كتاب Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level II
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level II

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level II
Sheet Metal, Top Down Design, Weldments, Surfacing and Molds
Alejandro Reyes
Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert

كتاب Beginner’s Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Level II  S_w_g_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Multi Body Parts, Editing and Other Tools 3
Multi Body Parts . 5
Car Wheel . 15
Combine Bodies 47
Contour Selection . 59
Part Editing . 69
Sketch Editing . 93
Equations 107
Chapter 2: Sheet Metal and Top Down Design 127
Sheet Metal Design 129
Understanding Top Down Design . 163
More About External References 178
Sheet Metal and Top Down Design . 187
Sheet Metal Box Cover . 243
Sheet Metal Drawings 261
Sheet Metal Locker Top Down Design 271
Create a Forming Tool 313
SOLIDWORKS Pack and Go . 345Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 – Level II
ivBeginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 – Level II
Chapter 3: 3D Sketch and Weldments . 355
3D Sketch . 357
Projected Curve 379
Weldments . 392
Weldment Drawings . 431
Curved Elements 439
Structural Member Libraries . 449
Chapter 4: Surfacing and Mold Tools .461
Surface Modeling . 463
Master Model . 493
Fastening Features . 501
Bucket With Surfaces 531
More about Surfaces 545
Mold Tools 561
Card Holder Mold . 563
Hair Drier Cover Mold . 583
Hair Drier Body’s Mold . 615
Ribs Feature 635
Bucket’s Mold . 643
Final Comments 663
Index .665
3D ContentCentral 201
3D Sketch .358, 393
3D Sketch Relations . 360
Add to Library . 234
Along X .369, 395, 399
Along Z .370, 396, 399
Appearance …………… 554, 582, 632
Assembly Features . 339
Assembly Transparency . 295
Auto Relief 141
AutoBalloon 435
Base Flange 132
Base-Flange . 137
Bend Allowance 138
Bend Deduction 140
Bend Edges 310
Bend Notes . 264
Bend Outside .144, 150
Bends to unfold . 217
Bodies to Keep . 53
Bodies to Mirror 542
Bodies to Subtract 52
Break Corner 159
Break Corners 237
Broken . 184
Broken Relations 94
Check Sketch for Feature .74, 78
Chord Width 483
Closed Corner .146, 279
Collect All Bends 303
Collision Detection 334
Combine 22, 542
Common Bodies . 49
Component Pattern 329
Composite Curve .384, 589
Consume cut bodies 444, 497
Contour Selection . 59
Contour Selection Tool 61, 62, 63
Contours . 61
Convert to Sheet Metal274, 284, 310
Core .650, 651
Corner treatment . 440
Corner Treatment 242
Cut list 401, 430, 442
Cut With Surface . 377
Dangling 83, 94
Delete absorbed features 90
Delete Body 33
Delete Face 588, 607
Derived Sketch 373
Design Library . 222
Diagnose . 97
Dimension Names . 109, 227
Direction of Extrusion 468
Direction of Pull . 566
Display Annotations 428
Display entity points in part/assembly
sketches 74
Display Pane . 52
Display/Delete Relations . 95, 96
Draft 563, 567
Draft Analysis 563, 564, 583
Draft On/Off 469
Draft outward 469
Driving Feature . 304
Dynamic Assembly Motion 326
Edge Flange 142, 151, 219, 277, 299
Edit Assembly . 174
Edit Component167, 174, 189, 201,
213, 255, 282, 294, 297, 304, 307,
320, 321, 323
Edit Flange Profile . 219
Edit Linear Pattern 302
Edit Part 208
Edit Sketch Plane 85
End Cap 422
End Miter 404
End Trim . 409
Equations107, 111, 112, 117, 118,
Exploded view…………………….654
Extend Surface . 536Beginner's Guide to SOLIDWORKS 2023 – Level II
External Relations .94
Extrude From 540
Extruded Surface 468, 611
