كتاب Fundamentals of Tool Design
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
وإذا نسيت بيانات الدخول للمنتدى
يرجى مراسلتنا على البريد الإلكترونى التالى :



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الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولحملة فيد واستفيدجروب المنتدى


 كتاب Fundamentals of Tool Design

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Fundamentals of Tool Design  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Fundamentals of Tool Design    كتاب Fundamentals of Tool Design  Emptyالخميس 28 أبريل 2022, 4:53 am

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Fundamentals of Tool Design
Sixth Edition
Chief Technical Reviewer and
Managing Editor
Dr. John G. Nee, CMfgE
Professor Emeritus
Engineering and Technology Department
Central Michigan University
William Dufraine, President
The duMont Company
John W. Evans, President
Acme Industrial Company
Mark Hill, Professor
CAD Drafting – Tool Design
Ferris State University

كتاب Fundamentals of Tool Design  F_o_t_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Abbreviations xiii
Preface xvii
General Tool Design .
Design Ob jectives
Tool Designer Responsibilities .
The Design Process
Economics of Design .
Economical Lot Sizes
Breakeven Charts
Tool Drawings .
Typical Tooling Layout Process
Safety .
Material Handling in the
Tool Designer’s Guide to Machine
Tools .
Review Questions
Materials Used for Tooling
Physical Properties .
Mechanical P roperties
Ferrous Tool Materials
Nonferrous Tool Materials
Nonmetallic Tool Materials .
Heat-treating .
Instructional Support Materials .
Review Questions
Cutting Tool Design
Form and Dimension .
Basics of Metal Cutting
Chip Formation .
Cutting Forces .
Power R equirements .
Tool Wear .
Tool Life
Guidelines for Cutting Tool Design .
Single-point Tools
Multiple-point Tools .
Linear-travel Tools .
Axial-feed Rotary Tools .
Instructional Support Material .
Review Questions
Workholding Concepts .
Basic Workholders .
Workholder Purpose and Function
General Considerations .
Locating and Supporting Principles .
Chip and Burr Problems .
Clamping Principles .
Chucks .
Vises .
Nonmechanical Clamping .
Power Clamping
Jig and Fixture Construction
Instructional Support Material .
Review Questions
Jig Design
General Considerations .
Machine Considerations
Process Considerations
Drill Jigs
Drill Jig Bushings and Liners .
Jig Design Example .
Instructional Support Material .
Review Questions
Fundamentals of Tool Design i Fixture Design
General C onsiderations .
Types of Fixtures
Fixture C lassifications .
Standard Fixture Mounting .
Design Fundamentals
Fixture Design Example
Instructional Support Material .
Review Questions
Power Presses .
Gap-frame Presses
Straight-side Presses
Mechanical Versus Hydraulic
Upgrading Existing Presses .
Die Cushions .
Hydraulic Forming Machines and
Tubular H ydroforming
The High-Speed Straight-side
Press .
Transfer Press and Die
Operations .
CNC Laser and Turret Punching
Forging .
Instructional Support Materials .
Review Questions
Die Design and Operation
Systems of Length, Area, and
Force Measurement .
Simple Die Punching
Die-cutting Operations
Ball-lock Punches
Beading and Curling .
Twisters and Benders
Hole Flanging or Extruding
Compound Dies .
Stamping Analysis .
Deep Drawing of Cups
Progressive Dies
Extrusion .
Instructional Support Materials .
Review Questions
Inspection and Gage Design .
Conversion Charts .
Gaging Principles
Gage Wear Allowance .
Gage Materials .
Gaging Policy
Gage Measurement .
Gage Types .
Amplification and Magnification
of Error .
Automatic Gaging Systems .
Coordinate Measuring Machines
Measuring with Light Rays
Gaging Methods .
Design Rules for Positionally
Toleranced Parts
Instructional Support Material .
Review Questions
Tool Design for Joining
Physical and Mechanical Joining
Tooling for Physical Joining
Resistance Welding
Soldering and Brazing .
Tooling for Thermal Cutting
Tooling for Mechanical Joining
Wire Stitching
Metal Stitching .
Staking .
Tooling for Adhesive Bonding .
Instructional Support Materials .
Review Questions
Modular and Automated Tool
Handling .
Modular Tooling Systems
Quick-change Tooling
Automatic Identification .
Review Questions i
Computer Applications in
Tool Design .
Computer-aided Design .
Collaborative En gineering
Rapid Prototyping and
Manufacturing .
Simulation .
Tolerance Analysis
Design Document Management .
Instructional Support Materials .
Review Questions
Geometric Dimensioning
and Tolerancing
Symbols and Definitions .
Three-plane C oncept .
Fundamental Rules
Review Questions
Chapter : Tool Design
Chapter : Materials Used for
Chapter : Cutting Tool Design
Chapter : Workholding
Chapter : Jig Design
Chapter : Fixture Design
Chapter : Power Presses .
Chapter : Die Design and
Operation .
Chapter : Inspection and Gage
Chapter : Tool Design for
Joining Processes .
Chapter : Modular and
Automated Tool Handling
Chapter : Computer
Applications in Tool Design
Chapter : Geometric
Dimensioning and Tolerancing .
Appendix A: Geometric
Characteristic Overview of
ASME Y . - .
Appendix B: Geometric
Tolerancing Reference Charts
per ASME Y . M-
Appendix C:Sources of Tool
Design Components
Appendix D: Web Resources
Appendix E: Geometric
Characteristic Symbols per
Index iiiii
D three-dimensional
DP three-dimensional printing
AC alternating current
A ampere
AFM abrasive flow machining
AGD American Gage Design
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
AJM abrasive-jet machining
AMSA American Metal Stamping
AMT Association for Manufacturing
ANSI American National Standards
ASCII American standard code for
information interchange
ASM American Society for Metals
ASME American Society of Mechanical
ASTM American Society for Testing and
Bhn Brinell hardness number
C Celsius
CAD computer-aided design
CAM computer-aided manufacturing
CAMI Coated Abrasive Manufacturers’
CAT computer-aided tomography
CBD chronic beryllium disease
CBN cubic boron nitride
CCD charged couple device
CE concurrent engineering
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CIM computer-integrated manufacturing
CGA circle grid analysis
CHM chemical machining
CMM coordinate measuring machine
CNC computer numerical control
dB decibel
DC direct current
DCC direct computer control
DFM design for manufacturability
dia. diameter
DOE design of experiments
DOF depth of field
DSPC direct-shell production casting
DXF drawing exchange format
EBM electron beam machining
ECM electrochemical machining
EDM electrical discharge machining
EH&S environmental, health, and safety
ELP electropolishing
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EPC electronic product code
Eq. equationiv
F Fahrenheit
FDM fused deposition modeling
FIM full indicator movement
FLD forming limit diagram
FMS flexible manufacturing system
FOS feature of size
FOV field of view
ft foot/feet
ft /min cubic feet per minute
g gram
gal gallon
GD&T geometric dimensioning and
GMAW gas metal-arc welding
hp horsepower
hr hour
HSS high-speed steel
Hz hertz
IC integrated circuit
ID inside diameter
