كتاب Selection of Engineering Materials and Adhesives
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Selection of Engineering Materials and Adhesives

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Selection of Engineering Materials and Adhesives
Lawrence W. Fisher, P.E.

كتاب Selection of Engineering Materials and Adhesives  S_o_e_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Introduction to Material Selection 1
Design Methodology 5
Selection Methodology 8
Selection of Metals 15
Selection of Plastics 16
Selection of Adhesives 17
Understanding Designs and Their Behavior 19
2 Structure of Materials 21
Atomic Elements and Structures 21
The Atom and Subatomic Particles 22
The Quantum Numbers 24
Atomic Bonding 25
Ionic Bonding 27
Covalent Bonding 28
Metallic Bonding 30
Secondary Bonds 32
Mixed Types 33
Crystal Structure 34
Lattice and Unit Cell 35
Crystal Systems 36
Miller Indices and Crystallographic Planes 37
Lattice Positions 38
Lattice Directions 40
Crystallographic Planes 40
Polymorphism 41
Main Metallic Crystal Structures 43
Body-Centered Cubic (BCC) 43
Face-Centered Cubic 44
Hexagonal Close-Packed (HCP) 44
Noncrystalline (Amorphous) Structures 45
Structure of Polymers 46
Molecular Chains 48Polymer Classification and Molecular
Structure 50
Thermoplastics 50
Thermosets 50
Elastomers 51
Glass Transition Temperature 51
Mixed Structures 52
Crystallinity in Polymers 53
Structure and Strength of Materials 54
Single Crystals and Alloys 55
Strengthening Mechanisms in Metallic Alloys 57
Alloying or Solid Solution
Strengthening 57
Strain Hardening 58
Grain Refinement 59
Precipitation Hardening 59
Strengthening of Polymers 59
Additives in Polymers 60
In Summary 61
3 Material Properties and Behaviors 65
Mechanical Properties 68
Structural Properties 70
Stress, Strain, and Young’s Modulus 70
Flexural Strength 75
Toughness 76
Fracture Toughness 76
Notch Sensitivity 77
Process Properties 77
Surface Finish 78
Heat Treatability 83
Formability 85
Life Properties 91
Impact Strength 91
Hardness 91
Fatigue 93
Creep 97
PV Limit 99
Chemical 99
Corrosion Resistance 99
vi ContentsMicrostructure 102
Crystal Structure 102
Molecular Weight 103
Physical 103
Mass Properties 104
Physical Properties 104
Thermal Properties 105
Electrical Properties 107
Magnetic Properties 110
Radiation Properties 111
Optical Properties 113
Refractive Index 113
Transmittance 114
Haze 116
Reflectivity 117
Form and Finish Properties 117
In Summary 118
Reference 118
4 Ferrous Metals 119
Classifications 127
Carbon Steels 127
Properties and Designations 130
Fabrication Processes 140
Raw and Stock Finishes 142
Processing Considerations 145
Common Grades 159
Alloy Steels 160
Properties and Designations 163
Fabrication Processes 174
Raw and Stock Finishes 175
Processing Considerations 175
Common Grades 179
Stainless Steels 179
Austenitic 183
Ferritic 185
Martensitic 186
Precipitation-Hardened (PH) 187
Duplex 188
Proprietary Alloys 189
Contents viiProperties and Designations 190
Manufacturing Process 202
Raw and Stock Finishes 202
Processing Considerations 204
Common Grades 208
Tool Steels 208
Properties and Designations 210
Cold Working Tool Steels 219
Hot Working Tool Steels 221
High-Speed Tool Steels 223
Specialty Tool Steels 224
Super Hard Tool Materials 226
Fabrication Processes 227
Raw and Stock Finishes 228
Processing Considerations 228
Common Grades 232
Cast Iron Materials 233
Properties and Designations 235
Fabrication Processes 253
Raw and Stock Finishes 255
Processing Considerations 256
Common Grades 258
Selection Considerations 259
Performance Objectives 261
Selection Methodologies 265
5 Nonferrous Metals 267
Classifications 268
Aluminum Alloys 268
Properties and Designations 270
Fabrication Processes 274
Raw and Stock Finishes 277
Processing Considerations 277
Commonly Used Aluminums 282
Copper and Copper Alloys 284
Properties and Designations 287
Fabrication Processes 292
Raw and Stock Finishes 292
viii ContentsProcessing Considerations 292
Commonly Used Copper Alloys 295
Titanium 296
Properties and Designations 299
Fabrication Processes 304
Raw and Stock Finishes 304
Processing Considerations 305
Commonly Used Titanium 306
Magnesium 307
Properties and Designations 308
Fabrication Processes 312
Raw and Stock Finishes 313
Processing Considerations 314
Commonly Used Magnesium 316
Tungsten 316
Properties and Designations 317
Fabrication Processes 322
Raw and Stock Finishes 323
