كتاب Make - DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كتاب Make - DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry

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عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Make - DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry
Experiments: All Lab, No Lecture
Robert Bruce Thompson

كتاب Make - DIY Science: Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry  M_d_s_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1. Introduction
2. Laboratory Safety
3. Equipping a Home Chemistry Lab
4. Chemicals for the Home Chemistry Lab
5. Mastering Laboratory Skills
The bulk of the book is made up of seventeen hands-on laboratory chapters,
each devoted to a particular topic. Most of the laboratory chapters include
multiple laboratory sessions, from introductory level sessions suitable for a
middle school or first-year high school chemistry laboratory course to more
advanced sessions suitable for students who intend to take the College
Board Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry exam:
6. Laboratory: Separating Mixtures
7. Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
8. Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutions
9. Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical Reactions & Stoichiometry
10. Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox) Reactions
11. Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
12. Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
13. Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s Principle14. Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
15. Laboratory: Thermochemistry and Calorimetry
16. Laboratory: Electrochemistry
17. Laboratory: Photochemistry
18. Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
19. Laboratory: Qualitative Analysis
20. Laboratory: Quantitative Analysis
21. Laboratory: Synthesis of Useful Compounds
22. Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry
A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears.
Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry
to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly
to the place in the text in which the marker appears.
absolute error, Titrate Using a Mohr Pipette
mixing safety, Burettes, Laboratory 7.3: Make Up a Molar Solution of
a Liquid Chemical
neutralized solutions, Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of
Aqueous Salt Solutions
normality, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
safety, Laboratory Safety, Procedure
standardizing solutions, Laboratory 11.4: Standardize a
Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Titration
vitamin C, acid-base titration, Laboratory 20.1: Quantitative
Analysis of Vitamin C by Acid-Base Titration
accuracybalances, Balance
burettes, Titrate Using a Graduated Cylinder
measurement methods, Balance
volumetric glassware, Burettes
acetic acid
common ion effect, Laboratory 13.2: Quantify the Common Ion
Ideal Gas Law, Laboratory 14.4: Use the Ideal Gas Law to
Determine the Percentage of Acetic Acid in Vinegar
acetone, molar mass, Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar Mass from
Vapor Density
acid-base chemistry, everyday, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
acid-base chemistry, overview, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
aqueous salt solutions, pH, Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of
Aqueous Salt Solutions
Brønsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases, Laboratory: AcidBase Chemistrybuffer solutions, Laboratory 11.3: Observe the Characteristics of a
Buffer Solution
cleaning glassware, Cleaning Glassware
concentration, effect on pH, Laboratory 11.1: Determine the Effect
of Concentration on PH
conjugate acid-base pairs, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
Lewis definition of acids and bases, Laboratory: Acid-Base
measuring equipment, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
ACS Grade chemicals, Chemical Names
activation energy, Laboratory: Photochemistry
adjustable-length clamps, Heat Sources
aerosol, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
age, fingerprints, Laboratory 22.3: Reveal Latent Fingerprints
lamps, Heat Sources, Using Heat Sourcesmass-to-volume percentage solution, Laboratory 7.4: Make Up a
Mass-to-Volume Percentage Solution
aliquots, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette, Laboratory 11.4:
Standardize a Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Titration
surface area, reaction kinetics, Laboratory 12.2: Determine the
Effect of Surface Area on Reaction Rate
temperature, chemical kinetics, Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
allergies, chemicals, Storage Color Codes
displacement reactions, Laboratory 9.3: Observe a Single
Displacement Reaction
electrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
amber glass bottles, Bottles and Vials
ammonia, safety, Procedure
ammonium hydroxide, safety, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
ammonium nitrate, safety, Procedureammonium oxalate, Laboratory: Photochemistry
amount-of-substance concentration, Laboratory: Solubility and
amperes, Laboratory 16.4: Observe Energy Transformation (Voltage
and Current)
analog, measuring, Measurement Resolution and Significant Figures
analyte, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette, Laboratory 6.5:
Chromatography: Two-Phase Separation of Mixtures
analytical chromatography, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: TwoPhase Separation of Mixtures
compound form, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a
cupric sulfate, Chemical Names
bone, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.5: Qualitative Analysis of
disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicalsinorganic, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative
Analysis of Inorganic Anions
seawater, Laboratory 20.3: Quantitative Anion Analysis of
anodes, cells, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
Ansell Chemical Resistance Guide, All Laboratory Activities Must be
Supervised by a Responsible Adult
antimony, Laboratory 22.4: Perform the Marsh Test
AP Chemistry exam, Introduction, Maintaining a Laboratory
apron, lab, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
salt solutions, pH, Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of Aqueous
Salt Solutions
solutions, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
archaic names, chemicals, Chemical Names
Arrhenius, Svante August, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistryarsenic, Laboratory 22.4: Perform the Marsh Test
aspirin, methyl salicylate, Laboratory: Synthesis of Useful Compounds
atmospheric pressure, Laboratory 14.1: Observe the Volume-Pressure
Relationship of Gases (Boyle’s Law)
author contact information, Preface
Avogadro’s Principle, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
azeotropes, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify ethanol, Procedure
back titration, Laboratory 20.2: Quantitative Analysis of Chlorine
Bleach by Redox Titration
baking soda, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
(see also sodium hydrogen carbonate, decomposition reactions)
baking, high-altitude, Laboratory 8.1: Determine Molar Mass by
Boiling Point Elevation
balances, Recommended Laboratory Glassware, Using a Balance
barium hydroxide, safety, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anionsbarium nitrate, safety, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
barium salts, safety, Laboratory 20.3: Quantitative Anion Analysis of
barium sulfate, filtering, Part III: Determine Sulfate Ion Quantitatively
barium, disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
Barnes bottles, Storage Bottles
barometric pressure, Laboratory 14.1: Observe the Volume-Pressure
Relationship of Gases (Boyle’s Law)
basement as work area, Work Area
acid-base chemistry, everyday, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
acid-base chemistry, overview, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
aqueous salt solutions, pH, Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of
Aqueous Salt Solutions
Brønsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases, Laboratory: AcidBase Chemistrybuffer solutions, Laboratory 11.3: Observe the Characteristics of a
Buffer Solution
cleaning glassware, Cleaning Glassware
concentration, effect on pH, Laboratory 11.1: Determine the Effect
of Concentration on PH