IGES initial graphics exchange specification
in. inch
ipm inches per minute
ipr inches per revolution
ISO International Organization for
J joule
JIT just-in-time
kg kilogram
kHz kilohertz
km kilometer
kN kilo Newton
kPa kilo Pascal
ksi , pounds per square inch
kW kilowatt
lb pound
LBC laser beam cutting
lbf pound force
LBM laser beam machining
LBW laser beam welding
LED light-emitting diode
LMB least material boundary
LMC least material condition
LVDT linear variable displacement
m meter
in. microinch
m micrometer
mg milligram
mi mile
MIL military specification
min minute
mm millimeter
MMB maximum material boundary
MMC maximum material condition
MN mega Newton
MPa mega Pascal
ms millisecond
MSCMM multi-sensor coordinate
measuring machine
N Newton
NC, N/C numerical control
Nd:YAG neodymium: yttrium aluminum
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NIST National Institute for Standards and
nm nanometer
N/m Newton/meter
NSMPA National Screw Machine Products
NTIS National Technical Information
OBI open-back inclinable (press)
OBS open-back stationary (press)OD outside diameter
OHD overhead drive
ohm unit of electrical resistance
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health
oz ounce
PAC plasma-arc cutting
PAM plasma-arc machining
PCBN polycrystalline cubic boron nitride
PCD polycrystalline diamond
PCM photochemical machining
PH precipitation hardening
PLC programmable logic controller
PMI product manufacturing information
ppm parts per million
psi pounds per square inch
PWB printed wiring board
qt quart
R radius
Ra roughness average
RCRA Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act
rev revolution
RFID radio frequency identification
RFS regardless of feature size
Rmax maximum roughness depth
RMB regardless of material boundary
RMS root mean square
rpm revolutions per minute
RP&M rapid prototyping and manufacturing
RSW resistance spot welding
s, sec. second
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
S.A.F.E. self-adjusting fixturing elements
sfm surface feet per minute
SiC silicon carbide
SLS selective laser sintering
SME Society of Manufacturing Engineers
SPC statistical process control
SPM strokes per minute
STEP standard for the exchange of product
STL stereolithography
TEM thermal energy method
TiC titanium carbide
TiN titanium nitride
TIR total indicator reading
TP true position
U.K. United Kingdom
UL Underwriters’ Laboratories
UPC universal product code
U.S. United States
USM ultrasonic machining
UV ultraviolet
V volt
W watt
WAM waterjet abrasive machining
WBTC Worldwide Burr Technology
WJM waterjet machining
yd yard
yr year
~ about equal to
° degree
/ divided by or per
 greater than
฀ greater than or
equal to
฀ Greek alpha
฀ Greek beta
฀ Greek delta
฀ Greek epsilon
฀ Greek gamma
฀ Greek lambda
฀ Greek mu
฀ Greek omega
฀ Greek phi
฀ Greek pi
฀ Greek sigma
฀ Greek theta (lower
฀ Greek theta
 less than
฀ less than or equal to
฀ minus
% percent
฀ plus
฀ plus or minus
 timesKaizen Event Fieldbook Chapter :
Fundamentals of Tool Design
- - locating, , – (Figures - to - )
D printing, (Figure - )
D solid modeling, – (Figure - ),
(Figure - )
abrasive wear, – (Figure - )
accelerated wear, (Figure - )
adhesive bonding, –
adjustable locators, – (Figures - to
- )
adjustable-range vise, (Figure - )
air-actuated clamping, (Figure - )
air bending, – (Figure - )
air collet fixture, (Figure - )
air gage, – , – (Figure - )
air-hardening die steels,
aircraft nose-flap rib, (Table - , Figure - )
AISI steel number, – (Tables - to - )
alloy steels, –
aluminum, –
aluminum tooling plate,
amplification error, – (Figures - to
- )
angle plate, (Figure - )
angle-plate fixture, (Figure - )
angle-plate jig, (Figure - )
angularity, (Figures - , - ), ,
(Figure - )
arbors, hydraulic, (Figure - )
arc-welding fixture, – (Figures - to
- )
area measurement,
ASME Y . - , , – (Figure A- )
ASME Y . M- (R ), , – (Figures B- to B- ), – (Figure E- )
assembled locators, (Figure - )
autocollimation, (Figure - )
automated tool handling, – (Figures -
to - )
advantages, – (Figure - )
angle plate, (Figure - )
automatic identification, –
construction, (Figures - , - )
design, – (Figures - to - )
modular, – (Figures - to - )
pallet/fixture changer, – (Figure - )
part registry, (Figure - )
quick-change tooling, – (Figures -
to - )
radio frequency identification, –
rigidity, – (Figure - )
riser/tooling blocks, – (Figures -
to - )
self-adjusting modular fixture, (Figure
- )
subplates, (Figure - )
system, – (Figures - to - )
tool presetting, – (Figure - )
tooling cube, – (Figure - )
automatic gaging systems,
automatic identification, –
axial location, – (Figures - to - )
axial-feed rotary tools, – (Figures - to
- , Tables - to - )
axial-feed rotary tools, continued
body diameter clearance,
chip formation, (Figure - )
chisel edge,
core drills, – (Figures - , - )
counterbores and countersinks, – (Figures
- , - )
drills, – (Figures - to - )
end mills, (Figure - )
hobs, – (Figures - , - )
milling cutters, – (Figures - , - )
reamers, – (Figures - , - )
spot-facers, – (Figure - )
taps, – (Figure - )
backing bar, (Figures - , - )
back-rake angle, – (Figure - , Tables -
to - )
backward extrusion, – (Figures - , - ,
- )
Ball Lock® mounting system, (Figures - ,
- )
ball-lock punch, – (Figures - , - )
basic dimension,
beading, – (Figures - to - )
bending, – (Figures - to - )
air, – (Figure - )
allowances, –
angle, ,
benders and twisters, – (Figures - ,
- )
bottom, – (Figure - )
coining, – (Figures - , - )
ReadyTM bender, – (Figures - to - )
rotary-action die, – (Figures - to
- )
rotary bender, – (Figures - , - )
springback, – (Figures - , - )
tooling, (Figure - )
bilateral tolerance, (Figures - , - ), –
(Table - , Figure - )
Bi-Lok® machine vise, (Figures - , - )
bismuth alloys,
blank diameter,
blank-holder force, –
blanking and piercing die, (Figure - )
body diameter clearance,
bolts, (Figures - to - ), –
bonus tolerance, (Figure - )
boring fixtures, –
boring jig, (Figure - )
bottom bending, – (Figure - )
brazing, – (Figures - to - )
coil support,
induction, – (Figures - to - )
inductor design, – (Figures - to
- )
magnetic flux, (Figure - )
tooling, – (Figures - , - )
breakeven chart, (Figure - )
Brinell hardness, – (Table - )
broaching, – (Figure - ), (Figures - ,
- ), (Figure - )
broach construction, – (Figures - to
- )
broach sharpening, (Figure - )
hole broach, (Figure - )
internal broach,
push, – (Figures - to - )
ram adapter, (Figure - )
surface broach,
workholder, (Figure - )
built-up edge, chip, – (Figure - )
burr clearance, (Figure - )
burr problem, – (Figures - to - )
bushing, , –
accuracy and life,
drill jig, – (Figures - to - )
drill tips, (Figure - )
fit, (Figure - )
gun drill, (Figure - )
headed press fit, (Figure - )
headless press fit, – (Figure - )
oil-groove, (Figure - )
slip-fixed renewable, (Figure - )
slip renewable, (Figure - )
special, – (Figure - )
template, (Figure - )
CAD, – (Figures - , - )
cam-action clamp, – (Figures - , - )
cap screws, (Figure - )
captive screws,
carbides, – (Tables - , - )
carbon steels,
case hardening,
cast iron,
