كتاب Up and Running with AutoCAD - 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Up and Running with AutoCAD - 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Up and Running with AutoCAD - 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling
Elliot J. Gindis
President - Vertical Technologies, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Robert C. Kaebisch
Construction Sciences - Architecture/Structural, Gateway Technical College
Sturtevant, WI, United States  

كتاب Up and Running with AutoCAD - 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling  U_a_r_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Chapter 1
AutoCAD fundamentalsdPart I
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce AutoCAD and discuss the following:
l Introduction and the basic commands
l The Create Objects commands
l The Edit/Modify Objects commands
l The View Objects commands
l The AutoCAD environment
l Interacting with AutoCAD
l Practicing the Create Objects commands
l Practicing the Edit/Modify Objects commands
l Selection methodsdWindow, Crossing, and Lasso
l Accuracy in draftingdOrtho (F8)
l Accuracy in draftingdOSNAPs (F3)
Chapter 2
AutoCAD fundamentalsdPart II
Learning objectives
You learned a great deal in Chapter 1, AutoCAD FundamentalsdPart I, in fact the majority of what you need to know
to get started on a design. This chapter serves as a “cleanup” and concludes the basic introduction to AutoCAD, as there
are just a few more topics to get to. Here, we discuss the following:
l Using grips
l Setting units
l Using Snap and Grid
l Understanding the Cartesian coordinate system
l Geometric data entry
l Inquiry commands
l Area
l Distance
l List
l ID
l Explode command
l Polygon command
l Ellipse command
l Chamfer command
l Templates
l Setting limits
Chapter 3
Layers, colors, linetypes, and properties
Learning objectives
Layers are an essential concept and need to be introduced before a serious drawing is attempted. In this chapter, we
introduce layers and discuss the following:
l What are layers?
l Why use them?
l Creating and deleting layers
l Making a layer current
l Assigning layer colors
l Index color
l True Color
l Color Books
l Layer Freeze/Thaw
l Layer On/Off
l Layer Lock/Unlock
l Loading and setting linetypes
l Properties palette
l Match Properties
l Layer Manager palette
Chapter 4
Text, mtext, editing, and style
Learning Objectives
Text allows you to communicate beyond what can be described in lines on a drawing. In this chapter, we introduce text,
mtext, style, and editing and discuss the following topics:
l Text
l Properties and applications of text
l Editing all types of text
l Mtext
l Properties and applications of mtext
l Mtext formatting
l Mtext symbols
l Style
l Spell check
l Nearest OSNAP
Chapter 5
Hatch patterns
Learning Objectives
Hatch patterns allow you to indicate a variety of surfaces, from wood to concrete, on your design. In architecture and
engineering, they are also used to indicate materials of surfaces being cut in cross-sections. In this chapter, we introduce
boundary Hatch and discuss the following:
l Hatch fundamentals
l Picking patterns
l Picking area or objects to Hatch
l Adjusting scale and orientation
l Working with Hatch patterns
l Gap tolerance
l Gradients and solid fills
l SuperHatch
Chapter 6
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce the first parts of AutoCAD’s extensive dimensioning capabilities and discuss the following:
l Linear (horizontal and vertical) dimensions
l Aligned dimensions
l Diameter and radius dimensions
l Angular dimensions
l Continuous and baseline dimensions
l Leader and multileader
l Arc length dimensions
l Jogged and jogged linear dimensions
l Ordinate dimensions
l ddedit
l ddim
l Dimension units
l Dimension font
l Dimension arrowheads
l Dimension overall size
l Center marks and center lines
Chapter 7
Blocks, Wblocks, dynamic blocks,
groups, and purge
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce the concept of blocks and discuss the following:
l Creating and working with blocks
l Retain, convert, and delete options
l Redefining blocks
l Inserting blocks
l Purge
l Creating and working with wblocks
l Creating and working with dynamic blocks
l Creating and working with groups
Chapter 8
Polar, rectangular, and path arrays
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce the concept of an array and discuss the following:
l Creating a polar array
l Object, center, quantity, and degrees
l Additional operations with polar arrays
l The legacy polar array
l Creating a rectangular array
l Object, rows and columns, and distances
l Additional operations with rectangular arrays
l Legacy rectangular array
l Creating a path array
l Additional operations with path arrays
Chapter 9
Basic printing and output
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce the Plot dialog box and the Page Setup Manager and go through all associated options to
produce a print or a plot, including the following:
l What printer or plotter to use.
l What paper size to use.
l What area to plot.
l At what scale to plot.
l What pen settings to use.
l What orientation to use.
l What offset (if any) to use
l The Page Setup Manager.
