كتاب AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial Second Level - 3D Modeling
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 كتاب AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial Second Level - 3D Modeling

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عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial Second Level - 3D Modeling
Randy H. Shih
Oregon Institute of Technology  

كتاب AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial Second Level - 3D Modeling A_2_0_24
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Getting Started
Introduction Intro-2
Development of Computer Geometric Modeling Intro-2
Why Use AutoCAD 2024? Intro-5
Getting Started with AutoCAD 2024 Intro-7
AutoCAD 2024 Screen Layout Intro-8
Application Menu Intro-9
Quick Access Toolbar Intro-9
AutoCAD Menu Bar Intro-9
Layout Tabs Intro-9
Drawing Area Intro-10
Graphics Cursor or Crosshairs Intro-10
Command Prompt Area Intro-10
Cursor Coordinates Intro-10
Status Toolbar Intro-10
Ribbon Tabs and Panels Intro-11
Draw and Modify Toolbar Panels Intro-11
Layers Control Toolbar Panel Intro-11
Viewport/View/Display Controls Intro-11
Mouse Buttons Intro-12
[Esc] - Canceling commands Intro-12
Online Help Intro-13
Leaving AutoCAD 2024 Intro-14
Creating a CAD File Folder Intro-14
Chapter 1
User Coordinate Systems and the Z-Axis
Introduction 1-2
The Floor Plan Design 1-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 1-3
3D Basic Modeling WorkSpace 1-4
Drawing Units Setup 1-5
Drawing Area Setup 1-6
Grid and Snap Intervals Setup 1-7
Create Polylines 1-9
Create an Offset Polyline 1-10
Create Interior Walls 1-11iv AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling
Complete the Doorway Using the Trim Command 1-14
User Coordinate System – It is an XY CRT, but an XYZ World 1-16
Viewing the 2D Design in 3D Space 1-17
Add the 3rd Dimension to the Floor Plan Design 1-18
View the Design Using the Hide Option 1-20
Add New Layers 1-21
Move Entities to a Different Layer 1-23
Reposition the UCS 1-23
Create the Roof 1-25
Rotating the UCS 1-27
Sketching on the Rotated UCS 1-28
View the Design Using the Hidden Option 1-29
Review Questions 1-30
Exercises 1-31
Chapter 2
3D Wireframe Modeling
Introduction 2-2
The Locator Design 2-3
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 2-4
Activate the Startup Option 2-4
Create the Rectangular Base of the Design 2-6
Create a 3D Box 2-7
Object Snap Toolbar 2-10
Use the Snap Options to Locate the Top Corners 2-10
Use the Copy Option to Create Additional Edges 2-12
Use the Trim Command 2-14
Use the View Toolbar 2-16
Dynamic Rotation – Free Orbit 2-16
Use the Offset Command to Create Parallel Edges 2-17
Create a Circle above the UCS Sketch Plane 2-19
Complete the Wireframe Model 2-20
Review Questions 2-22
Exercises 2-23
Chapter 3
UCS, Viewports and Wireframe Modeling
Introduction 3-2
The V-Block Design 3-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 3-3
3D Modeling Workspace 3-3
Layers Setup 3-4
Create the Rectangular Base of the Design 3-5
Create a Wireframe Box 3-6AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling v
Using the View and UCS Toolbars 3-7
Create Construction Lines in the Front View 3-8
Copy Objects in the Negative Z Direction 3-10
Create an Inclined Line at the Base of the Model 3-11
Create Object Lines 3-12
Multiple Viewports 3-14
Use the Mirror Command 3-15
Turn Off the Construction Lines 3-17
Create a New UCS 3-18
Create a New Named View 3-20
Create the V-Cut Feature on the Inclined Plane 3-22
Extend the Cut and GRIP Editing 3-23
Review Questions 3-25
Exercises 3-26
Chapter 4
Classical Faceted Surface Modeling
Introduction 4-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 4-4
The UCS Toolbar and the Meshes Commands 4-5
Create a Mesh Surface Using the 2D Solid Command 4-5
