كتاب Basic Mechanics with Engineering Applications
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Basic Mechanics with Engineering Applications

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عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Basic Mechanics with Engineering Applications
J. N. FawceH and J. S. Burdess

كتاب Basic Mechanics with Engineering Applications  B_m_w_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface v
1. Kinematics 1
Basic Theory
1.1 Vector quantities 1
1.2 Motion of a point 3
1.3 Motion of a point along a straight line 4
1.4 Angular motion 12
1.5 Motion of a point in a plane 13
1.6 Plane motion of a rigid body 23
Engineering Applications
1.1 Rolling wheel 33
1.2 Belt and chain drives 36
1.3 Toothed gearing 37
1.4 Epicylic gear trains 39
1.5 Eccentric cam mechanism 41
1.6 Slider crank mechanism 43
1.7 Four bar linkage 48
Exercises 56
2. Newton's laws of motion 64
2.1 Laws of motion 64
2.2 Units 65
3. Statics 66
Basic Theory
3.1 Introduction 66
3.2 Equilibrium of a particle in a plane 66
3.3 Equilibrium of rigid bodies 70
3.4 Alternative formulations of equilibrium conditions 75
3.5 Special cases 80
3.6 Distributed forces 83
3.7 Centres of mass 86
3.8 Internal forces 94
3.9 Connected systems 99viii Contents
Engineering Applications
3.1 Frameworks 105
3.2 Toggle linkage 110
3.3 Lifting tongs 112
3.4 Wall crane 118
3.5 Power transmission systems 121
3.6 Shear forces and bending moments in beams 134
Exercises 138
4. Dynamics 152
Basic Theory
4.1 Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies 152
4.2 Dynamics of a particle 152
4.3 Application of Newton's laws to rigid bodies 157
4.4 Moment of inertia 174
Engineering Applications
4.1 Turbo generator 185
4.2 Pendulum accelerometer 187
4.3 Eccentric cam mechanism 188
4.4 Belt drive 191
4.5 Winches and hoists 194
4.6 Balancing of rotating systems 200
4.7 The slider crank mechanism 204
4.8 Balancing of reciprocating machines 209
4.9 Robot arm 211
4.10 Vibration and vibration isolation 214
Exercises 224
5. Work and Energy 235
Basic Theory
5.1 Work done by a force 235
5.2 Conservative and non-conservative forces 241
5.3 Power 245
5.4 Internal energy 247
5.5 Potential energy 250
5.6 Kinetic energy 253
5.7 Strain energy 268
5.8 Thermal energy 276
Engineering Applications
5.1 Child's toy 277
5.2 Lift system 280
5.3 Flywheel press 283Contents ix
5.4 Circuit breaker 289
5.5 Disc brake 295
Exercises 300
6. Impulse and Momentum 308
Basic Theory
6.1 Linear momentum 308
6.2 Angular momentum 321
6.3 Impacts involving rigid bodies 339
Engineering Applications
6.1 Surveillance satellite 355
6.2 Robot arm 357
6.3 Friction clutch 360
Exercises 366
7. Momentum and mass transfer 376
Basic Theory
7.1 Variable mass and fluid flow systems 376
7.2 Conditions for steady flow 381
Engineering Applications
7.1 Impulse turbine 385
Exercises 389
Solutions to Exercises 393
Index 40
Absolute angular momentum 321
closed system of particles 323
particle 321
rate of change 325
rigid body 325
Acceleration 5
diagram 46
relative 22, 26
Adiabatic 248
Amplitude of vibration 220
acceleration 13, 25
displacement 13
impulse 323, 325, 346, 347, 350
momentum 321
position 12
velocity 13, 25
Balance masses 210
counter rotating 210
Balancing 201, 204
static 201, 203, 204
partial 210
Bal\bearing 103
Base circle 128, 129
Beams 134
Bearings 185
Belt 124
drive 37, 191
stretch 194
Bending 137
moments 135, 127
Blades 385
efficiency 388
Body rigid 23,70
Built-in 105
Cam 42
profile 42
Cam mechanism 41, 188
eccentric 41
Cantilevered spring 271
Capstan 127
Cartesian coordinates 13
of mass 86, 119, 161, 164, 173,200,
of gravity 86
of percussion 170, 349
Centroid 84, 91, 119
Chain drive 36
Child's toy 277
Circuit breaker 289
Circular path 201
Closed system 247
offriction 101,117,122,174,189,
of restitution 313,315
Coherent units 65
Common tangent 129
Compatibility 70
Complex shapes 183
Connected bodies 28,99, 197
Connecting rod 204, 291
Connection 105
Conservation of energy-principle 249
Conservative forces 241
Constraints 69
kinematic 165, 185, 213
Contact 99
elastic 310
force 102,313,314
period 310
surfaces 117,310
Coordinates 13
Cartesian 13
polar 14, 17
Counterbalance 211,358
Couple 73
out of balance 202
Crank 104, 209, 283, 291
slider 291
Curved path 239
Cylinder 181404 Index
D'Alembert's principle 154, 156
Dampers 221
static 215
Degrees of freedom 4, 17,28,30,70,
Derived units 65
acceleration 27, 46, 55
velocity 27, 44, 53
Disc thin 179
Displacement 4
Distributed force 83, 84
Drum 127
cylindrical 196
Dynamic tension 193
Electric motor 283
Engine 29
Equilibrium 65, 66
Equivalent force 83, 84
Error signal 355
