كتاب Welding and Cutting
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
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 كتاب Welding and Cutting

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Welding and Cutting
A complete range of equipment, consumables, flame and gas equipment and accessories.

كتاب Welding and Cutting  S_a_f_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

A passion
for welding and cutting dating back to 1909.
since its foundation in 1909, SAF has never ceased to participate in the evolution of the welding
and cutting profession. At the beginning SAF was the main company involved in welding works in
France. Using the autogeneous oxyacetylene flame welding technique (hence numerous early
partnership agreements with AIR LIQUIDE), SAF’s activity was focussed mainly on ship repairs, this
was soon completed by a boiler-making activity. As early as 1913, SAF recognised the advantages
offered by the coated electrode welding process and in 1919 launched the first all-welded
construction ship: the SAF 4 which facilitated the
carrying out of its ship repair activities.
Since then, the evolutions of the Submerged Arc, TIG, MIG/MAG, plasma, laser, electron beam
technologies have progressively been used by SAF and marketed to its customers. Since 1993, the SAF
group has been integrated into AIR LIQUIDE Welding (AIR LIQUIDE’s equipment and consumables
activity), which allows our customers to benefit from global solutions, processes, gases, equipment
and consumables. Thanks to our experience in welding and cutting techniques, we can today
devote ourselves to proposing innovative solutions aimed at improving the productivity of
industrialists involved in metal working.
CTAS, a unique innovation capacity at the customer’s service. Thanks to CTAS (Technical Centre for
Welding Applications) and the design offices of our production units, we can
offer innovative solutions to improve your productivity, your production quality as
well as your industrial environment. By integrating and mastering the latest technologies,
and by constantly improving the existing processes, equipment and consumables we create tomorrow’s
A permanent listening of our customers
What helps us to create and propose these specific innovations is our capacity to listen to your
needs and understand your requirements thanks to the permanent feed-back of our technical and
commercial teams. They perfectly know that your company is under a constant competition pressure,
on your specific markets and that you need to adapt your organization to a moving environment, the
best answer being an improvement of productivity… Thanks to this innovation we are sure that we are
able to help you in succeeding in your challenge of productivity optimisation.
In this catalogue, you will find the complete range of our equipment for manual
welding and cutting applications (MMA, MIG/MAG, TIG, Plasma and Flame processes…), the collective
and individual protection products for welders and the main consumables products (coated
electrodes, solid wires, cored wires, TIG rods, wire/flux combinations for SA welding…)
A dedicated catalogue is also available for automatic application in welding and cutting,
please ask for it.

Désignation Référence Quantité Référence Quantité Référence Quantité Référence Quantité Référence Quantité Référence Quantité
étui étui étui étui mini-étui mini-étui
SAFER GM (maintenance) 1080-0535* 200 1080-0536 120 - - - - 1082-0047* 38 1082-0048 23
SAFINOX R 312 1081-0318 90 1081-0321 50 1081-0320 35 - - 1082-0001 28 1082-0002 15
SAFINOX R 316 L 1081-1442 195 1081-1446 115 1081-1444 80 1081-1447* 45 1082-0021 30 1082-0022 15
SAFINOX BNC 75 15 M 1081-0392 100 1081-0396 140 1081-0394 100 - - 1082-0006 25 1082-0007 10
SAFONTE DOUCE 1081-0332* 110 1081-0336 70 1081-0334 45 1081-0335 30 1082-0011* 26 1082-0012 12
SAFONTE Ni 1081-0572* 110 1081-0573 70 1081-0574 45 - - 1082-0016* 26 1082-0017 11
SAFONTE BM 1081-0452 135 1081-0457 75 1081-0454 50 - - 1082-0056 26 1082-0057 11
SAFALU 5 Si 1084-2510* 200 1084-2511 150 - - - - 1082-0040* 40 1082-0041 25
SAFER R 600 - - 1080-0201• 135 1080-0202* 90 1080-0203* 60 - - - -
SAFER GM (maintenance)
■ Souder des aciers doux.
- Emploi général sur acier non allié :
chaudronnerie, charpente, tôlerie, tuyauterie.
- Adaptée pour joindre des pièces avec large
écartement (e ≤ 10 mm).
- Chaudronnerie.
- Charpente.
- Tolerie.
- Tuyauterie.
Ø 2,5 mm 70 A
Ø 3,2 mm 110 A
Ø 4,0 mm 160 A
Ø 5,0 mm 200 A
■ Souder des aciers à haut carbone.
- Couche de beurrage pour lame de cisaille.
- Engrenage.
- Matériels agricoles.
- Assemblage d’aciers différents.
- Assemblage d’aciers différents (Inox/Acier).
Ø 2,5 mm 75 A
Ø 3,2 mm 100 A
Ø 4,0 mm 130 A
Ø 2,5 mm 65 A
Ø 3,2 mm 100 A
Ø 4,0 mm 130 A
Ø 5,0 mm 185 A
■ Souder des aciers très
difficilement soudables.
- Vis de broyeurs.
- Cuves de réacteur.
- Bandages de fours.
- Assemblages d’aciers différents.
- Utilisation à chaud ou à froid.
Ø 2,5 mm 60 A
Ø 3,2 mm 90 A
Ø 4,0 mm 120 A
SAFONTE BM (adaptée pour le soudage en position)
Ø 2,5 mm 60 A
Ø 3,2 mm 85 A
Ø 4,0 mm 110 A
■ Souder des fontes.
- Grilles de chaudières
- Défauts de fonderie
- Blocs moteur
- Boîtes de vitesse
- Assemblages : fonte/acier,
fontes grises,
fontes GS,
fontes alliées.
■ Souder de l’aluminium et ses
alliages jusqu’à 6 % Si.
- Escalier.
- Décoration.
- Blocs moteur.
- Bennes à 150° C.
- Carters.
- Boîtes de vitesse.
- Huisserie.
- Culasses.
- Réservoirs. Ø 2,5 mm 40 - 70 A
Ø 3,2 mm 60- 90 A
Ø 3,15 mm 95 A
Ø 4,00 mm 125 A
Ø 5,00 mm 160 A
■ Réparer des aciers
pour résistance à l’abrasion.
- Application où l’abrasion
est dominante.
- Outils aratoires
et travaux publics.
Chapter 1
MMA welding
Chapter 2
TIG welding
Chapter 3
MIG/MAG welding
Chapter 4
Plasma cutting
Chapter 5
Gas welding & cutting
Chapter 6
Welder’s protection, accessories, extraction and treatment of fumes
Chapter 7
Submerged arc welding

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صفحة 2 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting - Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding
» كتاب Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting - Electric, Forge and Thermit Welding
» كتاب Underwater Cutting & Welding Manual
» كتاب Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes
» كتيب بعنوان Welding and Cutting

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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