Using the Visual Styles Toolbar 4-8
Create a Mesh Surface Using the 3D Face Command 4-10
The ViewCube 4-12
Create a Faceted Surface of Irregular Shape 4-14
Use the Invisible Edge Option 4-16
Repositioning with the Grip Editing Tools 4-17
The Locator Wireframe Model 4-18
Moving Objects to a Different Layer 4-18
Advanced Meshed Surface Modeling Commands 4-20
Use the Faceted Tabulated Surface Option 4-23
Use the Faceted Ruled Surface Option 4-24
Review Questions 4-27
Exercises 4-28
Chapter 5
Procedural and NURBS Surface Modeling
Introduction 5-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 5-3
Turn on the UCS II Toolbar 5-3
Layers Setup 5-4
Create a Thin Surface Using the Extrude Command 5-5
Create another Profile 5-8
Complete the Profile Using Object Snap 5-9vi AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling
Create another Thin Surface Using the Extrude Command 5-11
Create a Flat Planar Surface 5-13
Use the Trim option to adjust the Top Surface 5-14
Create another Planar Surface 5-16
Use the Trim option to adjust the New Surface 5-17
Combining two Overlapping Surfaces 5-19
Create a 3D Free Form NURBS Surface Model 5-21
AutoCAD Spline Curves 5-22
Start a New Drawing and Layers Setup 5-23
Create Two sets of Splines 5-24
Display the Control Vertices and Edit the Splines 5-28
Create a Network Surface 5-29
Convert the Network surface to a NURBS surface 5-31
Review Questions 5-32
Exercises 5-33
Chapter 6
Solid Modeling - Constructive Solid Geometry
Introduction 6-2
The Guide-Block Design 6-2
Constructive Solid Geometry Concept 6-3
Binary Tree 6-4
The Guide-Block CSG Binary Tree 6-5
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 6-6
Layers Setup 6-7
Create the First 3D Object 6-7
Create the Second Solid Feature 6-9
Boolean Operation - Union 6-10
Create the Second Cylinder Feature 6-11
Boolean Operation - Subtract 6-12
Create another Solid Feature 6-13
Visual Styles Options 6-14
Create the Final Feature 6-15
Rotating the Rectangular Block 6-16
Reposition the Rectangular Block 6-17
The SteeringWheels 6-18
Review Questions 6-20
Exercises 6-21
Chapter 7
Regions, Extrude and Solid Modeling
Introduction 7-2
The V-Block-Solid Design 7-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 7-3AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling vii
Layers Setup 7-4
Setting Up a 2D Sketch 7-5
Defining the Front Edges of the Design 7-7
Create a Region 7-10
Extruding the Created Region 7-11
Create a 2D Sketch at the Base of the Model 7-13
Create a Mirrored Copy of the 2D Sketch 7-14
Create the Cutter Solids 7-15
Boolean Operation - Subtract 7-16
Mass Properties of the Solid Model 7-17
Align the UCS to the Inclined Face 7-18
Create the V-Cut 7-19
Review Questions 7-22
Exercises 7-23
Chapter 8
Symmetrical Features in Designs
Introduction 8-2
A Revolved Design: Pulley 8-2
Modeling Strategy - A Revolved Design 8-3
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 8-4
Layers Setup 8-5
Set Up a 2D Sketch for the Revolved Feature 8-6
Perform 2D Boolean Operations 8-8
Create the Revolved Feature 8-12
Mirrored Image of the Part 8-13
Combine Two Parts into One 8-14
Use the 3D Array Command 8-15
Position and Perform the Cut 8-18
Review Questions 8-20
Exercises 8-21
Chapter 9
Multiview Drawings from 3D Models
Introduction 9-2
The V-Block Design 9-2
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 9-3
AutoCAD Paper Space 9-4
Delete the Displayed Viewport 9-5
Add Borders and Title Block in the Layout 9-6
Setting Up the Standard Views 9-7
Determine the Necessary 2D Views 9-9
Establish an Auxiliary View 9-10viii AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling
Complete the 2D Drawing 9-14
Open the Pulley Solid Model 9-15
AutoCAD Paper Space setup 9-16
Delete the Displayed Viewport 9-17
