كتاب MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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 كتاب MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing    كتاب MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing  Emptyالسبت 03 سبتمبر 2022, 1:58 am

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
MATLAB - TheLanguage of Technical Computing
Julio Salvador  

كتاب MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing  M_l_t_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Development Environment Starting and Quitting MATLAB
1 S
tarting MATLAB 1-3
Starting MATLAB on Windows Platforms 1-3
Starting MATLAB on UNIX Platforms . 1-3
Startup Directory for MATLAB 1-3
Startup Options 1-5
Reducing Startup Time with Toolbox Path Caching 1-10
Quitting MATLAB .1-15 Running a Script
When Quitting MATLAB .1-15 Using the Desktop
2 D
esktop Tools 2-4 Launch
Pad .2-5
Configuring the Desktop 2-7
Opening and Closing Desktop Tools .2-7
Resizing Windows .2-9
Moving Windows .2-10
Using Predefined Desktop Configurations 2-16
Common Desktop Features 2-17
Desktop Toolbar 2-17
Context Menus 2-17
Keyboard Shortcuts and Accelerators . 2-18 Selecting Multiple Items
. 2-19 Using the Clipboard
2-20 Accessing The MathWorks on the Web
. 2-20
Setting Preferences 2-21 General Preferences
for MATLAB 2-23 Running MATLAB Functions
3The Command Windo w 3-2
Opening the Command Window . 3-2
Running Functions and Entering Variables 3-2
Controlling Input and Output 3-4
Running Programs 3-11
Keeping a Session Log .3-12
Preferences for the Command Window .3-13
Command History . 3-17
Viewing Functions in the Command History Window 3-17
Running Functions from the Command History Window .3-18
Copying Functions from the Command History Window 3-19
Getting Help
4 T
ypes of Information 4-3
Using the Help Bro w ser 4-4 Changing the Size of
the Help Browser . 4-5
Using the Help Navigator 4-7 Using the Product
Filter 4-7
Viewing the Contents Listing in the Help Browser . 4-9
Finding Documentation Using the Index 4-11
Searching Documentation . 4-13
Bookmarking Favorite Pages 4-15
Vie w ing Documentation in the Display P ane 4-17
Browsing to Other Pages . 4-18
Bookmarking Pages . 4-18
Revisiting Pages 4-19
Printing Pages . 4-19
Finding Terms in Displayed Pages . 4-19
Copying Information . 4-19
Evaluating a Selection . 4-19
Viewing the Page Source (HTML) . 4-20
Viewing Web Pages . 4-20
Preferences for the Help Bro w ser 4-21
Documentation Location – Specifying the help Directory . 4-22
Product Filter – Limiting the Product Documentation . 4-23
PDF Reader – Specifying Its Location . 4-23
General – Synchronizing the Contents Pane
with the Displayed Page 4-23
Help Fonts Preferences – Specifying Font Name,
Style, and Size . 4-24Printing Documentation 4-26
Printing a Page from the Help Browser 4-26
Printing the PDF Version of Documentation 4-26
Using Help Functions 4-28 Viewing Function
Reference Pages – the doc Function . 4-29 Getting Help in the Command Window – the
help Function . 4-29
Other Methods for Getting Help 4-31
Product-Specific Help Features . 4-31
Running Demos . 4-31
Contacting Technical Support . 4-32
Providing Feedback . 4-32
Getting Version and License Information . 4-32
Accessing Documentation for Other Products . 4-33 Participating in the
Newsgroup for MathWorks Products 4-33 Workspace, Search P ath, and File
5 M
ATLAB Workspace . 5-3
Workspace Browser 5-3
Viewing and Editing Workspace Variables
Using the Array Editor 5-10
