كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy! - Reference Management for the Professional
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولحملة فيد واستفيدجروب المنتدى


 كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy! - Reference Management for the Professional

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy! - Reference Management for the Professional  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy! - Reference Management for the Professional    كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy! - Reference Management for the Professional  Emptyالأربعاء 10 فبراير 2021, 8:32 pm

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EndNote 1-2-3 Easy!
Reference Management for the Professional
Third Edition
Abha Agrawal , Majid Rasouli  

كتاب EndNote 1-2-3 Easy! - Reference Management for the Professional  E_n_1_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Introduction to Reference, Bibliography, and Citation . 1
Basic Concepts . 2
Reference 3
Reference List and Bibliography 3
Citation . 4
Common Referencing Styles . 4
Harvard Style: Example . 4
Vancouver Style: Example . 5
Using Information Technology for Effective Reference Management . 6
2 Reference Management Software Programs 7
What Is a Reference Management Software Program? . 8
Functions of Reference Management Software Programs . 9
Storing and Managing References . 9
Creating Bibliographies 9
Searching and Retrieving References from Online Databases . 10
Sharing References 10
Working with an iPad . 11
Various Reference Management Software Programs . 11
Which Program Should You Choose? 18
3 Getting Started with EndNote 19
An Overview of Working with EndNote . 20
Technical Requirements for Using EndNote 20
Hardware Requirements . 20
Operating System (OS) Requirements . 21
Word Processor Compatibility 22
Presentation support 22
Getting EndNote . 22
Trial Version of EndNote . 23
Installing EndNote 23
ContentsInstalling EndNote for the First Time 24
Upgrading from an Earlier Version of EndNote . 28
Installing EndNote on a Network . 30
Checking EndNote Installation . 31
Checking EndNote 31
Checking Word Processor Support 32
What to Do If You Upgrade Your Version
of Word After Installing EndNote? 32
Automatically Updating EndNote 34
To Update EndNote . 34
Uninstalling Endnote 35
Fixing Installation Errors 36
1935 or 1904 Error Message When Installing EndNote 36
Unreadable Characters Error Message When Opening EndNote X9 38
EndNote Toolbar or Commands Do Not Appear
in Microsoft Word (Install Word CWYW Toolbar) . 40
If You Are Using EndNote X7/X8/X9 and Word
2007/2010/2013/2016 . 42
If You Are Using EndNote X4/X5/X6 and Word 2010 44
EndNote Toolbar and Command Disappeared from Microsoft
Word or Are Not Functional 45
The Macro Security Warning in Microsoft Word . 48
4 EndNote Libraries . 51
What Is an EndNote Library? . 52
Features of an EndNote Library . 52
Creating a New Library . 53
Working with an EndNote Library 55
Opening a Library 55
Understanding the EndNote Library Window 57
Sorting the Reference List in the EndNote Library . 59
Navigating the EndNote Library 62
Selecting a Layout Mode of “Groups Panel” and “Reference Panel” . 62
The Reference Panel . 62
Previewing a Reference 64
The PDF Viewer Panel . 64
Copying References Between Libraries 65
Backing Up and Sharing an EndNote Library . 67
.DATA Folder and Subfolders 67
Saving and Sharing a Compressed Library File . 67
Restoring a Compressed Library File 69
Setting Library Preferences . 70
Setting Change Case Preferences 70
Setting the Fields to Be Displayed in the Library 72
Setting Fonts in the Library 73
xiv ContentsSetting Duplicates Preferences 75
Setting Find Full Text Preferences . 75
Setting Folder Locations Preferences 76
Setting Libraries Preferences . 76
Recovering a Damaged Library . 78
Helpful Hints About a Recovered Library 79
Merging EndNote Libraries 80
File Compatibility Issues . 81
Using Old Libraries with EndNote X9 . 81
Using EndNote X9 Libraries with EndNote Versions Older than 8 . 82
File Compatibility Across Platforms . 83
Publishing an EndNote Library on the Web 83
Exporting EndNote Library to RefWorks (New Version) . 84
Library Summary Status . 85
5 Entering References into an EndNote Library 87
Introduction . 88
Reference Fields and Reference Types . 89
Creating a New Reference . 90
Choosing the Right Reference Type . 92
Setting the Default Reference Type 92
Show/Hide Empty Fields 92
Rating Capability . 92
Entering Reference Data Manually 94
Let EndNote Do the Formatting 94
Guidelines for Entering Data in Various Reference Fields . 94
Entering Several Articles from the Same Source . 97
Linking Files to References . 98
Relative Versus Absolute Link 98
Linking a File to an EndNote Reference 99
Setting a Default Setting for Relative or Absolute Link . 101
Converting Absolute Links to Relative Links . 101
Opening a Linked File . 102
Using Endnote to Manage Figures and Charts/Tables . 102
General Points . 103
Inserting Graphics and Other Files in the Figure Field . 104
Term Lists . 107
What Is a Term List? 107
Two Basic Features of Term Lists 107
Journal Term Lists 108
Adding Terms to Terms List 109
Helpful Hints About Term Lists . 111
Turning off Term List Features 111
Customizing Reference Types 111
Modify Reference Types . 111
Sharing Reference Type Table . 114
Contents xvEntering Special Characters in References 114
Spell-Checking . 115
Importing PDFs to Create New References . 116
PDF Handling Preferences . 120
Importing References from Other Reference Management Programs
into Endnote . 122
Files Created in ProCite and Reference Manager 122
Files Created in RefWorks 123
6 Managing References in an EndNote Library . 127
Understanding the Reference Window . 128
Working with References 130
Selecting References . 130
Opening References . 132
Saving References 133
Deleting References . 133
Reverting References 134
Updating References 136
Showing and Hiding References 137
Searching References 138
Quick Search . 138
Launching EndNote Search 138
Understanding the Search Panel 139
Performing Search 142
Reference Groups . 142
What Are Reference Groups? . 142
