كتاب Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level I
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level I

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level I
Parts, Assemblies, Drawings, PhotoView 360, SimulationXpress and CSWA Preparation
Alejandro Reyes
Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert

كتاب Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level I  S_w_g_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Introduction . 1
Chapter 1: The SOLIDWORKS Interface . 3
Chapter 2: Part Modeling . 21
The Housing 23
The Side Cover 115
The Top Cover .133
The Offset Shaft .165
Auxiliary Geometry .187
The Worm Gear .205
The Worm Gear Shaft 231
Chapter 3: Special Features: Sweep, Loft and Wrap . 245
Sweep: Cup and Springs .247
The Cup .249
Simple Spring 263
Variable Pitch Spring .269
Thread Feature 273
Sweep: Bottle .279
Loft: Bottle .295
Wrap Feature .307
Worm Gear Shaft Complete .323
Worm Gear Complete 333Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 – Level I
ivBeginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 – Level I
Chapter 4: Detail Drawing 353
Drawing One: The Housing 355
Drawing Two: The Side Cover .403
Drawing Three: The Top Cover 429
Drawing Four: The Offset Shaft .449
Drawing Five: The Worm Gear 457
Drawing Six: The Worm Gear Shaft .475
Chapter 5: Assembly Modeling . 497
The Speed Reducer Assembly 499
SmartMates .533
Fasteners .551
Configurations using Design Tables .563
Interference Detection 581
Assembly Configurations .585
Exploded View .609
Chapter 6: Assembly and Design Table Drawings 655
Assembly Drawing .657
Design Table Drawing 683Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 – Level I
viBeginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 – Level I
Chapter 7: Animation and Rendering . 691
PhotoView 360 .693
Animation .715
Chapter 8: Analysis: SimulationXpress 745
Background: Why Analysis? 747
Engine’s Connecting Rod Analysis 751
A final word on analysis .775
CSWA: Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate Practice Test .779
Collaboration: eDrawings 791
Final Comments 795
Appendix . 797
Document templates 797
Index 803
3D Content Central . 552
Add Configuration 358, 405
Add Dimension 95, 136
Add Relation . 33
Add Relations . 151
Add to New Folder 649
Add to Ordinate 439
Add/Update Key . 719
Alternate Position View . 676
Animate Explode/Collapse . 621
Animation Wizard . 732
Appearance 520
Assembly Feature . 710
Asymmetric Fillet 284
AutoBalloon 665
AutoKey 729
Auto-rotate view normal to sketch
plane on sketch creation 30, 54
Auxiliary Plane 187
Auxiliary View . 491
Axes . 187
Axis . 187
Begin Assembly 504
Bi-directional . 310
Bill of Materials . 658
Bounding Box . 195
Break View . 452
Broken-Out Section .477, 486
Cap ends 310
Center Mark .383, 418
Center of Mass 101, 187, 193
Center of Mass Reference Point. 194
Center Rectangle 136
Centerline 33, 80, 412, 486
Chamfer 213
Chamfer Dimension 466
Change Transparency 602
Circle .61, 75
Circular Center Mark 418
Circular Pattern . 87
Coincident mate 512
Coincident Relation 38
Collapse Exploded View . 620
Collinear Relation 38
Collision Detection 594
Command Manager 10
Concentric Mate 510
Concentric Relation . 38, 73
Configuration 357
Configuration Manager . 357
Configure Dimension 363
Confirmation Corner 29
Construction Geometry . 125
Convergence 760
Convert Entities . 179
Coordinate Systems 187, 190
Cosmetic Threads . 79
Crop View . 462, 463
CSWA . 779
Custom Scale . 426
Cut Extrude . 59
decals . 695
Decals . 697
Default planes . 21
Delete Face 407
Design Intent . 21
Design Library . 552
Design Table . 563
Detail View 378
Detail view scaling 379
Dimension Names . 563
