كتاب Fluid Mechanics
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Fluid Mechanics

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Fluid Mechanics
R. C. Hibbeler  

كتاب Fluid Mechanics  F_m_i_11
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

1 Fundamental Concepts J
Chapter ObJectives 3
1.1 'Introduct~on 3
1.2 Charactetmstics of Mratter 5
1.3 Systems of Units b
1.4 Cakul1ations 1O
1.5 Problem S 1o~ving 12
1916 Basic Fluid Properties 14
1..1' Viscosity 1'9
1.8 Vlscos~ty Measurement 24
1.. 19 Vapor Press1ur1e 28
1.1Oi Surface Tension and Capillarlrty 29
2 Fluid Statics 47
Chapter ObJectives 47
2 .1 Pressure 47
2 .2 Absolute and Gage Press.ure 50
2.3 Static Pressure Variat~on 52
2.4 Pressure Variat~on for lncompressible
F~uids 53
2.5 Pressure Variation for Compressibl!e
F~uids 55
2.6 Measurement of Static Pr1essure 58XlV CONTENTS
2.7 Hydrostatic Force on a Plane
Surface~lForimu la Method 66
2 ..8 Hydrostafic Force on a1P~ane
Surface~G eometr~call Method 72
2.9' Hydrostatic Force on a Plane
Surface~ l ntegratmon Method 77
2.10 Hydrostatic Force on an Inclined P~arne
or Curved Surface Determ1ne1d by
Project'ion 80
2.11 ·Buoyancy 87
2.12 Stability 90
2.13 Constant Tr.anslati1onal1Acceleration of
a Liquid 93
2.14 Steady Rotation of a Liquid 98
Kinematics of Fluid Motion 141
Chapter ·Objectives. 141
3.1 Fluijd Flow Descriptions 141
3.2 Types of Flu'id Flow 143
3.3 Gr.aphkal Descriptions 1of !Fluid Flow· 146
3.4 Fluid Acceileration 154
3.5 Strearnline Coordiinates 1611CONTENTS xv
Conservation of Mass 177'
Chapter Olbjectiives 1177
4 ..1 f1in~te Control Vollumes 177
4.2 The Reynoids Transpoirt Theorem 180
4.3 'Volumetric Flow Mass Flow and Average
Velocity 186
4.4 ConservatFOll of Mass 190
Work and Energy of Moving
Fluids 223
Chapter Objectives 223
5.1 !Euler's Equations of Motion 223
5.2 The Bernou l ~i Equati1on 227
5.3 App~ic.ations of the IBernoullli
Equation 230
5.4 !Energy and Hydraulic Grade Unes 242
S.! The En1ergy Equation 250XVI CONTENTS
FJuid Momentum 2'93
Chapter Objectives 293
6.1 The Linear Momentum Equation 293
6.2 Appl'lcations t 10 Bodies at !Rest 295
6.3 Appl1'ications to Bodies Ha1ving Constant
Velocity 305
6 .4 The Angu~a r Momentum !Equatlron 310
6 ~5 Propellers and Wind Turbines 318
6 ~·6 Applications for C1ontrol Vollu1mes Having
Accelerated !Motion .323
6.7 Turbojets and Turbofan1s 324
6.8 Rockets 325
Differential Fluid Flow 355
Chapter Objectives 355
7.1 Diffeirential Analysis 355
7 ~2 Ktinematics of Differential!
Fluijd El·ements 3S6
7.3 Circulation and Vorticity 360
7.4 C1onservatio11 of Mass 3164
7.5 Equations 1of Motion for a !Fluid
Partide 366
7•16 The !Euler and ·eernoulli Equat~ons 368
7.7 The Stream Function 372
7.8 The Potential Function 377
7.'9 Basi·c Two·-dim·ens~onall Flows 381
7 .1Oi Superposition of Flows 392
7 .11 The 1Navier Stokes Equations 402
7 ~ 12 Co1mputational Fluiid Dynami1cs 406CoNTElNTS xv 11
Dimensional Analysis and
SimiHtude 4219
Chapt1er Objecfives 429
8.1 Dirnens'ionaJ Ana~ysis 42 19
8.2 ~mporta11t IDimensii0niess ;Numbers 432