Search Path 5-14
How the Search Path Works .5-14
Viewing and Setting the Search Path .5-15
File Operations 5-20
Current Directory Field .5-20
Current Directory Browser 5-20
Viewing and Making Changes to Directories 5-22
Creating, Renaming, Copying, and
Removing Directories and Files 5-23
Opening, Running, and Viewing the Content of Files .5-26
Finding and Replacing Content Within Files 5-28
Preferences for the Current Directory Browser 5-30
Importing and Exporting Data
6 Im
porting Text Data . 6-4
Using the Import Wizard with Text Data 6-4
Using Import Functions with Text Data 6-9Importing Numeric Text Data .6-11
Importing Delimited ASCII Data Files .6-12
Importing Numeric Data with Text Headers 6-13
Importing Mixed Alphabetic and Numeric Data . 6-14
Exporting ASCII Data . 6-16
Exporting Delimited ASCII Data Files . 6-17
Using the diary Command to Export Data 6-18
Importing Binary Data 6-20
Using the Import Wizard with Binary Data Files . 6-20
Using Import Functions with Binary Data . 6-22
Exporting Binary Data 6-25 Exporting MATLAB
Graphs in AVI Format . 6-27
Working w ith HDF Data . 6-29
Overview of MATLAB HDF Support . 6-30
MATLAB HDF Function Calling Conventions 6-31
Importing HDF Data into the MATLAB Workspace . 6-33
Exporting MATLAB Data in an HDF File 6-41
Including Metadata in an HDF File 6-47
Using the MATLAB HDF Utility API . 6-49
Using Lo w-Level File I/O Functions 6-51
Opening Files 6-52
Reading Binary Data . 6-54
Writing Binary Data . 6-55
Controlling Position in a File . 6-56
Reading Strings Line-By-Line from Text Files . 6-58
Reading Formatted ASCII Data 6-59
Writing Formatted Text Files . 6-61
Closing a File . 6-62
Editing and Debugging M-Files
7 S
tarting the Editor/Debugger 7-3
Creating a New M-File in the Editor/Debugger . 7-4
Opening Existing M-Files in the Editor/Debugger . 7-5
Opening the Editor Without Starting MATLAB .7-6 Closing the Editor/Debugger
Creating and Editing M-Files w ith the Editor/Debugger .7-8
Appearance of an M-File .7-8Navigating in an M-File 7-11
Saving M-Files 7-15
Running M-Files from the Editor/Debugger 7-15
Printing an M-File . 7-16
Closing M-Files . 7-16
Debugging M-Files 7-17
Types of Errors 7-17
Finding Errors . 7-17
Debugging Example – The Collatz Problem 7-18
Using Debugging Features 7-22
Preferences for the Editor/Debugger . 7-35
General Preferences for the Editor/Debugger . 7-36
Font & Colors Preferences for the Editor/Debugger 7-37
Display Preferences for the Editor/Debugger 7-38
Keyboard and Indenting Preferences for the Editor/Debugger 7-40
Printing Preferences for the Editor/Debugger . 7-42
Imp roving M-File Performance– the Profiler
8 W
hat Is Profiling? . 8-3
Using the Profiler . 8-4
The profile Function . 8-4
An Example Using the Profiler 8-6
Vie w ing Profiler Results 8-7
Viewing Profile Reports 8-7
Profile Plot 8-12
Saving Profile Reports .8-13
Interfacing with Source Control Systems
9 P
rocess of Interfacing to an SCS . 9-3
Vie w ing or Selecting the Source Control System . 9-4 Function Alternative for
Viewing the SCS . 9-5
Setting Up the Source Control System . 9-6
For SourceSafe Only – Mirroring MATLAB Hierarchy 9-6
For ClearCase on UNIX Only – Set a View and
Check Out a Directory 9-6Checking Files into the Source Control System 9-7 Function Alternative for
Checking In Files 9-8
Checking Files Out of the SCS 9-9
Function Alternative for Checking Out Files 9-10
Undoing the Check-Out .9-10
Using Notebook
Notebook Basics . 10-3
Creating an M-Book 10-3
