كتاب AutoCAD 2025 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users
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 كتاب AutoCAD 2025 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب AutoCAD 2025 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users    كتاب AutoCAD 2025 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users  Emptyالأربعاء 25 سبتمبر 2024, 11:42 am

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AutoCAD 2025 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users

كتاب AutoCAD 2025 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users  A_2_0_28
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Chapter 1, “Introduction to AutoCAD,” introduces system
requirements for installing AutoCAD and explains how to start
a new drawing file. It also introduces screen components,
workspaces, and sheet sets of AutoCAD. Additionally, it
explains how to change the color theme, background color,
and how to open, save, and share drawing files in AutoCAD.
Chapter 2, “Creating Drawings - I,” introduces how to set
drawing units, drawing limits, and grid and snap settings. It
also introduces various coordinate systems used in AutoCAD
and explains how to create a line, circle, and arc entities in
AutoCAD. Additionally, it explains how to cancel, erase, undo,
and navigate 2D drawings.
Chapter 3, “Working with Drawing Aids and Layers,”
introduces Ortho mode, Polar Tracking, Object Snap, and
Object Snap Tracking. It also explains how to specify grids and
snaps settings, how to work with layers and assign objects to
Chapter 4, “Creating Drawings - II,” introduces how to create
rectangles, polygons, polylines, ellipses, elliptical arcs,
splines, donuts, construction lines, ray lines, and points. It
also describes how to define point style/size.
Chapter 5, “Modifying and Editing Drawings - I,” introduces
various object selection methods and methods for trimming
and extending drawing entities. It also explains how to mirror,
fillet, chamfer, offset, move, copy, rotate, scale, stretch, andlengthen drawing entities, and create arrays.
Chapter 6, “Working with Dimensions and Dimension Styles,”
introduces various components of a dimension, methods for
creating a new dimension style, modifying the existing
dimension style, and overriding dimension style. It also
explains how to apply various types of dimensions such as
linear dimension, aligned dimension, angular dimension,
diameter dimension, radius dimension, jogged dimension,
ordinate dimension, and baseline dimension.
Chapter 7, “Editing Dimensions and Adding Text,” introduces
methods for modifying dimensions by using the DIMEDIT
command, DIMTEDIT command, DDEDIT command,
dimension grips, Properties palette, and editing tools such as
Trim, Extend, and Stretch. It also explains how to add
text/notes to drawings, create and modify text style, and add
text by using the Single Line and Multiline Text tools.
Moreover, it also describes how to edit single line and
multiline texts, and how to convert a single line text to
multiline text.
Chapter 8, “Modifying and Editing Drawings - II,” introduces
methods for editing drawing entities by using the grips and
the Properties palette. It also discusses about matching the
properties of an object with the other drawing objects, and
how to identify the coordinates of a point in a drawing.
Chapter 9, “Creating Hatches and Gradients,” introducesmethods for creating different types of hatch patterns and
gradients in enclosed areas of a drawing.
Chapter 10, “Working with Blocks and Xrefs,” introduces
methods for creating and inserting a Block and WBlock into a
drawing alongwith, methods for editing Blocks and making
Dynamic Blocks. It also explains how to work with external
reference files (Xrefs).
Chapter 11, “Working with Layouts,” explains how to get
started with a Paper space/layout and introduces different
components of a layout (Paper space). It also explains how to
set up sheet/paper size of a layout, how to add, rename, and
delete a layout. It also discusses how to work with viewports,
access the Model space within a viewport, clip a viewport,
lock the object scale in a viewport, control the display of
objects in a viewport, and control layer properties of a
viewport. Additionally, it explains how to switch between the
Model space and layout, and how to create viewports in the
Model space.
Chapter 12, “Printing and Plotting,” introduces methods for
configuring a plotter (output device) in AutoCAD. It also
explains how to create a plot style and set up the default plot
style for plotting/printing. Additionally, it introduces how to
plot/print drawings in AutoCAD.
Chapter 13, “Introducing 3D Basics and Creating 3D Models,”
discusses about creating 3D Models in the 3D Modelingworkspace. It explains how to create various 3D primitives
such as box, cylinder, sphere, cone, and torus. The chapter
introduces World Coordinate System (WCS) and User
Coordinate System (UCS). It also explains how to set the work
plane to a predefined orthographic view, work with Dynamic
UCS, and control the display of UCS. Besides, it describes how
to create extrude, revolve, sweep, loft, and 3D wall-like
polysolid features of a 3D model. It also introduces methods
for performing various boolean operations, checking
interference, and copying edges of a solid feature.
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Exercises BooksSome of the exercises books are given below:
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Chapter 1: Introduction to AutoCAD
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Installing AutoCAD
• Getting Started with AutoCAD
• Starting a New Drawing File
• Working with Various Components of a Drawing
