كتاب Make - DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Make - DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Make - DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments
All Lab, No Lecture
Robert Bruce Thompson, Barbara Fritchman Thompson
Master the use of the microscope, including sectioning and staining
Build and observe microcosms, soda-bottle worlds of pond life
Investigate the chemistry of life from simple acids, bases, and buffers to complex carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, enzymes, and DNA
Extract, isolate, and observe DNA
Explore photosynthesis, osmosis, nitrogen fixation, and other life processes
Investigate the cell cycle (mitosis and cytokinesis)
Observe populations and ecosystems, and perform air and water pollution tests
Investigate genetics and inheritance
Do hands-on microbiology, from simple culturing to micro-evolution of bacteria by forced selection
Gain hands-on lab experience to prepare for the AP Biology exam

كتاب Make - DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments E_o_e_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Biology Experiments: All Lab, No
Who this Book is For
How this Book is Organized
How to Contact Us
Thank You
Author Bios
1. Introduction
Using this Book with Your Curriculum
Planning and Scheduling
Work Areas
Maintaining a Laboratory Notebook
Laboratory Notebook Guidelines
Laboratory Notebook Format
2. Equipping a Home Biology Laboratory
Microscopes and Accessories
Microscope Types
Compound Microscope
Head Style
Illumination Type and Power Source
Illumination Methods
Nosepiece and Objective Lenses
Eyepieces (Oculars)
Mechanical Stage
Substage Condenser, Diaphragm, and Filter Holder
The Final Decision
Stereo Microscope
Portable Microscopes and Magnifiers
Microscope Accessories
Cleaning EquipmentImmersion Oil
Photomicrography Equipment
Slide Preparation Equipment and Supplies
Butane Lighter or Alcohol Lamp
Forceps and Slide Tongs
Biological Stains
Coplin Staining Jar
Slide Storage
Culturing Equipment and Supplies
Culturing Containers
Petri Dishes
Culture Tubes
Culture Flasks
Culturing Media
Culturing Accessories
Histology Equipment and Supplies
Dehydration Baths
Embedding Blocks
General Laboratory Equipment
Major Equipment
Cellphone Spectrophotometer
DNA Processing Equipment and Supplies
Prepared Slides
3. Laboratory Safety
Prepare Properly
Dress Properly
Avoid Laboratory Hazards
Don’t Do Stupid Things4. Using a Microscope
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure I-1-1: A Microscope Tour
Controlling and Focusing the Light
Focusing the Microscope
Determining Field of View and Measuring Specimens
Positioning and Observing a Slide
Build a Darkfield Apparatus from Pocket Change
Review Questions
5. Mounting Specimens
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure I-2-1: Making Wet Mounts
Mounting a Hair Specimen
Comparing Temporary Mounting Fluids
Procedure I-2-2: Making Smear Mounts
Procedure I-2-3: Making Hanging Drop Mounts
Procedure I-2-4: Making Sectional Mounts
Review Questions
6. Staining
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure I-3-1: Simple Staining
Procedure I-3-2: Gram Staining
Review Questions
7. Building and Observing Microcosms
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
BackgroundProcedure II-1-1: Gathering Materials
Field Trip!
Procedure II-1-2: Building Aquarium Microcosms
Procedure II-1-3: Building Winogradsky Column Microcosms
Procedure II-1-4: Observing Winogradsky Column Microcosms
Review Questions
8. Observing Succession in Aquarium Microcosms
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure II-2-1: Observe Succession in Microcosms
Review Questions
9. Observing the Effects of Pollution in Microcosms
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure II-3-1: Build Polluted Microcosms
Procedure II-3-2: Observe Succession in Polluted Microcosms
Review Questions
10. Acids, Bases, and Buffers
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure III-1-1: Percentage and Molar Concentrations
Making Up 1 M Solutions
Procedure III-1-2: Effect of Concentration on pH
Populating the Reaction Plate
Determining the pH of the Solutions
Procedure III-1-3: pH of Household Materials
Procedure III-1-4: Buffers
Preparing a 0.1 M Acetate Buffer Solution
Testing the Buffer Solution
Review Questions
11. Carbohydrates and LipidsEquipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Carbohydrates (Saccharides)
Procedure III-2-1: Investigating Sugars
Procedure III-2-2: Investigating Starches
Testing Specimens for the Presence of Starch
Testing for Starch at the Cellular Level
Procedure III-2-3: Investigating Lipids
Solubility of Lipids
The Grease-Spot Test for Lipids
The Effect of Sudan III Stain on Lipids
Observing Lipids at the Cellular Level
Review Questions
12. Proteins, Enzymes, and Vitamins
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure III-3-1: Investigating Proteins
Preparing Specimens
Detecting Proteins with the Biuret Test
Testing for the Presence of Cystine
Denaturing Proteins with Alcohol, Acids, Bases, and HeavyMetal Ions
Procedure III-3-2: Investigating Enzyme Catalysis
Prepare a Standard Peroxidase Solution
Prepare Modified Peroxidase Solutions
Prepare a Neutral Solution of Hydrogen Peroxide
Test the Activity of Peroxidase Solutions
Procedure III-3-3: Assaying Vitamin C Concentration in Urine
Make Up a Standardized Vitamin C SolutionAssay Vitamin C Concentrations
Review Questions
13. Coacervates
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure III-4-1: Prepare and Observe a Coacervate