Group Display Modes . 145
Features of Reference Groups . 145
Working with Reference Groups 147
Duplicate References 152
Checking for Duplicate References 152
Customizing Settings for Find Duplicates Command 154
Deleting Duplicate References 155
Finding Full Text for References 155
Exporting References 156
Group Editing of References . 157
The Find and Replace Command . 157
The Change Fields Command 159
The Move/Copy Fields Command 161
Linking References to Web Sites 162
OpenURL Link Command . 162
URLs and Links Preferences 162
Record Summary Status . 164
xvi Contents7 Using EndNote with Internet Databases . 165
Introduction . 166
Various Methods of Using Endnote with Internet Databases 169
Choosing the Right Connection Method . 169
The Connection File Method . 171
What Is a Connection File? . 171
What Connection Files Do I Have? 171
Working with the Connection Manager 173
Downloading Connection Files from the Internet . 174
Using the Connection File Method 175
The Import Filter Method 175
What Is an Import Filter? 175
What Import Filters Do I Have? . 177
Using the Import Filter Method . 177
The Direct Export Method . 178
Using EndNote with PubMed® . 184
Introduction . 184
Using the Connection File Method for PubMed . 184
Using the Import Filter Method for PubMed 190
Using the Direct Export Method for PubMed . 196
Using EndNote with Google Scholar 197
Configuring Google Scholar for EndNote 198
Importing Search Results into EndNote 199
Observations About Using EndNote with Google Scholar 200
Using EndNote with the Web of Science® 201
Introduction . 201
Using the Direct Export Method for Web of Science . 201
Using EndNote with the Scopus 202
Introduction . 202
Using the Direct Export Method for Scopus 202
Using EndNote with the ProQuest 204
Using EndNote with the EBSCO 205
Downloading Citations from the Websites of Journals . 207
Using the Direct Export Method for the New England Journal
of Medicine (NEJM) . 207
Using the Direct Export Method for ScienceDirect . 208
Using the Direct Export Method for Springer . 209
Using the Direct Export Method for Emerald . 209
8 Creating Bibliographies Using EndNote . 211
An Overview of Steps in Using Endnote to Create Bibliographies . 213
Output Styles 214
The Style Manager 215
Working in the Style Manager 215
Contents xviiCreating a Manuscript . 219
Inserting References from an EndNote Library into a Manuscript . 221
Inserting References into Manuscript 221
Changing Existing Citations 225
Creating Bibliographies 230
Formatting the Bibliography . 230
Customizing the Bibliography 232
Linking In-Text Citation to Reference in the Bibliography 234
Creating Bibliography Categories in Word . 235
Create Your Curriculum Vitae Using EndNote 238
Finding and Editing Cited References in a Library 239
Creating a Bibliography from Multiple Documents 240
Creating Multiple Bibliographies in a Single Document 241
Formatting Anonymous Works . 243
Abbreviating Journal Names in Bibliography . 244
Including Notes in the List of References . 248
Using EndNote to Manage Figures and Tables/Charts in a Manuscript 249
Introduction . 249
Working with Figures and Tables/Charts 251
Sending Paper to a Publisher/Sharing with Others 255
Field Codes 255
Traveling Library . 256
Sharing Your Document with Others: Creating a Traveling Library 257
Sending Your Paper to a Publisher 259
Other Tasks 260
Citing References in Footnotes 260
Independent Bibliography . 262
Subject Bibliography and Subject List 265
Setting CWYW Preferences 269
Inserting Citations and References in PowerPoint Slides . 270
Miscellaneous Tasks . 271
9 Citing References from Sources on the Internet . 277
Introduction . 278
What’s Different About Citing Internet Sources? 278
General Principles for Citing Internet Sources 279
Guidelines for Citing Internet Sources . 280
Authors . 280
Title . 281
URL 281
Edition 284
Dates 284
Page Information . 284
xviii ContentsIn-Text Citations of Internet Sources . 284
Examples of References from Internet Sources 285
Sources on the World Wide Web (WWW) 285
Email Messages 286
Web Discussion Forum Posting . 287
Listserv Message . 287
Newsgroup Message 287
FTP Sites 288
Software Programs 288
Using EndNote to Manage References from Internet Sources . 288
Electronic Article . 289
Online Database 290
Customizing EndNote to Cite References from Internet Sources . 292
Spelling and Definition of Commonly Used Terms 294
10 EndNote Online 297
Introduction . 298
Technical Requirements for Using EndNote Online 300
Browser Requirements 300
Windows Plug-In Requirements 301
Registering for EndNote Online . 301
Overview of the EndNote Online Window . 301
Entering New References in EndNote Online (the Collect Tab) 304
Manually Entering a New Reference 305
Searching and Retrieving References from Online Databases . 305
Importing References from an Online Database . 309
Using EndNote Online with Google Scholar 310
Managing References in EndNote Online . 311
Opening a Reference for Viewing or Editing 312
Sorting References 312
Selecting References . 312
Deleting References . 313
Searching References 313
Finding Duplicates 315
Organizing References into Groups . 315
Synchronizing Your EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online . 317
Creating Bibliographies Using EndNote Online . 320
Output Styles in EndNote Online . 320
Creating an Independent Bibliography 321
Creating a Bibliography in a Paper Without CWYW Plug-In 322
Creating a Bibliography in a Paper Using CWYW Plug-In 324
Cite While You Write Preferences . 328
Contents xixImporting References from Other Reference Management Programs
into EndNote Online 330
Importing References from Reference Manager into EndNote Online 330
Importing References from ProCite into EndNote Online . 330
Importing References from RefWorks into EndNote Online . 331
Managing Your EndNote Online Account . 331
Finding the Best-Fit Journals for Your Manuscript . 331
Index . 333
xx Contents
About EndNote menu, 30f
About EndNote screen, 30f
Absolute links to references, 98–99, 99t
converting to relative links, 101, 102f
setting default settings for, 101, 101f
Advanced Securities screen, configuring, 41f