• Starting a New Drawing File by using the Create New
Drawing dialog box
• Changing the Color Theme
• Changing the Background Color
• Working with Workspaces
• Working with Sheet Sets
• Opening a Drawing File
• Saving a Drawing File
• Sharing a Drawing File
Chapter 2: Creating Drawings - I
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Setting up Drawing Units
• Setting Drawing Limits
• Specifying Grid and Snap Settings
• Understanding Coordinate Systems
• Creating a Drawing
• Drawing a Line
• Drawing a Circle
• Drawing an Arc
• Canceling, Erasing and Restoring Objects
• Navigating 2D Drawings
Chapter 3: Working with Drawing Aids and Layers
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Working with Ortho Mode
• Working with Polar Tracking
• Working with Object Snap
• Working with Object Snap Tracking
• Working with Layers
• Assigning Objects to a Layer
Chapter 4: Creating Drawings - II
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Drawing a Rectangle
• Drawing a Polygon
• Drawing a Polyline
• Drawing an Ellipse
• Drawing an Elliptical Arc
• Drawing a Spline
• Drawing Donuts
• Drawing Construction and Ray lines
• Drawing Points and Defining Point Style/Size
Chapter 4: Creating Drawings - II
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Drawing a Rectangle
• Drawing a Polygon
• Drawing a Polyline
• Drawing an Ellipse
• Drawing an Elliptical Arc
• Drawing a Spline
• Drawing Donuts
• Drawing Construction and Ray lines
• Drawing Points and Defining Point Style/Size
Chapter 5: Modifying and Editing Drawings - I
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Working with Object Selection Methods
• Invoking a Selection Method within a Command
• Trimming Drawing Entities
• Extending Drawing Entities
• Working with Arrays
• Mirroring Drawing Entities
• Filleting Drawing Entities
• Chamfering Drawing Entities
• Offsetting Drawing Entities
• Moving Drawing Objects
• Copying Drawing Objects
• Rotating Drawing Objects
• Scaling Drawing Objects
• Stretching Drawing Objects
• Lengthening Drawing Objects
Chapter 6: Working with Dimensions and Dimension Styles
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Working with Components of a Dimension
• Creating a New Dimension Style
• Modifying an Existing Dimension Style
• Overriding a Dimension Style
• Applying Dimensions
• Applying a Linear Dimension
• Applying an Aligned Dimension
• Applying an Angular Dimension
• Applying an Arc Length Dimension
• Applying a Radius Dimension
• Applying a Diameter Dimension
• Applying a Jogged Radius Dimension
• Applying a Jogged Linear Dimension
• Applying an Ordinate Dimension
• Applying Baseline Dimensions
Chapter 7: Editing Dimensions and Adding Text
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Editing Dimensions by using DIMEDIT Command
• Editing Dimensions by using DIMTEDIT Command
• Editing Dimensions by using DDEDIT Command
• Editing Dimensions by using Dimension Grips
• Editing Dimensions by using PROPERTIES Palette
• Editing Dimensions by using Editing Tools
• Adding Text/Notes
• Creating and Modifying a Text Style
• Adding Text by using the Single Line Tool
• Adding Text by using the Multiline Text Tool
• Editing Single Line and Multiline Text
• Converting Single line Text to Multiline Text
Chapter 8: Modifying and Editing Drawings - II
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Editing Objects by using Grips
• Editing Objects by using PROPERTIES Palette
• Matching Properties of an Object
• Identifying Coordinates of a Point
hapter 9: Creating Hatches and Gradients
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Creating the Hatches
• Creating the Gradients
Chapter 10: Working with Blocks and Xrefs
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Creating a Block
• Inserting a Block into a Drawing
• Creating a WBlock
• Inserting a WBlock into a Drawing
• Editing a Block
• Making a Dynamic Block
• Working with External References (Xrefs)
Chapter 11: Working with Layouts
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Getting Started with Paper Space/Layout
• Understanding Different Components of a Layout
• Setting up the Sheet/Paper Size for a Layout
• Adding, Renaming, and Deleting a Layout
• Working with Viewports
• Accessing the Model Space within a Viewport
• Clipping a Viewport
• Locking the Object Scale in a Viewport
• Controlling the Display of Objects in a Viewport
• Controlling Layer Properties for Viewports
• Switching to the Model Space
• Creating Viewports in the Model Space
• Joining Two Viewports
• Restoring Viewports
Chapter 12: Printing and Plotting
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Configuring a Plotter (Output Device)
• Creating a Plot Style
• Setting up a Default Plot Style
• Plotting a Drawing
Chapter 13: Introducing 3D Basics and Creating 3D Models
In this chapter, the following topics will be discussed:
• Invoking the 3D Modeling/3D Basics Workspace
• Creating 3D Primitives
• Creating 3D Models
• Working with World Coordinate System (WCS)
• Working with User Coordinate System (UCS)
• Setting Work Plane to Predefined Orthographic View
• Working with Dynamic UCS
• Controlling the Display of the UCS
• Creating an Extrude Feature
• Converting a Closed Sketch into a Region
• Creating a Revolve Feature
• Creating a Sweep Feature
• Creating a Loft Feature
• Working with Presspull Tool
• Creating a 3D Wall-like Polysolid• Performing Boolean Operations
• Checking Interference between Bodies
• Copying Edges of a Solid Feature
• Performing Modifying Operations

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» كتاب AutoCAD 2023 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users
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