casting, direct shell,
center of pressure, (Figure - , Table - )
C-frame press, – (Figure - )
CGA, – (Figures - to - )
channel jig, – (Figure - )
chemical decomposition, (Figure - )
chemical distortion,
breaker dimensions, (Table - )
clearance, (Figure - ), – (Figures
- , - , - )
continuous, – (Figure - ), (Figure - )
discontinuous, ,
distortion, (Figure - )
flow, (Figure - )
formation, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figure - )
groove, , (Table - , Figure - )
problems, – (Figures - to - )
removal, (Figure - )
shapes, (Figure - )
thickness, (Figure - )
types, – (Figure - )
undeformed, (Figure - )
chisel edge,
chucking, (Figure - )
arbor, – , (Figure - )
chuck, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figure - )
electrostatic chuck, (Figure - )
internal, (Figure - )
lathe, – (Figures - to - )
magnetic, (Figures - , - )
mandrel, – (Figure - , - )
operation, – (Figure - )
soft jaw, (Figures - , - )
split bushing, – (Figures - to - )
vacuum, – (Figures - , - )
wedge cam, (Figure - )
circle grid analysis, – (Figures - to
- )
circular-plate template drill jig, (Figure - )
circularity, , , (Figure - )
clamping, – (Figures - to - )
air actuated, (Figure - )
cam-action clamp, – (Figures - , - )
conical wedge, – (Figure - )
cutting force, (Figure - )
cylindrical cam,
design, – (Figures - , - )
direct-pressure clamp, (Figure - )
flat eccentric cam,
flat spiral cam,
flat-wedge clamp, – (Figure - )
forces, – (Figure - )
MITEE-BITE® system, – (Figures -
to - )
Mono-Bloc® clamp, (Figure - )
multiple part, – (Figure - )
positioning, (Figures - , - )
power, – (Figures - to - )
quick change, (Figure - )
screw clamp, (Figures - , - )
specialty clamps, – (Figures - to
- )
Stay-Lock® system, (Figure - , - )
strap clamp, – (Figures - to - )
Terrific ® clamp, – (Figures - ,
- )
toggle-action clamp, – (Figures -
to - )
tool forces, – (Figures - to - )
torque and thrust, (Figure - )
types, – (Figures - to - )
wedge-action clamp, (Figures - , - )
worm clamp, (Figure - )
clearance angle,
clinch allowance, – (Figure - )
closed drill jig, (Figure - )
CNC laser machine, – (Figures - to
- )
coefficient of thermal expansion,
coil change, (Figure - )
coining, – (Figures - , - ), –
cold extrusion, – (Table - , Figures -
to - )
collaborative engineering,
collet, – (Figures - to - , - ,
- )
axial location, – (Figures - to - )
collet, continued
fixture, – (Figure - )
internal chucking, (Figure - )
combination extrusion, – (Figures - ,
- , - )
combined drill and countersink, (Figure - )
combined location, (Figure - )
combined vs. separate operations, (Table - )
comparators, – (Figures - to - )
compound dies, – (Figure - )
compressive strength, (Figure - )
computer applications, – (Figures -
to - )
computer-aided design, – (Figures - ,
- )
concentric location, – (Figure - ), –
(Figures - , - )
concentricity, , , – (Figure - )
conical locator, (Figure - )
conical wedge, – (Figure - )
constant of proportionality, – (Table - )
contacting probes,
continuous chip, – (Figure - ), (Figure
- )
coordinate measuring machines, – (Figures - to - )
core drills, – (Figures - , - )
counterbores, – (Figures - , - )
countersinking, – (Figures - , - ),
(Figure - )
crankshaft forging press, –
crater wear, – (Figures - , - )
cross-hole drill jig, (Figure - )
cubic boron nitride,
curling, – (Figures - to - )
cutter-setting device, – (Figure - )
cutting, – (Figures - to - )
ball-lock punch, – (Figures - , - )
clearance, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figure - )
compressive force, (Figure - )
die, (Figure - )
die timing, – (Figures - , - )
fluids, – ,
forces, – (Figures - to - ), – ,
(Figures - to - ), – (Figures
- to - )
insufficient clearance, – (Figures -
to - )
irregular blanks, – (Figure - )
cutting, continued
lateral forces, – (Figure - )
length of cut,
piercing, (Figure - )
plastic deformation,
power, –
press tonnage,
processes, , –
shear force, (Figure - )
side thrust, – (Figure - )
snap-through force analysis, – (Figures
- , - )
speed, (Figures - , - ), – (Figures
- to - ),
stripping forces,
temperature, (Figure - )
tensile force, (Figure - )
theoretical peak force,
wire method of location,
cutting tool,
and fixture relationship, (Figures - ,
- )
angles, – (Figure - , Tables - to - )
axial-feed, rotary, – (Figures - to - ,
Tables - to - )
built-up edge, – (Figure - ), (Figure
- )
chisel edge,
chemical distortion,
chip disposal,
chip distortion, (Figure - ), (Figure - )
chip flow, (Figure - )
chip formation, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figure - )
chip groove, , (Table - , Figure - )
chip types, – (Figure - )
clearance angle,
core drills, – (Figures - , - )
counterbores and countersinks, – (Figures
- , - )
cutting fluids, –
cutting force, – (Figures - to - )
cutting speed, (Figures - , - ),
(Figures - , - )
deflection, (Figure - )
depth of cut, (Figure - ), (Figures
- , - ), (Table - )
design, – (Figures - to - and
Tables - to - )
diffusion, (Figure - ),
cutting tool, continued
end mills, (Figure - )
feed, (Figure - ), (Figure - ),
(Figures - , - )
force, (Figure - ), , , – (Figures
- , - ), –
for machining, –
form and dimension,
geometry, ,
hobs, – (Figure - , - )
internal broach,
life, (Figure - ), – (Figures - , - ,
Tables - to - ), (Figure - )
linear travel, – (Figures - to - )
material, – (Tables - to - ), ,
(Table - ),
milling, – (Figures - , - ), –
(Figures - , - )
multiple diameter, –
multiple point, – (Figures - to - )
nose radius,
oblique cutting, – (Figure - )
orthogonal cutting, (Figure - )
plastic deformation, – (Figure - )
power, – (Table - ), , – (Figures
- , - ), – , – (Tables - , - ),
– (Tables - , - )
push broaching, – (Figures - to - )
rake angle, , (Figure - )
reamers, – (Figures - , - )
shear angle, (Figure - )
single point, – (Tables - to - , Figures
- to - )
size of cut, – (Figure - )
slip plane,
speed, feed, and size,
spot-facers, – (Figure - )
surface broach,
tangential force, (Figure - )
taps, – (Figure - )
temperature distribution, (Figures - to
- )
twist drill, – (Figures - , - )
velocity, – (Figure - ), – (Figures
- , - )
wear, – (Figures - to - , Table - )
welding of asperities, (Figure - ),
work hardening, (Figure - )
workpiece material,
C-washer, (Figure - )
cylindrical cam,
cylindricity, , – (Figure - )
data exchange formats, (Figure - )
datum feature symbol, – (Figures -
to - )
decoiling stock, – (Figure - )
deep drawing, -
blank development, –
blank diameter,
clearance, (Table - )
die, (Figure - ), – (Figures -
to - ), – (Figures - , - ,
Tables - , - )
draw radius,
draw rings,
failure, – (Figure - )
force, –
lubricants, –
material, punch,
measuring thickness, –
metal flow,
radii, (Table - )
reduction factors,
thinning, –
ultrasonic thickness gage, –
deformation, CGA, – (Figures - to
- )
degrees of freedom, (Figure - )
densified woods,
design, – (Tables - to - ),
dial indicator, – (Figures - , - )
diamond pin locator, – (Figures - , - )
area measurement,
backward extrusion, (Figures - , - )
ball-lock punch, – (Figures - , - )
beading, – (Figures - to - )
block, (Figure - )
center of pressure, (Figure - , Table - )