Review Questions
14. Extracting, Isolating, and Visualizing DNA
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure III-5-1: Extracting and Visualizing DNA
Review Questions
15. Build a Gel Electrophoresis Apparatus
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure III-6-1: Making the Gel Casting Container and Comb
Procedure III-6-2: Assemble the Apparatus
16. Simulated DNA Separation by Gel Electrophoresis
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure III-7-1: Prepare Running Buffer
Procedure III-7-2: Prepare and Cast the Gel
Procedure III-7-3: Load and Run the Dye Specimens
Review Questions
17. Chlorophyll and Photosynthesis
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
BackgroundProcedure IV-1-1: Observing Carbon Dioxide Uptake
Procedure IV-1-2: Determining the Effect of Light Intensity on
Procedure IV-1-3: Chromatography of Plant Pigments and Locating
Cellular Energy Reserves
Review Questions
18. Investigating Osmosis
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure IV-2-1: Observing Osmosis in Chicken Eggs
Review Questions
19. Investigating Cell Division
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure IV-3-1: Observing Mitosis
Review Questions
20. Sampling Plant Populations in a Community
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure V-1-1: Choosing and Preparing the Survey Area
Procedure V-1-2: Surveying the Plant Community
Procedure V-1-3: Performing a Population Count
Review Questions
21. Observing the Effect of Rhizobia on Plant Growth
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure V-2-1: Grow Lima Beans With and Without Rhizobia
Review Questions22. Air Pollution Testing
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure V-3-1: Building Particle Traps
Procedure V-3-2: Positioning and Exposing the Particle Traps
Procedure V-3-3: Counting and Identifying Particles
Review Questions
23. Soil and Water Pollution Testing
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure V-4-1: Obtaining Soil and Water Specimens
Procedure V-4-2: Testing the Reagents
Procedure V-4-3: Making Boron Concentration Comparison Standards
Procedure V-4-4: Testing Specimens for Boron
Review Questions
24. Exploring Mendelian Genetics
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure VI-1-1: Testing Subjects for the Ability to Taste PTC
Procedure VI-1-2: Charting Inheritance of PTC-Tasting Ability
Review Questions
25. Observing Specialized Eukaryotic Cells
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure VII-1-1: Observing Onion Epidermal and Elodea Leaf Cells
Procedure VII-1-2: Comparing and Contrasting Eukaryotic Cells
Review Questions
26. Preparing Culturing Media
Equipment and MaterialsMaterials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure VII-2-1: Preparing Normal Saline and Nutrient Media
Review Questions
27. Culturing Bacteria
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure VII-3-1: Staining and Observing the Original Culture
Procedure VII-3-2: Inoculating Plates and Tubes
Procedure VII-3-3: Producing Pure Cultures
Review Questions
28. Investigating Bacterial Antibiotic Sensitivity
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure VII-4-1: Testing Antibiotic Sensitivity
Procedure VII-4-2: Culturing an Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Strain
Procedure VII-4-3: Retesting Sensitivity of the Resistant Strain
Review Questions
29. Investigating Protista
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure VIII-1-1: Observing Spirogyrae
Procedure VIII-1-2: Observing Euglenae
Procedure VIII-1-3: Observing Amoebae
Procedure VIII-1-4: Observing Paramecia
Review Questions
30. Investigating Fungi
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You ProvideBackground
Procedure IX-1-1: Observing Zygomycota
Procedure IX-1-2: Observing Ascomycota
Procedure IX-1-3: Observing Basidiomycota
Review Questions
31. Investigating Simple Plants: Mosses and Ferns
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure X-1-1: Observing Moss Structures
Procedure X-1-2: Observing Fern Structures
Review Questions
32. Investigating Seed Plants
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure X-2-1: Observing Germination of a Seed Plant
Procedure X-2-2: Observing Root Structures
Procedure X-2-3: Observing Stem Structures
Procedure X-2-4: Observing Leaf Structures
Procedure X-2-5: Observing Reproductive Structures
Review Questions
33. Investigating Porifera and Cnidaria
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure XI-1-1: Observing Porifera
Procedure XI-1-2: Observing Cnidaria
Review Questions
34. Investigating Platyhelminthes, Nematoda, and Annelida
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
BackgroundProcedure XI-2-1: Observing Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)
Procedure XI-2-2: Observing Nematoda (Roundworms)
Procedure XI-2-3: Observing Annelida (Segmented Worms)
Review Questions
35. Investigating Arthropods
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure XI-3-1: Observing and Comparing Arthropod Structures
Procedure XI-3-2: Observing Insect Metamorphosis
Review Questions
36. Investigating Vertebrate Tissues
Equipment and Materials
Materials from Kit
Materials You Provide
Procedure XI-4-1: Observing Epithelial Tissues
Procedure XI-4-2: Observing Connective Tissues
Procedure XI-4-3: Observing Muscle Tissues
Procedure XI-4-4: Observing Nervous Tissues
Review Questions
About the Authors

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