Chapter 10
Advanced outputdPaper Space
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce and thoroughly cover the concept of Paper Space. We specifically introduce
l The primary reasons for using Paper Space
l Entering Paper Space and setting up title blocks (Layouts)
l Viewports and their properties
l Viewport scale assignments
l Controlling what is visible in viewports
l Setting up text and dim styles based on the viewport scale
l The new Annotation feature that simplifies the setup of text and dims
Chapter 12
Advanced layers
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we introduce advanced layers and discuss the following:
l The need for automation
l Script files
l Layer State Manager (LSM)
l Layer filters
l Layer Freeze, Isolate, and Walk.
Chapter 13
Advanced dimensions
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce advanced dimensions and discuss the following:
l Lines tab
l Symbols and Arrows tab
l Text tab
l Fit tab
l Primary Units tab
l Alternate Units tab
l Tolerances tab
l Geometric constraints
l Dimensional constraints
Chapter 14
Options, Shortcuts, CUI, Design Center,
and Express Tools
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce a variety of advanced tools and discuss the following:
l Options dialog box
l Files tab
l Display tab
l Open and Save tab
l Plot and Publish tab
l System tab
l User Preferences tab
l Drafting tab
l 3D Modeling tab
l Selection tab
l Profiles tab
l Shortcuts and the acad.pgp file
l Customize User Interface (CUI)
l Design Center
l Express Tools
Chapter 15
Advanced design and file management
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we continue to introduce a variety of advanced tools and discuss the following:
l Align
l Action recording
l Audit and recover
l Blend
l Break and join
l CAD Standards
l Calculator
Chapter 16
Importing and exporting data
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we learn how AutoCAD interacts with other software you are likely to use in the course of design work.
We cover the following topics:
l AutoCAD and MS Word
l AutoCAD and MS Excel
l AutoCAD and MS PowerPoint
l AutoCAD and JPGs
l AutoCAD, Portable Document Formats (PDFs), and screen shots
l AutoCAD and other CAD software
l Exporting and Save As
l Importing and OLE (object linked embedded)
Chapter 17
External references (xrefs)
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we introduce and thoroughly cover the concept of external references (xrefs). We specifically introduce
the following topics:
l The primary reasons for using xrefs
l Loading xrefs
l Unloading xrefs
l Binding xrefs
l Updating and editing xrefs
l Layers in xrefs
l Multiple xrefs
Chapter 18
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce and thoroughly cover the concept of attributes. We specifically discuss the following topics:
l The purpose of attributes
l Defining attributes
l Editing attributes and properties
l Extracting data from attributes
l Invisible attributes
Chapter 19
Advanced output and pen settings
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce and thoroughly cover the concept of advanced output, which includes the concept of the CTB
(Color-Dependent Plot Style Table) pen settings file. We specifically discuss the following topics:
l CTB files and their purpose
l Editing lineweights
l Screening
l Lineweight Settings
Chapter 20
Isometric drawing
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce isometric drawing. We cover
l General types of graphical projection
l Isometric projection
l When to use it
l When not to use it
l Setting isometric projection
l Changing planes (F5)
l Ellipses in isometric
l Text in isometric
Chapter 21
3D Basics
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we introduce the basics of 3D theory and operating in 3D space. Specific topics include the following:
l Axes, planes, and faces
l 3D workspace - Ribbon, toolbars, and options
l Entering and exiting 3D
l Projecting into 3D
l 3D dynamic views
l Extrude
l Visual styles - Hide, Realistic Shade, and Conceptual Shade
l ViewCube and Navigation Bar
Chapter 22