clearance, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figure - )
coining, , – (Figure - )
compound, – (Figure - )
die, continued
curling, – (Figures - to - )
cushion, (Figure - )
cutting forces, – (Figures - to - )
cutting operations, – (Figures - to
- )
design, – (Figures - to - , Tables
- to - )
double breakage, – (Figures - to - )
drawing, (Figure - ), – (Figures
- to - ), – (Figures - , - ,
Tables - , - )
extrusion, , – (Figures - to - )
forces, , – (Figures - to - )
forming, – (Figures - to - )
fracture, – (Figures - to - )
length measurement,
piercing, (Figure - )
press tonnage,
progressive, – (Figures - to - )
rubber and polyurethane, (Figure - )
side thrust, –
spring pressure pad, (Figures - , - )
stripper, (Figure - )
stripping forces,
timing, – (Figures - , - )
wire location,
dielectric curing,
diffusion, (Figure - ),
direct piloting,
direct-pressure clamp, (Figure - )
direct-shell production casting,
discontinuous chip, ,
double-action draw die, (Figure - )
dowel pin, – (Figure - ), (Figure
- )
blank development, –
blank diameter,
clearance, (Table - )
die design, (Figure - ), (Figures - ,
- ), – (Figures - , - , Tables
- , - )
failure, – (Figure - )
force, –
lubricants, –
material, punch,
measuring thickness, –
metal flow,
drawing, continued
radii, (Table - )
reduction factors,
thinning, –
ultrasonic thickness gage, –
drill, – (Figures - to - )
and countersink, (Figure - )
bushing tips, (Figure - )
core, – (Figures - , - )
jig, (Figure - ), – (Figures -
to - )
jig bushings and liners, – (Figures -
to - )
drilling accessories, – (Figures - to
- )
drilling, irregular surfaces, (Figure - )
drilling power, – (Tables - , - )
dry cutting, power, (Table - )
elastic recovery, –
elastic workholder, – (Figures - to
- )
electric and electronic gages, (Figures - ,
- )
electrode, – (Figures - , - )
electrostatic chuck, (Figure - )
end mill, (Figure - )
end milling, (Figure - )
end-cutting-edge angle, – (Figure - ,
Tables - to - )
end-relief angle, – (Figure - , Tables -
to - )
engineering design transfer, –
epoxy drill jig, (Figure - )
epoxy resins,
ergonomics, –
error amplification and magnification, –
(Figures - to - )
external locators, – (Figures - to - )
extrusion, – (Figures - to - ), –
(Table - , Figures - to - )
backward, – (Figures - , - , - )
coining die, – (Figure - )
combination, – (Figures - , - , - )
extrusion, continued
die, , – (Figures - to - )
forward, (Figure - ), (Figure - )
pressure, – (Table - , Figures - to
- ),
punch design, –
slugs, – (Figures - , - )
eyeleting, – (Figure - )
milling, (Figure - )
milling cutter, (Figure - )
of tool,
wear, – (Figure - )
fasteners, – (Figures - to - )
feature control frame, (Figure - )
feature control symbols, (Figure - )
feed, , – (Figures - , - ), (Table
- ), –
feeler setup gages, (Figure - )
ferrous tool materials, – (Tables - to - )
finishing steels,
arc-welding, – (Figures - to - )
changer, – (Figure - )
clamping design, – (Figures - ,
- )
classifications, –
erector set, (Figures - , - )
for guiding reamers, (Figure - )
gas welding, – (Figures - , - )
key, (Figure - )
laser welding,
milling, (Figure - )
modular, (Figure - )
nesting, – (Figures - to - )
resistance welding, – (Figures -
to - )
riveting, (Figure - )
welding, – (Figures - to - )
workholding, (Figure - )
workpiece in, (Figure - )
fixture design, – (Figures - to - )
and cutting tool relationship, (Figures
- , - )
and production capabilities, – (Figure
- )
fixture design, continued
angle plate, (Figure - )
boring, –
cutter-setting device, – (Figure - )
example, – (Figures - to - )
feeler setup gage, (Figure - )
fixtured workpiece, (Figure - )
gage block, (Figure - )
indexing, (Figure - )
keys, – (Figures - , - )
lathe, – , (Figure - )
milling, – , (Figure - )
mounting, – (Figures - to - )
multipart, – (Figure - )
multistation, – (Figure - )
production process, (Figure - )
part configuration, –
plate, (Figure - )
setup blocks, (Figure - )
stop block, (Figure - )
swing stop, (Figure - )
tool positioning, (Figure - )
tool rotation, (Figure - )
types, – (Figures - to - )
vise jaw, – (Figure - )
workpiece rotation, (Figure - )
flanging punch, (Figure - )
flank, tool, , – (Figures - , - , - )
flash-butt welding, (Figure - )
eccentric cam,
-plate template drill jig, (Figures - , - )
spiral cam,
-wedge clamp, – (Figure - )
flatness, (Figure - )
flatness tolerance, (Figure - )
floating locating pin, – (Figures - ,
- )
flush-pin gage, – (Figure - )
force, , – (Figures - , - ), –
analysis, snap-through, – (Figures
- , - )
blank-holder, –
clamping, – (Figure - )
cutting, – (Figures - to - )
drawing, –
force, continued
press, – (Figure - )
progressive die,
transmitting, multiplying, (Figure - )
forging, – (Figure - )
form milling, (Figure - )
forming, – (Figures - to - )
air bending, – (Figure - )
analysis, –
beading, – (Figures - to - )
bending, – (Figures - to - )
blocks, (Figure - )
circle grid analysis, – (Figures - to
- )
coining, – (Figures - , - )
compound dies, – (Figure - )
curling, – (Figures - to - )
deformation, – (Figures - to - )
die design, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figure - )
drawing die, (Figure - ), (Figures
- , - ), – (Figures - to - ,
Tables - , - )
extruding, – (Figures - to - ),
– (Table - , Figures - to - )
hole flanging, – (Figures - to - )
limit diagram, (Figures - , - )
pressure-pad design, – (Figures -
to - )
progressive die, (Figures - to - )
rotary-action die bending, – (Figures
- to - )
rubber and polyurethane die,
severity, – (Figures - , - )
stamping analysis, – (Figures - to
- )
twisters, benders, – (Figures - , - )
wipe bending, (Figures - , - )
forward extrusion, (Figure - ), (Figure
- )
friction force, (Figure - )
full indicator movement,
fused deposition modeling, (Figure - )
gage, gaging,
air, – , – (Figure - )
gage, gaging, continued
angularity, (Figures - , - )
arbors and chucks, hydraulic, (Figure
- )
autocollimation, (Figure - ), (Figure
- )
automatic systems,
block, (Figure - )
comparators, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figures - , - )
commercial, – (Figure - )
comparison, (Figure - )
contacting probes,
coordinate measuring machines, –
(Figures - to - )
design, – (Figures - to - , Tables
- , - )
dial indicator, – (Figures - , - )
electric and electronic, (Figures - , - )
error, – (Figures - to - )
fixture, – (Figures - , - , - )
flatness, (Figure - )
flush pin, – (Figure - )
indicating, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figures - , - )
laser light beam,
leveling and plumbing, – (Figure - )
manual indexable probe, (Figure - )
measurement, –
measuring with light rays, – (Figures
- , - )
methods, – (Figures - to - ,
Table - )
moving bridge CMM, – (Figure - )
multi-sensor coordinate measuring machine,
(Figure - )
noncontacting sensors, – (Figure - )
optical comparator, (Figure - )
optical projection, – (Figures - to
- )
optical tooling, (Figure - )
parallelism, (Figure - )
perpendicularity (squareness), – (Figures - to - )
planizing, (Figure - )
plug, – (Figures - to - )
gage, gaging, continued