conjugate acid-base pairs, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
glass containers, Storage Bottles
Lewis definition of acids and bases, Laboratory: Acid-Base
measuring equipment, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
mixing safety, Burettes
neutralized solutions, Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of
Aqueous Salt Solutions
normality, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
safety, Laboratory Safety, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistrystandardizing solutions, Laboratory 11.4: Standardize a
Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Titration
vitamin C, acid-base titration, Laboratory 20.1: Quantitative
Analysis of Vitamin C by Acid-Base Titration
Basic Chemistry Equipment Kit, General Purpose Glassware and
basic chromatography, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase
Separation of Mixtures, Part II: Two-Dimensional Chromatography
bathroom as work area, Work Area
batteries, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons, Laboratory 16.6: Build a
beakers, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
Beer-Lambert Law, Laboratory 7.5: Determine Concentration of a
Solution by Visual Colorimetry
behavior, lab, Avoid Chemical Hazards
organization, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
solutions, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutionsbending glass tubing, Evaporating and Drying
Beral pipettes, Graduated Cylinders, Reaction Plates, Using a Pipette
Berzelius beakers, Beakers
bins, chemical storage, Storage Color Codes
bleach, chlorine, redox titration, Laboratory 20.2: Quantitative
Analysis of Chlorine Bleach by Redox Titration
blood, detecting, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry
blow-out pipettes, Graduated Cylinders
blue glass bottles, Bottles and Vials
chip, Separations, Laboratory 8.1: Determine Molar Mass by
Boiling Point Elevation
flasks, FlaskS
point, elevation, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutions,
Laboratory 8.1: Determine Molar Mass by Boiling Point Elevation
bone, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.5: Qualitative Analysis of
Boneborax bead test, metal ions, Laboratory 19.2: Use Borax Bead Tests to
Discriminate Metal Ions
Boston Round bottles, Bottles and Vials
bottles, Filtering Flasks
Boyle’s Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.1: Observe
the Volume-Pressure Relationship of Gases (Boyle’s Law)
bridge, salt, Laboratory 16.5: Build a Voltaic Cell with Two Half-Cells
bromide, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
bromine, disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
Brønsted-Lowry definition of acids and bases, Laboratory: Acid-Base
brown glass bottles, Bottles and Vials
Büchner funnels, Filtering Flasks
budget chemistry equipment kit, General Purpose Glassware and
buffer solutions, pH, Laboratory 11.3: Observe the Characteristics of a
Buffer Solutionbulb pipetters, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
Bunsen burners, Using Heat Sources
burette clamps, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
burettes, Burettes, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette
burners, gas, Heat Sources, Using Heat Sources
butane burners, Using Heat Sources
calcium carbonate, chemical kinetics, Review Questions
calibrating volumetric flasks, Using a Pipette
calorimeters, Laboratory: Thermochemistry and Calorimetry
enthalpy change of chemical reaction, Laboratory 15.4: Determine
the Enthalpy Change of a Reaction
everyday, Laboratory: Thermochemistry and Calorimetry
heat of fusion of ice, Laboratory 15.2: Determine the Heat of Fusion
of Iceheat of solution, Laboratory 15.1: Determine Heat of Solution
overview, Laboratory: Thermochemistry and Calorimetry
specific heat of metals, Laboratory 15.3: Determine the Specific
Heat of a Metal
capacity, balances, Recommended Laboratory Glassware
carbon dioxide, firefighting foam, Laboratory 18.2: Produce
Firefighting Foam
carbon, electrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
carbonate, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis
of Inorganic Anions
carrier, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase Separation of
CAS numbers, chemicals, Chemical Names
catalase, Laboratory 12.4: Determine the Effect of a Catalyst on
Reaction Rate
catalysts, chemical kinetics, Laboratory 12.4: Determine the Effect of a
Catalyst on Reaction Rate
catalytic cracking, Laboratory 9.2: Observe a Decomposition Reactioncathodes, cells, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
bone, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.5: Qualitative Analysis of
disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
groupings, Laboratory 19.4: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic
inorganic, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.4: Qualitative
Analysis of Inorganic Cations
celery, Laboratory 8.3: Observe the Effects of Osmotic Pressure
cell, electrolytic, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and Oxygen by
Electrolysis of Water, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials,
Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
cellulose, rayon fiber, Laboratory 21.2: Produce Rayon Fiber
Celsius, Laboratory 14.2: Observe the Volume-Temperature
Relationship of Gases (Charles’ Law), Laboratory 15.3: Determine the
Specific Heat of a Metal
centigrade, Laboratory 15.3: Determine the Specific Heat of a Metal
cGMP (current Good Manufacturing Practices), Chemical NamesCharles’ Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.2: Observe
the Volume-Temperature Relationship of Gases (Charles’ Law)
chemical equilibrium
common ion effect, Laboratory 13.2: Quantify the Common Ion
concentration, Laboratory 13.1: Observe Le Chatelier’s Principle in
everyday, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s
Le Chatelier’s Principle, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le
Chatelier’s Principle, Laboratory 13.1: Observe Le Chatelier’s
Principle in Action
overview, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le Chatelier’s
pressure, Part I: Examine the Effect of Concentration on
solubility product constant, Laboratory 13.3: Determine a
Solubility Product Constant
temperature, Part I: Examine the Effect of Concentration on
Equilibriumvolume, Part I: Examine the Effect of Concentration on
Equilibrium, Review Questions
chemical kinetics
catalysts, Laboratory 12.4: Determine the Effect of a Catalyst on
Reaction Rate
concentrations, Review Questions
everyday, Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
overview, Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
surface area, Laboratory 12.2: Determine the Effect of Surface
Area on Reaction Rate
temperature, Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
chemical reactions
catalytic cracking, Laboratory 9.2: Observe a Decomposition
chemical equilibrium, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le
Chatelier’s Principle
colloids, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
combination reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometrycombustion reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry
composition reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a
Composition Reaction
decomposition reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry, Laboratory 9.2: Observe a
Decomposition Reaction
displacement reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry, Laboratory 9.3: Observe a Single
Displacement Reaction
double displacement reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to
Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry, Laboratory 9.4:
Stoichiometry of a Double Displacement Reaction
electrochemistry, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
enthalpy change, Laboratory 15.4: Determine the Enthalpy Change
of a Reaction
everyday, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical Reactions and
nonstoichiometric reactions, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a
Composition Reactionoverview, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical Reactions and
oxidation reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry
photochemistry, Laboratory: Photochemistry
reaction kinetics, Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
redox reactions, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox)
reduction-oxidation reactions, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation
(Redox) Reactions
