كتاب SOLIDWORKS Simulation - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب SOLIDWORKS Simulation - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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SOLIDWORKS Simulation - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users

كتاب SOLIDWORKS Simulation - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users  S_w_s_25
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 : Introduction to FEA and SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Introduction to SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Linear Static Analysis
Frequency Analysis
Buckling Analysis
Thermal Analysis
Drop Test Analysis
Fatigue Analysis
Nonlinear Analysis
Linear Dynamic Analysis
Pressure Vessel Design Analysis
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Working with Different Phases of FEA
Important Terms and Definitions used in FEA
Tensile Stress
Compressive Stress
Shear Stress
Hooke’s Law
Yield Strength
Ultimate Strength
Fracture Strength
Young’s Modulus
Poisson’s Ratio
Different Application Areas of FEA
Installing SOLIDWORKS SimulationGetting Started with SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Invoking the Part Modeling Environment
Invoking the Assembly Environment
Invoking the Drawing Environment
Identifying SOLIDWORKS Documents
Adding CommandManager Tabs
Invoking SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Chapter 2 : Introduction to Analysis Tools and Static Analysis
Making Assumptions for Linear Static Analysis
Working with Linear Static Analysis
Defining Analysis Units
Assigning Material Properties
Creating New Material Library, Category, and Material
Creating a New Material Category
Creating a Custom Material
Editing Properties of a Standard Material
Deleting Material library, Category, and Material
Defining Boundary Conditions
Applying Fixtures/Restraints
Applying Standard Fixtures
Fixed Geometry Fixture
Roller/Slider Fixture
Fixed Hinge Fixture
Immovable (No translation) Fixture
Applying Advanced Fixtures
Symmetry Fixture
Cyclic Symmetry Fixture
Use Reference Geometry Fixture
On Flat Faces Fixture
On Cylindrical Faces Fixture
On Spherical Faces Fixture
Applying Loads
Applying the Force
Applying the Torque
Applying the Pressure
Applying the Gravity
Applying the Centrifugal Force
Applying the Bearing Load
Applying the Remote Loads/Mass
Meshing a GeometryDifferent Types of Elements
Creating Mesh on a Geometry
Chapter 3 : Case Studies of Static Analysis
Case Study 1: Static Analysis of a Rectangular Plate
Case Study 2: Static Analysis of a Bracket with Mesh Control
Case Study 3: Static Analysis of a Symmetrical Model
Case Study 4: Static Analysis of a Torispherical Head with Shell Elements
Case Study 5: Static Analysis of a Weldment Frame with Beam Elements
Hands-on Test Drive 1: Static Analysis of a Beam Support
Hands-on Test Drive 2: Static Analysis of a Bearing House
Chapter 4 : Contacts and Connectors
Working with Contacts
Different Types of Contacts
Applying Contacts
Applying a Component Contact
Compatible mesh
Incompatible mesh
Non-touching faces
Applying a Local Contact
Working with Connectors
Applying a Bolted connector
Applying a Pin connector
Applying a Link Connector
Applying a Bearing connector
Applying a Spot Weld Connector
Applying an Edge Weld connector
Case Study 1: Static Analysis of a Hook Assembly with Contacts
Case Study 2: Static Analysis of a Flange Assembly with Bolt Connectors
Case Study 3: Static Analysis of an Assembly with Edge Weld Connectors
Hands-on Test Drive 1: Static Analysis of a Leaf Spring Assembly
Hands-on Test Drive 2: Static Analysis of a Car Jack Assembly
Chapter 5 : Adaptive Mesh Methods
Working with H-Adaptive Mesh
Working with P-Adaptive Mesh
Case Study 1: Static Analysis of a C-Bracket with Adaptive MeshingHands-on Test Drive 1: Static Analysis of a Wrench with Adaptive Meshing
Chapter 6 : Buckling Analysis
Introduction to Buckling Analysis
Case Study 1: Buckling Analysis of a Pipe Support
Case Study 2: Buckling Analysis of a Beam
Hands-on Test Drive 1: Buckling Analysis of a Column
Chapter 7 : Fatigue Analysis
Introduction to Fatigue Analysis
Case Study 1: Fatigue Analysis of a Connecting Rod
Hands-on Test Drive 1: Fatigue Analysis of a Crankshaft
Chapter 8 : Frequency Analysis
Introduction to Frequency Analysis
Case Study 1: Frequency Analysis of a Wine Glass
Case Study 2: Frequency Analysis of a Pulley Assembly
Hands-on Test Drive 1: Frequency Analysis of a Cantilever Beam
Chapter 9 : Drop Test Analysis
Introduction to Drop Test Analysis
Case Study 1: Drop Test Analysis of a Cylinder
Case Study 2: Drop Test Analysis of a Helmet
Hands-on Test Drive 1: Drop Test Analysis of a Hard Drive
Chapter 10 : Non-Linear Static Analysis
Making Assumptions for Non-Linear Static Analysis
Using Iterative Methods for Non-Linear Analysis
Newton-Raphson (NR) Scheme
Modified Newton-Raphson (MNR) Scheme
Using Incremental Methods for Non-Linear Analysis
Force Incremental Control Method
Displacement Incremental Control Method
Arc Length Incremental Control MethodCase Study 1: Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Shackle
Case Study 2: Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Handrail Clamp Assembly
Case Study 3: Non-Linear Static Analysis of a Cantilever Beam
Hands-on Test Drive 1: Non-linear Static Analysis of a Hook Assembly


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