Annotated style of referencing, 290
APA 6th style, 218–219, 219f, 289
Articles, online, 285–286
journal articles, citing from Internet sources,
magazine articles, citing from Internet
sources, 285
managing from Internet sources, 288–292
newspaper articles, citing from Internet
sources, 285
Articles from the same source, entering in
reference fields, 97–98
Attach Figure function, 105f
Author-date referencing style, 4
Authors, 94–96
entering manually in reference fields, 94–96
Internet, citing references from sources on,
searching references by in EndNote Online,
314, 314f
“Auto-completion” feature of term lists,
107–108, 107f
“Auto-update” feature of term lists, 108
Automatic hyphenation feature in Microsoft
Word, 283, 283f
Automatically updating, 34–35
Backup folder, 29
Backup of files, 29f
Bibliographies, 211–276
abbreviating journal names, 244–248
accessing Convert Citations and Bibliography
to Plain Text command, 259f
accessing CWYW Preferences command in
EndNote, 255f
accessing CWYW Preferences command in
Word, 254f
accessing the Configure Bibliography
command from Word, 231f
adding new abbreviation for journal, 247f
add/remove citations, 227f
APA 6th style, 218–219, 219f
authors' output style guidelines for
biomedical journals, 214f
bookmark, creating, 273, 274f
categories in word, 235, 236f
changing existing citations, 225–228
chart references in manuscripts, working
with, 249–251
Cite While You Write (CWYW), 213–214, 213f
Cite While You Write (CWYW) preferences,
269–270, 271f–272f
cited references, finding and editing, 239
Configure Categories dialog box, 235, 236f
copying citations, 229
creating, 9–10, 213–219, 230–234
creating using CWYW plug-in, 324–328
creating using EndNote Online, 320–330
creating using Format Paper in EndNote
Online, 323–324, 323f
creating without CWYW plug-in, 322–324
cross references, creating, 274–275
customizing, 232, 233
customizing figures and tables/charts,
252–253, 253f, 254f
customizing punctuation for figures and
tables, 254f
deleting citations, 229–230
deleting old journals terms, 245f
Edit Citations dialog window, 219f
Edit & Manage Citation command, 226f
editing citations, 225–227
editing output styles, 216–217, 217f
examples of editing output styles,
218–219, 219f
field codes, 255–256
field codes hidden, citation with, 256f
field codes showing, citation with, 257f
field shading, turning off, 275, 276f
figures and tables/charts management,
Find Figure(s) dialog, 252f
font, customizing, 232, 233f
footnotes, citing references
in, 260–262, 261f
footnotes, customizing citations, 262, 263f
Format Bibliography command, 217f, 233f
formatting, 213–214, 230–231
formatting Anonymous Works, 243, 244f
formatting (update) citations and
bibliography, 232f
formatting the bibliography title, 234f
independent bibliography, 262–265, 321
insert citation/references in your
PowerPoint slides, 270, 273f
Insert Figure command, 251f
inserting figures or tables/charts, 251
inserting references from EndNote library,
“Instant Formatting” feature, 230, 231f
journal abbreviation resources
on the web, 248
Journal Term List, 244, 245f
layout, customizing, 233–234, 233f
link in-text citations to references, 234, 235f
manuscript, creating, 211–212
Manuscript Wizard, 222f
marking styles as favorites, 216, 215f, 216f
moving citations, 229
multiple bibliographies in a single
document, 241, 242f
multiple documents, creating from, 240–241
notes, inserting in list of references, 248–249
Outline View, selecting, 240f
output styles, 214–219
output styles using EndNote Online,
overview of steps, 213–214
page number, inserting, 271–275
placement, customizing, 239
reference list and, 3
reference management software program,
removing field codes, 259, 259f
selecting Bibliographic Output Style, 230f
sending paper to publisher, 255–257
setting favorite output styles, 320, 321f
sharing documents with others, 257–258
Style Editor window, 217f
Style Manager, 215–219
subject bibliography, creating, 265–268
subject list, creating, 268, 269f
table/chart references in manuscripts,
working with, 249–255
Toggle Field Codes, 256f
Traveling Library, 256–258, 258f
unformatting citations, 228–229
Biomedical databases, commonly used, 167t
BMC Medical Informatics style of referencing,
Book, online, citing from World Wide Web
(WWW), 285
Book chapters, online, citing from World Wide
Web (WWW), 286
Bookmarks, creating, 273, 274f
dialog box, 274f
Boolean operators, 139, 141f
Browser requirements for EndNote Online, 300
CBE Style Manual N-Y style of referencing, 289
Change Fields command, 159–161, 160f
Character Map program, 115f, 116f
Chart references in manuscripts, working with,
customizing, 252–255, 253f
inserting in document, 251–252, 251f
Chart type references, 262
Charts/tables, managing, 102–103, 249–255
Checking installation, 31–32, 31f, 34f
automatically updating, 34–35, 35f
CWYW files for different software versions,
EndNote tab in Microsoft Word, 32f
EndNote toolbar and command
disappearing from Microsoft Word,
EndNote toolbar or commands not
appearing in Microsoft Word, 40,
fixing installation errors, 36–49
installing Add-ins manually, 42, 43f, 43, 44
Macro Security warning in Microsoft Word,
48–49, 48f
Macro Setting dialog box, 49f
reselecting Normal Setup, 39f
running EndNote configuration utility, 42
running EndNote installation again, 42
selecting Configure EndNote components, 33f
selecting Configure EndNote utility, 33f
selecting Permissions, 39, 40f, 41f
System Configuration utility, 37f–38f
Templates and Add-Ins, selecting, 47f
troubleshooting, 36–49
Trust Center, 48f
using Msconfig utility, 37–38, 37f
word processor support, checking, 32
Citations., see specific topic
Citavi, 16
Cite While You Write (CWYW), 213–214, 213f
comparison with EndNote Online CWYW
with Desktop CWYW, 326–327, 326f
creating bibliography using CWYW plugin,
creating bibliography without using CWYW
plug-in, 322–324
figures and tables, 255f
files for different software versions, 44f
installation after upgrading
Microsoft Word, 32
menu commands, 213f
preferences, 328, 330
preferences, bibliographies, 269–270
preferences dialog box, 271f–272f