Dimension Palette . 388, 423
Disable Key on View Creation 734
Disable Playback of View Keys . 729
Disable View Key Creation . 729
Displacement Results . 766
Display as Diameter 437
Display as Radius . 437
Display Sheet Format . 367, 460
Display Style . 9
DisplayManager 695
Document Properties 442
Document templates . 797
drafting standard . 14Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 – Level I
Dynamic Mirror 308
Dynamic Reference Visualization361
Edit Document Units 41
Edit Key Point Time .726, 735
Edit Material 101
Edit Sheet 469
Edit Sheet Format .467
Edit Sketch 83, 93
eDrawings .791
Ellipse 253, 462
Equal Relation .38, 151
Exit Sketch 85
Explode Line Sketch 621
Exploded view .609
Extend Entities 121
Extrude 43
Faces to Pattern 128
Factor Of Safety 765
Feature Driven Component Pattern
Feature Manager .4
Feature Scope .711
Fillet .49
Final Render 706
Flip side to cut .185
Fly-out Feature Manager .67
Formatting Toolbar 441
Front View .60
Full Round Fillet 260
Fully Defined .42
Gear Mate .600
Helix 285
Helix and Spiral .264
Hide/Show Component .526
Hole Wizard .79, 90
Horizontal Relation 37
Insert Component 507
Instant 3D 65, 86
Interference Detection .581
Intersection Curve .324
Intersection Curves .329
Isolate 595
Isometric View .48
Layer .398
Lights .700
Limit Angle 633
Linear Pattern . 96
Link to Property 444
Loft . 297
Magnifying Glass 51, 89
Make Drawing from Part/Assembly
. 367
Mass Properties 103
Mate 509
Mate Reference 575
material . 15
Measure 146
Mid Plane 208, 236
Midpoint 35
Midpoint Line 752, 286
Midpoint Relation 38
Mirror 66
Mirror Components . 538, 561
Mirror Entities . 141, 142
Model Items 379, 412
Moments of Inertia 101
Motion Study . 717
MotionManager . 717
Motor 737
Mouse Gestures . 6, 34
Move Component . 516
New Part . 26
Note 441
Offset Entities . 139
Options . 14
Over Defined 43
Parallel Mate . 527
Parallel Relation . 38
Parametric 21
Parent/Child 361
Peg-in-Hole . 534, 536
Perpendicular Relation . 38
Perspective . 707
PhotoView 360 . 694
Pierce . 265
Place Key . 719, 726
Plane 171
Play 720
Playback Speed 735
Point . 92
Polygon . 236
Polygon Tool . 182Index
Power Trim . 121
Precision . 467
Previous View . 8
Projected View .369, 416
Property Manager 5, 35
RealView 11
RealView graphics 700
Rebuild . 85
Rectangle . 31
Reference Dimensions . 422
Reference Geometry 171
Rename Feature . 60
Render Quality 704
Reuse view letters 434
Reverse Direction . 97
Revolved Boss 123
Revolved Boss/Base 119
Revolved Cut .169, 170
Revolved Feature . 119
Right View 69
Rotate . 8
Rotate Component . 516
Run Simulation . 762
Save Animation 739
Scene . 700
Screw Clearance 155
Section View 305, 375
Select chain 310
Select Other .147, 177
Shaded Sketch Contours 298
Sheet Format 467
Shell . 144
Show Component . 528
Sketch .21, 28, 29, 93
Sketch Fillet .57, 136
Sketch Numeric Input 95, 136
Sketch Origin 37
Sketch Point 80, 91
Sketch Relations . 36
Slice Section . 433
Smart Dimension 39
SmartMates 533
Socket Head Screws . 553
SolidWorks Toolbox 551
Spline 486
Split Line . 752
Standard Views . 8
Straight Slot 93
Suppress . 360
Sweep . 257
Sweep Cut 338
Tangent Edges Removed . 373
Tangent Edges Visible 373
Tangent Edges with Font 373
Tangent Relation . 38
Tap 91
Templates . 13, 16
Temporary Axes 88
Thin Feature . 250
Thread 273
Through All . 74
Tolerance 76, 168
Top View . 46, 53
Trim . 120
Trim Entities 121
Under defined . 42
Undo . 43
units 13
Units 15, 26
Unsuppress . 363
Unsuppress with Dependents . 363
Up to Surface 143
Vertical Relation 37, 63
View Palette 368
View Selector 9
View Style . 57
Volume 101
von Mises 763
Weight . 101
Width Mate 543
Wrap . 311, 317
Zoom . 8


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