Processing Considerations 323
Commonly Used Tungsten 325
Selection Considerations 325
Performance Objectives 330
Selection Methodologies 332
6 Engineering Plastics 337
Properties 341
Structure 344
Molecular Weight (MW) 344
Linear and Branched Polymers 346
Cross-Linked or Networked Polymers 346
Crystalline 346
Amorphous 347
Transition Temperatures 347
Porosity 348
Thermoplastics 348
Thermosets 349
Classifications 350
Contents ixUltra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
(UHMWPE) 352
Properties and Designations 352
Coefficient of Friction 352
Wear-Resistance 352
Fabrication Processes 356
Raw, Stock, and Mold Finishes 357
Additional Considerations 357
Commonly Used UHMWPE 358
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) 358
Properties and Designations 359
Fabrication Processes 363
Raw, Stock, and Mold Finishes 364
Additional Processing Considerations 364
Commonly Used PVC 365
Acrylics 365
Properties and Designations 366
Fabrication Processes 369
Raw, Stock, and Mold Finishes 369
Additional Processing Considerations 370
Commonly Used Acrylics 371
Polycarbonate 371
Properties and Designations 371
Fabrication Processes 374
Raw, Stock, and Mold Finishes 374
Additional Processing Considerations 374
Commonly Used Polycarbonates 375
Nylon (Polyamides) 375
Properties and Designations 376
Fabrication Processes 379
Raw, Stock, and Mold Finishes 379
Additional Processing Considerations 380
Commonly Used Nylons 381
Acetal 381
Properties and Designations 382
Fabrication Processes 385
Raw, Stock, and Mold Finishes 385
Additional Processing Considerations 385
Commonly Used Acetals 386
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene 387
x ContentsProperties and Designations 387
Fabrication Processes 390
Raw, Stock, and Mold Finishes 390
Additional Processing Considerations 391
Commonly Used ABS 392
Polyimide 392
Properties and Designations 393
Fabrication Processes 395
Raw, Stock, and Mold Finishes 396
Additional Processing Considerations 396
Commonly Used Polyimides 397
Commodity Plastics 397
Polyethylene 398
Polypropylene 399
Polystyrene 400
Compounding 401
Alloying and Blending 401
Fillers and Reinforcements 402
Additives 404
Selection Considerations 404
Performance Objectives 405
Selection Methodologies 421
Mechanical Properties 421
Chemical-Resistance 423
7 Adhesives 431
Introduction 431
Rheology of Liquids 437
Adhesion Theory 440
Mechanical Interlocking Theory 442
Wettability Theory 443
Weak Boundary Layer Theory 445
Diffusion Theory 446
Electrostatic Theory 447
Covalent Bonding Theory 447
Forms 448
Storage 451
Cure Methods 452
Classifications 454
Reactive Acrylics 454
Contents xiMechanical 454
Bonding Issues 455
Surface Preparation 455
Performance 456
Anaerobic 456
Mechanical 457
Bonding Issues 457
Surface Preparation 458
Performance 458
Cyanoacrylate 458
Mechanical 458
Bonding Issues 459
Surface Preparation 459
Performance 460
Epoxy 460
Mechanical 461
Bonding Issues 461
Surface Preparation 461
Performance 462
Explosive Bonding 463
Mechanical 463
Bonding Issues 463
Surface Preparation 463
Performance 464
Polyimide 464
Mechanical 464
Bonding Issues 465
Surface Preparation 465
Performance 465
Polyurethane 466
Mechanical 466
Bonding Issues 467
Surface Preparation 467
Performance 467
Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives 468
Mechanical 468
Bonding Issues 469
xii ContentsSurface Preparation 470
Performance 470
Silicone 471
Mechanical 472
Bonding Issues 472
Surface Preparation 472
Performance 473
Solvent Bonding 473
Mechanical 474
Bonding Issues 475
Surface Preparation 476
Performance 476
Hot Melts 477
Mechanical 477
Bonding Issues 478
Surface Preparation 478
Performance 479
Solvent-Based Thermoplastics 480
Mechanical 480
Bonding Issues 480
Surface Preparation 481
Performance 481
Water-Based Thermoplastics 482
Mechanical 482
Bonding Issues 482
Surface Preparation 483
Performance 483
UV-Curable 483
Mechanical 484
Bonding Issues 485
Surface Preparation 485
Performance 485
Joint Design 486
Joint Configurations 492
Metallics 493
Polymers 494
Elastomers 495
Contents xiiiCeramics/Glass 495
Joints 496
Joint Enhancements 499
Preparation 500
Curing 502
Evaluation 512
Selection Considerations 515
Performance Requirements 520
Adhesive Review 521
Selection Methodologies 528
Appendix 535
Index 567

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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