كتاب FE Mechanical Exams - Two Practice Exams with Step by Step Solutions
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 كتاب FE Mechanical Exams - Two Practice Exams with Step by Step Solutions

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عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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FE Mechanical Exams - Two Practice Exams with Step by Step Solutions
Mohammad Iqbal DSc PE SE Esq. , Ali Iqbal PE

كتاب FE Mechanical Exams - Two Practice Exams with Step by Step Solutions  F_e_m_20
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Preface and Acknowledgments
How to Use This Book
NCEES Handbook Sections by Problem Number
Practice Exam 1
Exam 1 Instructions
Exam 1
Practice Exam 2
Exam 2 Instructions
Exam 2
NCEES Handbook Sections by Problem Number: Exam 1
problem chapter section
1 Mathematics Straight Line
2 Mathematics Indefinite Integrals
3 Mathematics First-Order Linear Homogeneous
Differential Equations with Constant
4 Mathematics Vectors
5 Mathematics Taylor’s Series
6 Mathematics
7 Mathematics Determinants
8 Mathematics L’Hospital’s Rule (L’Hôpital’s Rule)
9 Engineering Probability and Statistics Permutations and Combinations
10 Engineering Probability and Statistics Dispersion, Mean, Median, and Mode
11 Engineering Probability and Statistics Dispersion, Mean, Median, and Mode
12 Engineering Probability and Statistics Linear Regression and Goodness of Fit
13 Engineering Probability and Statistics Laws of Probability
14 Ethics and Professional Practice Code of Ethics
15 Ethics and Professional Practice Model Rules
16 Ethics and Professional Practice Intellectual Property
17 Ethics and Professional Practice Societal Considerations
18 Ethics and Professional Practice Societal Considerations
19 Ethics and Professional Practice Model Rules
20 Engineering Economics Single Payment Compound Amount
21 Engineering Economics Interest Rate Tables
22 Engineering Economics Differential Calculus
23 Engineering Economics Breakeven Analysis
24 Engineering Economics Depreciation
25 Engineering Economics Interest Rate Tables
26 Electrical and Computer Engineering Kirchhoff’s Laws
27 Electrical and Computer Engineering Resistors in Series and ParallelNCEES Handbook Sections by Problem Number: Exam 1
problem chapter section
28 Electrical and Computer Engineering Kirchhoff’s Laws
29 Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrostatic Fields
30 Electrical and Computer Engineering AC Machines
31 Statics Resolution of a Force
32 Statics Moments (Couples)
33 Statics Equilibrium Requirements
34 Statics Plane Truss: Method of Joints
35 Civil Engineering Stability, Determinacy, and Classification
of Structures
36 Statics Centroids of Masses, Areas, Lengths, and
37 Statics Moment of Inertia
NCEES Handbook Sections by Problem Number: Exam 1 (cont’d)
problem chapter section
38 Statics Belt Friction
39 Statics Friction
40 Statics Equilibrium Requirements
41 Dynamics Constant Acceleration
42 Dynamics Friction
43 Dynamics Kinetic Energy
44 Dynamics Impulse and Momentum Impact
45 Dynamics Free and Forced Vibration
46 Dynamics Linear Momentum
47 Dynamics Kinetic Energy
48 Dynamics Constant Acceleration
49 Dynamics Friction
50 Dynamics Kinetics of a Rigid Body
51 Mechanics of Materials Uniaxial Loading and Deformation
Material Properties
52 Mechanics of Materials Shear Stress-Strain
53 Mechanics of Materials Columns
Statics Area Moment of Inertia
54 Mechanics of Materials Thermal Deformations
55 Mechanics of Materials Beams
Simply Supported Beam Slopes and
56 Mechanics of Materials Torsional Strain
57 Mechanics of Materials Deflection of Beams
58 Mechanics of Materials Uniaxial Loading and Deformation
59 Mechanics of Materials Stresses in Beams
60 Mechanics of Materials Mohr’s Circle—Stress, 2D
61 Mechanics of Materials Mohr’s Circle—Stress, 2D
62 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Corrosion
63 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Mechanical64 Mechanical Engineering Variable Loading Failure Theories
65 Mechanics of Materials Uniaxial Stress-Strain
66 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Composite Materials
67 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Iron-Iron Carbide Phase Diagram
68 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Material Properties
69 Fluid Mechanics Reynolds Number
70 Fluid Mechanics The Pressure Field in a Static Liquid
71 Dynamics Particle Kinetics
Fluid Mechanics Deflectors and Blades