positionally toleranced parts, – (Figures
- to - )
principles, –
ring, (Figures - , - )
runout, – (Figures - to - )
screw pitch, (Figure - )
snap, – (Figures - to - )
straightness, (Figures - , - )
surface plate, (Figure - )
template, (Figure - )
tolerance, – (Figures - , - , Table
- ), – (Figure - )
touch-trigger probe,
types, – (Figures - to - )
wear allowance, –
gap-frame press, – (Figure - )
gas-welding fixture, – (Figures - , - )
GD&T, – (Figures - to - )
gear-shaper cutter, (Figure - )
geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, –
(Figures - to - )
angularity, (Figures - , - ), ,
(Figure - )
ASME Y . - , , – (Figure A- )
ASME Y . M- (R ), , –
(Figures B- to B- ), – (Figure E- )
basic dimension,
bonus tolerance, (Figure - )
circularity (roundness), , (Figure - )
concentricity, , – (Figure - )
cylindricity, – (Figure - )
datum feature symbol, (Figure - )
datum reference, (Figure - ), –
(Figures - to - )
datum targets, (Figure - )
definitions, – (Figures - to - )
feature control frame, (Figure - )
feature control symbols, (Figure - )
flatness, (Figure - )
least material boundary,
least material condition,
maximum material boundary,
maximum material condition,
parallelism, – (Figure - )
perpendicularity (squareness), – (Figure
- )
position, , , (Figures - , - )
profile of a line or surface, (Figure - )
geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, continued
projected tolerance zone,
regardless of feature size, –
rules, – (Figures - to - )
runout, – (Figures - to - ), ,
(Figures - , - )
straightness, (Figures - , - ), –
(Figures - , - )
symbols, – (Figure - )
symmetry, , – (Figure - )
three-plane concept, –
tolerance zone, – (Figure - )
variations of form, (Figure - )
virtual condition, –
grinding fixtures,
Guerin process,
gun-drill bushing, (Figure - )
hand tool design, –
hardening steels, – (Figure - )
hardness scales, – (Table - )
nonferrous materials,
quench hardening,
stress relieving,
tempering, –
treatments, press tools, – (Table - )
headed press-fit bushing, (Figure - )
headed press-fit liner, (Figure - )
headless press-fit bushing, – (Figure - )
headless press-fit liner, – (Figures - ,
- )
heat-treating, – (Figure - )
hex nut, (Figure - )
high-carbon, high-chromium die steels,
high-speed straight-side press, – (Figure
- )
hobs, – (Figure - , - )
hole broach, – (Figures - , - )
hole flanging, – (Figures - to - )
hot-work die steels,
clamping, (Figure - )
die cushion,
forging press,
hydraulic, continued
forming machines, – (Figures - , - )
presses, – (Figures - to - )
hydroforming presses, – (Figures - ,
- )
impact extrusion, – (Table - , Figures
- to - )
indexing fixture, (Figure - )
indexing jig, – (Figures - , - )
indicating gages, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figure - , - )
indirect piloting, – (Figure - )
indirect-pressure clamp, – (Figure - )
induction brazing, – (Figures - to
- )
induction curing,
induction heating theory, –
inductor design, – (Figures - to
- )
insert, (Figure - )
inspection, – (Figures - to - , Tables
- , - )
integral locators, (Figure - )
internal broach,
internal locator, – (Figures - , - ,
- )
Internet resources, (Table D- )
jig and fixture, – (Figures - to - )
air collet fixture, (Figure - )
angle-plate jig, (Figure - )
boring jig, (Figure - )
burr clearance, (Figure - )
bushing, (Figure - )
channel jig, – (Figure - )
chip clearance, – (Figure - )
circular-plate template drill jig, (Figure
- )
closed drill jig, (Figure - )
collet fixture, – (Figure - )
coolant and chip expulsion, (Figure - )
cross-hole drill jig, (Figure - )
drill bushing tips, (Figure - )
jig and fixture, continued
drill jig, – (Figures - to - )
drill jig bushings, – (Figures - to
- )
epoxy drill jig, (Figure - )
example, – (Table - , Figures - to
- )
fixture design, – (Figures - to - )
flat-plate template drill jig, (Figures - ,
- )
for reaming, – (Figure - )
gun-drill bushing, (Figure - )
headed press-fit bushing, (Figure - )
headed press-fit liner, (Figure - )
headless press-fit bushing, – (Figure
- )
headless press-fit liner, – (Figures - ,
- )
indexing jig, (Figures - , - )
jig design, – (Figures - to - , Table
- )
leaf jig, – (Figure - )
liners, – (Figures - to - )
machine considerations, –
modified vises, – (Figure - )
nesting template drill jig, (Figure - )
oil-groove bushing, (Figure - )
open drill jig, (Figure - )
plate jig, – (Figures - to - ), –
(Figures - to - )
polymer drill jig, – (Figure - , - )
process considerations, (Figure - )
quick divider, (Figure - )
rotary bushing,
safety drill vise, (Figure - )
self-centering vise, – (Figure - )
slip-fixed renewable bushings/liners,
(Figure - )
slip-renewable bushing, (Figure - )
special bushings, – (Figure - )
template bushing, (Figure - )
template drill jigs, – (Figures - to - )
tumble-box jig, –
universal jig, – (Figure - ), (Figure
- )
wooden drill jig, – (Figure - )
joining, – (Figures - to - )
adhesive bonding, –
air-actuated clamping, (Figure - )
arc-welding fixture, – (Figures - to
- )
joining, continued
backing bar, (Figures - , - )
bolts, –
brazing, – (Figures - to - )
clamping design, – (Figures - ,
- )
clinch allowance, – (Figure - )
dowel-pin locator, (Figure - )
electrode, – (Figures - , - )
eyeleting, – (Figure - )
flash-butt welding, (Figure - )
gas-welding fixture, – (Figures - ,
- )
induction brazing, – (Figures - to
- )
inductor design, – (Figures - to
- )
laser welding, – (Figure - )
locating land, (Figure - )
machine screws,
magnetic flux, (Figure - )
mechanical, – (Figures - to - )
metal stitching, – (Figures - , - )
nesting fixture, – (Figures - to
- )
nuts, – (Figures - , - )
projection welding,
pulsation welding,
resistance welding, – (Figures - to
- )
rivets, – (Figures - , - )
screws, – (Figure - )
seam welding,
set-block locator, (Figure - )
soldering, – (Figures - to - )
spin peening, –
staking, – (Figures - to - )
stapling, – (Figure - )
studs, –
threaded fasteners, – (Figures -
to - )
tooling, physical processes, – (Figures
- to - )
tubular riveting, (Figure - )
upset-butt welding,
welding fixtures, – (Figures - to
- )
wire stitching, (Figure - )
workholding fixture, (Figure - )
keyway broaches, (Figure - )
king post-holder, – (Figure - )
Knoop hardness, – (Table - )
laser light beam gaging,
laser welding, – (Figure - )
lateral force, – (Figure - )
lathe chuck, – (Figures - to - )
lathe fixtures, – , (Figure - )
lead angle, – (Tables - to - )
leaf jig, – (Figure - )
least material boundary,
least material condition,
left-cut tool, (Figure - )
length measurement,
length of cut,
leveling, – (Figure - )
limit switches,
linear-travel tools, – (Figures - to - )
liners, – (Figures - to - )
- - method, – (Figures - to - )
and supporting, – (Figures - to - )
combined, (Figure - ), – (Figures
- , - )
concentric, – (Figure - ), – (Figures - , - )
error, (Figure - ), – (Figure - ,
- )
foolproofing, (Figure - )
land, (Figure - )
nests, – (Figure - , - )
pin, – (Figure - to - )
plane, (Figure - )
radial, (Figure - ), (Figures - , - ),
(Figure - )
rules, – (Figures - , - )
spring-stop button, – (Figure - ,
- )
location, wire method,