stoichiometric reactions, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a Composition
Reaction, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a Double Displacement
suspensions, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
chemically pure (CP) grade chemicals, Chemical Grades
allergies, Storage Color Codes
deadly, Incompatible Chemicalsdisposal, Storage Color Codes
grades, Chemical Names
group buying, Chemicals for the Home Chemistry Lab
handling, contamination, Measurement Resolution and Significant
handling, safety, Hazard Pictograms and Letter Symbols
hazard label methods, Chemical Grades
heavy-metals, disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
incompatible, safety, Hazard Pictograms and Letter Symbols
measuring, contamination, Measurement Resolution and
Significant Figures
MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), Chemical Grades
names, Chemical Names
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 704 fire diamond,
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
pictograms, Hazard Pictograms and Letter Symbolsrisk phrases, NFPA 704 Fire Diamond
safety (see safety)
safety phrases, NFPA 704 Fire Diamond
shipping, Shipping Hazardous Chemicals
storage, Storage Color Codes
used in book, Disposal of Heavy-Metal and Other Toxic Compounds
vendors, Notes:, Shipping Hazardous Chemicals
Chemistry, The Central Science,, Introduction
Chervenak, Dr. Mary, Preface
chip, boiling, Separations
chloride, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
chlorine bleach, redox titration, Laboratory 20.2: Quantitative Analysis
of Chlorine Bleach by Redox Titration
chloroform, safety, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for
Illicit Drugschromatography
basic, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase Separation of
Mixtures, Part II: Two-Dimensional Chromatography
overview, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase Separation
of Mixtures
paper, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons, Laboratory 6.5:
Chromatography: Two-Phase Separation of Mixtures
two-dimensional, Part II: Two-Dimensional Chromatography
chromium, disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
citrus fruit, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials,
Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
clamps, Heat Sources
Class A volumetric glassware, Volumetric Glassware
Class B volumetric glassware, Volumetric Glassware
cleaning, Storage Color Codes
(see also disposal, chemicals)
glassware, Inserting Glass Tubing into Corks and Stoppers Safely
pipettes, Using a Pipetteclothing, protective, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
coat, lab, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
coffee filters, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
college, preparation for, Introduction
colligative properties, solutions
boiling point elevation, molar mass, Laboratory 8.1: Determine
Molar Mass by Boiling Point Elevation
everyday, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutions
freezing point depression, molar mass, Laboratory 8.2: Determine
Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression
osmotic pressure, Laboratory 8.3: Observe the Effects of Osmotic
overview, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutions
everyday, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
firefighting foam, Laboratory 18.2: Produce Firefighting Foamgelled sol, Laboratory 18.3: Prepare a Gelled Sol
overview, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
properties, Laboratory 18.1 Observe Some Properties of Colloids
and Suspensions
Tyndall Effect, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions, Laboratory
18.1 Observe Some Properties of Colloids and Suspensions
color code
J.T. Baker, chemical storage, Storage Color Codes
NFPA 704 fire diamond, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
colorimeter, Laboratory 7.5: Determine Concentration of a Solution by
Visual Colorimetry
colorimetry, visual, solution concentration, Laboratory 7.5: Determine
Concentration of a Solution by Visual Colorimetry
combination reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry
Combined Gas Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
combustion reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical Reactions
and Stoichiometrycommon ion effect, chemical equilibrium, Laboratory 13.2: Quantify
the Common Ion Effect
common names, chemicals, Chemical Names
composition reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a Composition
concentrated solutions, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
chemical equilibrium, Laboratory 13.1: Observe Le Chatelier’s
Principle in Action
chemical kinetics, Review Questions
solutions, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
solutions, colligative properties, Laboratory: Colligative Properties
of Solutions
solutions, visual colorimetry, Laboratory 7.5: Determine
Concentration of a Solution by Visual Colorimetry
condenser, purifying ethanol, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify
conjugate acid-base pairs, Laboratory: Acid-Base ChemistryConservation of Mass, Law of, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a
Double Displacement Reaction
conserving titrant, Using a Burette
constant boiling mixture, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify ethanol
Constant Proportions, Law of, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a
Double Displacement Reaction
boiling point elevation, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of
ebullioscopic, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutions
freezing point depression, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of
contact information, Preface
contamination, handling chemicals, Measurement Resolution and
Significant Figures
continuous phase, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
convex meniscus, Measuring Liquids by Volume
copperdisposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
electrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
ore to metal, reduction, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox)
copper sulfate
displacement reactions, Laboratory 9.3: Observe a Single
Displacement Reaction
double displacement reactions, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a
Double Displacement Reaction
hydrate, formula of, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a
molar solution, Laboratory 7.1: Make Up a Molar Solution of a
Solid Chemical
neutralizing, Part II: Determine the Concentration of an Unknown
purifying, Laboratory 6.3: Recrystallization: Purify Copper Sulfate
voltaic cell, Laboratory 16.5: Build a Voltaic Cell with Two HalfCellscorks, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons, Inserting Glass Tubing into Corks
and Stoppers Safely
counter space, Recommended Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
CP (chemically pure) grade chemicals, Chemical Grades
crucibles, Miscellaneous General Glassware
crystallization, water of, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a
cuprammonium process, Laboratory 21.2: Produce Rayon Fiber
cupric sulfate, Chemical Names
battery, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
energy transformation, Laboratory 16.4: Observe Energy
Transformation (Voltage and Current)
current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP), Chemical Names
cutting glass tubing, Evaporating and Drying
cyanide gas, safety, Procedure
cylinders, graduated, Volumetric Glassware, Using a BuretteD
deadly chemicals, Incompatible Chemicals
(see also safety)
decomposition reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry, Laboratory 9.2: Observe a
Decomposition Reaction
Definite Proportions, Law of, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a
Double Displacement Reaction
deliquescence, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a Hydrate
denatured ethanol, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify ethanol
depression, freezing point, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of
Solutions, Laboratory 8.2: Determine Molar Mass by Freezing Point
differential solubility, separating sand and sucrose, Laboratory 6.1:
Differential Solubility: Separate Sand and Sucrose
measuring, Measurement Resolution and Significant Figures
thermometers, pH Measuring Tools
dilute solutions, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutionsdiscarding glassware, Cleaning Glassware
dishes, evaporating, Miscellaneous General Glassware
