كتاب Evaluating Research in Academic Journals - A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation - Eighth Edition
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 كتاب Evaluating Research in Academic Journals - A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation - Eighth Edition

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Evaluating Research in Academic Journals - A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation - Eighth Edition
Maria Tcherni-Buzzeo and Fred Pyrczak

كتاب Evaluating Research in Academic Journals - A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation - Eighth Edition  E_r_i_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Contents14. Evaluating Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses:
Towards Evidence-Based Practice 231
15. Putting It All Together 250
Concluding Comment 256
Appendix A1: Research Ethics: Two of the Most (In)famous Studies 257
Appendix A2: Research Ethics: An Egregious Case that Led to
Children’s Deaths 262
Appendix B: Program/Policy Evaluation 265
Appendix C: Limitations of Significance Testing 268
Appendix D: Emerging Issues in Survey Research 273
Appendix E: Checklist of Evaluation Questions 276
Index 286
Page numbers in italics indicate a figure; page numbers in bold indicate a table
acronym 37
action research (or action-oriented research) 11,
121–123; sampling (or participant inclusion) in 127,
aggregate units 158
anonymity see response format
applied research 2, 7–8, 11-12
article: empirical article (or research report)
12, 18; non-empirical article 13; subtitle 44–46
attrition 107; bias (or differential attrition)
164–165; see also meta-analysis
auditor see qualitative research
autoethnography see ethnography
before-and-after-design see quasi-experiment
big data see data
blind (or blinded) experiment see experiment
case study 123–124; sampling in (or selection rationale)
128, 134
causality 266; cause-and-effect relationships in article
title 42–44; see also experiment
checklist of evaluation questions 276–285
Cochrane Library 237–238, 244
concept(s): conceptual definition 75, 92–93; definitions
(of key terms) 29
confidentiality 115–116, 135–138, 146; see also
response format
confounding variable (or confounder) see variables
content analysis 195
content validity see validity
convenience sample see sampling
convergent design see mixed methods research
cost–benefit analysis see evaluation research
cost–effectiveness analysis see evaluation research
criticism balanced 86–87; positive 85; negative 84–85
Cronbach’s alpha see reliability
cross-sectional research 14-15, 51
data 96; big data 97, 274; data saturation see saturation;
data triangulation see triangulation; dredging (or data
mining) 271; secondary 140
descriptive research 3–5
descriptive validity see validity
definition (of concept) see concept
demand characteristic 162–163
demographics: comparing demographics of survey
participants and non-participants 106–107; of the
sample 110–111, 135, 183, 213
descriptive research 70
descriptive statistics 177, 181
direct quotes (in literature reviews) 80–81
discussion 221
double-blind experiment see experiment
e.g. (use of in academic writing) 77
effect(s): of treatment (expressed as difference between
groups) 181, 269; size 231, 272; use of “effect(s)”
in article titles 42–43; effectiveness of a program or
policy see evaluation research
emerging issues in survey research 273–275
empirical research (or empirical study) 12; empirical
article see article
empirical validity see validity
ethics review of research 114, 174–175; informed
consent 115, 137, 164; (potential) harm to participants
114; unethical research practices 257–264, 271
ethnography (or ethnographic research) 2,
119–120, 131; autoethnography 119–120; sampling
(or participant selection) in 127, 131
evaluation research 7–11, 70, 265; cost–benefit analysis
265, 266; cost–effectiveness analysis 265, 266;
efficiency (of a program or policy) 266; impact
assessment 265; implementation (of a program or
policy) 266; process evaluation (or process analysis)
265–266; program theory 267
evidence-based practice (or evidence-based policy) 232,
247–248, 265, 267
experiment(s) 11, 43, 156; blind (or blinded) 163;
double-blind 161–162; multiple baseline design 169;
multiple-treatment interference 169; natural
(or field) 167, 169–170; person effect 171; placebo
surgeries (or sham surgeries) 161–162, 166; size of
groups in 163; true (randomized controlled trial) 163
experimental mortality see attrition
explanatory research 5–8, 30, 108; design (or sequential
explanatory design) 207–208,
also see mixed methods research
exploratory research 2–5, 71, 145; design (or sequential
exploratory design) 207–208,
also see mixed methods research
ex post facto study see quasi-experiment
external validity see validity
face validity see validity
field experiment see experiment
field research 14–15, 119
file-drawer problem (or publication bias) see
flaws in research see limitations
gaps in research see research
generalizability (generalization) 96, 110, 112, 116, 160;
see also validity (external validity)
grey literature 235
grounded theory see theory
harm to participants see ethics review of research
Hawthorne effect 147; see also observation
heterogeneity (in qualitative research) 189;
also see meta-analysis
impact assessment see evaluation research
implementation (of a program or policy) see evaluation
implications of research for practice 225–227, 247–248
(in)famous (unethical) studies 257–264
inferential statistics 177, 181
informed consent see ethics review of research
Institutional Review Board (IRB) see ethics review of
integrated findings see mixed methods research
intent-to-treat (ITT) analysis 165
internal consistency (or internal reliability) see reliability
internal validity see validity
interpretative validity see validity
inter-rater (or inter-coder) reliability see reliability