8.3 The Buckingham Pi Theorem 435
8.4 Som1e Genera1~ Cons'ideratir0ns Re·lated to
D·im 1ens i·ona~ A naiysis 444
8.S SimHitude 445
Viscous Fl.ow within Enclosed
Surfaces 4691
Chapter Objectives 469
9.1· St·e.ady·Lam1inar F~ow between ParaUel
P~atres 469
9.2 Navi1er-Stokes Solution for Steady
Lamh1ar Flow bebveen ParaUel Plates 475
9.31 St·e.ady Lamijnar Flo1w within a Smooth
Pipe 480
9.4 !Navier-Stok1es Solution for Steady
La m ~nar Flfo·w within a Smooth Pipe 4.84
9.51 Tlhe R1eynolds !Number 486
9.16 Fully D·evelop·ed Fl1ow from .an
Entrance 491
9 ..7 La1minar and Turbu!ent Shear Stre.ss withijn
a Smooth Pipe 493
9.8 Turbu'lent Fl1ow within a Smooth Ptpe 496XVllll CONTENTS
Analysis and Design for
Pipe Flow 517
Chapter Objectives 15117
1rO.1 Resistance to Flow in IRough Pipes 517
1r0.2 Losses Occurring from Pipe Fittings and
Transitions 528
10.3 Single-Pipeline Flow 534
10.4 Pipe Systems 540
1O.S Flow Measurement 546
Viscous Flow over External
Surfaces 569
Chapter Objectives 569
11 .1 The Concept of the Boundary
Layer 569
11.2 laminar Boundary Layers 575
11.J The M 1omentum lntegra~ Equation 584
11.·4 Turbulent Bou1ndary Laye·rs 588
11.5 l aminar and Turbulent Boundary
Layers 590
11.6 Drag and Lift 596
11 .7 Pressure Gradient Effects 598
11 .8 The Drag Coefficient 602
11 .9 Drag Coefficients for Bodies Having
Various Shapes 606
111.10 Methods for Reduci1ng Drag 613
11 1 ~ 11 1 Lift and Dr.ag 1on an Akfoill 616CoNTENrs XIX
Open-Channel Flow 647
Chapte'r 10bjectives 647
12.1 Types of Flow in Open Channe·rs 647
12.2 Ope1r.-1Channe1I F~ow C~assifications 649
1.2..3 Spee1ifk IEnergy 1650
12..4 OpenRChannel flow over a Rise or
Bump 6.58
112·..s Open-Channel Flow under a
S'luice Gate 662
12.6 Steady Uniform Channel Flow 666
12.7 Gradual F'lo'w with Varying IDepth 673
12.8 The HlydrauUc .Jump 680
·12.9 Werirs 1685
Compressible Flow 707
Chapter 10bjectives 707
13.1 Thermodyna1mic Concepts 707
13.2 W.ave Propag.ati·on thr1ough a
Compressibl1e Fluid 7116
13 ..3 Types of 1Compressib~e Ffow 71 '9
13~4 Stagnation Pr1operties 723
13.5 lsentro
1pic Flow ·thr1ough a Variable
Area 730
13.16 lsentropmc Flow tlhrough Con'Verging and
D1iver19ing Nozzles 735
13.7 The Effect of Friction 10n Compressib'e
13.8 The !Effect o.f .Heat Transfer on
Compressible Flow 754
13.19 Normal Shock Waves 760
13.10 Shock Waves in Nozzl 1es 763
113.11 Oblique Shock Waves 768
13.12 Co·rnpiression and Expansion
Waves 773
13..13 Compressible Flow Measurement 778
Tu1rbomachines 80'1
Chapter Objectives 801
14~1 Types of Turboma 1chines 801
14.2 AxijaleFlow Pumps 802
14~ .3 Radial-Plow Pumps 808
14.4 Idea~ Performance for Pumps 810
14.S Turbines. 815
14.6 Pump Perl1ormance 821
14.7 Cavitaition a.nd the Net Positive
Suct~on Head 824
14.81 Purmp Selection Related to the
Flow System 8.216
14.19 Turbomachirne Simmtude 8.28
A.. Physical Properties of F~uids 844
B. Compressib~e Properties of a Gas
(k = 1.4} 850
Fundamental Solution1.s 860
Answers to1 Sel 1e 1cted Problems 875
Index 892

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