Add Borders and Title Block by Copy & Paste 9-17
Setting Up the Standard Views 9-19
Determine the Necessary 2D Views 9-21
Rotate the Base View 9-22
Establish a Section View 9-23
Adjust the Scale of the Base View 9-26
Add an Isometric View 9-27
Complete the 2D Drawing 9-28
Review Questions 9-29
Exercises 9-30
Chapter 10
Advanced Modeling Tools & Techniques
Introduction 10-2
A Thin-Walled Design: Oil Sink 10-2
Modeling Strategy 10-3
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 10-4
Layers Setup 10-5
The First Extruded Feature 10-6
Create an Offset Geometry from an Extracted Surface 10-8
Extrude with Draft Angle 10-10
Align the Parts 10-11
Create another Extracted Surface 10-12
Combining Parts – Boolean Union 10-15
Create 3D Rounds and Fillets 10-16
Create a Shell Feature 10-18
Create a Rectangular Array Cut Feature 10-19
Create another Rectangular Array Cut Feature 10-21
Making a Design Change 10-23
Grip Editing Approach 10-23
Dynamic UCS Approach 10-24
Review Questions 10-27
Exercises 10-28
Chapter 11
Conceptual Design Tools & Techniques
Introduction 11-2
A Bird House Design 11-3
Starting Up AutoCAD 2024 11-4
Layers Setup 11-5AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling ix
The Base Plate 11-6
Create the Compartments for the 1st Floor 11-7
Using the Press/Pull Command 11-8
Using the Press/Pull Command as an Editing Tool 11-10
Create another Cut Feature 11-11
Adjust the Compartments 11-13
Add Additional Compartments 11-14
Create the Doors 11-15
Create the 2nd Floor 11-16
Reposition the 2nd Floor 11-18
Modeling the Roof Section with the Press/Pull Command 11-19
Use the Imprint Command 11-21
Review Questions 11-24
Exercises 11-25
Chapter 12
Introduction to Photorealistic Rendering
Introduction 12-2
Start Up AutoCAD 2024 and Retrieve the Pulley Design 12-3
Environment Setup 12-4
Use the Render Command 12-7
Available Lighting Simulation Modes in AutoCAD 12-8
Use the Materials Options 12-9
Activate the Sun & Sky Background Option 12-11
Add Additional Walls 12-14
Create a Point Light 12-17
Changing the Applied Materials 12-19
Create a Spotlight 12-20
Removing a Light 12-22
Create a Distant Light 12-23
Create New Materials 12-26
Save the Rendered Images 12-29
Conclusion 12-30
Review Questions 12-31
Exercises 12-32
Indexx AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling
cball, 2-16
Array, 3D, 8-15
Auxiliary View, 9-10
nary Tree, 6-4
Block, solids, 6-7
Boolean Intersect, 6-3
Boolean Operations, 6-3
Boundary Representation (B-rep), 7-2
Box, Solid, 6-7
Box Method, 2-2
Break, 4-21
Buttons, Mouse, Intro-12
D, Intro-2
CAE, Intro-2
Canceling commands, Intro-12
Cartesian Coordinate System, 1-16
CIRCLE command, 2-19
Close dialog box, 1-19
Close window, 3-4
Combine Parts, 8-14
Command prompt, Intro-8, Intro-10
Command line area, Intro-9
Computer Geometric Modeling, Intro-2
Conceptual design, 11-2
Conceptual Visual Style, 4-8
Control Vertices, 5-22, 5-28
Constructive solid geometry, 6-2
Coordinate systems, 1-16
Coordinates, 1-9
Copy Faces, 10-8
Copy Object, 2-20, 3-6, 3-10, 3-22
Copy & Paste, 9-17
Create Drawings, Intro-7
Create Material, 12-26
CSG, 6-3
Current UCS, 3-20
Cursor Coordinates Display, Intro-10
Customization icon, Intro-10
Cylinder, Solid, 6-9
stant Light, 12-23
Draft Angle, 10-10
Drafting Settings, 1-7, 3-8
Draw toolbar, 1-9
Drawing Layout, 9-4
Drawing Limits, 1-6
Drawing Views, Scale, 9-26
Dynamic UCS, 10-24, 11-7
DVIEW, 9-16
ge, hidden, 4-16
Endpoint, snap, 1-13
Erase, 1-15
Esc, Intro-12
EXIT, Intro-14
Explode, 2-17
Extract faces, 10-8
Extend, 3-23
Extrude, 5-5, 7-2, 7-15
Extrude, Draft Angle, 10-10
ce, 3D, 4-2, 4-10, 4-14
FILLET, 10-6
Fillet, 3D, 10-16, 10-17
Folder, create new, Intro-14
Format, pull-down, 1-5
Four Viewports, 3-14
Free Orbit, 2-16
From, Snap, 2-11
Front view, 3-23
obal space, 1-16
Graphics window, Intro-8, Intro-9