Cite While You Write (CWYW) plug-in, 327–328
comparison of the EndNote Online, 326f
downloading, 326f
installing, 324, 325f
setting up, 325f
Comparison operators, 140t
Compressed library file, 67–68
restoring, 69–70
saving, 67–69, 69f
Configure EndNote components, 33f
Configure EndNote utility, 23f
Confirm Online Search window, 187f
Connection file method, 169–175
choosing the right method, 169
defined, 171
described, 169
downloading connection files from Internet,
174, 174f, 175f
“favorite” connection files, setting, 173
illustrated, 172f
opening Connection Manager, 172f
PubMed, 184–185, 185f, 186f
searching database, 175
using method, 175
viewing “favorite” connection files, 173f
working with Connection Manager, 173, 172f
Copy Formatted command for independent
bibliography, 263f
Copy-paste method for independent
bibliography, 263
Corporate author names, entering manually in
reference fields, 95
Creating bibliographies., see Bibliographies
Cross references, creating in bibliographies,
dialog box, 275f
Custom reference groups, 145
Customizing., see specific topic
CWYW., see Cite While You Write (CWYW)
Damaged library, recovering, 78–79, 78f, 79f
.DATA folder, backing up, 67
Databases, online, citing from World Wide Web
(WWW), 286
Date, 97
Internet, citing references
from sources on, 284
manually entering reference data, 97
Default Library in EndNote libraries, setting,
76–78, 77f
Default reference type, setting, 92, 93f
Define Term Lists, selecting, 108f
Deleting duplicate references, 155
Deleting references, 133, 134f
opening a reference for viewing, 312, 312f
Desktop CWYW compared with EndNote
Online CWYW, 326–327, 326f
Digital object identifiers (DOI), 116
importing the PDF file into EndNote, 118f
importing the PDF folder into EndNote, 119f
import PDF file, 117
selecting an option from the
duplicates list, 118f
Direct export, 178–184
databases allowing direct export, 179t
described, 169
Direct Export method for Emerald, 209. 210f
Direct Export method for ScienceDirect, 208
Direct Export method for Springer, 209
Direct Export method for the New England
Journal of Medicine (NEJM), 207
Drag-and-drop method, 100
for independent bibliography, 263
Duplicate references, 152–155
checking for, 152–153, 153f
customizing settings for Find Duplicates
command, 154–155, 154f
deleting, 155
Find Duplicates command, 154, 154f
options, find duplicates window, 152
Edit & Manage Citations dialog, 220f
Edited electronic article box, 294f
Editing a reference, group editing
of references., see Group editing
of references
Edition, citing references from sources on
Internet, 284
Editing cited references in a library, 239, 239f
Editor names entering manually in reference
fields, 94–96
Electronic article references, from Internet
sources, 288–294
annotated style of referencing, 290
APA 6th style of referencing, 289
BMC Medical Informatics style of
referencing, 290
CBE Style Manual N-Y style of referencing,
Life Sciences style of referencing, 289
Vancouver style of referencing, 289, 291f
E-mail messages, examples, 286
EndNote, 8, 9
from Clarivate Analytics, 12
comparisons, Reference Manager and
EndNote Online, 12, 13t–14t
EndNote basic, 299
EndNote compared with EndNote Online,
EndNote import, 84
EndNote libraries, 51–86
abstract viewing, 65
adding reference fields, 90–91
backing up and sharing a library, 67–70
changing existing citations in bibliographies,
Character Map program, 115f, 116f
chart type references, 262
choosing right reference type, 92
copying citations in bibliographies, 229
copying references between libraries, 65, 67f
creating bibliographies, 219–221
creating new library, 53–54
creating new reference, 90–91, 91f
customizing reference types,
111–114, 112f, 113f
damaged library, recovering, 78–79, 78f
default library, setting, 76–78, 77f
defined, 52
deleting citations in bibliographies,
displaying record number in library, 61f
editing citations in bibliographies, 225–228,
226f, 227f, 228f
EndNote Library window, 57–59, 58f
EndNote Online, entering new references,
EndNote Online use, 297–332
EndNote X9 tab menu in bibliographies,
entering, 87–88
entering author and editor names, 94–96
entering corporate author names, 95
entering date in reference fields, 97
entering journal names in reference
fields, 96
entering pages in reference fields, 97
entering reference data manually, 94–98
entering several articles from the same
source, 97–98
entering special characters, 114–115, 115f
entering year in reference fields, 97
exporting to RefWorks84–86, 84f, 85f, 86f
features of, 52–53
fields to be displayed in library, setting,
76–78, 77f
file compatibility across platforms, 83
file compatibility issues, 81–83
Find & Insert My References dialog box,
Folder Locations preferences panel, 76, 77f
fonts, setting, 73, 74, 73f, 74f
Format tab in EndNote Online, 303f
formatting references, 94–95
guidelines for entering references, 94–97
importing files created in RefWorks,
importing references from other reference
management programs, 122–125
inserting references, 213
inserting references into a manuscript,
inserting references into bibliographies,
library summary status, 85, 86f
library window, 58f
linking references to files, 98–102
managing figures and charts/tables, 102–111
managing references, 127–164
manually entering reference data, 94–97
manually entering references using
End-Note Web, 21f, 305
merging EndNote libraries, 80–81
moving citations in bibliographies, 229
navigating library, 62
online search method, 88
opening a library, 55–56
Options tab in EndNote Online, 304f
Organize tab in EndNote Online, 303f
output style, 66f
preferences editing, 59
previewing reference, 64
publishing EndNote library on the Web,
Recover Library dialog box, 79f
reference fields, 52, 89–90, 90f
reference fields explained, 89
reference fields in different types, 90f
Reference Groups, 83
reference types, 89–90, 90f
references, entering into, 87–88
references, entering into using EndNote
Online, 304–311
restoring compressed library file, 69
retrieving references from PubMed, 187, 187f
saving a compressed library file, 67–69, 68f
saving library, 54f
saving references to, connection file method,
