كتاب The Art of Gear Fabrication
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب The Art of Gear Fabrication

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
The Art of Gear Fabrication
Prem H . Daryani

كتاب The Art of Gear Fabrication  T_a_o_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Types of Gears and Processing of Gears
Chapter 2 Gear INomenelatare
Chapter 3 Methods for Cutting Gear Teeth
Chapter 4 Gear Materials and Their Meat Treatment
Chapter 5 Processing of Gear Parts
Chapter 6 Checking of Gear Size
Chapter 7 AGMA Quality Numbers
Chapter 8 Producihility
Chapter 9 Finishes on Gears
Chapter 10 Useful Tables
Chapter 11 List of Useful Books
A DIN Standards, 46
Addendum, 7. 10- 1 L 23
Standards, 7, tO-11, 46, 122, 13 i ? 158
publications. 199-205
quality numbers, 163- 158
Face width, 7
Fellows combination-pitch system., 24
Fillisli» 24
Fillet, 17,20
Finishes tin gears, 171-174
aluminum gears, L 7I
chemicalfii , 171
press ill, 85,
shrink fits, 85
Approach Aluminum, 17 ^ears, 10(3, HO
ASA stub tooth system, 23
Ash Gear &. Supply GEL, 27, 32, 146
Automation, 82-84
Axial jiii-L-ii, lb
anodizing. 171
steel gears, 171
amorphous cartaafi with tungsten cuihide
inclusions, 173
black oxide, 172
cadmium plating, 174
electroless nickel, 172
hard chromium plying, I 73
stainless steel, I 7 |
Backlash, 7
Barber-Cdmaai Ca., 33, 28, 29
Bui stock sizes, 122
Flute 16
depth, 16
circle, 5
diameter. 7
piich, 7
Bell-type eenler drills, 116, IOf.
Bevel gear
Friction, I
Fullfillet system, 10-11
cullingmachines. 85
machine manufacturers, 86
Bibliography, 397-205
calculation program, I-17
shaving, ffiugfl 36-38. 47
heat tarearraimt, 87.^
C grinding, 20
CBN {cubicboron nitride) wheels. 48-57
maehme munufaeturLis, 46
form grindingmeflmi, 38, 40
generating method, 38
threaded wheel method, 38, 4-1
generating grinding, 30. -51
whack 48-57
tabbing, 45
Cum relief, 17
Carpenter Tcehrkdogy, 118-120
Caite depth. 91
CBN (cubic boron nillidei wheels, 48-57
Cheeking gear sizes, 145- 152
tooth io tooth co.mpo.siie eiTor iTTCEj, 157
tola!composite error iTTCk 357
Chemical compositionsof gear steels, 102- 10.3
Clearance, 7 between centers, 27
side, 17 hard, or skiving, 47
machines, 28
machine collets. 27
machine manufacturer:*. 29-31
pitch. 10-13
tooth thickness, 10- 11
CMC gem cutting (refit, 28, 50-67
Copper plating for carburization, 112, 127
Cost of manufaeturing, 159-170
Cutting gear teeth, methods fee, 13-86
honing, 47
lapping, 4 7
ring gears, 27
materials, 87
milling, 31-32
nomenclature, 5-9
profile grinding, 39
quality achievable by machining, 158
filliping. 32-36
Dedcndum. 7, ICM 3,23
Diametral pitch, (DP}, 4, 5. 8, 10- 11
outside, 16
pitch, 16
root, 36
machine manufacturers, 35-36
shaving, 20-23, 36-38, 58-67
20*siyes,chicleing. 145 152
LiLlivC IdlgUl, I &
addendum, 3 7
hare sl2E, 36,27
dedendum. [ 7
definitions. E 6
llurtc, 16
length. 16
protuberance, I 7. 19. 20
sizes-, 27
for gears, 37- KH
heat treatment
ca.se hardening, £9
case depth. 9 3
llaine hardening, 92
andudiun hardening. 92
liejunl carbon/me I salt hath}- 90
pack -carhurr/ ing. K9
minding. 9I
teeth, mcLhuds lot culling, I3- H6
teeth chamfer,20
terminology. 4. 5