Object Manipulation
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we introduce the tools necessary to manipulate objects in 3D space to position them as required by the
design. We specifically cover
l Rotate3D
l 3Drotate (gizmo)
l Mirror3D
l 3D array: polar and rectangular
l 3Dscale
l 3Dmove
l Fillets and chamfers in 3D
Chapter 23
Boolean operations and primitives
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce a set of tools, called Boolean operators, that allow important additive and subtractive interactions between objects. We also introduce the concept of AutoCAD primitive shapes, known as just primitives. We
specifically look at
l Union
l Subtract
l Intersect
l Box
l Wedge
l Cone
l Sphere
l Cylinder
l Torus
l Pyramid
Chapter 24
Solid Modeling
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we introduce a completely new set of tools in solid modeling, which are used for “curved design.” These
dramatically expand the range of design work that you can do. We specifically look at
l Revolve
l Shell
l Taper
l Loft
l Path extrusion
l Sweep
Chapter 25
Advanced Solids, Faces, and Edges
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we continue to introduce additional advanced tools, including
l Polysolid
l Helix
l 3D path array
l 3Dalign
l Faces
l Move
l Offset
l Delete
l Rotate
l Copy
l Color
l Edges
Chapter 26
Surfaces and meshes
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we focus on surfaces instead of solid objects. These objects have no depth the way solids do but possess
many desirable properties for design work. Specifically, we mention
l Planar surface
l Region
l Rulesurf
l Tabsurf
l Revsurf
l Edgesurf
l 3Dface
l 3Dmesh
l Smooth Mesh Primitives
l Mesh smoothing
l Face move and rotate
l Collapse face or edge
l Convert to solid or surface
Chapter 27
Slicing, sectioning, layouts, and vports
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we introduce and thoroughly cover the concepts of sectioning and presenting views. We specifically
introduce the following topics:
l Slice
l Section
l Base view
l Projected view
l Section view
l Detail view
l Additional layout options
l Flatten and Flatshot
l Vp
Chapter 28
Advanced UCS, Views, Text, and
Dimensions in 3D
Learning Objectives
In this chapter, we complete the design toolbox and expand on your ability to use surfaces of objects to create new shapes.
We cover
l Advanced UCS
l World
l UCS previous
l Face UCS
l Object
l View
l Origin
l Z-axis vector
l 3 Point
l X, Y, Z
l Apply
l Named UCS
l Views
l Text and dimensioning in 3D
Chapter 29
Dview, camera, walk and fly, path
Learning objectives
In this chapter, we look at advanced presentation views and various animation options. The specific topics are as follows:
l Dview
l CAmera
l TArget
l Distance
l POints
l PAn
l Zoom
l TWist
l CLip
l Hide
l Off
l Undo
l Cameras
l Walk and Fly
l Path animation
Chapter 30
Lighting and rendering
Learning objectives
In this final chapter, we explore lighting and rendering and discuss
l Point light
l Spotlight
l Distant light
l Shadows
l Sun and Sky
l Materials
l Rendering
Note: ‘Page numbers followed by “f ” indicate figures and “t” indicate tables.’
Absolute Coordinate Entry, 48
AccuRender, 809
.ac$ file format, 787
ACIS, 455
Action Recorder Settings, 357
Action recording command, 394, 394f
Action Macro, 395f
recording log, 395f
Actions, 183e188
Active X, 799e800
Additional drafting commands, 53e65
Additive manufacturing, 811
Add Vertex option, 290, 290f
Advanced design and file management
tools, 392
action recording command, 394, 394f
align command, 392e393
audit and recover command, 396e397,
blend command, 397e398, 397f
break and join command, 398e400,
CAD standards, 400e401
calculator function, 402
Defpoints, 402e403
divide and point style, 403e404
donut command, 404e405
draw order command, 405
eTransmit command, 405e407, 406f
filter command, 408e410, 409f
hyperlink command, 410e411, 411f
lengthen command, 412, 412f
level 2 drawing project, 436
OTRACK, 412e413, 412f
overkill command, 413, 414f
point and node command, 413e414,
publish command, 414e415, 415f