dispersed phase, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
dispersion, colloidal, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
displacement reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry, Laboratory 9.3: Observe a Single
Displacement Reaction
disposable pipettes, Reaction Plates, Using a Pipette
disposal, chemicals, Storage Color Codes
(see also cleaning)
distillation, purifying ethanol, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify
double displacement reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a
Double Displacement Reaction
double-scale graduated cylinders, Graduated Cylinders
Doyle, Arthur Conan, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry
drawing glass tubing, Evaporating and Dryingdroppers, Reaction Plates
drops, partial, Using a Burette
drugs, illicit, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for Illicit
dry ice, safety, Laboratory 14.2: Observe the Volume-Temperature
Relationship of Gases (Charles’ Law), Procedure
drying, Using a Gas Burner
Dugan, Michael, Graduated Cylinders
Dumas, Jen Baptiste André, Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar Mass
from Vapor Density
dust safety, Miscellaneous General Glassware
contaminated food, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
in lab, Avoid Chemical Hazards
oxalic acid, Procedure
ebullioscopic constant, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutionseconomy-grade glassware, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
educational-grade glassware, General Purpose Glassware and
efflorescence, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a Hydrate
potential, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
receptacles, Work Area
work, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
battery, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
electrolysis of water, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and
Oxygen by Electrolysis of Water
energy transformation, Laboratory 16.4: Observe Energy
Transformation (Voltage and Current)
everyday, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
iron oxidation, Laboratory 16.2: Observe the Electrochemical
Oxidation of Ironoverview, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
voltaic cell, Laboratory 16.5: Build a Voltaic Cell with Two HalfCells
electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
electrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
defined, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
water, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and Oxygen by
Electrolysis of Water
electrolytic cell, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and Oxygen by
Electrolysis of Water, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials,
Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
Elemental Scientific, Shipping Hazardous Chemicals
elevation, boiling point, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of
Solutions, Laboratory 8.1: Determine Molar Mass by Boiling Point
emulsion, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensionsend point, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette
endothermic energy, Laboratory 15.1: Determine Heat of Solution
activation, Laboratory: Photochemistry
electric potential, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
endothermic, Laboratory 15.1: Determine Heat of Solution
exothermic, Laboratory 15.1: Determine Heat of Solution
thermal, Laboratory 15.4: Determine the Enthalpy Change of a
transformation, chemical to electric, Laboratory 16.4: Observe
Energy Transformation (Voltage and Current)
change, chemical reactions, Laboratory 15.4: Determine the
Enthalpy Change of a Reaction
change, of solution, Laboratory 15.1: Determine Heat of Solution
of fusion, Laboratory 15.2: Determine the Heat of Fusion of Ice
equilibrium, chemical (see chemical equilibrium)equipment
balances, Recommended Laboratory Glassware
batteries, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
corks, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
electrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
glassware, Volumetric Glassware
group buying, Equipping a Home Chemistry Laboratory
heat sources, Heat Sources
junk collecting, Recommended Laboratory Equipment and
pH measuring, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
pipetters, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
recommended, Rubber Stoppers and Corks
ring stands, Heat Sources
rubber stoppers, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoonssafety, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
scoops, pH Measuring Tools
spatulas, pH Measuring Tools
spoons, pH Measuring Tools
thermometers, pH Measuring Tools
equivalence point, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette
Erlenmeyer flasks, FlaskS, Bottles and Vials
errata, Preface
error, absolute versus relative, Titrate Using a Mohr Pipette
esterification, Laboratory: Synthesis of Useful Compounds
esters, Laboratory: Synthesis of Useful Compounds
estimating, Mastering Laboratory Skills
mass-to-volume percentage solution, Laboratory 7.4: Make Up a
Mass-to-Volume Percentage Solutionpurifying, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify ethanol
dishes, Miscellaneous General Glassware
procedure, Using a Gas Burner
acid-base chemistry, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
calorimetry, Laboratory: Thermochemistry and Calorimetry
chemical equilibrium, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le
Chatelier’s Principle
chemical kinetics, Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
chemical reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry
colligative properties, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of
colloids, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
electrochemistry, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
gas chemistry, Laboratory: Gas ChemistryLe Chatelier’s Principle, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le
Chatelier’s Principle
photochemistry, Laboratory: Photochemistry
qualitative analysis, Laboratory: Qualitative Analysis
quantitative analysis, Laboratory 20.1: Quantitative Analysis of
Vitamin C by Acid-Base Titration
redox reactions, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox)
solutions, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
suspensions, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
synthesizing compounds, Laboratory: Synthesis of Useful
thermochemistry, Laboratory: Thermochemistry and Calorimetry
exam, AP Chemistry, Introduction, Maintaining a Laboratory
activation energy, Laboratory: Photochemistry
dangers, Burettesenergy, Laboratory 15.1: Determine Heat of Solution
explosion shield, Avoid Chemical Hazards
explosives, Avoid Chemical Hazards
extraction, Filtration, Laboratory 6.4: Solvent Extraction
eye protection, Laboratory Safety, All Laboratory Activities Must be
Supervised by a Responsible Adult
eyedroppers, Reaction Plates
eyewash station, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
FCC (Food Chemical Codex) grade chemicals, Chemical Names
ferric chloride reagent, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test
for Illicit Drugs
flasks, FlaskS, Bottles and Vials, Filtration
paper, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons, Filtration, Laboratory 6.5:
Chromatography: Two-Phase Separation of Mixturesfiltering, barium sulfate, Part III: Determine Sulfate Ion Quantitatively
filtrand, Filtration
filtrate, Filtration
gravity, Filtration
vacuum, Filtration
fingerprints, latent, Laboratory 22.3: Reveal Latent Fingerprints
fire diamond, NFPA 704, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
fire extinguisher, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
fire hazards, Avoid Chemical Hazards
firefighting foam, Laboratory 18.2: Produce Firefighting Foam
first-aid kit, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
flame test, metal ions, Laboratory 19.1: Use Flame Tests to
Discriminate Metal Ions
flames, open, Heat Sourcesflasks
filter, Filtration
measuring with, Measuring Liquids by Volume
safety, Bottles and Vials
separatory, Filtration
types, Beakers
volumetric, Burettes
flint-glass, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
flocculants, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
flooring, Work Area
Florence flasks, FlaskS, Bottles and Vials
foam, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions, Laboratory 18.2:
Produce Firefighting Foam
food items
