كتاب Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures    كتاب Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures  Emptyالأحد 27 ديسمبر 2020, 1:16 am

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures
Edited by
Gangbing Song, Chuji Wang and Bo Wang
Printed Edition of the Special Issue Published in Applied Sciences  

كتاب Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures  S_h_m_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
About the Special Issue Editors . vii
Preface to ”Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures” . ix
Gangbing Song, Chuji Wang and Bo Wang
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures
10.3390/app7080789 1
Timo Kumberg, Taimur Aftab and Leonhard Reindl
A Wireless Sensor Network Using GNSS Receivers for a Short-Term Assessment of the
Modal Properties of the Neckartal Bridge †
10.3390/app7060626 4
Hae-Chang Cho, Deuck Hang Lee, Hyunjin Ju, Hyun-Cheol Park, Heung-Youl Kim and
Kang Su Kim
Fire Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Fuzzy Theory
Changhang Xu, Xumei Gong, Wuyang Zhang and Guoming Chen
An Investigation on Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography to Detect Surface Cracks on the
Tungsten Carbide Matrix of Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Bit
10.3390/app7040429 38
Jinke Li, Kaixing Liao, Xianglong Kong, Shengyuan Li, Xinwang Zhang, Xuefeng Zhao and
Changsen Sun
Nuclear Power Plant Prestressed Concrete Containment Vessel Structure Monitoring during
Integrated Leakage Rate Testing Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
10.3390/app7040419 50
Dan Yang, Cancan Yi, Zengbin Xu, Yi Zhang, Mao Ge and Changming Liu
Improved Tensor-Based Singular Spectrum Analysis Based on Single Channel Blind Source
Separation Algorithm and Its Application to Fault Diagnosis
10.3390/app7040418 66
Cancan Yi, Yong Lv, Han Xiao, Guanghui You and Zhang Dang
Research on the Blind Source Separation Method Based on Regenerated Phase-Shifted
Sinusoid-Assisted EMD and Its Application in Diagnosing Rolling-Bearing Faults
10.3390/app7040414 81
Mao-Sen Cao, Yu-Juan Ding, Wei-Xin Ren, Quan Wang, Minvydas Ragulskis and
Zhi-Chun Ding
Hierarchical Wavelet-Aided Neural Intelligent Identification of Structural Damage in
Noisy Conditions
10.3390/app7040391 99
Jing Xu, Jiajia Hao, Hongnan Li, Minzhang Luo, Wen Guo and Weijie Li
Experimental Damage Identification of a Model Reticulated Shell  
MDPI BooksFuhai Li, Xiaojuan Quan, Yi Jia, Bo Wang, Guibin Zhang and Siyin Chen
The Experimental Study of the Temperature Effect on the Interfacial Properties of Fully
Grouted Rock Bolt
10.3390/app7040327 131
Lei Zeng, Yunfeng Xiao, Yiguang Chen, Siqian Jin, Wei Xie and Xianjie Li
Seismic Damage Evaluation of Concrete-Encased Steel Frame-Reinforced Concrete Core
Tube Buildings Based on Dynamic Characteristics
10.3390/app7040314 142
Jie Zheng, Li-guo Dong, Shan-suo Zheng, Lei Zeng, Ze-hui Xiang and Wei He
Researching a Fuzzy- and Performance-Based Optimization Method for the Life-Cycle Cost
of SRHPC Frame Structures
10.3390/app7030269 160
Wei Lu, Jun Teng, Chao Li and Yan Cui
Reconstruction to Sensor Measurements Based on a Correlation Model of Monitoring Data
10.3390/app7030243 179
Jianlin Luo, Chenglin You, Shuai Zhang, Kwok L. Chung, Qiuyi Li, Dongshuai Hou and
Chunwei Zhang
Numerical Analysis and Optimization on Piezoelectric Properties of 0–3 Type
Piezoelectric Cement-Based Materials with Interdigitated Electrodes
10.3390/app7030233 192
Bo Wang, Chencong Mo, Chuan He and Qixiang Yan
Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of the Long-Term Health of Tunnel Structures