Entering MATLAB Commands in an M-Book .10-6
Protecting the Integrity of Your Workspace 10-6
Ensuring Data Consistency .10-7
Defining MATLAB Commands as Input Cells 10-8 Defining Cell
Groups .10-8 Defining Autoinit Input
Cells 10-10 Defining Calc Zones
10-10 Converting an Input Cell to Text
Evaluating MATLAB Commands . 10-12 Evaluating Cell
Groups .10-13
Evaluating a Range of Input Cells . 10-14
Evaluating a Calc Zone .10-14
Evaluating an Entire M-Book 10-15
Using a Loop to Evaluate Input Cells Repeatedly 10-15
Converting Output Cells to Text 10-16
Deleting Output Cells 10-17
Printing and Formatting an M-Book . 10-18
Printing an M-Book 10-18
Modifying Styles in the M-Book Template .10-18
Choosing Loose or Compact Format .10-19
Controlling Numeric Output Format .10-20
Controlling Graphic Output .10-20
Configuring Notebook . 10-24
Notebook Command Reference . 10-26
Bring MATLAB to Front Command .10-26
Define Autoinit Cell Command 10-26
Define Calc Zone Command .10-27
Define Input Cell Command 10-27Evaluate Calc Zone Command .10-28
Evaluate Cell Command 10-28
Evaluate Loop Command .10-29
Evaluate M-Book Command 10-30
Group Cells Command 10-30
Hide Cell Markers Command .10-31
Notebook Options Command 10-31
Purge Output Cells Command .10-31
Toggle Graph Output for Cell Command .10-31
Undefine Cells Command 10-32
Ungroup Cells Command .10-32
Mathematics Matrices and Linear Algebra
Function Summary 11-3
Matrices in MATLAB 11-5
Creation 11-5
Addition and Subtraction 11-7
Vector Productsand Transpose 11-7
Matrix Multiplication 11-9
The Identity Matrix .11-11
The Kronecker Tensor Product .11-11
Vector and Matrix Norms .11-12
Solving Linear Systems of Equations . 11-13
Overview .11-13
Square Systems .11-15
Overdetermined Systems 11-15
Underdetermined Systems 11-18
Inverses and Determinants . 11-21
Overview .11-21
Pseudoinverses 11-22
Cholesky, LU, and QR Factorizations . 11-25
Cholesky Factorization 11-25
LU Factorization .11-26
QR Factorization .11-28
Matrix P o w ers and Exponentials 11-32
Eigenvalues . 11-35
Singular Value Decomposition . 11-39 P olynomials and
P olynomials . 12-3
Polynomial Function Summary .12-3
Representing Polynomials .12-4
Polynomial Roots .12-4
Characteristic Polynomials .12-5
Polynomial Evaluation 12-5
Convolution and Deconvolution .12-6
Polynomial Derivatives .12-6
Polynomial Curve Fitting 12-7
Partial Fraction Expansion .12-8
Interpolation 12-10
Interpolation Function Summary .12-10
One-Dimensional Interpolation 12-11
Two-Dimensional Interpolation 12-13
Comparing Interpolation Methods 12-14
Interpolation and Multidimensional Arrays .12-16
Triangulation and Interpolation of Scattered Data .12-19
Tessellation and Interpolation of Scattered Data in
Higher Dimensions 12-27
Selected Bibliography 12-38 Data Analysis and
Column-Oriented Data Sets 13-4
Basic Data Analysis Functions 13-8 Function Summary
.13-8 Covariance and Correlation
Coefficients .13-11 Finite
Differences 13-12
Data Preprocessing 13-14
Missing Values .13-14
Removing Outliers 13-15
Regression and Curve Fitting . 13-17
Polynomial Regression .13-18
Linear-in-the-Parameters Regression .13-19
Multiple Regression .13-21
Case Study: Curve Fitting 13-22
Polynomial Fit 13-22
Analyzing Residuals .13-24Exponential Fit .13-27
Error Bounds 13-30
The Basic Fitting Interface 13-31
Difference Equations and Filtering . 13-40
Fourier Analysis and the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 13-43
Function Summary 13-43
Introduction 13-44
Magnitude and Phase of Transformed Data 13-49