journal impact factor (journal quality) 22
limitations (flaws): in research 26–27, 79–80, 222–223;
of measures 24, 145, 153–54; of sampling 24–26,
110; of significance testing 268; of systematic
reviews and meta-analyses 246–247; unavoidable
flaws 252
literature review 65
longitudinal research (or longitudinal study) 14–15, 107,
146, 164
mailed survey see survey response rate
mean, misleading 179–180
measurement 23; instruments 23; see also reliability;
measures 140; self-reported 166; see also reliability;
median 180
member checking see qualitative research
meta-analysis 9, 231; attrition bias in meta-analyses 241;
heterogeneity of studies included in 240; publication
bias (or “file-drawer problem”) 241; selective
reporting bias 241
meta-synthesis 231
method(s) 96
Milgram’s Experiments on Obedience
mixed methods research 206–207, 273; convergent
design 207; integrated findings 214–216; sequential
explanatory design 207, 219; sequential exploratory
design 207
mode 180
multiple baseline design see experiment
multiple-treatment interference see experiment
natural experiment see experiment
negative cases (exploring negative cases) 197
non-empirical article see article
null hypothesis 266
observation 23; direct observation and changes in
behavior 147; see also measurement
online survey see survey response rate
operationalization 141
palpability 189, 201–203
participants 96; recruitment (in qualitative research)
participation rate 103–105
percentage 177–178
person effect see experiment
phenomenology (or phenomenological study) 120–121,
sample selection in 127, 132
pilot study 26, 125–126; sample selection 128, 135
placebo surgeries see experiment
plain language summary 244
policy evaluation 265–267
population 96–109, 126–129, 268–269
positionality 188, 199–201
practical significance (as opposed to statistical
significance) 270–271
probability sampling (or random sampling) see sampling
process evaluation (or process analysis) see evaluation
program evaluation 265–267
program theory see evaluation research
proof 31; degrees of evidence 79
publication bias see meta-analysis
“publish or perish” pressure 271
purposive sample see sampling
qualitative research 126, 188; coding of data in 195–196;
collection of data in 142, 143–145; member checking
197, 201; sampling in 130–131; use of quotations
(thick descriptions) 201–202; see also content analysis
quantitative research 177
quasi-experiment 43, 161, 163–170, 173, 237; beforeand-after-design 169; ex post facto study 43, 167;
single subject research (or behavior analysis) 168–169
random: assignment 159–160; random assignment vs
random sampling (or random selection) 159–160, 160;
see also experiment; random sampling see sampling
randomized controlled trial see experiment
reflexivity 188, 197, 199–201, 211, 250–251
reliability 144; internal consistency (measured by
Cronbach’s alpha) 148–149; inter-rater (or inter-coder)
147–149, 196–197, 210; split-half 149; temporal
stability (or test–retest reliability) 150–151
replication 31, 117; crisis 270–271
representative sample see sampling
research: checklist of evaluation questions 276–285;
contradictory research findings 83–84; cross-sectional
vs longitudinal studies 14; gaps in research literature
87, 251–252; emerging issues in survey research 273–
275; research article (or research report) 1
response format (in a questionnaire) 141–142;
anonymous responses 146; confidential responses
146; response style bias 145
samples/sampling: aggregate-level sampling units 41;
biased 102; convenience 24, 102, 107–108, 125;
in qualitative research 188–193; non-random 102;
purposive 25, 126, 126–128; random (or probability)
99, 268; representative 96, 109; sampling error
268; saturation 126, 130, 191–192, 194, 197;
simple random 102; size of 112–113,
130–131; stratified 101–102; unbiased 99
saturation see samples
secondary data see data
selection bias (or self-selection bias) 26, 104, 107
selective reporting bias see meta-analysis
sequential explanatory design see mixed methods research
sequential exploratory design see mixed methods research
sham surgeries see experiment
significance testing see statistical significance
simple random sampling see sampling
single-subject research (or behavior analysis) see
size of groups in experiments see experiment
size of the sample see sampling
skewed distribution 179–180
social desirability bias 145
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE) 107, 160, 257–258,
statistical significance 113, 181; significance testing
statistics: presented in a table and in text
182–183; see also descriptive statistics
stratified sampling see sampling
subjects see participants
substantive significance (as opposed to statistical
significance) 270–271
survey research 14; emerging issues 273–275
survey response rate 103–104
systematic review 231
temporal stability (or test–retest reliability) see reliability
theory 5-7, 30, 125, 193; developing and testing 5,
125–126; grounded 71, 193, 194, 196, 207;
implications of study results for 228; mention in
abstracts 55–56; mention in introductions 69–70;
mention in titles 41–42
thick descriptions see qualitative research
translational research 12
treatment see experiment; see also variables
triangulation 144–145, 194, 197
true experiment see experiment
unbiased sample see sampling
validity 144; content 151; descriptive validity
188–189, 197; empirical 152–153; external
173–174; face 152; increasing validity through the
use of multiple measures 144–145; internal 160, 174;
interpretative validity 188–189, 197; issues unique to
mixed methods research 215–216; theoretical validity
188–189; with regard to self-reports of sensitive
matters 145–146
variable(s) 39; confounding (or confounder) 161;
dependent, or response 156; independent, or stimulus
(often referred to as treatment) 156
Wakefield (Andrew) study on vaccines and autism

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