كتاب Scilab Textbook Companion for Electrical Machine Design
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Scilab Textbook Companion for Electrical Machine Design

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18996
التقييم : 35494
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Scilab Textbook Companion for Electrical Machine Design   كتاب Scilab Textbook Companion for Electrical Machine Design Emptyالأربعاء 15 يوليو 2020, 12:35 am

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Scilab Textbook Companion for Electrical Machine Design
by A. K. Sawhney
Created by
Shiv Singh Meena
Electrical Engineering
National Institute of Technology,Kurukshetra
College Teacher
Cross-Checked by  

كتاب Scilab Textbook Companion for Electrical Machine Design S_t_b_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

List of Scilab Codes 4
3 Principles of Magenetic Circuit Design 5
4 Thermal Design Aspects of Electrical Machines 20
5 Design of Transformers 51
6 General Concepts and Constraints in Design of Rotating
Machines 67
7 Armature Windings 75
8 Aspects of Design of Mechanical Parts 80
9 DC Machines 85
10 Three Phase Induction Motors 98
11 Design of Synchronous Machines 106
15 Design of Magnetic Circuits
16 Design of Heating Elements and Inductors and Welding
Transformers 125
18 Design of Starters and Field Regulators
List of Scilab Codes
Exa 3.1 Calculating effective length of air gap 5
Exa 3.2 Calculating the mmf required for the air gap
of a machine 6
Exa 3.3 Estimating the effective air gap area per pole 7
Exa 3.4 Estimating the average flux density in the air
gap . 9
Exa 3.7 Calculating the apparent flux density 11
Exa 3.8 Calculating the apparent flux density 12
Exa 3.11 Calculating the specific iron loss . 13
Exa 3.12 Calculating the specific iron loss 14
Exa 3.13 Calculating the hysteresis loss 16
Exa 3.15 Calculating the magnetic pull and unbalanced
magnetic pull and ratio of unbalanced magnetic pull to useful force . 18
Exa 4.1 Calculating the loss that will pass through
copper bar to iron 20
Exa 4.2 Calculating the loss that will be conducted
across the the laminations 21
Exa 4.3 Calculating the heat radiated from the body 22
Exa 4.4 Calculating the length and width of strip 23
Exa 4.6 Estimating the temperature of the hot spot 25
Exa 4.7 Estimating the hot spot temperature 26
Exa 4.8 Calculating the maximum temperature difference between the coil surface and the winding 27
Exa 4.9 Calculating the temperature difference beetween
the centre of the embedded portion of a conductor and the overhang
Exa 4.11 Calculating the heat conducted across the former from winding to core 30
Exa 4.12 Estimating the final steady temperature rise
of coil and its time constant . 31
Exa 4.13 Calculating the final steady temperature rise
of coil surface and hot spot temperature rise 33
Exa 4.15 Calculating the temperature rise and thermal
time constant and rating of the machine 34
Exa 4.17 Calculating the temperature of machine after
one hour of its final steady temperature rise 36
Exa 4.19 Calculating the rate of change of temperature 37
Exa 4.22 Calculating the volume of air required per
second and fan power . 38
Exa 4.23 Calculating the efficiency of machine and amount
of cooling water 40
Exa 4.24 Calculating the temperature rise of hydrogen 41
Exa 4.25 Calculating the amount of oil and amount of
water . 42
Exa 4.26 Calculating the temperature rise of tank 44
Exa 4.27 Calculating the amount of water required and
area of water duct and pumping power . 45
Exa 4.35 Calculating the continuous rating of motor . 47
Exa 4.37 Calculating the mean temperature rise . 48
Exa 4.43 Calculating the temperature rise 49
Exa 5.3 Calculating the kVA output of a single phase
transformer 51
Exa 5.6 Calculating the net iron area and window area
and full load mmf . 52
Exa 5.9 Calculating the net iron area and window area 54
Exa 5.12 Calculating the resistance of secondary winding . 55
Exa 5.13 Calculating the leakage reactance of the transformer referred to the HV side 56
Exa 5.14 Calculating the per unit leakage reactance . 58
Exa 5.16 Calculating the instantaneous radial force on
the HV winding if a short circuit occurs at
the terminals of the LV winding with HV energised and the force at full load . 60
6Exa 5.17 Calculating the instantaneous radial force and
instantaneous axial force on the HV winding
under short circuit conditions 61
Exa 5.18 Calculating the maximum flux and no load
current of the transformer 62
Exa 5.20 Calculating the number of turns and no load
current . 65
Exa 6.1 Calculating the specific electric and specific
magnetic loading . 67
Exa 6.5 Calculating the power developed by the armature of motor . 68
Exa 6.6 Calculating the limiting value of specific magnetic loading . 70
Exa 6.8 Calculating the maximum permissible specific
electric loading 71
Exa 6.9 Calculating the specific electric loading . 72
Exa 7.33 Calculating the rms line voltage and circulating current 75
Exa 7.41 Calculating the eddy current loss ratio and
average loss ratio and critical depth for minimum loss . 76
Exa 8.2 Calculating the stress on the ring 80
Exa 8.4 Calculating the tensile stress and factor of
safety . 81
Exa 8.5 Calculating the inertia constant of the generator 83
Exa 9.7 Calculating the maximum permissible core length
for the machine 85
Exa 9.8 Calculating the maximum permissible output
from a machine 86
Exa 9.9 Calculating the number of extra shunt field
turns to neutralize the demagnetization . 87
Exa 9.10 Calculating the demagnetizing and cross magnetizing mmf per pole 89
Exa 9.12 Calculating the armature voltage drop . 90
Exa 9.26 Calculating the number of turns on each commutating pole . 91
7Exa 9.27 Calculating the reactance voltage for a machine with straight line and sinusoidal commutation 92
Exa 9.32 Calculating the minimum number of poles . 94
Exa 9.33 Calculating the maximum armature voltage 95
Exa 9.34 Calculating the total commutator losses 96
Exa 10.2 Calculating the main dimentions of squirrel
cage induction motor . 98
Exa 10.13 Calculating the number of stator and rotor
turns and rotor voltage between slip rings at
standstill . 99
Exa 10.15 Calculating the number of stator turns per
phase . 101
Exa 10.16 Calculating the magnetizing current per phase 103
Exa 10.19 Calculating the current in rotor bars and in
end rings . 104
Exa 11.4 Calculating the suitable number of slots and
conductors per slot 106
Exa 11.10 Calculating the size of armature wire and the
ac resistance of each pahase . 107
Exa 11.11 Calculating the length of air gap 109
Exa 11.13 Calculating the stator bore and stator core
length and turns per phase and armature mmf
per pole and mmf for air gap and field current 111
Exa 11.14 Calculating the flux per pole and length and
width of pole and winding height and pole
height . 114
Exa 11.18 Calculating the direct and quadrature axis
synchronous reactances 115
Exa 11.20 Calculating the kVA output of the machine 117
Exa 11.32 Calculating the number of stator slots and average flux density . 119
Exa 15.1 Calculating the current in exciting coil . 121
Exa 15.4 Calculating the winding depth and winding
space and space factor and the number of turns 122
Exa 16.2 Calculating the inductance 125
8Exa 18.1 Calculating the upper and lower limits of current during starting and resistance of each section  

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى كتب ومحاضرات الأقسام الهندسية المختلفة-
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