l«:iIernnee guide, 357
tooth profiles,5
wire sizes and selection,9
3lobs, 13 -24
classes of, I5
finis 'llmu. 15
pic-shave, E 3
roughing, 27
scint > finishing, 33
scmi-tuppmg, 15
Gripping, t >!
iteming. 47,67
finishes £Wl
ground.. 2
helical, 2
hohhed, 2
tivpoid be veL. 47
spiral. 2
strnighl spar, 2
spheric.67 =-H-D
circle, 2.0
curve, 5
pmfile,i.4, 32
Cirindin e, 20
Nital etch IOf crack detection, 312. LI L
inaehinc inaaulac Lurcr--. 46
Lead, Lb
versus shaviny a ad liuning, 43
Gleason Works, The. 4b, H6
angle, E 6
ufacGcun, 7
II rdcenters, 7
IIarJenina Lug. I7
case,M -90 M
llaine.92* 3
induction. 93
niachme inanafoeturers, K6
Magnetic pariLCIt! inspection Irefj, 3 IK
cusL of16MBS
npcrations, 113-:4-4
Mea * ureinenl aver 5. 140- ISz
Mcasnnng gears. 5- 14E-15 '2, 347
Louth CL> tooth enmpemte error fTTCEj. I 57
EOtdl composile error (TTO). E 57
McLal Culling Trail Institute, 35. lb, IS, 23-22
Me (hods for cuIting g«ar teeth, I 3 Kfi
Milling gear teeth, 3 E-32
Milling cuLLers. 3I .12
Module, 4,10-11
11aidness. 24
[lent Lrcaliment
cupper plating lur carburizuig. EI 2, 127
normaIizircg,93 ID1
tif gear materials. S7-IL2
ufoil hardening steels.97 *101
queaching 3 25
angle. 33,23
normal. 3 6
Mobbed gears., 1-2
Nila] clek. 312
Nitralloy, 92
Noise levels, I
NorneaelaLnre. 5*-9-
hetweea centers, 27
machines. 23
machine maiinlaeLurers, 29 31
cincular pLLcb, 17
diameLral pLLcb, 2I 22
ring gears, 27 helix, lb
£07pressure angle. 17,23
LUDUI ihicknoas, 17
copper plating lor cariru.rizi.nij5, E 12
flame hardcnine. 92
induction hardening, 9.1
liquid carburizing(saUhalli), 9(1
normaEmng, KM
park carhuTLzin.L*., 8-9
nrindinjj, 9I
stainless, E E C! L E E
OnULdc diamcL-cr, 7
S-Lock sixes. 122
Hauler Co., 13. 2H Stub ieicilk I'urmi. 23
circle diameter, I
diameter. 7 , K
diameLrul, 4. K
pmne. 7
PrecipiiaLLon hardening materials, I E l J- 1 12 I I K .
Pre shave hob tooth dimensions, "M.-H
Prcss«fil allowances, K5
Pneaswitc angle, 4, 5,7-g,
PZQMVibf. gears, 113,144
Prodidtility, IS9
Tables. 1754%
deciinaI convertion492
Hell type renter drills. I 4S
center .illl dimensions. I 94
eqmvaBent h a r dness seales, I 93
material shape *- . 1B0-lflfl
dock removaI rccummcndalKins. I 9f>
surface textures, 191
world: stainless steels, 177"179
hobbed, 39
shaved. 19
Protuberance, 117, 1 9, 2 0
dflhU3UCifl|: machine manufacturer*-. EG
elements , 7
face, ]I?
prufiles, 4
thickness at pileII diameter, K
proportions for various gear systems.
TunLii to kivLli composite (TTCE), 3 5 7
TDial cnrnpDSLl e erru r (TTC), 3 57
TVpr-s Bears.1
TenninuJoiry , 4,
K ) aenching liTdjj F-P: E 30
Racks, 1.3, 13
Rack ly pc epUerS, 7-2 33
Rump, I 7
Ratios, 4
Ring gears, 27
Root diameter. 7, I 0
Undercnl, 19
s Van Keuren's foundbfirtik. 4, [>, I 45
gears, 32-3 & VV
lools. 32-3ti
Shaving, gears. 20-2S. 36-3K
speeds, lecds and stuck reiUC-Vfll, 37
Sfir/flJt 111 allowances, S5
Skiving, 47
Spiterar honing, 67-K0
Splines, 4
Spur gear Inoth parts, K
Wiresizes., 9
seluelion, 9
Wires, menslinemenI Liver, 5-, 143-152
deplk. 7 , MM ]
d e p t h nl' cut, 3 7
Working depth. 7
worms. 4
Warm v, heels, 3
for gears,
h e a t Lreulmenl
case hardening, S'9
ease deplb

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