searching and retrieving references from
online databases using EndNote
Online, 305–309
selecting an output style, 66f
selecting copy references to from references
menu, 67
setting change case preferences, 70
dialog, 70, 71f
Title Capitalization panel, 70, 71f
setting EndNote preferences in
bibliographies, 228f
setting library preferences, 70–71, 76–78, 77f
sharing a library, 67–69, 68f
special characters, entering into references,
114–115, 115f
spell-checking, 115, 116
starting EndNote program, 53f
term lists, 107–111
unchecking “Ready-Only” box, 57f
unformatting citations in bibliographies,
window, panels
displaying record number, 61f
Groups Panel, 57
Read/Unread Feature, 62
record number field, 61f
Reference List Panel, 59–62
selecting a layout mode, 63f
working with, 55–67
X9 libraries and file compatibility, 81–83
EndNote Online, 12, 297–332
best-fit journal for your manuscript, 331,
332, 332f
browser requirements, 300–301
Collect tab, 302f, 304
comparison with desktop EndNote,
configuring Google Scholar for, 310, 311f
creating bibliography, 320–330
creating bibliography using CWYW plugin,
creating bibliography using Format Paper
function, 323–324, 323f, 324f
creating bibliography without CWYW
plugin, 322–324
creating independent bibliography, 321
customizing list of online databases, 308
CWYW comparison with Desktop CWYW,
326–327, 326f
described, 299
displaying favorite online databases, 308f
displaying retrieved PubMed references, 307f
entering new references, 304–311
Find & Insert Citations dialog box, 327f
finding duplicate references, 315, 315f
Format tab, 303f
importing references from online database,
309–310, 310f
importing references from other reference
management programs into, 330–331
importing references from ProCite, 330–331
importing references from RefWorks, 331
importing search results, 199–200, 199f, 200f
managing account, 331
managing references, 311–317
manually entering new references, 305, 305f
opening reference for viewing or editing,
312, 312f
Options tab, 304f
Organize tab, 303f
organizing references into groups, 315–317,
316f, 317f
output styles in, 320
overview of EndNote Online window,
301–304, 302f–304f
PubMed search results, 307f
Reference Manager, importing references
from, 330
searching and retrieving references from
online databases, 305–309
searching references, 313–315, 314f
selecting favorite online databases, 309f
selecting online database to search, 308f
selecting references, 312–313, 313f
setting favorite output styles, 320–321, 321f
setting up EndNote Online CWYW, 325f
sorting references, 312
synchronizing EndNote desktop, 317
technical requirements, 300–301
using with Google Scholar, 197
Windows plug-in requirements, 301
working with references, 313f
EndNote with the EBSCO, 205, 206f
EndNote with the ProQuest, 204, 204f, 205f
EndNote with the Scopus
direct export method, 202–203
EndNote X9
Configure Categories dialog box, 235, 236f
CWYW commands in Word 2013, 213f
operating systems, 21
programs and formats, 22
Style dialog box, 231f
toolbar, 58t–59t
useful features, 15t
Entering new references., see EndNote libraries
Error messages, 36–38
1904 error message, 36–38
1935 error message, 36–38
unreadable characters when opening
End-Note, 38–39
Export method for independent bibliography,
Exporting references, 156
Field Codes alert, 260f
Field codes, bibliographies, 255–256
hidden field codes, citation with, 256f
removing field codes, 259–260, 259f, 260f
showing field codes, citation with, 257f
Field shading, turning off, 275, 276f
Figure references in manuscripts, working with,
customizing, 252–254, 253f, 254f
CWYW setting for Figures and Tables, 255f
inserting in document, 251, 252f
punctuation for figures and tables, 254f
Figure-type citation, 250f
Figures, managing, 102–103
Figure reference field, 103, 104f
File Attachment method of linking to references,
99–100, 99f, 100f, 104f
File compatibility across platforms, 83
File compatibility issues, 21, 81–83
File formats, supported, 104–105
Find Citations dialog box in EndNote Online,
Find Duplicates command, 154, 154f
Find Figure(s) dialog, 252f
Folder Locations option, 192f
Font customization, 233–234, 233f
Fonts in EndNote Libraries, setting, 73–74, 73f, 74f
Footnote/endnote referencing style, 4
Footnotes., see Notes
Format Bibliography command, 213, 217f, 233f
Format Paper function, 323–324, 323f
preferences, 322, 323f
Format tab in EndNote Online, 303f
Freeware/shareware reference management
software programs, 17t
FTP sites, examples of citing from World Wide
Web (WWW), 288
Getting started with EndNote, 23–49
file compatibility issues, 22
hardware requirements, 20
installing EndNote, 24–28
obtaining EndNote, 23
operating system (OS) requirements, 21–22
overview of working with EndNote, 20, 21f
pricing for EndNote, 23t
technical requirements, 20–22
trial version, 23
uninstalling EndNote, 35, 36f
upgrading Microsoft Word after
installation, 32
word processor compatibility, 22
Google Chrome
accessing site storage settings
in Firefox, 183f
confirming remove all cookies
and site data, 182f
removing all cookies and site data, 182f
selecting Content settings, 180f
selecting Cookies from content setting, 181f
selecting Option from menu in Firefox, 183f
selecting See all cookies and site data from
Cookies, 181f
setting option, 180
Google Scholar, 197–200
configuring, 310, 311f
configuring the Bibliography manager on
Google Scholar Setting page, 140,
configuring for EndNote Online, 310, 311f
configuring Google Scholar for EndNote,
140, 140f
home page, 198f
importing search results, 199–200
importing search results into EndNote
Online, 310, 311f
importing selected citations from, 199f
observations on use, 200
saving citation, 200f
setting preferences, 198f
using with EndNote Online, 310–311
Graphics, inserting in Image field,
104–106, 105f, 106f
Graphics, online, citing from World Wide Web
(WWW), 286
Group editing of references, 157–162, 157t
Change Fields command, 157t, 159–161,
160f, 161
Change Text command, 159–161, 160t
Move Fields, 160f, 161–162
Hardware requirements for EndNote, 20
Harvard style of referencing, 4