FFT Length Versus Speed 13-50
Function Functions
Function Summary 14-3
Representing Functions in MATLAB 14-4
Plotting Mathematical Functions . 14-6
Minimizing Functions and Finding Zeros . 14-9
Minimizing Functions of One Variable .14-9
Minimizing Functions of Several Variables 14-10
Setting Minimization Options .14-11
Finding Zeros of Functions . 14-12
Tips 14-15
Troubleshooting 14-15
Converting Your Optimization Code to
MATLAB Version 5 Syntax 14-16
Numerical Integration (Quadrature) . 14-19
Example: Computing the Length of a Curve 14-19
Example: Double Integration .14-20
Differential Equations
Initial Value Problems for ODEs and DAEs 15-3
ODE Function Summary .15-3
Introduction to Initial Value ODE Problems .15-6
Initial Value Problem Solvers .15-6
Representing ODE Problems 15-10
Improving ODE Solver Performance .15-16
Examples: Applying the ODE Initial Value Problem Solvers 15-31
Questions and Answers, and Troubleshooting 15-50Boundary Value Problems for ODEs . 15-57
BVP Function Summary .15-57
Introduction to Boundary Value ODE Problems .15-59
Boundary Value Problem Solver .15-60
Representing BVP Problems .15-63
Using Continuation to Make a Good Initial Guess .15-68
Improving BVP Solver Performance .15-75
P artial Differential Equations . 15-82
PDE Function Summary .15-82
Introduction to PDE Problems 15-83
MATLAB Partial Differential Equation Solver .15-84
Representing PDE Problems .15-88
Improving PDE Solver Performance .15-93
Example: Electrodynamics Problem 15-94
Selected Bibliography . 15-99 Sparse Matrices
Function Summary 16-3
Introduction 16-6
Sparse Matrix Storage 16-6
General Storage Information 16-7
Creating Sparse Matrices 16-7
Importing Sparse Matrices from Outside MATLAB .16-12
Vie w ing Sparse Matrices . 16-13
Information About Nonzero Elements 16-13
Viewing Sparse Matrices Graphically .16-15
The find Function and Sparse Matrices 16-16
Example: Adjacency Matrices and Graphs 16-17
Introduction to Adjacency Matrices 16-17
Graphing Using Adjacency Matrices .16-18
The Bucky Ball 16-18
An Airflow Model 16-23
Sparse Matrix Operations . 16-25
Computational Considerations 16-25
Standard Mathematical Operations 16-25
Permutation and Reordering .16-26
Factorization .16-30
Simultaneous Linear Equations 16-36
Eigenvalues and Singular Values .16-39Selected Bibliography 16-42
Programming and Data Types M-File Programming
MATLAB Programming: A Quick Start 17-3
Kinds of M-Files 17-3
What’s in an M-File? .17-4
Providing Help for Your Programs 17-4
Creating M-Files: Accessing Text Editors .17-5
Scripts 17-7 Simple Script
Example 17-7
Functions . 17-8
Simple Function Example .17-8
Basic Parts of a Function M-File .17-9
Function Names 17-11
How Functions Work .17-12
Checking the Number of Function Arguments 17-14
Passing Variable Numbers of Arguments .17-16
Local and Global Variables . 17-19
Persistent Variables 17-20
Special Values .17-21
Data Types 17-22
Key w ords . 17-25
Operators . 17-26
Arithmetic Operators 17-26
Relational Operators .17-28
Logical Operators 17-29
Operator Precedence .17-32
Flo w Control 17-35
if, else, and elseif 17-35
switch .17-37
while .17-39
for .17-40
continue 17-41
break 17-41
try . catch .17-42
return .17-42
Subfunctions 17-43
Private Functions 17-45Subscripting and Indexing . 17-46
Subscripting .17-46
Advanced Indexing .17-51
String Evaluation . 17-54
eval .17-54
feval 17-54
Command/Function Duality 17-56
Empty Matrices . 17-57
Operating on an Empty Matrix 17-57