locational tolerances,
adjustable, – (Figures - to - )
assembled, (Figure - )
conical, (Figure - )
diamond pins, – (Figure - , - )
locator, continued
dowel pin, (Figure - )
external, – (Figures - to - )
fixed, – (Figures - to - )
floating pin, – (Figure - , - )
integral, (Figure - )
internal, – (Figures - , - , - )
nonsticking, (Figure - )
pin, – (Figure - to - )
plane, (Figure - )
position, – (Figure - )
radial, (Figure - ), (Figures - , - ),
(Figure - )
redundant, – (Figure - )
relationship to tool, (Figure - )
relieved, – (Figure - to - )
self-adjusting, – (Figure - )
sight, – (Figure - )
set block, (Figure - )
spring pins, – (Figure - to - )
types, – (Figures - to - )
V-type, - (Figures - to - )
lot sizes, –
low-alloy tool steels, ,
lubricants, – ,
machinability, (Figure - )
machine screws,
machine tools, – (Figures - through - )
machined internal locator, – (Figures - ,
- )
machining strategy,
magnetic chuck, (Figures - , - )
magnetic flux, (Figure - )
magnification of error, – (Figures -
to - )
major burrs, (Figure - )
manual indexable probe, (Figure - )
draw punch,
ferrous tool, – (Tables - to - )
handling planning,
hardness, – (Table - )
mechanical properties, – (Table - )
melting point, –
nonferrous tool, –
nonmetallic tool, – , –
oil-hardening tool steels,
materials, continued
plywood, ,
polycrystalline cubic boron nitride,
precast bracket, (Figure - )
precision ground,
shock-resisting tool steels, –
strength, – (Table - )
tooling, –
maximum material boundary,
maximum material condition,
measuring deformation, forming, – (Figures - to - )
measuring with light rays, – (Figures
- , - )
mechanical joining, , – (Figures -
to - )
adhesive bonding, –
bolts, –
cap screws, (Figure - )
captive screws,
clinch allowance, – (Figure - )
eyeleting, – (Figure - )
machine screws,
metal stitching, – (Figures - , - )
nuts, – (Figures - , - )
rivets, – (Figures - , - )
screws, – (Figure - )
spin peening, –
staking, – (Figures - to - )
stapling, – (Figure - )
studs, –
tapping screws, –
threaded fasteners, – (Figures -
to - )
tooling, – (Figures - to - )
tubular riveting, (Figure - )
wire stitching, (Figure - )
workholding fixture, (Figure - )
mechanical presses, – (Figures - to - )
metal cutting, (Figure - )
metal flow,
metal stitching, – (Figures - , - )
milling, (Figure - ), – (Figures - to
- ),
cutters, – (Figures - , - )
milling, continued
end mills, (Figure - )
fixtures, – , (Figure - )
machine selector, (Table - )
power requirements, – (Tables - , - )
minor burrs, (Figure - )
MITEE-BITE® clamping system, – (Figures - to - )
modified vises, – (Figure - )
modular fixture, (Figure - )
modular tool handling, – (Figures -
to - )
advantages, – (Figure - )
angle plate, (Figure - )
automatic identification, –
construction, (Figures - , - )
design, – (Figures - to - )
fixture components, (Figure - )
pallet/fixture changer, – (Figure - )
part registry, (Figure - )
quick-change tooling, – (Figures -
to - )
radio frequency identification, –
rigidity, – (Figure - )
riser/tooling blocks, – (Figures -
to - )
self-adjusting fixture, (Figure - )
subplates, (Figure - )
system, – (Figures - to - )
tool presetting, – (Figure - )
tooling cube, – (Figure - )
modulus of elasticity,
Mono-Bloc® clamp, (Figure - )
moving bridge CMM, – (Figure - )
Multi-Lok® vise, (Figure - )
multipart fixture, – (Figure - )
diameter tools, –
part clamping, – (Figure - )
point cutting tools, – (Figures - to - )
slide forming, – (Figure - )
slide straight-side transfer press, –
(Figure - )
stage hydroforming, (Figure - )
multi-sensor coordinate measuring machine,
(Figure - )
multistation fixture, – (Figure - )
nesting fixture, – (Figures - to - )
nesting template drill jig, (Figure - )
nest-type workholder, – (Figure - ,
- )
noncontacting sensors, – (Figure - )
nonferrous forging,
nonferrous tool materials, –
nonmechanical clamping, –
nonmetallic tool materials, – , –
nonsticking locator, (Figure - )
nose radius,
nose wear (Figure - )
nuts, (Figure - ), – (Figures - ,
- )
oblique cutting, – (Figure - )
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
oil-groove bushing, (Figure - )
oil-hardening tool steels,
open drill jig, (Figure - )
open-back inclinable press, – (Figure - )
open-back stationary press, (Figure - )
optical comparator, (Figure - )
optical projection gaging, – (Figures -
to - )
optical tooling, – (Figure - )
orthogonal cutting, (Figure - ), (Figure
- )
overload protection,
pallet changer, – (Figure - )
parallelism, (Figure - ), – (Figure
- )
part registry, (Figure - )
peak cutting force,
perpendicularity (squareness), – (Figures
- to - ), – (Figure - )
physical joining,
air-actuated clamping, (Figure - )
arc-welding fixture, – (Figures - to
- )
backing bar, (Figures - , - )
physical joining, continued
brazing, – (Figures - to - )
clamping design, – (Figures - ,
- )
dowel-pin locator, (Figure - )
electrode, – (Figures - , - )
flash-butt welding, (Figure - )
gas-welding fixture, – (Figures - ,
- )
induction brazing, – (Figures - to
- )
laser welding, – (Figure - )
locating land, (Figure - )
nesting fixture, – (Figures - to
- )
projection welding,
pulsation welding,
resistance welding, – (Figures - to
- )
seam welding,
set-block locator, (Figure - )
soldering, – (Figures - to - )
tooling, – (Figures - to - )
upset-butt welding,
welding fixtures, – (Figures - to - )
piercing and blanking die, (Figure - )
plane location, (Figure - )
planing, – (Figure - )
planizing, (Figure - )
plastic deformation, – (Figure - ),
plastic drill jig, (Figure - )
plate fixture, (Figure - )
plate jig, – (Figures - to - )
plug gage, – (Figures - to - )
plywood, ,
pneumatic die cushion, (Figure - )
polycrystalline cubic boron nitride,
polymer drill jigs, – (Figures - , - )
polyurethane and rubber die, (Figure - )
position, – (Figures - , - , Table - ),
, , (Figures - , - )
positionally toleranced parts, – (Figures
- to - )
powdered metal compaction,
power clamping, – (Figures - to -
power presses, – (Figures - to - )
capacity, (Figure - )
power presses, continued
CNC laser machine, – (Figures - to
- )
coil change, (Figure - )
crankshaft forging, –
decoiling stock, – (Figure - )
die cushion, (Figure - )
force, – (Figure - )
forging, – (Figure - )
gap-frame press, – (Figure - )
Guerin process,
high-speed straight side, – (Figure
- )
hydraulic die cushion,
hydraulic forging press,
hydraulic forming machines, – (Figures
- , - )
hydraulic presses, – (Figures - to - )
hydroforming, – (Figures - , - )
king post-holder, – (Figure - )
mechanical presses, – (Figures - to
- )
multiple-slide forming, – (Figure - )
multiple-slide straight-side transfer, –
(Figure - )
multiple-stage hydroforming, (Figure - )
nonferrous forging,
open-back inclinable, – (Figure - )
open-back stationary, (Figure - )
overload protection,
pneumatic die cushion, (Figure - )
pneumatic piping, tanks, controls, (Figure
- )
powdered metal compaction,
roller-type grip feeder, (Figure - )
screw, – (Figure - )
speeds, – (Figure - )
stock feeder, (Figure - )
straight side, – (Figures - , - )
straight-side hydraulic, (Figure - )
straightening stock, – (Figure - )