Help, checking installation, 35f
“Hide Empty Fields” feature in managing
references, 129
Hiding references, 137, 137f
Hyphenation command in Microsoft Word,
283, 283f
Image field, inserting graphics, 104–106, 105f, 106f
Image file formats supported, 104
Import command in merging EndNote
libraries, 80f
Import filters, 175–178
defined, 175, 176f
described, 169
opening Filter Manager, 177f
PubMed, 190–195
using, 177
window, 178f
Import into RefMan command, 311f
Import options for EndNote libraries, 82f
Imported References group, 195f
Importing references from other reference
management programs, 123f
conversion dialog box, 123
opening files, 123f
Importing references into EndNote Online from
other reference management
programs, 330–331
from ProCite, 330–331
from Reference Manager, 330
from RefWorks, 331
In-text citations of Internet sources, 284
Independent bibliography, 262–265
Copy Formatted command, 264f
copy-paste method, 263, 264f
creating, 263–265
creating using EndNote Online,
defined, 263
drag-and-drop method, 263
export method, 264
print method, 264
Insert Note dialog box, 249f
Inserting citations without CWYW plug-in in
EndNote Online, 322–324
Installing EndNote, 23–28
About EndNote screen, 30f
Backup folder, 29
checking installation (see Checking
first time for, 24
network, installing onto, 18, 30–31
selecting About EndNote menu, 30f
selecting backup of files, 29f
Selecting Start Run, 28f
typing in the “Run” box, 28f
upgrading from earlier version, 28–30
Instant Formatting command, 230, 231f
Internet databases, using EndNote with
bibliographic fields in separate tags, 176f
reference bibliographic information, 176f
Internet, citing references from sources on,
annotated style of referencing, 290
APA 6th style of referencing, 290
authors, guidelines, 280
BMC Medical Informatics style of
referencing, 290, 291f
CBE Style Manual N-Y style of referencing,
289, 290
challenges, 279
customizing EndNote to cite references,
dates, guidelines, 284
definitions of common terms, 294, 295t
difference about citing internet sources,
e-mail messages, examples, 286
edited electronic source box, 294f
edition, guidelines, 284
electronic articles, 289–290
examples of references, 285–286
FTP sites, examples, 288
general principles, 279–280
guidelines, 280–284
Hyphenation command, guidelines, 283, 283f
in-text citations, 284
Life Sciences style of referencing, 289
listserv message, example, 287
location of information not static, 279
managing references, 288–292
missing citation elements, 279
newsgroup message, example, 287–288
online book chapters from World Wide Web
(WWW), 286
online book from World Wide Web (WWW),
online databases from World Wide Web
(WWW), 286
online graphics from World Wide Web
(WWW), 286
online journal article from World Wide Web
(WWW), 285
online magazine article from World Wide
Web (WWW), 285
online newspaper article from World Wide
Web (WWW), 285
opening Style Manager, 292f
page information, guidelines, 284
publication date unavailable, 279
selecting BMC style in Style Manager, 293f
software programs, example, 288
Style Manager, opening, 292f
title, guidelines, 281
URL, guidelines, 281–283, 281f, 283f
Vancouver style of referencing, 289, 290, 291f
Web discussion forum posting, example, 287
websites from World Wide Web (WWW), 286
World Wide Web (WWW), examples, 285–286
Internet, managing references from sources on,
customizing EndNote, 292–294
definitions of common terms, 295t
electronic article, 289–290
online database, 290–292
Internet databases, using EndNote with,
additional fields imported, 168f
connection file method, 169, 171–175
direct export, 169, 178–184
Google Scholar, 197–200
illustrated, 172f
import filters, 169, 175–178
methods of using, overview, 169–171, 170f
overview, 170f
PubMed, 167t, 184–197
scientific databases, commonly used, 167t
iPad, 11
Journal Citation Report (JCR®) data, 331
Journal names, manually entering in reference
data, 96–97
Journal term lists, 107–111
importing, 108f
Launching EndNote Search, 138, 138f
Layout customization, 233, 233f
Library preferences in EndNote libraries,
setting, 70–78
Life Sciences style of referencing, 289–290
Linking references to files, 98–102
comparison of relative vs. absolute links, 98t
converting absolute links to relative links,
101, 102f
drag-and-drop method, 100
file attachment method, 99–100, 98f, 99f
opening a linked file, 102
setting default setting for links, 101
Linking references to websites, 162–164
connection log file, 163
ISI base URL, 163
OpenURL Arguments, 164
OpenURL link command, 162
record summary status, 164, 164f
Link in-text citations to references in the
bibliography, 234, 235f
Listserv message, example of citing
from World Wide Web
(WWW), 287
Macintosh compatibility to Windows, 83
Macro Security dialog box, 48f
Macro Security warning, 48–49
Magazine article, citing from World Wide Web
(WWW), 285
Managing references., see References, managing
Manually entering reference data., see End-Note
Manuscript, bibliographies, 221–230
changing existing citations, 225–230
convert to unformatted citations command,
copying citations, 229
creating, 211–212, 219–221
creating using CWYW plug-in, 327–328
CWYW menu, 213f
deleting citations, 229–230
editing citations, 225–227
Edit & Manage Citation(s) from the
EndNote tab in Word, 226f
Find & Insert My References dialog box, 223f
formatting and inserting citations, 224
inserting references from EndNote library
into, 213–214, 221–225
selecting the Insert Citation from the
EndNote tab, 223f
selecting the Insert Citation from the
EndNote toolbar, 225f
Manuscript Matcher, 8, 331
Manuscript Wizard, 222f
moving citations, 229
setting EndNote formatting preferences, 228f
unformatting citations, 228–229
Manuscript templates, 221f–222f
Manuscript Wizard, 222f
Master Document feature in Microsoft Word, 240
inserting subdocuments, 240f
selecting, 193f
Mendeley, 12
Microsoft Image Composer, 105
Microsoft Word, 22
checking installation, 32, 36–49
EndNote tab, 32f
EndNote toolbar and command
disappearing from, 45–46
EndNote toolbar or commands not
appearing, 40–44
inserting footnote, 260f
Macro Security dialog box, 48f