GRID Interval setup, 1-7
GRIP, editing, 3-23, 4-17, 10-23I-2 AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling
elp, Intro-13
Help Line, Intro-8, Intro-13
Hide, 1-20
Hidden, 2D, 3D 4-8, 4-13
mprint, 11-21
Inquiry, 7-17
Invisible Edge, 4-16
Isometric Views, 1-17, 9-27
IN, 6-3
yers Control toolbar, Intro-11
Layer, New, 1-21
Layer Properties Manager, 1-21
Layout, 9-7
Layout tab, 9-4
Lighting Simulation, 12-8
Limits, 1-6
LINE command, 2-9
Line, Close, 7-9
Local Coordinate System (LCS), 1-16
ass Properties, 7-17
Materials, 12-9
Meshes, 4-2, 4-5
Midpoint, Snap, 1-11
Mirror, 3-15, 7-14
Mirror 3D, 8-13
Model Space, 9-4
Model tab, 9-11
Modeling toolbar, 6-7
Modify toolbar, 1-10
Mouse Buttons, Intro-12
Move, 6-17
Move UCS, 1-23
Multiview drawing, 9-2, 9-9
amed view, 3-20
Network Surface, 5-29
New UCS, 3-18
New UCS, Face, 7-18
NURBS, 5-2, 5-21
ject Properties toolbar, 1-23, 3-12, 3-
17, 4-19, 7-8
Object Snap, 1-11, 3-8
Object Snap settings, 3-8
Object Snap toolbar, 2-10
OFFSET, 1-10
On-Line Help, Intro-13
One Viewport, 3-17
Open a Drawing, 4-4, 4-18
Orbit, Free, 2-16
ge Setup, 9-4
Paper Space, 9-4
Photometric, 12-8
Plan view, 3-20
Planar Surface, 5-13
Polar Angle settings, 3-8
Polar Tracking, 3-8
Polyline, 1-9
Point light, 12-17
Profile, 5-5, 5-8
Press/Pull, 11-8
Primitive Solids, 6-3
Properties, 1-19
Pull-down menus, Intro-8
adrant, Snap to, 2-21
Quick Select, 3-15
Quit, Intro-14
alistic Visual Style, 4-8
RECTANGLE command, 1-25
RECTANGULAR Array, 10-19
Reference area setup, 1-6Index I-3
Region, 4-2, 7-10
Region, Subtract, 8-8
Render, 12-2
Repeat, 2-9
Revolve, 7-2, 8-12
Revolved Feature, 8-2
Revolved Surfaces, 4-3, 4-20
Rotate Faces, 6-16
Rotate a View, 9-22
Rotate, 3D, 7-12
Rotate UCS, 1-27
Rounds, 3D, 10-16
Ruled Surfaces, 4-3, 4-20, 4-24
VE AS, 1-15
Scale Drawing Views, 9-26
Screen Layout, Intro-8
SE Isometric, 1-17
Section View, 9-23
Selection window, 1-18
Settings, 3-8
Shade toolbar, 4-8
Shaded Solids, 6-14
Shape before size, 11-3
SHELL, 10-18
Show Startup dialog box, 2-4
Single Line Help, Intro-8
Snap from, 1-13
Snap Interval Setup, 1-7
Snap to Endpoint, 1-13
Snap to Midpoint, 1-11, 2-10
Snap to Quadrant, 2-21
Solid Editing, 10-8
Solid Modelers, Intro-4
Solid, 2D, 4-2
Spline, 5-22
Spotlight, 12-20
Standard Views, 9-7
Start From Scratch, 2-5
Startup options, 2-4
Startup window, 2-5
Status Toolbar, Intro-10
SteeringWheels, 6-18
Stretch, 3-24
Subtract, 6-3, 6-12
Sun & Sky Background, 12-11
Surface Modelers, Intro-4
Surface Modeling commands, 4-20
Surfaces toolbars, 4-5
SW Isometric view, 3-24
Symmetrical Features, 8-2
bulated Surfaces, 4-3, 4-20, 4-23
Taper Angle, 10-10
Thickness, 1-2, 1-19
Thickness option, Rectangle, 1-25
3 Point, UCS, 3-18, 4-5
3D Face, 4-10
3D Hidden, 1-20
3D Modeling, Intro-3
3D Rounds and Fillets, 10-16
3D view, 1-17
3D Wireframe, 2-2~2-4, 2-17, 4-8
Thin Shell, 10-18
Title Block, 9-6
Tools, pull-down, 1-7
Top view, 3-14
Trim, 1-14
Trim Surface, 5-14
2½D solid modeling approach, 1-19
2D Extrusion method, 2-2
2D Drafting & Annotation, 1-4
2D Wireframe, 1-29
do, 1-14
Union, 6-10
Union surface, 5-19
Units Setup, 1-5
UCS, 1-2, 3-7, 4-5
UCS, 3 point, 3-18
UCS icon, 3-19
UCS II, 3-7, 5-3
UCS Toolbar, 3-7
User Coordinate System (UCS), 1-2
User Coordinate System, 1-16
ew, Hidden 3D, 1-20I-4 AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial: 3D Modeling
View, named, 3-20
View, 3D Views, 2-7
View toolbar, 2-16
ViewCube, 4-12
Viewports, 3-14
Viewport Scale, 9-17
Visual Styles, 1-29, 4-8
Visualize, 12-7
reframe, 2D, 4-8
Wireframe, 3D, 2-2~2-4, 2-17, 4-8
Wireframe Modeler, Intro-3
Wizard, quick setup, 2-5
World Coordinate System, 1-18
World space, 1-16
World UCS, 4-9
XXAxis Rotate UCS, 1-27
XY-Plane, 2-7
-Plane, 1-16
om All, 1-7, 3-6
ZX-Plane, 1-16

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