tie rods, (Figure - )
transfer, – (Figures - to - )
tubular hydroforming, (Figure - )
turret punching machine, – (Figures
- to - )
Wheelon forming, (Figures - , - )
power requirements, – , , – (Figures
- , - ), – , – (Tables - , - ),
– (Tables - , - )
precast bracket materials, (Figure - )
precision-ground materials,
press speeds, – (Figure - )
press tonnage,
pressure anvil,
pressure-pad design, – (Figures - ,
- )
pressure-pad forming die, (Figure - )
problem statement,
process cost, – (Table - )
profile of a line or surface, – (Figures - ,
- ), (Figure - )
progressive die, – (Figures - to - )
projected tolerance zone,
projection welding,
pulsation welding,
punch clearance, (Figure - )
punch design, extrusion, –
punch presses,
push broaching, – (Figures - to - )
quench hardening,
quick-acting vise, (Figure )
quick-change tooling, – (Figures -
to - )
quick divider, (Figure - )
radial location, (Figure - ), – (Figures
- , - ), (Figure - )
radiation curing,
radio frequency identification, –
radius gage, (Figure - )
rake angle,
ram adapter, (Figure - )
rapid prototyping and manufacturing, –
(Figures - to - )
ReadyTM bender, – (Figures - to - )
reamers, – (Figures - , - )
reaming, power, – (Tables - , - )
redundant locators, – (Figure - )
regardless of feature size, –
relieved locators, – (Figure - to - )
resistance welding, – (Figures - to
- )
retaining ring, – (Figure - )
review questions,
chapter ,
chapter , –
chapter ,
chapter , –
chapter , –
chapter ,
chapter ,
chapter ,
chapter , –
chapter ,
chapter ,
chapter ,
chapter , –
ring gage, (Figures - , - )
riser/tooling blocks, – (Figures - to
- )
riveting, – (Figures - to - )
Rockwell hardness, – (Table - )
roller-type grip feeder, (Figure - )
rotary-action die bending, – (Figures -
to - )
rotary bender, – (Figures - , - )
rotary bushing,
roundness tolerance, , (Figure - )
RP&M, – (Figures - to - )
rubber and polyurethane die, (Figure - )
runout, – (Figures - to - ), ,
(Figures - , - )
safety, –
safety drill vise, (Figure - )
sawing fixtures,
scrapless strip development, (Figure - )
screw, (Figures - to - ), –
(Figure - )
clamp, (Figures - , - )
pitch gage, (Figure - )
press, (Figure - )
threads, (Figures - , - )
-type forging press, – (Figure - )
seam welding,
segmental chip,
selective laser sintering,
actuating wedge cam workholder,
adjusting locator, – (Figure - )
self-, continued
self-adjusting modular fixture, (Figure
- )
centering vise, – (Figure - )
service bureau, RP&M,
set-block locator, (Figure - )
setup blocks, (Figure - )
setup gage, feeler, (Figure - )
setup reduction,
shaping, – (Figure - )
shear angle, (Figure - )
shear strength, – (Figure - )
shock-resisting tool steels, –
-cutting-edge angle, – (Figure - , Tables
- to - )
-rake angle, – (Figure - , Tables - to
- )
-relief angle, – (Figure - , Tables -
to - )
thrust, cutting, – (Figure - )
sight locator, – (Figure - )
single-action draw die, – (Figures -
to - )
single-point tools, – (Tables - to - , Figures - to - )
slab milling, (Figure - )
slip plane,
slip-renewable bushing, (Figure - ),
(Figure - )
slug coining and upsetting, (Figure - )
smear, (Figure - )
snap gage, – (Figures - to - )
snap-through force, – (Figures - , - )
socket-head cap screw, (Figures - , - )
soldering, – (Figures - to - )
solid mandrel, – (Figures - , - )
solid modeling, – (Figure - )
special bushings, – (Figure - )
special-purpose drills, (Figure - )
specialty clamps, – (Figures - to - )
specific power consumption, –
spin peening, –
split bushing, (Figure - )
split collet, – (Figures - to - )
spot-facers, – (Figure - )
spot staking, – (Figures - , - )
spring locating pins, – (Figures - to
- )
spring-stop button, – (Figures - , - )
springback, – (Figure - , - )
squareness, – (Figures - to - ),
(Figure - )
staking, – (Figures - to - )
stamping analysis, – (Figures - to
- )
stapling, – (Figure - )
Stay-Lock® clamping system, (Figures - ,
- )
step construction,
stereolithography, – (Figures - , - ,
- )
stock feeder, (Figure - )
stop block, (Figure - )
straightening stock, – (Figure - )
straightness, (Figures - , - ), –
(Figures - , - )
straight-side presses, – (Figures - , - ),
(Figure - )
strain hardening,
strap clamp, – (Figures - to - )
stress relieving,
stripping forces,
studs, –
sub-land construction,
subplates, (Figure - )
surface broach,
surface quality, (Table - )
swing stop, (Figure - )
swinging C-washer, (Figure - )
symmetry, , – (Figure - )
systems of length, area, and force measurement,

tangential force, (Figure - )
tapping, (Figure - )
tapping screws, –
taps, – (Figure - )
T-bolt, (Figure - )
tempering, – (Table - ), –
template bushing, (Figure - )
template drill jigs, – (Figures - to - )
tensile strength, (Figure - )
Terrific ® clamp, – (Figures - , - )
theoretical peak cutting force,
thermal cutting, –
thermal expansion,
thread insert, (Figure - )
threaded assembly, (Figure - )
threaded fasteners, – (Figures - to
- )
three-plane concept, –
tie rods, (Figure - )
toggle-action clamps, – (Figures - to
- )
tolerance, – (Figures - , - , Table - )
analysis software, –
angularity, (Figures - , - ), ,
(Figure - )
bilateral, (Figures - , - ), –
(Table - , Figure - )
circularity, , , (Figure - )
concentricity, , , – (Figure - )
cylindricity, , – (Figure - )
flatness, (Figure - ), (Figure - )
parallelism, (Figure - ), – (Figure
- )
perpendicularity (squareness), – (Figures - to - ), – (Figure - )
positional, (Figures - , - )
positionally toleranced parts, – (Figures
- to - )
profile of a line or surface, – (Figures
- , - , - to - ), – (Figure
- )
runout, – (Figures - to - ), ,
(Figures - , - )
straightness, (Figures - , - ), –
(Figures - , - )
symmetry, , – (Figure - )
unilateral, (Figure - )
variable, (Table - )
zone, (Figure - ), – (Figure - )
analysis, (Table - )
angles, – (Figure - , Tables - to - )
axial-feed rotary, – (Figures - to - ,
Tables - to - )
bodies, (Figure - )
chip disposal,
chip formation, (Figure - )
chip groove, , (Table - , Figure - )
tool, continued
chisel edge,
core drills, – (Figures - , - )
counterbores and countersinks, – (Figures
- , - )
cutting fluids,
cutting speed,
deflection, (Figure - )
designer responsibilities,
drawings, –
end mills, (Figure - )
feed, –
fixture and cutting tool relationship,
(Figures - , - )
forces, , , – (Figures - , - ),
– , – (Figures - to - )
geometry, , – (Figure - )
hobs, – (Figure - , - )
internal broach,
linear travel, – (Figures - to - )
life, – (Figures - , - ), (Figure - ),
– (Figures - , - to - , Tables
- to - )
milling cutter, – (Figures - , - ),
– (Figures - , -
multiple diameter, –
multiple point, – (Figures - to - )
nose radius,
power requirements, , – (Figures - ,
- ), – , – (Tables - , - ),
– (Tables - , - )
presetting, – (Figure - )
push broaching, – (Figures - to - )
reamers, – (Figures - , - )
rotation, (Figure - )
safety, –
single-point, – (Tables - to - , Figures
- to - )
spot-facers, – (Figure - )
surface broach,
taps, – (Figure - )
translation, (Figure - ), (Figure - )
twist drill, – (Figures - , - )
uneven motions, –
velocity, – (Figure - ), – (Figures
- , - )