Using Empty Matrices with If or While .17-58
Errors and Warnings . 17-59
Error Handling with eval and lasterr 17-59
Displaying Error and Warning Messages 17-60
Dates and Times 17-62
Date Formats .17-62
Current Date and Time 17-67
Obtaining User Input 17-69
Prompting for Keyboard Input .17-69
Pausing During Execution .17-69
Shell Escape Functions 17-70
Optimizing MATLAB Code . 17-71
Vectorizing Loops .17-71
Preallocating Arrays 17-73
Making Efficient Use of Memory 17-74
Character Arrays (Strings)
Character Arrays 18-5
Creating Character Arrays .18-5
Creating Two-Dimensional Character Arrays .18-6
Converting Characters to Numeric Values .18-7
Cell Arrays of Strings 18-8 Converting to a Cell
Array of Strings 18-8
String Comparisons 18-10
Comparing Strings For Equality .18-10
Comparing for Equality Using Operators .18-11Categorizing Characters Within a String .18-12
Searching and Replacing . 18-13
String/Numeric Conversion . 18-15 Array/String
Conversion .18-16 Multidimensional Arrays
Multidimensional Arrays . 19-3
Creating Multidimensional Arrays .19-4
Accessing Multidimensional Array Properties 19-8
Indexing 19-9
Reshaping .19-10
Permuting Array Dimensions 19-12
Computing w ith Multidimensional Arrays . 19-14
Operating on Vectors 19-14
Operating Element-by-Element 19-14
Operating on Planes and Matrices .19-15
Organizing Data in Multidimensional Arrays 19-16
Multidimensional Cell Arrays 19-18 Multidimensional
Structure Arrays . 19-19 Applying Functions to Multidimensional
Structure Arrays . 19-20 Structures and Cell Arrays
Structures . 20-4
Building Structure Arrays .20-5
Accessing Data in Structure Arrays 20-7
Finding the size of Structure Arrays .20-10
Adding Fields to Structures 20-10
Deleting Fields from Structures 20-10
Applying Functions and Operators .20-10
Writing Functions to Operate on Structures .20-11
Organizing Data in Structure Arrays .20-12
Nesting Structures 20-17
Cell Arrays 20-19
Creating Cell Arrays .20-20
Obtaining Data from Cell Arrays 20-23
Deleting Cells 20-24
Reshaping Cell Arrays .20-25
Replacing Lists of Variables with Cell Arrays 20-25
Applying Functions and Operators .20-27Organizing Data in Cell Arrays . 20-27
Nesting Cell Arrays 20-29
Converting Between Cell and Numeric Arrays 20-30
Cell Arrays of Structures 20-31
Function Handles
Benefits of Using Function Handles 21-3 A Simple Function
Handle 21-5
Constructing a Function Handle . 21-7 Maximum Length of a
Function Name .21-7
Evaluating a Function Through Its Handle 21-9 Function Evaluation
and Overloading 21-9 Examples of Function Handle
Evaluation .21-10
Displaying Function Handle Information . 21-13
Fields Returned by the Functions Command 21-14
Types of Function Handles 21-17
Function Handle Operations . 21-21
Converting Function Handles to Function Names 21-21
Converting Function Names to Function Handles 21-22
Testing for Data Type 21-23
Testing for Equality 21-23
Saving and Loading Function Handles . 21-25
Handling Error Conditions 21-26
Handles to Nonexistent Functions 21-26
Including Path In the Function Handle Constructor 21-26
Evaluating a Nonscalar Function Handle .21-27
Historical Note - Evaluating Function Names . 21-28 MATLAB Classes
and Objects
Classes and Objects: An Overvie w 22-3
Features of Object-Oriented Programming .22-3
MATLAB Data Class Hierarchy 22-4
Creating Objects 22-4
Invoking Methods on Objects 22-5
Private Methods 22-6
Helper Functions .22-6Debugging Class Methods .22-6
Setting Up Class Directories .22-7
Data Structure 22-8