raster, 415e416
Revcloud command, 416e417
selection methods, 421e422
sheet sets, 417, 418fe420f
stretch command, 422e423
system variables, 423, 423f
tables, 424
tool palette, 426
UCS and crosshair rotation, 429e431
window tiling, 431
wipeout, 432e436
Advanced dimensions, 333e334
constraints, 343
dimensional constraints, 347e349
dimension-driven design, 349e350,
Dimension Style Manager, 334e341
geometric constraints, 343e345
level 2 drawing project, 350
Advanced layers, 314
layer filtering, 318e320
layer freeze, isolate, and walk,
320e322, 321f
Layer State Manager (LSM), 315e318
level 2 drawing project, 322e323
script files, 314e315
Advanced linework, 286
line vs. pline command, 286f
Mline, 296e302, 296f
Pline, 286e292
Ray command, 294, 294f
sketch command, 302e305
Spline command, 294e296, 295f
Xline, 292e293, 293f
Advanced output and pen settings, 494
CTB file, 494e499
level 2 drawing project, 502e503
lineweight visibility settings, 500e502
setting standards, 494
Advanced solids, 632e637
Advanced Universal Coordinate System
(UCS), 706e708, 706fe707f
Face UCS, 708
Named UCS, 712e714, 713fe714f
object, 709e714
origin, 709e710
3 Point, 711e712
Previous, 707e708
view, 709
World view, 707
X, Y, and Z, 712
Z-axis vector, 710, 710f
Aerospace engineering, 489e491
education for, 490
AIA layers, 75f
.ai file format, 788
Airbus A380 airliner, 489f
Alias software, 778
Align command, 392e393
Aligned dimension, 148e149
Alignment point acquisition, 370
Alta Elevation, 414
Alternate Units Tab, 339e340, 340f
Angle Inquiry command, 52e53
Angular dimensions, 151e152, 339
Annotation, 265e274
scale, 268, 269f
text copy, 267f
visibility, 266
ANSYS, Inc., 785
Aperture size, 370
Application programming interface, 800
Arc, 14e15
convert to arc option, 290, 290f
length dimension, 159e160
ArcAligned Text command, 386f
ArchiCAD, 782
Architects, 73
Architectural drafting, 722e723
Architectural floor plan, 306, 322e323,
350, 387e388, 436, 458, 470,
471f, 485e486, 485fe487f,
502e503, 515e516, 516fe519f
Architectural Layout, 250e251, 251f
Architectural scale, 246
Architecture, 73, 778
architectural details, 76f
architectural drafting, 75
Arch_Layout, 315
Area, 49e51
Area Inquiry command
object, 51
point by point, 50e51
path, 216e218
polar, 208e213, 208fe210f
rectangular, 213e215, 213fe215f
review questions, 280
Associative dimensioning, 369
829Attdef, 484
Attenuation, 755
Attributes, 581
block creation, 477e478, 477f
definition creation, 475e476
design creation, 474e475
basic chair design, 474f
basic chair design text, 475f
fields, 476f
exploding attributes, 479
extraction, 479e484
data extraction, 480f
]table insertion, 484f
inserting attributes, 479, 479f
invisible attributes, 484, 485f
level 2 drawing project, 485e486,
properties and editing, 478e479,
Audit and recover commands, 396e397
recover message, 397f
review questions, 529
Auditing, 396
AutoCAD, 234, 283, 286, 343, 360,
494, 533, 773, 778, 825,
additional drafting commands, 53e65
AutoCAD-related websites, 779e780
Autodesk and, 776e777
Autodesk Inc., 779
Autodesk products, 778e779
basic commands, 4e5
Boolean operations, 584
capabilities and limitations of,
Cartesian coordinate system, 45, 45f
Civil 3D Toolset, 778
consulting, 725
3Darray, 567
differences between AutoCAD releases,
3D models, 343
drawing accuracy, 30
3Dscale, 569
3D workspaces, 536
Electrical Toolset, 779
environment, 5e8
into Excel, 449e450
geometric data entry, 45e48
grips, 42, 42f
Inquiry Commands, 49e53
Lessons on Web, 779
loft, 616
LT, 773e774, 778
for Mac, 775
Mechanical Toolset, 779
MEP, 779
mirror3D, 564
OSNAP drafting settings, 32e33
P&ID, 779
Plant 3D, 779
into PowerPoint, 451
primary extensions, 787
purchase options and cost, 774
releases, 777
review questions, 277e281, 530
revolve, 604
secondary extensions, 787e788
selection methods, 28e29
shell, 611
snap and grid, 43e44, 44f
timeline, 777e778, 777f
training requirements, 722
units and scale, 43, 43f
vports, 695
into Word, 448
insertion of AutoCAD design, 448f
WS, 779
AutoCAD-80, 777
AutoCAD certification exams, 819, 821
AutoCAD Certified Professional (ACP),
