages 19
Future 20
Chapter five Container 25
Chapter six Parison 35
Chapter seven Core rod design .43
Chapter eight Injection blow mold tooling design 53
Die sets .53
Keys .59
Manifold 60
Secondary nozzles 66
Secondary nozzle retainers .72
Parison mold .73
Blow mold 79
Parison and blow mold neck ring .81
Bottom plug (push-up) 88
Side plates 94
Core rod retainers .96
Stripper .98
Face bar 100viii Contents
Extras 104
Dummy plug 104
Dummy secondary nozzle 104
Materials for tooling 105
Chapter nine Mold setup and installation .111
Mold setup tool list 114
Mold setup instructions .114
Air assist mold die-set .119
Mold cleaning 119
Chapter ten The machine .123
Components .123
Plastifiers 123
Index unit and interchangeable rotating table 124
Horizontal platen 125
Clamps 125
Stripper station 125
Guarding 126
Process control 126
Processing 127
Chapter eleven Maintenance .131
Hydraulic oil .133
Grease fittings .133
Gear reducer 134
Index unit .134
Hydraulic oil .134
Never mix brands of oil 134
Weekly machine maintenance 134
Chapter twelve Troubleshooting 135
Chapter thirteen Formulas 141
Determination of blow ratio .141
Determination of average part thickness .141
Determination of the heat extraction load .142
Reynolds number .143
Checklist .145
Injection blow molding product design 145
Injection blow molding tooling design 146
Chapter fourteen Typical injection blow molding machines
and general information .147
Bibliography 161
Index .

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» كتاب Practical Guide to Injection Moulding
» كتاب Practical Guide to Injection Moulding

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