Tips for C++ and Java Programmers 22-8
Designing User Classes in MATLAB 22-9 The MATLAB
Canonical Class .22-9 The Class Constructor
Method 22-10 Examples of Constructor Methods
22-11 Identifying Objects Outside the Class
Directory .22-11 The display Method .22-
12 Accessing Object Data .22-13 The set and get Methods
.22-13 Indexed Reference Using subsref and
subsasgn 22-14 Handling Subscripted Reference .22-
14 Handling Subscripted Assignment 22-17 Object Indexing Within
Methods 22-17 Defining end Indexing for an Object
.22-18 Indexing an Object with Another
Object .22-19 Converter
Methods 22-20
Overloading Operators and Functions . 22-21
Overloading Operators 22-21
Overloading Functions 22-23
Example - A P olynomial Class . 22-24
Polynom Data Structure .22-24
Polynom Methods 22-24
The Polynom Constructor Method 22-24
Converter Methods for the Polynom Class 22-25
The Polynom display Method . 22-28
The Polynom subsref Method .22-28
Overloading Arithmetic Operators for polynom .22-29
Overloading Functions for the Polynom Class .22-31
Listing Class Methods .22-33
Building on Other Classes 22-35
Simple Inheritance .22-35
Multiple Inheritance 22-36
Aggregation 22-37
Example - Assets and Asset Subclasses 22-38
Inheritance Model for the Asset Class .22-38
Asset Class Design .22-39
Other Asset Methods 22-39
The Asset Constructor Method .22-39
The Asset get Method .22-41
The Asset set Method 22-41The Asset subsref Method 22-42
The Asset subsasgn Method .22-43
The Asset display Method 22-44
The Asset fieldcount Method 22-45
Designing the Stock Class 22-45
The Stock Constructor Method .22-46
The Stock get Method .22-48
The Stock set Method .22-48
The Stock subsref Method .22-49
The Stock subsasgn Method .22-51
The Stock display Method 22-52
Example - The Portfolio Container 22-54
Designing the Portfolio Class .22-54
The Portfolio Constructor Method 22-55
The Portfolio display Method .22-56
The Portfolio pie3 Method 22-57
Creating a Portfolio 22-58
Saving and Loading Objects 22-60 Modifying Objects
During Save or Load .22-60
Example - Defining saveobj and loadobj for P ortfolio . . . 22-61 Summary of Code Changes
.22-61 The saveobj Method
22-62 The loadobj
Method .22-62 Changing the Portfolio Constructor
22-63 The Portfolio subsref
Method 22-64
Object Precedence .22-65 Specifying
Precedence of User-Defined Classes 22-66
Ho w MATLAB Determines Which Method to Call 22-67
Selecting a Method 22-67
Querying Which Method MATLAB Will Call 22-70
External Interfaces and the MATLAB API
A Fi
nding the Documentation in Online Help A-2
Reference Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4 xxii Contents
tarting and Quitting MATLAB
Starting MATLAB 1-3Starting MATLAB on Windows Platforms 1-3
Starting MATLAB on UNIX Platforms .1-3
Startup Directory for MATLAB 1-3
Startup Options 1-5
Reducing Startup Time with Toolbox Path Caching .1-10
Quitting MATLAB 1-15
Running a Script When Quitting MATLAB 1-15
These sections describe how to start and quit MATLAB, including options associated with
starting and quitting.
• “Starting MATLAB on Windows Platforms” on page 1-3
•“Starting MATLAB on UNIX Platforms” on page 1-3
•“Startup Directory for MATLAB” on page 1-3
•“Startup Options” on page 1-5
•“Reducing Startup Time with Toolbox Path Caching” on page 1-10
•“Quitting MATLAB” on page 1-15
•“Running a Script When Quitting MATLAB” on page 1-15


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 مواضيع مماثلة
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