The Impulse-Momentum Principle
72 Fluid Mechanics Energy Equation
73 Fluid Mechanics Drag Force
Drag Coefficient for Spheres, Disks, and
74 Fluid Mechanics Compressible FlowNCEES Handbook Sections by Problem Number: Exam 1 (cont’d)
problem chapter section
75 Mechanics of Materials Torsional Strain
Fluid Mechanics Stress, Pressure, and Viscosity
76 Fluid Mechanics Consequences of Fluid Flow
Principles of One-Dimensional Fluid Flow:
Energy Equation
77 Fluid Mechanics Performance of Components
78 Fluid Mechanics Deflectors and Blades
79 Thermodynamics Properties for Two-Phase (vapor-liquid)
80 Thermodynamics First Law of Thermodynamics
81 Thermodynamics First Law of Thermodynamics
82 Thermodynamics Mollier (h, s) Diagram for Steam
83 Mechanical Engineering Cycles and Processes
84 Thermodynamics Basic Cycles
85 Thermodynamics Cycles and Processes
Pressure Versus Enthalpy Curves for
Refrigerant 410A (USCS units)
Refrigerant 410A [R-32/125 (50/50)]
86 Thermodynamics Entropy
87 Thermodynamics ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart No. 1
88 Thermodynamics Heats of Reaction: Combustion Processes
89 Heat Transfer Basic Heat-Transfer Rate Equations
90 Heat Transfer Conduction
91 Heat Transfer Convection
92 Heat Transfer Radiation
93 Heat Transfer Transient Conduction Using the Lumped
Capacitance Model
94 Heat Transfer Basic Heat-Transfer Rate Equations
95 Heat Transfer Conduction Through a Cylindrical Wall
96 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Measurement97 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Control Systems
98 Dynamics Free and Forced Vibration
99 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Measurement Uncertainty
100 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Control Systems
101 Mechanical Engineering Gearing
102 Mechanical Engineering Modified Goodman Theory
103 Mechanics of Materials Simply Supported Beam Slopes and
Mechanical Engineering Springs
104 Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Springs
105 Mechanics of Materials Cylindrical Pressure Vessel
106 Mechanical Engineering Bearings
107 Statics Screw Thread
108 Statics Belt Friction
109 Mechanics of Materials Joining Methods
110 Mechanical Engineering ManufacturabilityNCEES Handbook Sections by Problem Number: Exam 2
problem chapter section
111 Mathematics Straight Line
112 Mathematics Derivatives
113 Mathematics Second-Order Linear Homogeneous
Differential Equations with Constant
114 Mathematics Matrices
115 Mathematics Newton’s Method for Root Extraction
116 Mathematics Software Engineering
117 Mathematics Test for a Point of Inflection
118 Mathematics Indefinite Integrals
119 Engineering Probability and Statistics Permutations and Combinations
120 Engineering Probability and Statistics Dispersion, Mean, Median, and Mode
121 Engineering Probability and Statistics Dispersion, Mean, Median, and Mode
122 Engineering Probability and Statistics Linear Regression and Goodness of Fit
123 Engineering Probability and Statistics Test Statistics
Normal Distribution (Gaussian
124 Ethics and Professional Practice Code of Ethics
125 Ethics and Professional Practice Intellectual Property
126 Ethics and Professional Practice Intellectual Property
127 Ethics and Professional Practice Model Rules, Section 240.15 Rules of
Professional Conduct
128 Ethics and Professional Practice Model Rules, Section 240.15 Rules of
Professional Conduct
Societal Considerations
129 Ethics and Professional Practice Model Rules, Section 240.15 Rules of
Professional Conduct
130 Engineering Economics Capitalized Costs
131 Engineering Economics Interest Rate Tables
132 Engineering Economics Breakeven Analysis133 Engineering Economics Interest Rate Tables
134 Engineering Economics Interest Rate Tables
135 Engineering Economics Interest Rate Tables
136 Electrical and Computer Engineering Capacitors and Inductors
137 Electrical and Computer Engineering Capacitors and Inductors
138 Electrical and Computer Engineering Source Equivalents
139 Electrical and Computer Engineering Effective or RMS Values
140 Electrical and Computer Engineering DC Machines
Rotating Machines (General)
141 Statics Equilibrium Requirements
142 Statics Resolution of a Force
143 Statics Systems of Forces
144 Statics Statically Determinate Truss
145 Statics Plane Truss: Method of Sections
146 Statics Centroids of Masses, Areas, Lengths, and
147 Statics Area Moment of Inertia
148 Statics Friction
149 Statics Belt Friction
Rotating Machines (General)
