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| موضوع: كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol II Part 2 الأحد 13 يناير 2019, 9:43 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol II Lever Mechanisms Part 2 A Handbook for Engineers, Designers and Inventors IVAN I. Artobolevsky Member , USSK Academy of Sciences
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS SECTION SIX , LEVER -CAM MECHANISMS 9 1, Genera].-purpose? Enur- Link Mechanisms (16S4 through 1687} . 11 2, General - Purpose Five- Link Mechanisms (1688 through I 697) , . 13 5. General-Purpose Multiple- Link Mechanisms ( 1698) . . 19 4, Clutch and Coupling Mechanisms [1699 and 1769) . . . . 20 5. Dwell Mechanisms ( 1701, 1702 and 1703) 21 ft. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (1704, 1705 anil 1706) . , 24 7. Governor Mechanisms (1707, 1708 and 1709) 26 8. Rolling Lever Meehan iritis (1710 through 1724) , , , - 29 9. Stop, Detent and Locking Mechanisms ( 1725) 38 10. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (1726, 1727 and 1728) 39 1 L Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (1729 through 1732) 41 SECTION SEVEN. GEAR - LEVER MECHANISMS 45 1. General-Purpose Three- Link Mechanisms (1733) , * . . 47 2. General-Purpose Four- Link Mechanisms ( 1734 through 1738) 48 3. General Purpose Five-Link Mechanisms (1739 through 1744) 53 4. General-Purpose Six- Link Mechanisms (1745) . . . . . 56 5. General- Purpose Multiple- Link Mechanisms (1746 through 1740) &7 fi. Dwell Mechanisms (1750 through J 760) 60 7 , Governor Mechanisms (1761) 70 8, Mechanisms for Mathematical Operations (1763 and 1763) , 71 9, Operating Claw Mechanisms of Motion Picture Cameras (1764) 73 10. Piston Machine Mechanisms {1765} 74 11. Hammer, Press and Die Mechanisms (1766, 1767 and 1768) 75 12. Mechanisms for Generating Curves 5 <1769 through 1773) 77 13. Switching, Engaging and Disengaging Mechan 'sms (1774) 8214, Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices {1775 through 1782) * 83 15. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (1783 through 1788) 91 SECTION BIGHT. LEVER- RATCHET MECHANISMS . . 97 1. General -Purpose Four-Link Mechanisms (1789 through 1802) . 99 2. General-Purpose Five- Link Mechanisms {1803 through 1806) 107 3. General-Purpose Six- Link Mechanisms {1807 through 18 t8) 111 4. General - Purpose Multiple- Link Mechanisms (1819 through 1834) 118 5. Dwell Mechanisms (1835) 134 6. Switching, Engaging and Disengaging Mechanisms (1836, 1837 and 1838) V 135 7. Stop Detent and Locking Mechanisms {1839, 1840 and 1841) 138 8. Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (1842) . . 140 9 . Sorting and Feeding Mechanisms {1843 and 1844) . . . . 141 10. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (1845) . 143 11. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (1846 through 1856) . 144 SECTION NINE. FLEXIBLE-LINK LEVER MECHANISMS 153 1. General -Purpose Four - Link Mechanisms (1857 through 1860) 155 2. General - Purpose Five- Link Mechanisms (1861 through 1865) 158 3. General-Purpose Six-Link Mechanisms (1866 through 1890) 161 4. General-Purpose Multiple- Link Mechanisms (1891 through 1920) 175 5. Dwell Mechanisms (1921 through 1938) 193 6. Crawler Mechanisms (1939 through 1970} 207 7. Mechanisms of Ateasuring and Testing Devices (1971 and 1972) 231 8. Sorting and Feeding Mechanisms (1973 and 1974) . . . . 233 9. Brake Mechanisms (1975 through 1985) 234 10. Tilting Crawler Mechanisms (1986 through 2016) . . . 240 11. Balance Mechanisms (2017 and 2018) 263 12. Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (2019 through 2024) 265 13. Mechanisms for Generating Curves (2025, 2026 and 2027) . 269 14. Satellite Mechanisms (2028 through 2104) 272 15. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (2105 through 2108) 314 SECTION TEN. ELASTIC-LINK LEVER MECHANISMS . 317 1 , General-Purpose Four- Link Mechanisms (2109 through 2113) 319 2, General-Purpose Five- Link Mechanisms (2114 through 2117) 322 63. General-Purpose Six-Link Mechanisms (2118, 2119 and 2120) . . . . . . . 324 4. Hammer, Press and Die Mechanisms {2121 through 2124) 326 5. Operating Claw Mechanisms of Motion Picture Cameras {2126, 2126 and 2127) ; . , . 328 6. Clutch and Coupling Mechanisms (2128 and 2129) . . . 330 7 . Switching, Engaging and Disengaging Mechanisms (2130 through 2136) . 331 8. Mechanisms of Measitring and Testing Devices (2137 through 2140) 334 9. Mechanisms for Mathematical Operations (2141) . . . . 336 10. Governor Mechanisms (2142) 337 11. Mechanisms of Vibrating Machines and Devices (2143 through 2158) 338 SECTION ELEVEN. WEDGE-LEVER MECHANISMS . . . 349 j . General -Purpose Three-Link Mechanisms (2159 through 2174) 351 2. General-Purpose Four- Link Mechanisms (2175, 2176 and 2177) 359 3. General-Purpose Six-Link Mechanisms (2178) 361 4. Dwell Mechanisms (2179) 362 5. Stop, Detent and Locking Mechanisms (2180 through 2187) 363 6. Sorting and Feeding Mechanisms (2188) . 367 7 Clutch and Coupling Mechanisms (2189) 368 8. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (2190, 219! and 2192) 369 9. Hammer, Press and Die Mechanisms (2193) 371 10. Brake Mechanisms (2194) 372 11. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (2195 through 2199) 373 12. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (2200) . . . . 3 7 6 SECTION TWELVE. LEVER-SCREW MECHANISMS . . . 377 1. General-Purpose Three-Link Mechanisms (2201 through 2225) 379 2. General-Purpose Four-Link Mechanisms (2226, 2227 and 2228) 394 3. General-Purpose Five- Link Mechanisms (2229 through 2237) 396 4. General-Purpose Multiple-Link Mechanisms (2238, 2239 and 2240) 401 5. Sorting and Feeding Mechanisms (2241) 404 6. Hammer, Press and Die Mechanisms (2242, 2243 and 2244) 405 7. Switching, Engaging and Disengaging Mechanisms (2245 and 2246) 407 8. Governor Mechanisms (2247 and 2248) 409 9. Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (2249) 411 10. Precise Setting Mechanisms (2250 through 2254) . . . . 4 1 2 711. Mechanism* for Mathematical Operations (2255 through 2266) 415 12. Brake Mechanisms (2267) 426 13. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (2268 through 2271} 427 14. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (2272 through 2288} 430 Index . . 443
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