External force 70, 73, 94, 320, 325
Finite displacement 237
First Law of Thermodynamics 235, 248,
Flank tooth 129
Fluid flow systems 376
Flywheel 283
press 283
Follower 41
flat 42
Four bar linkage 31,48,204
crank-rocker 48
rocker-rocker 49
aerodynamic 214
conservative 241
contact 102, 191
damping 221
distributed 83, 84
disturbing 220
equivalent 83, 84
external 70, 73, 94, 320, 325
internal 70, 73, 94, 158, 320, 325
non-parallel 81
out of balance 201,202,209,214
parallel 73
periodic 214
resultant 67
shear 137
tooth contact 198
transmitted 222
Frame of reference 3, 64, 329, 333
Frameworks 105
Free body diagram 68, 69, 78, 82, 95,
96, 106-109
forcing 219
natural 218
Friction 101, 217
angle 102
clutch 121, 360
force 101, 295
internal 316
torque 124
contact 99
pin joint 103
box 130, 247, 280, 360
epicyclic 39
internally toothed 38
planet 39
ratio 37,41
ring 38,39
teeth 37, 100, 198
train 38, 196
wheel 196
Gearing 128
General plane motion 26,211,261,350
Gravitational attraction 250
Gravity 243
Gripper 211
Heat 248, 297
adiabatic 248
isothermal 249
specific 276
Heat transfer coefficient 298
Helical spring 270
Hoists 194
Hysteresis 217,316
Impact 310,312
normal 313
involving rigid bodies 339
Impulse of a force 309,339,344,347,
turbine 385
Inertial 64
Instantaneous centre 27, 35, 40, 46
energy 247
forces 70, 73, 94, 320
stresses 70
Isothermal 249Joule 238
Kinetic energy 249
of particle 253
of rigid body in pure translation 257
of rigid body in pure rotation 259
of rigid body in general plane
motion 261
Lift system 280
Lifting 196
tongs 112
Line contact 100
Linear elastic spring 268
Linear momentum 308
particle 308
closed system of particles 319
rigid body 320
Machine 209
reciprocating 209
Mass transfer 376
flow rate 378, 383, 385
Moment 72, 161, 211, 240
of inertia 166, 174
out of balance 203
absolute angular 321
linear 308, 382
relative angular 329
Mountings 222
flexible 222
Natural frequency 217
Newton 65
Newton's Laws
of Gravitation 250
of motion 64
Second Law 152, 320, 378
Third Law 202, 384
Noise 214
Non-parallel forces 81
Nozzle 379, 385
velocity 380
Out of balance 210
Overconstrained 70
Parallel forces 73
Parallel axes theorem 177
Parallelogram rule 1
Pendulum accelerometer 187
Index 405
Perpendicular axes theorem 176, 179,
Pelton Wheel 387
Pin joint 29, 102
Pinion 196
Piston 29
Pitch circle 37, 128
Plane motion 4
general 170
clutch 121
thin flat 176
Polar coordinates 14
Position 4, 215
equilibrium 215
energy 249
particle 250
rigid body 252
Power 245, 388
transmission 121, 360
Pressure angle 129
Principle of conservation of energy 249
Projectile 17
Pulley 124, 191; 194
Pure translation 24, 159, 174, 215, 216,
257, 329, 340
rotation 24, 163,200,211,259,345
Radius of gyration 175, 183
Ram jet missile 379
Rate of tum sensor 355
Rectangular plate 88
Redundant structure 32
Relative motion 21
velocity 378
Relative angular momentum 329
of particle 329
of closed system of particle 330
of rigid bodies 332
about a point fixed in rigid body 333
Resonance 220, 223
Response 219
Resultant force 67
Revolute joint 102
Rigid body 23, 157
Ring-thin 178
Robot 211, 357
Rod thin 180
Roller bearing 103
Rolling 33, 37
wheel 33
Rope 127. 185, 194, 198
Run down time 297406 Index
Scalar 1, 236
Second moment of area 175
Self-locking 117
Semicircular plate 91
Shear forces 135, 137
Slider 204, 209, 283
Slider crank 31,43,48,283
Sliding connection 29
Slip 102, 104, 121, 124, 127, 195
Specific heat 276
Springs 185, 214
cantilevered leaf 271
helical 270
linear 215, 268
stiffness 215, 268
torsional 272
Spur gear 128
Static equilibrium 65, 74, 155
Statically determinate 70
Steady flow 381
Steady state 219
Strain energy 249, 270, 291
Stresses 158, 215
internal 158
Structure 30, 196
Surveillance satellite 355
System 236, 260
boundary 248, 251, 255, 269, 273,
states 248
Temperature 276, 297
Thermal energy 249,276
Time constant-thermal 298
spin rate 357
Toggle linkage 111
Tooth profile 128
contact forces 130, 198
flank 129
root 130
tip 130
Toothed 128
gears 37, 128
Torque 191
characteristic of a motor 246
fluctuation 191
motor 211, 359
Torsional spring 272, 290
Trajectory 19--·'
Transient 219
Transmission 121
power 121
Triangular plate 89
Turbine 385
Turbo generator 185
Two forces 81
Two degrees of freedom 29, 357
Uniformly distributed load 85
Units 65, 166, 185, 215
Variable mass 376
Vector 1, 2, 14
addition 1, 14
components 2
quantities 1
Velocity 4
diagram 44
relative 21, 378
Vibration 214,220
forced 218
free 217, 218
isolation 221
Wall crane 118
Water jet 382
Wheel 33
rolling 173
cycle 204
motor car 204
Winch 196
Work 235

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