AutoCAD Certified User exam (ACU),
AutoCAD employment, 823
AutoCAD-related websites, 779e780
AutoCAD requirements, 807e808
AutoCAD Runtime Extension (ARX),
Autodesk, 811, 827
Autodesk 360, 807
Autodesk Certified Instructor (ACI),
Autodesk Exchange, 59e60
Autodesk Seek, 380
Autodesk User Group International, 779
AutoLISP, 423, 797, 799
advanced features and the vlide
command, 802e803
fundamentals, 800
variables and comments, 802
Automated Desktop (Autodesk),
Autodesk, 380
Autodesk Seek, 380
major products, 778e779
nozzle drawn, 777, 777f
Automatic save check box, 361e362
Automatic save file location, 357
Auto Publish, 364
AutoSave, 362
marker size, 369
settings, 369
AutoTrack settings, 370
Axes, 536
review questions, 769
Axonometric projection, 506, 507f
.bak (backup file), 787
Baseline dimensions, 153e154, 153f
Base view, 686
Basic tolerances, 341
Big Area Additive Manufacturing
(BAAM) machine, 816
BIM, 826e827
Biomedical engineering, 579e581
Biomedical engineers, 579e581
Bioprinting, 816
Bitmap, 456
Blend command, 397e398
Block Definition dialog box, 177, 177f
Blocks, 176e178, 379e380, 383, 383f,
456, 474
Block Editor, 184
settings, 369
creating, 176e178
creation, 484
Design Center insertion of, 380f
review questions, 280
.bmp file format, 788
Boolean operations, 583, 584f
intersect, 588e590
review questions, 770
subtract, 585e587
union, 584
Boundary command, 290e292, 291f
Box primitive, 592
Bpoly command, 290, 292f
Break and join command, 398e400,
Break-line Symbol, 386
Building information modeling (BIM),
381, 827
Business of CAD
Part I, 779
Part II, 779
Button pushing process, 246
“Buy-it-once” method, 774
CAA, 811
Cadalyst magazine, 779
CAD management
capabilities, 794e795
effective teacher and hiring manager,
limitations, 795e796
rules of AutoCAD, 793e794
standard, 796
stay current and competent, 797e798
Calculator function, 402
830 IndexCameras, 732, 735fe736f
blocks for, 733f
field of view, 734f
glyph settings, 370
preview, 734f
symbol, 733f
Cartesian coordinate system, 45, 45f,
Cascading menus, 7
selecting commands from, 9e10
CATIA, 783
Cells, 781
CENter, 30
Centerlines, 166e168
Center Marks, 166e168
Chamfer, 57e58, 572e574, 574f
Character map, 105, 107f
Check Spelling dialog box, 110, 111f
Chemical engineering, 579e581
education for, 579
Circle, 12e14
sweep, 625f
Circumscribed, 55
Civil engineering, 443e445, 444f
education for, 443
Classes, 811
Clip, 730e731
Cloud, 809
Collapse edge, 673
Collapse face, 673, 673f
Color, 82e83
Books, 83
Color-Dependent Plot Style Table fille
(CTB file), 494e499
Add Plot Style Table, 495fe497f
features, 499e500, 499fe500f
Plot Style Table Editor, 497f
selecting black for all colors, 498f
Color edges, 644
Color faces, 644
Command line(s), 7
type in commands on, 9e10
Components, 811
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD),
670, 782
Computer-aided design (CAD), 779,
teaching, and consulting, 721e725
software, 454e455
standards, 400e401, 400f
check completed, 401f
check standards, 401f
configure standards, 400f
Computer-aided engineering (CAE),
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM),
Computer numerical code (CNC), 783,
Cone primitive, 594, 594f
Constraints, 343
dimensional constraints, 347e349
geometric constraints, 343e345
Settings dialog box, 345
Construction Line (Xline), 292e293,
application, 293f
Hor, Ver, and Ang options, 293f
random xlines, 293f
Continuous dimensions, 152e153
Convert Text to Mtext command,
Convert to Block option, 178, 182
Convert to solid, 673
Convert to surface, 673
Copy, 21
approach, 251
nested objects command, 383
Copy edges
extruded and subtracted, 645f
helical coil, 645e647, 645fe646f
Copy faces
applied to hole, 641f
applied to surface, 641f
extruded, 641f
Create objects command, 4, 11e17
Create welcome screen, 5e6
Crosshairs, 8
rotation, 429e431
Crossing, 28
Crossing Lasso, 29, 29f
Crossing Polygon (CP), 421
CTB files, review questions, 530
.ctb file format, 787
Ctrl + C for copy clip, 380
.cui (customizable user interface file),
356, 376e379, 376f
accelerator keys, 378f
button editor, 378f
file format, 787
