كتاب Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators   كتاب Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators Emptyالإثنين 30 أبريل 2012, 6:43 pm

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators
An Introduction to the FEM and Adaptive Error Analysis for Engineering Students
J. E. Akin

كتاب Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators F_e_a_11
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Preface . xi
Notation xiii
1. Introduction . 1
1.1 Finite element methods . 1
1.2 Capabilities of FEA . 3
1.3 Outline of finite element procedures . 8
1.4 Assembly into the system equations . 12
1.5 Error concepts . 21
1.6 Exercises . 22
1.7 Bibliography . 24
2. Mathematical preliminaries . 26
2.1 Introduction . 26
2.2 Linear spaces and norms . 28
2.3 Sobolev norms* 29
2.4 Dual problems, self-adjointness 29
2.5 Weighted residuals 31
2.6 Boundary condition terms . 35
2.7 Adding more unknowns 39
2.8 Numerical integration . 39
2.9 Integration by parts . 41
2.10 Finite element model problem 41
2.11 Continuous nodal flux recovery 56
2.12 A one-dimensional example error analysis . 59
2.13 General boundary condition choices . 67
2.14 General matrix partitions 69
2.15 Elliptic boundary value problems . 70
2.16 Initial value problems . 77
2.17 Eigen-problems . 80vi Contents
2.18 Equivalent forms* . 83
2.19 Exercises . 86
2.20 Bibliography . 90
3. Element interpolation and local coordinates 92
3.1 Introduction . 92
3.2 Linear interpolation . 92
3.3 Quadratic interpolation . 96
3.4 Lagrange interpolation 97
3.5 Hermitian interpolation . 98
3.6 Hierarchial interpolation . 101
3.7 Space-time interpolation* . 106
3.8 Nodally exact interpolations* . 106
3.9 Interpolation error* . 107
3.10 Gradient estimates* 110
3.11 Exercises . 113
3.12 Bibliography . 115
4. One-dimensional integration . 116
4.1 Introduction . 116
4.2 Local coordinate Jacobian . 116
4.3 Exact polynomial integration* 117
4.4 Numerical integration . 119
4.5 Variable Jacobians . 123
4.6 Exercises . 126
4.7 Bibliography . 126
5. Error estimates for elliptic problems 127
5.1 Introduction . 127
5.2 Error estimates 131
5.3 Hierarchical error indicator . 132
5.4 Flux balancing error estimates 136
5.5 Element adaptivity 138
5.6 H adaptivity . 139
5.7 P adaptivity . 139
5.8 HP adaptivity 140
5.9 Exercises . 141
5.10 Bibliography . 143Contents vii
6. Super-convergent patch recovery 146
6.1 Patch implementation database . 146
6.2 SCP nodal flux averaging 158
6.3 Computing the SCP element error estimate 164
6.4 Hessian matrix* 166
6.5 Exercises . 176
6.6 Bibliography . 176
7. Variational methods 178
7.1 Introduction . 178
7.2 Structural mechanics . 179
7.3 Finite element analysis 180
7.4 Continuous elastic bar . 185
7.5 Thermal loads on a bar* . 192
7.6 Reaction flux recovery for an element* 196
7.7 Heat transfer in a rod . 199
7.8 Element validation* 202
7.9 Euler’s equations of variational calculus* 208
7.10 Exercises . 210
7.11 Bibliography . 213
8. Cylindrical analysis problems 215
8.1 Introduction . 215
8.2 Heat conduction in a cylinder . 215
8.3 Cylindrical stress analysis . 225
8.4 Exercises . 229
8.4 Bibliography . 229
9. General interpolation 231
9.1 Introduction . 231
9.2 Unit coordinate interpolation 231
9.3 Natural coordinates . 238
9.4 Isoparametric and subparametric elements . 239
9.5 Hierarchical interpolation . 247
9.6 Differential geometry* 252
9.7 Mass properties* . 256
9.9 Interpolation error* . 257
9.9 Element distortion . 258
9.10 Space-time interpolation* . 260
9.11 Exercises . 262
9.12 Bibliography . 263viii Contents
10. Integration methods 265
10.1 Introduction . 265
10.2 Unit coordinate integration . 265
10.3 Simplex coordinate integration . 267
10.4 Numerical integration . 270
10.5 Typical source distribution integrals* . 273
10.6 Minimal, optimal, reduced and selected integration* . 276
10.7 Exercises . 279
10.8 Bibliography . 280
11. Scalar fields 281
11.1 Introduction . 281
11.2 Variational formulation . 281
11.3 Element and boundary matrices 284
11.4 Linear triangle element . 289
11.5 Linear triangle applications . 291
11.6 Bilinear rectangles* 316
11.7 General 2-d elements 318
11.8 Numerically integrated arrays . 319
11.9 Strong diagonal gradient SCP test case 322
11.10 Orthtropic conduction . 337
11.11 Axisymmetric conduction . 344
11.12 Torsion 350
11.13 Introduction to linear flows . 358
11.14 Potential flow 358
11.15 Axisymmetric plasma equilibria* . 365
11.16 Slider bearing lubrication 370
11.17 Transient scalar fields 377
11.18 Exercises . 381
11.19 Bibliography . 382
12. Vector fields . 384
12.1 Introduction . 384
12.2 Displacement based stress analysis . 384
12.3 Planar models 389
12.4 Matrices for the constant strain triangle 395
12.5 Stress and strain transformations* 407
12.6 Axisymmetric solid stress* . 412
12.7 General solid stress* . 413
12.8 Anisotropic materials* 413Contents ix
12.9 Circular hole in an infinite plate 416
12.10 Dynamics of solids 428
12.11 Exercises . 435
12.11 Bibliography . 435
Index .

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators   كتاب Finite Element Analysis with Error Estimators Emptyالخميس 03 يناير 2013, 11:13 pm

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