Macro Security warning, 48–49
Master Document feature, 240–242
upgrading after installing EndNote, 32
Move Fields command, 160f, 161–162
Msconfig utility, using, 37–38, 37f
National Library of Medicine, 184
Network, installation, 18, 31
New England Journal of Medicine, 207
Newsgroup message, example of citing from
World Wide Web (WWW), 287–288
Newspaper article, citing from World Wide Web
(WWW), 285
Notes, 260–262
citing references in, 260–262
customizing citations, 262, 263f
customizing output style, 262f
footnote options, selecting, 261f
inserting in list of references, 248–249
placing cursor in, 261f
Numbered referencing style, 4
Online databases, 305–308
citing from World Wide Web (WWW), 285
customizing list of online databases, 308
displaying favorite online databases, 308f
importing references using EndNote Online,
310, 310f
PubMed search window, 306f
searching and retrieving using EndNote
Online, 305–308
selecting favorite online databases, 309f
selecting online database, 306f
Online database references, from Internet
sources, 290–292
annotated style of referencing, 290
APA 6th style of referencing, 290
blank electronic source box, 291f
BMC Medical Informatics style of
referencing, 290
CBE Style Manual N-Y style of referencing,
Life Sciences style of referencing, 290
Vancouver style of referencing, 290
Online graphics, citing from World Wide Web
(WWW), 286
Online journal article, citing from World Wide
Web (WWW), 285
Online search method, 88
Opening Keywords term list, 110f
Opening references, 132
selecting Edit References, 132f
OpenURL link command, 162
Operating system (OS) requirements for
EndNote, 21–22
Options tab in EndNote Online, 304f
Organize tab in EndNote Online, 303f
Outline View, selecting, 240f
Output styles, bibliographies, 214–219
APA 6th style, 218–219, 219f
authors' guidelines for journals, 214f
Cite While You Write (CWYW), 214, 213f
customizing for footnotes, 263f
Edit Citations dialog window, 220f
editing styles, 216–219
editing styles, examples, 218–219, 219f
in EndNote Online, 320
Format Bibliography command, 217f
marking styles as favorites, 216, 215f
overview of Style Manager, 215
setting favorite styles, 320–321, 321f, 321f
Style Editor window, 217f
Style Manager, 219
Style Manager window, 215, 217f
Page Information, citing references from sources
on Internet, 284
Page number inserting in bibliographies,
Pages, manually entering reference data, 97
PDF handling preferences, 120, 121f
Auto-Import Folder, 122
PDF (Portable Document Format), 22
PDF Viewer Panel, 64
selecting the PDF Viewer Panel, 65f
Permissions in ISI ResearchSoft folder, 40f–41f
Personal Digital Assistants., see PDA computers,
EndNote for
Placement of bibliography, customizing, 239
Portable Document Format (PDF), 22
Pricing for EndNote, 23t
Print method for independent bibliography, 264
ProCite, 122–123
importing references from, to EndNote,
importing references from, to EndNote
Online, 331
Publisher, sending paper to, 255–259
field codes, 255–256
removing field codes, 259, 260f
Publishing EndNote library on the Web, 83–86
exporting to RefWorks, 84, 85f
PubMed, 167t, 172f, 194–197
Confirm Online Search window, 187f
connection file method, using, 184–186, 186f
defined, 184
displaying retrieved references in EndNote
Online, 307f
downloading latest PubMed filter, 191f
Folder Locations option, 192f
performing search, 187, 186f, 192f
Retrieved Reference window, 187–188, 188f
retrieving references, 187
saving NLM filter, 190
saving references, 189
search window in EndNote Online, 192f
selecting File from Send to menu, 193f
selecting file type and location, 192f
selecting Import options, 195f
selecting PubMed, 186f
selecting references, 192f
Punctuation for figures and tables, 254f
Quick Search, 138, 138f
Recover Library dialog box, 79f
Recovery., see Damaged library, recovering
Reference, bibliography, and citation, 2–4, 2f
common referencing styles, 4–5, 5t
effective reference management,
information technology of, 5
Harvard style of referencing, 4
reference list and bibliography, 3
Vancouver style of referencing, 5
Reference fields., see EndNote libraries
Reference groups, 150–151
adding references to a group, 150–151, 148f
automatically generated groups, 143–144
automatic groups, 143–144
combination groups, 145
creating a combination group, 149, 150f
creating a new custom group, 147, 148f
creating a new group, 147, 147f
creating a new smart group, 147, 148, 148f
creating a smart group, 148, 149f
creating various types of groups, 147f
custom groups, 145
in EndNote Libraries, 80
explained, 142, 143f
features of, 145–146
find full text group set, 145
local and online library, 146f
online search group set, 145
renaming a group, 151
searching a group, 151
search showing references, 151–152, 152f
smart groups, 145
Reference management programs, 8
Reference management software program, 7–18
bibliographies, creating, 9–11
Citavi, 16
commercially available programs, 16, 17t
comparison of EndNote, Reference Manager
and EndNote basic, 13t
defined, 8
ease of use vs. functionality, 18
and EndNote Online, 13t
freeware/shareware reference management
software programs, 17t
functions of, 9–11
handheld computer, working with, 18
individual use, 18
Mendeley, 12
network installation, 18
platform, 18
price, 18
RefWorks, 16
searching and retrieving references from
online databases, 10
storing and managing references, 9
summary of EndNote X9, 15t
various programs, described, 11–12, 13t, 17t
Zotero, 11–12
Reference Manager, 12
importing references from, into EndNote,
importing references from, into EndNote
Online, 331–332
Reference Panel, 64
Reference template, 97
Reference types, 111–114
adding field to, 112
adding new type, 112
choosing, 92
customizing, 112–113, 113f
deleting field from, 111
explained, 112
hiding, 113
modification of, 112–113
reference fields in, 113f
renaming a field, 112
screen to edit, 113f
setting default, 114, 93f
sharing reference types table, 114
various types available, 90f
Reference window, understanding, 128–130,
References, entering into EndNote libraries., see
EndNote libraries
References, managing, 127–164
apply case treatments, 130, 130f