contaminated, safety, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode
Potentialseating, Avoid Chemical Hazards
oxalic acid, Procedure
forensic chemistry
blood, detecting, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry
illicit drugs, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for Illicit
latent fingerprints, Laboratory 22.3: Reveal Latent Fingerprints
Marsh Test, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry, Laboratory 22.4:
Perform the Marsh Test
overview, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry
formaldehyde, safety, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for
Illicit Drugs
format, laboratory notebook, Maintaining a Laboratory Notebook
forums, Preface
forward reaction rates, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le
Chatelier’s Principle
freezing point depression, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of
Solutions, Laboratory 8.2: Determine Molar Mass by Freezing PointDepression
French Square bottles, Bottles and Vials
battery, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
fuel-air explosives (FAEs), Laboratory 12.2: Determine the Effect of
Surface Area on Reaction Rate
full-immersion thermometers, pH Measuring Tools
fuming, fingerprints, Laboratory 22.3: Reveal Latent Fingerprints
funnels, Filtering Flasks, Laboratory 6.4: Solvent Extraction
fusion, heat of, Laboratory 15.2: Determine the Heat of Fusion of Ice
galvanic cell, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and Oxygen by
Electrolysis of Water, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
galvanizing, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox) Reactions
garage as work area, Work Area
garden shed as work area, Work Areagas burners, Heat Sources, Using Heat Sources
gas chemistry
Avogadro’s Principle, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
Boyle’s Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.1:
Observe the Volume-Pressure Relationship of Gases (Boyle’s Law)
Charles’ Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.2:
Observe the Volume-Temperature Relationship of Gases (Charles’
Combined Gas Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
everyday, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
Gay-Lussac’s Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.3:
Observe the Pressure-Temperature Relationship of Gases (GayLussac’s Law)
Ideal Gas Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.4: Use
the Ideal Gas Law to Determine the Percentage of Acetic Acid in
Vinegar, Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar Mass from Vapor
Joule-Thompson effect, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
overview, Laboratory: Gas Chemistrygas chromatography, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase
Separation of Mixtures
napalm, Laboratory 18.3: Prepare a Gelled Sol
safety, Procedure
Gay-Lussac’s Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.3:
Observe the Pressure-Temperature Relationship of Gases (GayLussac’s Law)
gelled sol, Laboratory 18.3: Prepare a Gelled Sol
gels, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
glacial acetic acid, Laboratory 13.2: Quantify the Common Ion Effect
beakers, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
Beral pipettes, Reaction Plates
bottles, Filtering Flasks
burettes, Burettes, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette
cleaning, Using a Pipette, Inserting Glass Tubing into Corks and
Stoppers Safelycrucibles, Miscellaneous General Glassware
disposable pipettes, Reaction Plates
droppers, Reaction Plates
economy-grade, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
educational-grade, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
evaporating dishes, Miscellaneous General Glassware
flasks, Beakers, Bottles and Vials
funnels, Filtering Flasks
graduated cylinders, Volumetric Glassware
group buying, Equipping a Home Chemistry Laboratory
hazards, Avoid Chemical Hazards
lab equipment, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
legality, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
microscale, Volumetric Flasks
mortar and pestle, Miscellaneous General Glasswareoverview, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
pipettes, Graduated Cylinders, Using a Volumetric Flask
reaction plates, Reaction Plates
recommended, Recommended Laboratory Glassware
solution storage, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
stirring rods, Miscellaneous General Glassware
TC (To Contain), Volumetric Glassware, Graduated Cylinders
TD (To Deliver), Volumetric Glassware, Graduated Cylinders
test tubes, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
tubing, Miscellaneous General Glassware, Evaporating and Drying
vials, Filtering Flasks
volumetric, Volumetric Glassware
volumetric flasks, Burettes, Measuring Liquids by Volume
watch glasses, Miscellaneous General Glasswaregloves, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a Responsible
goggles, splash, Laboratory Safety, All Laboratory Activities Must be
Supervised by a Responsible Adult
Good Manufacturing Practices, current (cGMP), Chemical Names
grades, chemicals, Chemical Names
graduated cylinders, Volumetric Glassware, Using a Burette
gravity filtration, Filtration
Griffin beakers, Beakers
grinding safety, Miscellaneous General Glassware
group buying
chemicals, Chemicals for the Home Chemistry Lab
lab equipment, Equipping a Home Chemistry Laboratory
groupings, cations, Laboratory 19.4: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic
guidelines, laboratory notebook, Maintaining a Laboratory Notebook
Hhalf-cells, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials, Laboratory
16.5: Build a Voltaic Cell with Two Half-Cells
half-reactions, electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure
Electrode Potentials
handling chemicals
contamination, Measurement Resolution and Significant Figures
safety, Hazard Pictograms and Letter Symbols
heat, Laboratory 15.4: Determine the Enthalpy Change of a Reaction
(see also calorimetry; temperature; thermochemistry)
of fusion of ice, Laboratory 15.2: Determine the Heat of Fusion of
of solution, Laboratory 15.1: Determine Heat of Solution
versus temperature, Laboratory: Thermochemistry and
heat sources
alcohol lamps, Heat Sources, Using Heat Sources
drying, Using a Gas Burner
evaporating, Using a Gas Burnergas burners, Heat Sources, Using Heat Sources
hotplates, Heat Sources
safety, Heat Sources, Separations
superheating, Separations
heavy-metals, disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
high-altitude baking, Laboratory 8.1: Determine Molar Mass by
Boiling Point Elevation
high-form beakers, Beakers
Holmes, Sherlock, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry
home page, Preface
Home Science Tools, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware,
Shipping Hazardous Chemicals
horseplay, Avoid Chemical Hazards
hotplates, Heat Sources
hybrid batteries, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Batteryhydrate, formula of, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a
hydrated, compound form, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of
a Hydrate
hydration, water of, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a
hydrochloric acid
displacement reactions, Laboratory 9.3: Observe a Single
Displacement Reaction
molar solution, Laboratory 7.3: Make Up a Molar Solution of a
Liquid Chemical
safety, Laboratory 16.4: Observe Energy Transformation (Voltage
and Current), Procedure, Laboratory 19.5: Qualitative Analysis of
standardizing solution by titration, Laboratory 11.4: Standardize a
Hydrochloric Acid Solution by Titration
electrolysis of water, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and
Oxygen by Electrolysis of Water
gas, safety, Procedurehydrogen peroxide
chemical kinetics, Laboratory 12.4: Determine the Effect of a
Catalyst on Reaction Rate
safety, Laboratory 12.4: Determine the Effect of a Catalyst on
Reaction Rate
hydroxylapatite, Laboratory 19.5: Qualitative Analysis of Bone
hygroscopic, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a Hydrate
hypertonic environment, Laboratory 8.3: Observe the Effects of
Osmotic Pressure
hypotonic environment, Laboratory 8.3: Observe the Effects of
Osmotic Pressure
Ideal Gas Law
molar mass from vapor density, Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar
Mass from Vapor Density
overview, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
vinegar, acetic acid percentage, Laboratory 14.4: Use the Ideal Gas
