كتاب Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023    كتاب Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023  Emptyالأربعاء 29 مايو 2024, 3:14 am

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023
Daniel John Stine

كتاب Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023  A_c_d_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
1. Introduction: Getting Started Page
1-1 AutoCAD 2013 to the AutoCAD 2023 User Interface 1-1
1-2 Overview of the AutoCAD 2023 User Interface 1-3
1-3 Open, Save & Close an Existing Drawing 1-11
1-4 Creating a New Drawing 1-15
1-5 Using Zoom & Pan to View Your Drawings 1-17
1-6 Using the AutoCAD Help System 1-23
1-7 Introduction to Autodesk A360 1-27
Self-Exam & ReviewQuestions 1-33
2. Introduction: The Must Know Commands
2-1 Drafting & Display Tools: Snap. Selection Techniques 2-2
2-2 Draw Commands: Tine, Arc, Circle, Rectangle, Ellipse, Hatch 2-9
2-3 Modify — Part 1: More, Copy, Rotate, Scale, Offset, Mirror, Erase 2-30
2-4 Modify — Part 2: Trim, Extend, Fillet, Chamfer, Break, Array, Stretch 2-46
2-5 Annotation & Layers: Text, Dimensions, Distance, Layers 2-63
2-6 Plotting: Mode! Space and Paper Space [ 'iems 2-83
Self-Exam & ReviewQuestions 2-88
3. Library Project: Floor Plans — Part 1
3-1 Project Overview & Standards 3-1
3-2 Structural Grid Layout and Columns 3-3
3-3 Drawing the Exterior Walls 3-18
3-4 Drawing the Interior Walls 3-28
3-5 Adding Doors and Windows 3-47
Self-Exam & ReviewQuestions 3-71
4. Library Project: Floor Plans — Part 2
4-1 Toilet Room Layout 4-2
4-2 Casework 4-12
4-3 Stairs and Elevators 4-19
4-4 Annotation: Room Fames and Square Footage 4-37
4-5 Presentation Graphics: Solid Filled Walls 4-48
Self-Exam St ReviewQuestions 4-55
5. Library Project: Floor Plans: Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment (FFE)
5-1 Overview: Creating a Symbol Library 5-2
5-2 Drawing Symbols 5-7
5-3 Space Layout: Offices, Study, Comp. Labs, Reading Rooms, Stacks and Break e>Copy Rooms 5-25
5-4 Annotation and Dimensions 5-58
Self-Exam & ReviewQuestions 5-65
6-1 Non-plan Layers Overview 6-2
6-2 Drawing Symbols 6-4
6-3 Creating a “Standard Mounting Height” Diagram 6-9
6-4 Drawing Elevations: Toilet, Break, & Copy Reams, Check-out Counter and Help Desk 6-15
Self-Exam c> ReviewQuestions 6-26
7. Library Project: Details (Level: Construction Documents)
7-1 Casework 7-2
7-2 Flooring 7-5
7-3 Miscellaneous 7-7
7-4 Spell Check 7-9
Self-Exam & ReviewQuestions 7-15
iiiCommercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023
8. Library Project: Schedules & Sheet Setup
8-1 Room Finish Schedule 8-1
8-2 Sheet Setup & Management (sheet sets) 8-15
8-3 Sheet Index 8-44
Self-Exam & ReviewQuestions 8-52
9. Library Project: Plotting
9-1 Plotting: digital set 9-2
9-2 Plotting: hardcopy set 9-15
Self-Exam & ReviewQuestions 9-25
Appendix A: Office CAD Standards
A-l Layer & Lineweight Standards A-2
A-2 Text and Dimensions A-10
A-3 Abbreviations A-l5Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023
Arc 2-16
AutoLISP 6-2
Array 2-58; 5-26
Accessible Doors 3-48
Annotation Scale 2-63, 68, 71
Base Point 2-36, 39; 3-14
Block 3-8
Block Editor 3-15
Break 2-56
Calculator 3-44
Callout Bubbles 8-16, 35
Casework 4-14
Chamfer 2-54
Circle 2-19
Close 1-14
Command Window 1-7
Copy 2-34
Copy with base point 4-26
Coursing, CMU 3-30
Dimension, Styles 2-67; A-10
Dimensions 2-67; 5-58; A-10
Dimensions, Aligned 2-70
Dimensions, Linear 2-69
Dimscale (C^ std settings) A-14
Distance 2-71; 3-23
Divide 3-43
Doors 3-47
DWF file 9-2
DWF Viewer 9-9, 14
Draw pane (Ribbon) 1-5
Drawing Limits 3-4
Dynamic Blocks 3-50
Dynamic Input 2-23; 3-18
Elevator 4-21
Erase 2-45
Extend 2-49
Exterior walls 3-23
Fields 4-40
File Naming 3-4
Fillet 2-51
Fillet, rectangle 2-23
Grid Bubbles 3-6
Hatch 2-28; 4-50
Help 1-23
Help via tooltips 2-18
Hyperlink 5-3
Info Center
Insert Block
Interior walls
Internet Content
1-8; 2-26
Join 4-25
Keyboard Shortcuts 1-24; 3-38
Layers 2-73
Layer, Creation 2-76
Layer, Color 2-75
Layer Freeze 2-74; 4-23
Layer, Name A-2
Layers pane (Ribbon) 1-6
Layer, Plot 5-8
Layer States 5-39
Layers; in Blocks 5-8
Layout view 1-18
LEED* 3-13
Line 2-9; 3-24
Line, Angled 2-14
Line, undo 2-10
Lineweights A-7
LTscale 3-5; A-14
Menu Browser 1-4
Mirror 2-42
Model Space 1-18
Modify pane (Ribbon) 1-5
Mounting Heights 6-10
Move 2-30
Mtext (Multiline text) 4-39
Multileader 6-11
Multiline Text 2-65
Named Views
New (drawing)
Object Snap Tracking
Open Documents
Page Setup
Plot Style Table
Polar Tracking
Project Standards
Quick Properties
2-85; 9-3, 15, 20
2-83; 9-15
2-19; 2-27; 3-17
3-1, A-1
Index - 1Commercial Design Using AutoCAD 2023
Raster Image 8-48
Rectangle 2-22
Rectangle, fillet 2-23
Rename 3-17
Rotate 2-36
Rotation direction 2-15
Save 1-14
Scale 2-38
Sheet List Table 8-44
Sheet Sets 8-15; 9-4, 20
Sight Lines 4-9
Spelling 7-9
Stairs 4-30
Stretch 2-61
Symbol Library 5-2
Table 8-1
Template file 1-16
Text Style 2-64; 8-11; A-14
Textsize height A-14
Toilets 4-4
Toilet Partitions 4-11
Tool Palette 3-50
Trim 2-47
ucs 1-6
LICS Icon 1-8; 5-50
User Interface 1-3
Wall Furring 3-31
Wheel mouse 1-22
Windows 3-62
Window menu 1-9
Workspaces 1-10
Xclip 6-17
Xref 3-19; 6-16
Zoom Extents 1-20
Zoom Previous 1-20
Zoom Window 1-19

#أوتوديسك,#أتوكاد,#أوتوكاد,#Autodesk,#Autocad,#Auto_Cad,#Auto, #Cad,#أوتودسك,#أتوديسك,#أتودسك,

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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى شروحات البرامج الهندسية-
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