comparison of relative vs. absolute links, 98t
customizing EndNote to cite references from
Internet sources, 292–295
deleting references, 133
deleting references in EndNote Online, 312f,
duplicate references, 152–154
electronic article, 289–290
exporting references, 156–157
Find and Replace command, 157, 158f
find full text group set, 155, 156f
finding duplicates, 315, 315f
finding full text references, 155, 155f
group editing, 157t
group editing of references, 157–162, 157t
“hide empty fields” feature, 129
hiding references, 137, 137f
importing from online databases into
End-Note Online, 309, 310f
importing from other reference management
programs into EndNote Online,
importing references from ProCite, 330–331
importing references from Reference
Manager, 330
importing references from RefWorks, 331
inserting graphics in Image field, 104–106,
105f, 106f
from Internet sources, 288–294
linking files to references, 98–102
linking references to websites, 162–164
online database, 290
opening reference for viewing or editing in
EndNote Online, 312
opening references, 132
organizing references into groups in
EndNote Online, 315–316, 316f
reference groups, 142–152
reference window, understanding, 128–130,
reverting references, 134–135
saving references, 133
searching references, 138–142
searching references in EndNote Online,
313–314, 314f, 314f
selecting Edit References, 132f
selecting references, 130, 131f
selecting references in EndNote Online, 312,
“show empty fields” feature, 129
showing references, 137, 137f
sorting in EndNote Online, 312
types of reference groups, 143f
using EndNote Online, 311–317
working with references, 130–137
working with references in EndNote Online,
RefMan, 310, 311f
RefWorks, 16, 84–85, 84f, 85f
browse and import EndNote library, 85f
Login screen, 84f
selecting export, 124f
Registering for EndNote Online, 301, 301f
Registry Editor, 39, 40f
Relative links to references, 98–99, 99t
converted from absolute links, 101, 102f
setting default setting for, 101, 101f
Remove Hyperlink command, 282
Reverting references, 134–135
Rich Text Format (RTF), 322
Saving references, 133, 189–190
Search panel, 139–142
Searching references, 138–142
by author in EndNote Online, 313–314, 314f
Boolean operators, 139, 141f
comparison operators, 140t
in EndNote Online, 313–314, 314f
launching EndNote Search, 138, 138f
other options, 141–142
performing search, 142
Quick Search, 138, 138f
search options, 139–141
search panel, 139–142, 139f
Selecting references, 130, 132f
multiple references, 130, 131f
from PubMed search, 192f
Select All feature, 131f
single references, 130
using EndNote Online, 313, 314f
Sharing document with others, 257–258
“Show Empty fields” feature in managing
references, 129
Show/Hide empty fields, 92, 93f
Showing references, 137, 137f
Show rating fields, 92
Software programs, example of citing from
World Wide Web (WWW), 288
Software programs, reference management., see
Reference management software
Sorting options, editing, 96f
Sorting references using EndNote Online, 312
Special characters, entering into references,
114–115, 116f
Spell-checking, 115–116
Style., see Output styles
Style Manager, 215
APA 6th style, 218–219, 219f
editing styles, 216–218
examples of editing styles, 218, 217f
favorites, marking styles as, 216, 215f
Format Bibliography command, 217f
opening to cite references from Internet
sources, 292f
output styles, bibliographies, 214–215
overview, 214
selecting CBE style for editing, 292f
Style Editor window, 217f
window, 215, 217f
Subject bibliography, creating, 265–269
customizing, 267, 268f
definition of subject bibliography, 265
generating, 265–267
sample subject bibliography, 268f
saving or printing, 267
selecting subject fields, 266f
selecting subject terms, 267f
Subject Bibliography command, 266f
Subject list, creating in bibliographies,
definition of subject list, 265
generating, 268–267, 270f
“Suggest Terms as You Type” feature, 96
of term lists, 107
Synchronization of EndNote Desktop and
EndNote Online, 317–320
System Configuration utility, 37f–39f
Table/chart references in manuscripts, working
with, 249–255
customizing, 252–253, 253f
CWYW setting for Figures and Tables, 255f
generating a list, 251
inserting in document, 251–252
punctuation for figures and tables, 254f
Tables/charts, managing, 102–106
Technical requirements for EndNote, 20–22
EndNote Online, 300–301
hardware requirements, 20
operating system (OS) requirements, 21–22
word processor compatibility, 22
Templates, manuscript, 221f
Add-Ins, selecting, 47f
Term lists, 107–111
“auto-completion” feature, 107–108, 107f
“auto-update” feature, 108
basic features of, 107
Define Term Lists, selecting, 108f
defined, 107
journal term lists, 108–109, 109f
manually adding terms to, 109, 110f, 111f
Opening Keywords term list, 110f
setting preferences, 112f
“suggest terms as you type” feature, 107–108
turning off, 111
Text Files method, 88
Title, citing references from sources on Internet,
Toggle Field Codes, 257f
Traveling Library, 256–258
creating, 258f
Trial version of EndNote, 21
Typing citations for Format Paper function,
322, 322t
Uninstalling EndNote, 35, 36f
Unreadable characters error message, 38–40
Update Citations and Bibliography command,
Updating, automatically, 35, 35f
URL, citing references from sources on Internet,
281–283, 281f
Vancouver style of referencing, 5, 289, 290, 291f
Web discussion forum posting, example of
citing from World Wide Web
(WWW), 287
Websites, linking references to, 162–164
Windows compatibility to Macintosh, 83
Windows plug-in requirements for EndNote
Online, 301
Windows registry modifications, 38–39
Word., see Microsoft Word
Word processors, 32
checking installation, word processor
support, 32
compatibility, 22
World Wide Web (WWW),
citing references from,
online book, 285
online book chapters, 286
online databases, 286
online graphics, 286
online journal article, 285
online magazine article, 285
online newspaper article, 285
websites, 286
X9 libraries and file compatibility, 81–86
Year, manually entering reference data, 97
Zotero, 11–12

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