Law to Determine the Percentage of Acetic Acid in Vinegar
ignition, safety, Procedureillicit drugs, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for Illicit
implosion danger, filtering flasks, Bottles and Vials
incompatible chemicals, safety, Hazard Pictograms and Letter Symbols
measuring equipment, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
storage bottles, Storage Bottles
technique, pH Measuring Tools
industry-specific grade chemicals, Chemical Grades
inoculating loop, Laboratory 19.1: Use Flame Tests to Discriminate
Metal Ions
inorganic analysis
anions, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Anions
cations, Laboratory 19.4: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Cations
qualitative, Laboratory: Qualitative Analysis
International System of Units, Laboratory: Gas Chemistryinterpolation, Mastering Laboratory Skills
iodide, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
fuming, fingerprints, Laboratory 22.3: Reveal Latent Fingerprints
photochemistry, Laboratory: Photochemistry
solvent extraction, Laboratory 6.4: Solvent Extraction
common ion effect, Laboratory 13.2: Quantify the Common Ion
electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
metal, borax bead test, Laboratory 19.2: Use Borax Bead Tests to
Discriminate Metal Ions
metal, flame test, Laboratory 19.1: Use Flame Tests to Discriminate
Metal Ions
seawater anions, Laboratory 20.3: Quantitative Anion Analysis of
Seawatersolubility product constant, Laboratory 13.3: Determine a
Solubility Product Constant
solvated, Laboratory 13.3: Determine a Solubility Product Constant
composition reactions, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a Composition
displacement reactions, Laboratory 9.3: Observe a Single
Displacement Reaction
electrochemical oxidation, Laboratory 16.2: Observe the
Electrochemical Oxidation of Iron
electrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
iron sulfide, composition reactions, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a
Composition Reaction
ISO-standard labeling, glassware, Graduated Cylinders
IUPAC names, chemicals, Chemical Names
J.T. Baker, chemical storage color codes, Storage Color Codes
Jones, Dr. Paul, PrefaceJoule-Thompson effect, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
junk collecting, Recommended Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
Kastle-Meyer test, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry
kelvins, Laboratory 14.2: Observe the Volume-Temperature
Relationship of Gases (Charles’ Law), Laboratory 15.3: Determine the
Specific Heat of a Metal
kinetics, reaction (see reaction kinetics)
kitchen as work area, Work Area
labels, Storage Bottles, Procedure
budget equipment kit, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
equipment (see equipment)
glassware (see glassware)
grade chemicals, Chemical Names
notebook, Maintaining a Laboratory Notebooksafety, Laboratory Safety
supplies (see supplies)
work area, Recommended Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
labware (see glassware)
lamps, alcohol, Heat Sources, Using Heat Sources
laser pointer, safety, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
latent fingerprints, Laboratory 22.3: Reveal Latent Fingerprints
laundry room as work area, Work Area
Beer-Lambert, Laboratory 7.5: Determine Concentration of a
Solution by Visual Colorimetry
Boyle’s, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.1: Observe the
Volume-Pressure Relationship of Gases (Boyle’s Law)
Charles’, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.2: Observe
the Volume-Temperature Relationship of Gases (Charles’ Law)
Combined Gas, Laboratory: Gas ChemistryConservation of Mass, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a Double
Displacement Reaction
Constant Proportions, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a Double
Displacement Reaction
Definite Proportions, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a Double
Displacement Reaction
Gay-Lussac’s, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.3:
Observe the Pressure-Temperature Relationship of Gases (GayLussac’s Law)
Ideal Gas, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.4: Use the
Ideal Gas Law to Determine the Percentage of Acetic Acid in
Vinegar, Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar Mass from Vapor
Multiple Proportions, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a Double
Displacement Reaction
Ohm’s, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
Le Chatelier’s Principle, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le
Chatelier’s Principle, Laboratory 13.1: Observe Le Chatelier’s
Principle in Action
disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicalselectrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
explosives, Avoid Chemical Hazards
glassware, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
LEO the lion says GER, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox)
Lewis definition of acids and bases, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
lighting, Work Area
linearity, balances, Balance
liquid aerosol, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
liquid chemical, molar solution, Laboratory 7.3: Make Up a Molar
Solution of a Liquid Chemical
liquid chromatography, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase
Separation of Mixtures
liquid-liquid extraction, Laboratory 6.4: Solvent Extraction
measuring by mass, Using a Balancemeasuring by volume, Measuring Liquids by Volume
litmus paper, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
lock, chemical storage, Storage Color Codes
low-form beakers, Beakers
mackinawite, composition reactions, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a
Composition Reaction
electrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
voltaic cell, Laboratory 16.5: Build a Voltaic Cell with Two HalfCells
magnesium sulfate, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and Oxygen
by Electrolysis of Water
Maker Media, Preface
manganese, reduction-oxidation reaction, Laboratory 10.2: Observe
the Oxidation States of Manganese
Marquis reagent, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for
Illicit DrugsMarsh Test, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry, Laboratory 22.4:
Perform the Marsh Test
mass-to-volume percentage, solutions, Laboratory 7.4: Make Up a
Mass-to-Volume Percentage Solution
mass-volume percentage, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
measuring liquids, Using a Balance
percentage, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), All Laboratory Activities Must be
Supervised by a Responsible Adult, Chemical Grades
analog, Measurement Resolution and Significant Figures
balance, Using a Balance
burettes, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette
calorimeters, Laboratory: Thermochemistry and Calorimetry
Celsius, Laboratory 14.2: Observe the Volume-Temperature
Relationship of Gases (Charles’ Law), Laboratory 15.3: Determine
the Specific Heat of a Metalchemicals, contamination, Measurement Resolution and Significant
colorimeter, Laboratory 7.5: Determine Concentration of a Solution
by Visual Colorimetry
digital, Measurement Resolution and Significant Figures
end point, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette
equivalence point, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette
kelvins, Laboratory 14.2: Observe the Volume-Temperature
Relationship of Gases (Charles’ Law), Laboratory 15.3: Determine
the Specific Heat of a Metal
liquids by mass, Using a Balance
liquids by volume, Measuring Liquids by Volume
methods, accuracy, Balance
moles, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
partial drops, Using a Burette
pipettes, Graduated Cylinders, Using a Volumetric Flask
resolution, Mastering Laboratory SkillsSI standard units, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
significant figures, Mastering Laboratory Skills
solutions, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
solutions, colligative properties, Laboratory: Colligative Properties
of Solutions
spectrophotometer, Laboratory 7.5: Determine Concentration of a
Solution by Visual Colorimetry
titration, burettes, Calibrating a Disposable Plastic Pipette
titration, pipettes, Titrate Using a Graduated Cylinder
volumetric flasks, Measuring Liquids by Volume
volumetric glassware, Volumetric Glassware
mechanical balances, Heat Sources
meniscus, convex, Measuring Liquids by Volume
