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عدد المساهمات : 18994 التقييم : 35488 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: بحث بعنوان Computer Simulation Based Computation of Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of Loose Transmission Gearbox Casing السبت 07 نوفمبر 2020, 3:10 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم بحث بعنوان Computer Simulation Based Computation of Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes of Loose Transmission Gearbox Casing *a Ashwani Kumar, a Himanshu Jaiswal, *b Pravin P Patil
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Abstract. The main objective of this research work is to compute the dynamic response in terms of natural frequencies and mode shapes of the heavy vehicle truck transmission gearbox loose mounted casing. The results of this analysis are compared with the zero displacement constraint condition when casing is full tightly mounted on chassis frame using 37 bolts. The loose mounted transmission causes torsional vibration that produce rattling and clattering noise. Reciprocity Principle has used to determine the frequencies and mode shape for loose mounted transmission casing. The first 20-vibration mode shape and natural frequencies were calculated using ANSYS 14.5. The study has theoretical and practical reference for the structure optimization of truck transmission casing. ANSYS 14.5 has good analysis features suited for analysis of complex objects like transmission casing. The natural frequency for zero displacement condition varies from 1669 Hz to 3576 Hz and for loose transmission, casing frequency varies from 1165 Hz to 3467 Hz. This frequency difference is in range of (3-30) % frequency reduction by changing boundary condition. Keywords: Simulation, Torsional Vibration, Zero Displacement, Constraint, Bolt, Loose Transmission Casing. Conclusion Loose transmission cause excessive vibration and resonance. The natural frequency for zero displacement condition when all 37 bolts are constraint varies from 1669 Hz to 3576 Hz. The back part of heavy vehicle truck transmission casing is connected by 9 bolts to the truck chassis frame and other mountings of truck. When all 9 bolts are loosened the natural frequency varies from 1165 Hz to 3467 Hz. The looseness of the casing cause reduction in natural frequency and these lower order frequencies are the main reason for the excitation, which causes resonance. In resonance the transmission casing were subjected to heavy vibration leads to failure of transmission For the first order frequency (f1), there is a difference of 504 Hz (30%) for the zero displacement and loosened condition and for the 20-order frequency, the difference is 109 Hz (3%). The simulation shows that the transmission casing is subjected to axial bending vibration, torsional vibration and axial bending with torsional vibration. Torsional vibration causes rattling and clattering noise. Reciprocity Principle was used to evaluate the 20 natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes using ANSYS 14.5. In conclusion, the numerical simulation of casing has confirmed that bolts loosening condition leads failure of the transmission system. The frequencies (f17, f18, f19, f20) of loose casing (series 2 , figure 6) are overlapped by the same frequency of zero displacement condition (series 1 figure 6). The mechanical properties of grey cast iron HT 200 was consider for the realistic approach analysis. The FEA simulation based analysis provides satisfactory results. This research work deals with only one position loose condition in future this study can be extended to others position and bolts loose conditions.
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