150 Statics Plane Truss: Method of Joints
151 Dynamics Work
152 Dynamics Particle KineticsNCEES Handbook Sections by Problem Number: Exam 2 (cont’d)
problem chapter section
153 Dynamics Particle Kinetics
154 Dynamics Potential Energy
155 Dynamics Constant Acceleration
156 Dynamics Kinematics of a Rigid Body
157 Statics Centroids of Masses, Areas, Lengths, and
Dynamics Kinematics of a Rigid Body
Mass Moment of Inertia
158 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Impact Test
Dynamics Potential Energy
159 Dynamics Kinetic Energy and Work
160 Dynamics Free and Forced Vibration
161 Statics Area Moment of Inertia
Mechanics of Materials Beams: Shearing Force and Bending
162 Mechanics of Materials Mohr’s Circle—Stress, 2D
163 Mechanics of Materials Uniaxial Loading and Deformation
Material Properties
164 Mechanics of Materials Deflection of Beams
165 Mechanics of Materials Torsional Strain
166 Mechanics of Materials Shear Stress-Strain
167 Mechanics of Materials Thermal Deformations
168 Mechanical Engineering Fastener Groups in Shear
169 Mechanics of Materials Simply Supported Beam Slopes and
170 Mechanics of Materials Columns
Civil Engineering W Shapes Dimensions and Properties
171 Civil Engineering Beam Stiffness and Moment Carryover
172 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Relationship Between Hardness and
Tensile Strength
173 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Properties of Materials: Mechanical174 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Representative Values of Fracture
175 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Hardenability
176 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Thermal and Mechanical Processing
177 Chemistry and Biology Standard Oxidation Potentials for
Corrosion Reactions
Materials Science/Structure of Matter Corrosion
178 Mechanics of Materials Average Mechanical Properties of Typical
Engineering Materials
179 Units and Conversion Factors
180 Fluid Mechanics Forces on Submerged Surfaces and the
Center of Pressure
181 Fluid Mechanics Deflectors and Blades
Properties of Water
182 Fluid Mechanics Stress, Pressure, and Viscosity
183 Fluid Mechanics Drag Force
184 Thermodynamics
Fluid Mechanics Isentropic Flow Relationships
185 Fluid Mechanics Consequences of Fluid Flow
186 Fluid Mechanics Fluid Flow Machinery
187 Fluid Mechanics Performance of Components
188 Fluid Mechanics Dimensional Homogeneity
189 Thermodynamics PVT Behavior
190 Thermodynamics Closed Thermodynamic SystemNCEES Handbook Sections by Problem Number: Exam 2 (cont’d)
problem chapter section
191 Thermodynamics Ideal Gas
Thermal and Physical Property Tables
192 Thermodynamics Steady-Flow Systems
193 Thermodynamics Mollier (h, s) Diagram for Steam
194 Thermodynamics Thermal and Physical Property Tables
Mechanical Engineering Cycles and Processes
195 Thermodynamics Basic Cycles
P-h Diagram for Refrigerant HFC-134a
Common Thermodynamic Cycles
196 Thermodynamics Special Cases of Steady-Flow Energy
197 Thermodynamics Psychrometric Chart
198 Chemistry and Biology
Thermodynamics Heats of Reaction
199 Heat Transfer Thermal Resistance (R)
Composite Plane Wall
200 Heat Transfer Shape Factor (View Factor, Configuration
Factor) Relations
201 Heat Transfer Net Energy Exchange by Radiation
between Two Bodies
202 Heat Transfer Basic Heat-Transfer Rate Equations
203 Materials Science/Structure of Matter Properties of Metals
Heat Transfer Approximate Solution for Solid with
Sudden Convection
204 Heat Transfer Heat Exchangers
205 Heat Transfer Biot Number
206 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Control Systems
207 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Control Systems
208 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Measurement Uncertainty209 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Strain Transducers
210 Instrumentation, Measurement, and
Temperature Sensors
211 Mechanical Engineering Power Transmission: Shafts and Axles
212 Mechanical Engineering Power Transmission: Shafts and Axles
213 Mechanical Engineering Joining Methods
214 Mechanical Engineering Springs
215 Statics
Mechanical Engineering Screw Thread
216 Mechanical Engineering Brake Power
217 Mechanical Engineering Joining Methods
218 Mechanical Engineering Industrial and Systems Engineering:
219 Mechanical Engineering Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
220 Mechanical Engineering Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

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