copper ore to copper metal, reduction, Laboratory: ReductionOxidation (Redox) Reactionsions, borax bead test, Laboratory 19.2: Use Borax Bead Tests to
Discriminate Metal Ions
ions, flame test, Laboratory 19.1: Use Flame Tests to Discriminate
Metal Ions
reactivity series, Laboratory 9.3: Observe a Single Displacement
specific heat, Laboratory 15.3: Determine the Specific Heat of a
meters, pH, pH Measuring Tools
methanol, safety, Laboratory 21.1: Synthesize Methyl Salicylate From
methyl salicylate from aspirin, Laboratory: Synthesis of Useful
microburners, gas, Heat Sources
microchemistry, Volumetric Flasks
microscale glassware, Volumetric Flasks
mineral acids, disposal, Disposal of Common Laboratory Chemicals
miscibility, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutionsmixtures, separating
chromatography, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase
Separation of Mixtures
differential solubility, Laboratory 6.1: Differential Solubility:
Separate Sand and Sucrose
hydrate, formula of, Laboratory 6.6: Determine the Formula of a
purifying copper sulfate, Laboratory 6.3: Recrystallization: Purify
Copper Sulfate
purifying ethanol, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify ethanol
solvent extraction, Laboratory 6.4: Solvent Extraction
mobile phase, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase
Separation of Mixtures
Mohr pipettes, Graduated Cylinders, Using a Volumetric Flask, Titrate
Using a Graduated Cylinder
molal solution, solid chemical, Laboratory 7.2: Make Up a Molal
Solution of a Solid Chemical
molality, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
molar massboiling point elevation, Laboratory 8.1: Determine Molar Mass by
Boiling Point Elevation
freezing point depression, Laboratory 8.2: Determine Molar Mass
by Freezing Point Depression
vapor density, Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar Mass from Vapor
molar proportions, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a Double
Displacement Reaction
molar solution
liquid chemical, Laboratory 7.3: Make Up a Molar Solution of a
Liquid Chemical
solid chemical, Laboratory 7.1: Make Up a Molar Solution of a
Solid Chemical
molarity, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
mole ratios, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a Double Displacement
moles, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
mortar and pestle, Miscellaneous General GlasswareMSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), All Laboratory Activities Must be
Supervised by a Responsible Adult, Chemical Grades
Multiple Proportions, Law of, Laboratory 9.4: Stoichiometry of a
Double Displacement Reaction
names, chemicals, Chemical Names
napalm, Laboratory 18.3: Prepare a Gelled Sol
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 704 fire diamond,
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
negative azeotrope, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify ethanol
negative catalysts, Laboratory 12.4: Determine the Effect of a Catalyst
on Reaction Rate
neutralized solutions, pH, Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of
Aqueous Salt Solutions
newsletter, Preface
NF (National Formulary) grade chemicals, Chemical Names
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) 704 fire diamond,
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)nickel, electrodes, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
ninhydrin, latent fingerprints, Laboratory 22.3: Reveal Latent
nitrate, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
nitric acid
reagent, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for Illicit
safety, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic Anions,
Procedure, Laboratory 19.5: Qualitative Analysis of Bone
nonpolar solvents, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase
Separation of Mixtures
nonstoichiometric reactions, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a Composition
normality, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
notebook, laboratory, Maintaining a Laboratory Notebook
nucleation, Laboratory 6.3: Recrystallization: Purify Copper Sulfate
OOhm’s Law, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
open flames, Heat Sources, Laboratory 8.1: Determine Molar Mass by
Boiling Point Elevation
organic analysis, qualitative, Laboratory: Qualitative Analysis
osmotic pressure, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutions,
Laboratory 8.3: Observe the Effects of Osmotic Pressure
oxalate, photochemistry, Laboratory: Photochemistry
oxidation reactions
combustion reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry
electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
iron, electrochemical, Laboratory 16.2: Observe the
Electrochemical Oxidation of Iron
manganese, oxidation states, Laboratory 10.2: Observe the
Oxidation States of Manganese
reducing copper ore to copper metal, Laboratory: ReductionOxidation (Redox) Reactions
oxygen, electrolysis of water, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and
Oxygen by Electrolysis of WaterP
chromatography, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons, Laboratory 6.5:
Chromatography: Two-Phase Separation of Mixtures
filter, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons, Filtration, Laboratory 6.5:
Chromatography: Two-Phase Separation of Mixtures
indicator, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
parallel batteries, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
partial drops, Using a Burette
partial-immersion thermometers, pH Measuring Tools
partitioning, Laboratory 6.4: Solvent Extraction
Pasteur pipettes, Graduated Cylinders
pH, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
(see also acids; bases)
activity versus concentration, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
aqueous salt solutions, Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of
Aqueous Salt Solutionsbuffer solutions, Laboratory 11.3: Observe the Characteristics of a
Buffer Solution
concentration, effect on, Laboratory 11.1: Determine the Effect of
Concentration on PH
measuring equipment, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
neutralized solutions, Laboratory 11.2: Determine the pH of
Aqueous Salt Solutions
continuous, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
dispersed, Laboratory: Colloids and Suspensions
phenolphthalein, Laboratory 7.4: Make Up a Mass-to-Volume
Percentage Solution, Laboratory 11.4: Standardize a Hydrochloric
Acid Solution by Titration, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry
phosphate, qualitative analysis, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis
of Inorganic Anions
photo grade chemicals, Chemical Grades
everyday, Laboratory: Photochemistry
iodine and oxalate, Laboratory: Photochemistryoverview, Laboratory: Photochemistry
pHydrion paper, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
pictograms, Hazard Pictograms and Letter Symbols
pipette pumps, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
pipetters, Support Stands, Rings, and Clamps
disposable, Reaction Plates
glassware, Graduated Cylinders
measuring liquid, Using a Volumetric Flask
titration, Titrate Using a Graduated Cylinder
methyl salicylate, Laboratory: Synthesis of Useful Compounds
oxalic acid content, Procedure
plasticware, General Purpose Glassware and Plasticware
polar solvents, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: Two-Phase
Separation of Mixturespolycarbonate explosion shield, Avoid Chemical Hazards
positive azeotrope, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify ethanol
potassium chromate, safety, Laboratory 20.3: Quantitative Anion
Analysis of Seawater
potassium ferricyanide, molal solution, Laboratory 7.2: Make Up a
Molal Solution of a Solid Chemical
potassium hydrogen tartrate, solubility product constant, Laboratory
13.3: Determine a Solubility Product Constant
potassium permanganate, safety, Laboratory 12.4: Determine the
Effect of a Catalyst on Reaction Rate, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative
Analysis of Inorganic Anions
potential, electric, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
powder funnels, Filtering Flasks
practical grade chemicals, Chemical Grades
Precision Weighing Balances, Balance
preparative chromatography, Laboratory 6.5: Chromatography: TwoPhase Separation of Mixtures
pressureatmospheric, Laboratory 14.1: Observe the Volume-Pressure
Relationship of Gases (Boyle’s Law)
Avogadro’s Principle, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