Face classification .615
Face Fillet 483, 484
Fastening Features .501
Feature Driven Pattern 304
Feature Scope .9, 340, 541
Filled Surface 475, 476
Fix .99
Fix projected length 249
Flat pattern 263
Flat-Pattern .238
Flatten .160, 257
Flexible Sub Assembly 335
Flip Tool 319
Fold .158, 218, 303
Force Assembly Transparency 168
Force Rebuild 338
Form Tool 196
Forming Tool .154, 195, 313, 316
Forming tools 222
Global Variables 115
Gusset .419
Hem .149, 150, 307
Hide Cosmetic Welds 428
Hole Series .339
Hole Wizard 339
in context .166
In Context 96, 178
In Context Relations 94
InPlace 166, 189, 244, 326
Insert Components 188, 243
Insert into new part… 443
Internal Dimensions 228
Internal Part .171
Intersection Curve .29, 591
Isolate…………………………… .616
Jog 248
Jog Offset 248
Jog Position .249
K-Factor .140
Knit Surface .480
Library Feature 225
Link to thickness 218
Link to Thickness 200
Link Values . 119
Lip/Groove 501, 502
List Broken References 184
List External Refs… 180
Local operations . 8
Locate Profile 406
Locating Dimensions . 228
Locked . 180
Locked Relations 94
Lofted Surface 466, 624
Maintain Assembly Transparency
Master Model 493
Mate Reference 232
Material Inside . 143
Material Outside 144
Merge arc segment bodies . 440
Merge faces . 241
Merge result9, 10, 12, 48, 51, 423,
479, 540
Miter Flange .213, 277, 287, 289
mounting boss 501
Mounting Boss 506
Move/Copy . 652
Move/Copy body . 604
Mutual Trim . 472
Neutral axis . 140
Neutral Plane 568, 569
New Part166, 188, 243, 281, 295,
New Weld Path . 425
No External References 308
Normal Cut . 200
Not Solved . 94
Obround Relief 141
Offset from Surface 42, 92
On Edge . 99, 322
On Plane Relation . 361
Opaque Assembly 168
Orientation Sketch 318
Out of Context . 178
Over defined Sketch . 94
Parent/Child .70, 82, 84, 87
Parting Line .574, 597, 646
Parting Surface . 647
Parting Surfaces . 576, 601Index
Pattern seed only 109
Planar Surface .473, 534
Projected Curve .379, 381
Propagate feature to parts 340
RealView graphics……………… 554
Rectangular Relief 141
Revolved Surface . 465
Rib 636
Rip Edges found 286, 310
Rollback .35, 567
Rotation Angle 407
Save Bodies . 443
Save Part (in External File) 176
Save Part (in External File) . 212
Scale 573
Select Tangency . 30
Selected Contours 59
Selection Filter 288
Set corner specific weld gaps . 440
Sheet Metal 127
Sheet Metal features 132
Sheet Metal Parameters . 138
Show feature dimensions 109
Shut-off Surfaces 620
Shut-Off Surfaces . 598
Side Core . 643
Simplify bends 242
Sketch Driven Pattern 510, 515
Sketch Pattern 302
Sketched Bend . 148
SketchXpert . 97
Smart Weld Selection Tool . 426
Snap Hook .501, 515
Snap Hook Groove 501, 520
Solid Bodies 6
Split .494, 611
Split Line…………………… 586, 587
Start Condition 64
Stop at collision 334
Straddle faces . 596
Structural Member 401, 440
Structural Member Libraries 449
Surface Bodies 466
Swept Surface . 547, 593
Tear Relief . 142
Thicken . 488, 539
Three Point Arc . 21
Tooling Split 578, 603, 647
Top Down design 163
Trim and attach . 537
Trim side bends 214, 280
Trim Surface . 470, 532
Trim/Extend 441
Trimming Boundary . 409, 441
Try to form a solid . 490
Twist Along Path . 547
Underive Sketch 375
Unfold . 156, 217, 300
Use default radius . 214
Vent 209, 501
Weld Bead 424, 428
Weld Folder 428, 434
Weld Geometry . 424
Weld Path . 424
Weld Symbol . 436
Weld Table 435
Weldment cut list . 432
Weldment Profiles . 454
Weldment Trim/Extend . 409
What's Wrong


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