10.3390/app7020203 203
Kwok L. Chung, Lei Yuan, Songtao Ji, Li Sun, Chengping Qu and Chunwei Zhang
Dielectric Characterization of Chinese Standard Concrete for Compressive Strength Evaluation
10.3390/app7020177 223
Li Sun, Chuang Li, Jun Li, Chunwei Zhang and Xiaosu Ding
Strain Transfer Analysis of a Clamped Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor
10.3390/app7020188 237
Qixiang Yan, Chuan Zhang, Gang Lin and Bo Wang
Field Monitoring of Deformations and Internal Forces of Surrounding Rocks and Lining
Structures in the Construction of the Gangkou Double-Arched Tunnel—A Case Study
10.3390/app7020169 248
Maria Rashidi, Maryam Ghodrat, Bijan Samali, Brett Kendall and Chunwei Zhang
Remedial Modelling of Steel Bridges through Application of Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP)
10.3390/app7020168 268
Carlos Andres Perez-Ramirez, Arturo Yosimar Jaen-Cuellar, Martin Valtierra-Rodriguez,
Aurelio Dominguez-Gonzalez, Roque Alfredo Osornio-Rios,
Rene de Jesus Romero-Troncoso and Juan Pablo Amezquita-Sanchez
A Two-Step Strategy for System Identification of Civil Structures for Structural Health
Monitoring Using Wavelet Transform and Genetic Algorithms
10.3390/app7020111 288
MDPI BooksJianchao Wu, Yongjian Cai, Weijie Li and Qian Feng
Strong Aftershock Study Based on Coulomb Stress Triggering—A Case Study on the 2016
Ecuador Mw 7.8 Earthquake
10.3390/app7010088 305
Zhao Fang, Aiqun Li, Wanrun Li and Sheng Shen
Wind-Induced Fatigue Analysis of High-Rise Steel Structures Using Equivalent Structural
Stress Method
10.3390/app7010071 315
Kwok L. Chung, Jianlin Luo, Lei Yuan, Chunwei Zhang and Chengping Qu
Strength Correlation and Prediction of Engineered Cementitious Composites with
Microwave Properties
10.3390/app7010035 333
Wongi S Na and Jongdae Baek
Impedance-Based Non-Destructive Testing Method Combined with Unmanned Aerial
Vehicle for Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures
10.3390/app7010015 348
Jing Xie, Changhang Xu, Xumei Gong, Weiping Huang and Guoming Chen
Sizing Subsurface Defects in Metallic Plates by Square Pulse Thermography Using an
Oriented Gradient Map
10.3390/app6120389 357
Cancan Yi, Yong Lv, Zhang Dang and Han Xiao
A Novel Mechanical Fault Diagnosis Scheme Based on the Convex 1-D Second-Order Total
Variation Denoising Algorithm
10.3390/app6120403 370
Yifeng Wu, Hao Wang and Aiqun Li
Parameter Identification Methods for Hyperelastic and Hyper-Viscoelastic Models
10.3390/app6120386 385
Qingzhao Kong, Rachel Howser Robert, Pedro Silva and Y. L. Mo
Cyclic Crack Monitoring of a Reinforced Concrete Column under Simulated
Pseudo-Dynamic Loading Using Piezoceramic-Based Smart Aggregates
10.3390/app6110341 398
Heyue Yin, Tao Wang, Dan Yang, Shaopeng Liu, Junhua Shao and Yourong Li
A Smart Washer for Bolt Looseness Monitoring Based on Piezoelectric Active Sensing Method
10.3390/app6110320 413
Junhua Shao, Tao Wang, Heyue Yin, Dan Yang and Yourong Li
Bolt Looseness Detection Based on Piezoelectric Impedance Frequency Shift
10.3390/app6100298 423
John J. Moughty and Joan R. Casas
A State of the Art Review of Modal-Based Damage Detection in Bridges: Development,
Challenges, and Solutions
10.3390/app7050510 434
MDPI BooksXuan Kong, Chun-Sheng Cai and Jiexuan Hu
The State-of-the-Art on Framework of Vibration-Based Structural Damage Identification for
Decision Making  

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كتاب Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of Civil Structures
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