tool, continued
weak links, –
wear, – (Figures - through - ,
Table - )
tool design, –
aircraft nose-flap rib, (Table - , Figure - )
alternative designs, (Table - )
breakeven chart, (Figure - )
components sources, – (Table C- )
cost comparison, (Table - )
drawings, –
economics, – (Tables - , - )
for cutting, – (Figures - to - , Tables
- to - )
hand tools, –
ideas, –
problem statement,
process, – (Table - , Figure - )
requirements analysis, – (Table - )
uneven motions, –
weak links, –
workpiece rotation, (Figure - )
tool materials, – (Tables - to - ), ,
(Table - ),
air-hardening steel,
alloy steel, –
aluminum, –
applications, (Table - )
bismuth alloys,
carbides, – (Tables - , - )
carbon steel,
case hardening,
cast iron,
characteristics, (Table - )
classes, – (Table - )
coefficient of thermal expansion,
compressive strength, (Figure - )
correction factors, (Table - )
cubic boron nitride,
densified woods,
ductility, ,
epoxy resins,
ferrous, – (Tables - through - )
tool materials, continued
finishing steel,
hardening treatments, – (Table - ),
– (Figure - )
hardness, – (Table - )
high-carbon, high-chromium steels,
hot work steel,
low alloy, ,
mechanical properties, – (Table - )
melting point, –
modulus of elasticity,
nonferrous, –
nonmetallic, – , –
oil-hardening steel,
physical properties, –
plywood, ,
polycrystalline cubic boron nitride,
shear strength, – (Figure - )
shock-resisting steel, –
tempering treatments, – (Table - )
tensile strength, (Figure - )
thermal and electrical conductivity,
tool steels, – (Tables - to - )
tungsten and molybdenum high-speed steel,
urethane, –
water-hardening steel,
wood, , (Figure - )
yield strength, –
adhesive bonding, –
blocks, – (Figures - to - )
brazing, – (Figures - , - )
cube, – (Figure - )
layout process,
plate, aluminum,
mechanical joining, –
quick change, – (Figures - to - )
thermal cutting, –
tooth angles, – (Figures - , - )
tooth land, (Figure - )
touch-trigger probe,
transfer presses, – (Figures - to - )
T-slot nut, (Figure - )
tubular hydroforming, – (Figures - ,
- )
tubular riveting, (Figure - )
tumble-box jig, –
tungsten and molybdenum high-speed steels,
turning, (Figures - , - )
turret punching machine, – (Figures -
to - )
Twin-Lock® workholding, (Figures - ,
- )
twist drill, – (Figures - , - )
twisters and benders, – (Figures - ,
- )
ultimate tensile strength, (Figure - )
ultrasonic thickness gage, –
undeformed chip shapes, (Figure - )
unilateral tolerance, (Figure - )
unit horsepower, –
universal jig, – (Figure - ), (Figure
- )
universal vise, (Figure - )
upset-butt welding,
urethane, –
vacuum chucking, – (Figures - ,
- )
variable tolerance, (Table - )
velocity, cutting edge, – (Figure - ), –
(Figures - , - )
Vickers hardness, – (Table - )
virtual condition, –
vises, (Figure - ), – (Figures -
to - )
adjustable range, (Figure - )
Bi-Lok®, (Figures - , - )
independent jaws, – (Figures - ,
- )
jaw fixture, – (Figure - )
modified, – (Figure - )
Multi-Lok®, (Figure - )
quick acting, (Figure )
safety drill, (Figure - )
self-centering, – (Figure - )
special jaws, – (Figures - , - )
stop bar, (Figure - )
Twin-Lock®, (Figures - , - )
vises, continued
universal, (Figure - )
vertical, (Figure - )
V-type locator, - (Figures - to - )
washer, (Figure - )
water-hardening tool steels,
wear patterns, (Figure - )
wedge-action clamps, (Figures - , - )
wedge-cam chuck, (Figure - )
wedge-roller workholder, (Figure - )
welding of asperities, (Figure - ),
air-actuated clamping, (Figure - )
clamping design, – (Figures - ,
- )
dowel-pin locator, (Figure - )
electrode, – (Figures - , - )
fixtures, – (Figures - to - )
flash butt, (Figure - )
laser, – (Figure - )
locating land, (Figure - )
resistance, – (Figures - to - )
set-block locator, (Figure - )
upset butt,
Wheelon forming process, (Figures - , - )
wipe bending, (Figures - , - )
wire location,
wire stitching, (Figure - )
wood, , (Figure - )
wooden drill jig, – (Figure - )
work environment, –
work hardening,
worker safety, –
workholding, – (Figures - to - )
- - location, – (Figures - to - )
adjustable locators, – (Figures - to
- )
assembled locators, (Figure - )
Ball Lock® mounting, (Figures - ,
- )
Bi-Lok® vise, (Figures - , - )
bolts, (Figures - to - )
broach, (Figure - )
burr problems, – (Figures - to - )
workholding, continued
C-washer, (Figure - )
chip problems, – (Figures - to - )
chucking, (Figure - ), – (Figures
- to - )
clamping, (Figure - ), – (Figures
- to - ), – (Figures - to - )
collets, – (Figures - to - , - ,
- )
combined location, (Figure - ), (Figures - , - )
concentric location, – (Figure - ),
– (Figures - , - )
conical locator, (Figure - )
degrees of freedom, (Figure - )
diamond pin locators, – (Figures - ,
- )
dowel pin, – (Figure - )
drill jig, (Figure - )
elastic workholder, – (Figures - to
- )
electrostatic chuck, (Figure - )
error, (Figure - ), – (Figure - ,
- )
external locator, – (Figures - to - )
fasteners, – (Figures - to - )
fixed locators, – (Figures - to - )
fixture, (Figure - )
fixture key, (Figure - )
floating locating pin, – (Figures - ,
- )
force, (Figure - )
hex nut, (Figure - )
insert, (Figure - )
integral locators, (Figure - )
internal chucking, (Figure - )
internal locator, – (Figures - , - ,
- )
jigs and fixtures, – (Figures - to
- )
lathe chucks, – (Figures - to - )
locating, support, – (Figures - to - )
locating pin, – (Figure - )
locational tolerances,
magnetic chuck, (Figures - , - )
mandrel, , – (Figure - , - )
nest-type workholder, (Figure - , - )
nonsticking locator, (Figure - )
nut, (Figure - )
workholding, continued
pin, – (Figure - )
plane location, (Figure - )
position of locators, – (Figure - )
radial location, (Figure - ), – (Figures - , - ), (Figure - )
redundant locators, – (Figure - )
relieved locators, – (Figure - to
- )
retaining ring, – (Figure - )
rigid workholder, (Figures - , - )
screws, (Figures - to - )
self-actuating wedge cam workholder,
self-adjusting locator, – (Figure - )
sight locator, – (Figure - )
socket-head cap screw, (Figures - ,
- )
split bushing, – (Figures - to - )
spring locating pins, – (Figure - to
- )
spring-stop button, – (Figure - ,
- )
swinging C-washer, (Figure - )
tapping operation, (Figure - )
torque and thrust, (Figures - , - )
T-bolt, (Figure - )
T-slot nut, (Figure - )
thread insert, (Figure - )
Twin-Lock® system, (Figures - , - )
V-type locator, - (Figures - to - )
vacuum chucking, – (Figures - ,
- )
vise, (Figures - , - ), – (Figures
- to - )
washer, (Figure - )
wedge-cam chuck, (Figure - )
wedge-roller workholder, (Figure - )
work removal, (Figure - )
workpiece surfaces,
workpiece material,
workpiece rotation, (Figure - )
worm clamp, (Figure - )
yield strength, –

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كتاب Fundamentals of Tool Design
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Tool and Die Design Handbook
» كتاب Machine Tool Design Handbook
» كتاب Details of Machine Tool Design
» كتاب Machine Tool Design 3rd Edition
» كتاب Details of Machine Tool Design

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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