barometric, Laboratory 14.1: Observe the Volume-Pressure
Relationship of Gases (Boyle’s Law)
Boyle’s Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.1:
Observe the Volume-Pressure Relationship of Gases (Boyle’s Law)
Charles’ Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.2:
Observe the Volume-Temperature Relationship of Gases (Charles’
chemical equilibrium, Part I: Examine the Effect of Concentration
on Equilibrium
Combined Gas Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
Gay-Lussac’s Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.3:
Observe the Pressure-Temperature Relationship of Gases (GayLussac’s Law)
Ideal Gas Law, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry, Laboratory 14.4: Use
the Ideal Gas Law to Determine the Percentage of Acetic Acid in
Vinegar, Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar Mass from Vapor
DensityJoule-Thompson effect, Laboratory: Gas Chemistry
osmotic, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutions,
Laboratory 8.3: Observe the Effects of Osmotic Pressure
vapor reduction, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of Solutions
pressure-treated wood, Laboratory 22.4: Perform the Marsh Test
presumptive tests, Laboratory: Forensic Chemistry, Laboratory 22.2:
Perform a Presumptive Test for Illicit Drugs
primary standard grade chemicals, Chemical Names
product layer, Laboratory 6.4: Solvent Extraction
products, chemical reactions, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical
Reactions and Stoichiometry
professional-grade glassware, General Purpose Glassware and
propane gas burners, Heat Sources, Using Heat Sources
protective clothing, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult, Procedure, Laboratory 7.4: Make Up a Mass-toVolume Percentage Solution
purified grade chemicals, Chemical Namespurifying
copper sulfate, Laboratory 6.3: Recrystallization: Purify Copper
ethanol, Laboratory 6.2: Distillation: Purify ethanol
pyrophoric, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a Composition Reaction
pyrrhotite, composition reactions, Laboratory 9.1: Observe a
Composition Reaction
quadruple-beam balances, Heat Sources
qualitative analysis
bone, Laboratory 19.5: Qualitative Analysis of Bone
everyday, Laboratory: Qualitative Analysis
inorganic anions, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
inorganic cations, Laboratory 19.4: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Cations
metal ions, borax bead test, Laboratory 19.2: Use Borax Bead Tests
to Discriminate Metal Ionsmetal ions, flame test, Laboratory 19.1: Use Flame Tests to
Discriminate Metal Ions
overview, Laboratory: Qualitative Analysis
qualitative filter paper, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
quantitative analysis
chlorine bleach, redox titration, Laboratory 20.2: Quantitative
Analysis of Chlorine Bleach by Redox Titration
everyday, Laboratory 20.1: Quantitative Analysis of Vitamin C by
Acid-Base Titration
overview, Laboratory: Quantitative Analysis
seawater, anions, Laboratory 20.3: Quantitative Anion Analysis of
vitamin C, acid-base titration, Laboratory 20.1: Quantitative
Analysis of Vitamin C by Acid-Base Titration
quantitative filter paper, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
R-phrases, NFPA 704 Fire Diamond
rates, reaction (see reaction kinetics)rayon fiber, Laboratory 21.2: Produce Rayon Fiber
reactants, Laboratory: Introduction to Chemical Reactions and
reaction kinetics
catalysts, Laboratory 12.4: Determine the Effect of a Catalyst on
Reaction Rate
concentrations, Review Questions
overview, Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
surface area, Laboratory 12.2: Determine the Effect of Surface
Area on Reaction Rate
temperature, Laboratory: Chemical Kinetics
reaction plates, Reaction Plates
reactions, chemical (see chemical reactions)
reactivity series, metals, Laboratory 9.3: Observe a Single
Displacement Reaction
readability, balances, Recommended Laboratory Glassware
Reagent ACS Grade chemicals, Chemical Namesreagents
presumptive drug testing, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive
Test for Illicit Drugs
purity, Laboratory 22.4: Perform the Marsh Test
reagent grade chemicals, Chemical Names
equipment, Rubber Stoppers and Corks
glassware, Recommended Laboratory Glassware
supplies, Rubber Stoppers and Corks
recrystallization, purifying copper sulfate, Laboratory 6.3:
Recrystallization: Purify Copper Sulfate
recycled bottles, Bottles and Vials, Recommended Laboratory
Equipment and Supplies
redox reactions
battery, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
chlorine bleach, Laboratory 20.2: Quantitative Analysis of Chlorine
Bleach by Redox Titrationcopper ore to copper metal, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation
(Redox) Reactions
electrochemistry, overview, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
electrolysis of water, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and
Oxygen by Electrolysis of Water
energy transformation, Laboratory 16.4: Observe Energy
Transformation (Voltage and Current)
everyday, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox) Reactions
iron oxidation, Laboratory 16.2: Observe the Electrochemical
Oxidation of Iron
manganese oxidation states, Laboratory 10.2: Observe the
Oxidation States of Manganese
overview, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox) Reactions
voltaic cell, Laboratory 16.5: Build a Voltaic Cell with Two HalfCells
reduction, vapor pressure, Laboratory: Colligative Properties of
Solutionsreduction-oxidation reactions
battery, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
chlorine bleach, Laboratory 20.2: Quantitative Analysis of Chlorine
Bleach by Redox Titration
copper ore to copper metal, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation
(Redox) Reactions
electrochemistry, overview, Laboratory: Electrochemistry
electrode potentials, Laboratory 16.3: Measure Electrode Potentials
electrolysis of water, Laboratory 16.1: Produce Hydrogen and
Oxygen by Electrolysis of Water
energy transformation, Laboratory 16.4: Observe Energy
Transformation (Voltage and Current)
everyday, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox) Reactions
iron oxidation, Laboratory 16.2: Observe the Electrochemical
Oxidation of Iron
manganese oxidation states, Laboratory 10.2: Observe the
Oxidation States of Manganese
overview, Laboratory: Reduction-Oxidation (Redox) Reactionsvoltaic cell, Laboratory 16.5: Build a Voltaic Cell with Two HalfCells
reference standard, solutions, Laboratory: Solubility and Solutions
relative error, Titrate Using a Mohr Pipette
residue, filtration, Filtration
resistance, battery, Laboratory 16.6: Build a Battery
balances, Recommended Laboratory Glassware
measurement, Mastering Laboratory Skills
respirators, All Laboratory Activities Must be Supervised by a
Responsible Adult
retrograde solubility, Procedure, Review Questions
reverse reaction rates, Laboratory: Chemical Equilibrium and Le
Chatelier’s Principle
right-angle clamps, Heat Sources
ring stands, Heat Sources
risk phrases, NFPA 704 Fire Diamondrods, stirring, Miscellaneous General Glassware
rubber stoppers, Scoops, Spatulas, and Spoons
rusting, Laboratory 16.2: Observe the Electrochemical Oxidation of
S-phrases, NFPA 704 Fire Diamond
acetone, Laboratory 14.5: Determine Molar Mass from Vapor
acids, Procedure
ammonia, Procedure, Procedure
ammonium hydroxide, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
ammonium nitrate, Procedure
antimony, Laboratory 22.4: Perform the Marsh Test
arsenic, Laboratory 22.4: Perform the Marsh Test, Part II: Test the
Samplesbarium hydroxide, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of
Inorganic Anions
barium nitrate, Laboratory 19.3: Qualitative Analysis of Inorganic
barium salts, Laboratory 20.3: Quantitative Anion Analysis of
bases, Laboratory: Acid-Base Chemistry
chemical storage, Storage Color Codes
chemicals, allergies, Storage Color Codes
chemicals, disposal, Storage Color Codes
chemicals, handling, Hazard Pictograms and Letter Symbols
chlorine bleach, Laboratory 20.2: Quantitative Analysis of Chlorine
Bleach by Redox Titration
chloroform, Laboratory 22.2: Perform a Presumptive Test for Illicit
copper sulfate, Procedure
cyanide gas, Proceduredeadly chemicals, Incompatible Chemicals
dry ice, Laboratory 14.2: Observe the Volume-Temperature
Relationship of Gases (Charles’ Law), Procedure
ethanol, Laboratory 22.1: Use the Sherlock Holmes Test to Detect

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