my_ToolbardAdd Rectangle, Revcloud,
Arc, and Spline, 377f
new My_New_Toolbar, 378f
Curved design, 534, 604
Customizing dimensions, 161e165
Cylinder primitive, 595, 595f
blocks for, 636f
completed, 638f
points selection, 637f
3Darray, 565
axle and spoke, 568, 568f
completed 3D polar array, 569, 569f
extruded block for, 567, 567f
Data Link Libraries (DLLs), 800
3D Basics
axes, 536
3D dynamic views, 546
3D workspaces, 536e538
entering and exiting, 538e540,
extrude, 547
faces, 536
Navigation Bar, 552e555
Options, 536e538
planes, 536
projecting into, 540e545
Ribbon, 536e538
toolbars, 536e538
Viewcube, 552e555
Visual Styles, 548e551
dbConnect options, 367
3D computer-aided design, 533, 533f
Ddedit, 103
2D design, 825
3D design, 825e826
Ddim, 264
Default scale list, 369
Defpoints, 402e403
Delete, 178, 182
Delete faces, 638e639, 639fe640f
Design Center (DC), 379e381
AutoCAD, 379f
example download file(s) page, 381f
example product page, 381f
insertion of blocks, 380f
Design Feed, 60
Design intent, 343
Design software, 782e785
Design web format (DWF), 364
Detail, 686
Detail Views, 689
Deviation tolerances, 341
3Dface, 667e668
angular shapes, 667f
completed, 668f
3D Free Orbit, 547f
.dgn file format, 788
Diameter dimension, 149e150, 150f
Diametric projection, 506
Digital effects, 813
Digital signatures, 362
“Digital workspace,” 807
Dimensional constraints, 347e349
toolbar, 349
using ribbon, 347f
working with, 347e349, 347fe348f
Dimension-driven design, 826
Dimensions (Dims), 146, 263e265, 384
aligned, 148e149
angular, 151e152
Index 831Dimensions (Dims) (Continued)
arc length, 159
baseline, 153e154
Center Marks and Centerlines,
continuous, 152e153
customizing dimensions, 161e165
in 3D, 506
diameter, 149e150
dimension-driven design, 343, 347,
editing dimensions, 160e161, 160f
in-class drawing project, 168
in isometric drawing, 512e515
jogged, 159
jogged linear, 160
linear, 147e148
method, 146
ordinate, 160
radius, 150e151
review questions, 280
sample, 341, 342f
style, 341
types, 146e160
Dimension Style Manager, 334e341
Alternate Units Tab, 339e340, 340f
creating dimension style, 334f
Fit tab, 338, 338f
Lines tab, 335e336, 335f
Primary Units tab, 338e339, 339f
Symbols and arrows tab, 336, 336f
Text Tab, 336e337, 337f
tolerances tab, 341, 342f
Dimstyle, 161e162, 162f
Direct Distance Entry, 48
Display, 236
performance, 360
resolution, 360
tab, 358e360
crosshair size, 360
fade control, 360
layout elements, 360
window elements, 358e360
Distance, 51
Distance Inquiry command, 51
Distant light, 753e756
options, 754e756
Divide and point style, 403e404, 404f
3Dmesh, 667e668
3D modeling software applications, 826
3Dmove, 571, 572f
3D Navigation toolbar, 546
.doc file format, 788
.docx file format, 788
Donut command, 404e405, 405f
Doors, 93e94
3D path array, 634
helix, 635f
spiral staircase, 636f
3D-printed mechanical model, 817,
3D printing
applications, related issues, and future,
creating model, 815
exporting and preparing the model,
finishing model, 816
overview and history, 815
printing model, 816
Drafting settings, 32e33
Drafting tab, 369e370
alignment point acquisition, 370
aperture size, 370
AutoSnap marker size, 369
AutoSnap settings, 369
AutoTrack settings, 370
cameras glyph settings, 370
drafting tooltip settings, 370
lights glyph settings, 370
object snap options, 369
DraftSight, 783
accuracy, 30
area, 8
construction aids, 8
delete from, 182
doors, 93
interacting with, 9e11
tabs, 8
windows, 93
Draw order command, 405
chair, 562, 563f
gizmo tool, 561, 562f
rotating object, 561, 562f
extruded block for, 569, 570f
gizmo, 569, 570f
progress, 571, 571f
D-Size Layout, 250, 251f
3ds Max, 778
3D software package, 811
3D solid modeling software packages,
3D-to-2D layouts, 826
.dwf (design web format file), 787
DWFx, 455
.dwg (drawing file format), 787
3D workspaces, 536e538
.dwt (drawing template), 787
.dxf (drawing exchange format), 455
.dxf (drawing exchange format), 787
DXX Extract, 456
Dynamic Block Editor, 184, 184f
Dynamic blocks, 182e194
actions and parameters, 183e188, 183f
visibility, 188e194, 189f
Dynamic input, 45e46
Dynamic view (Dview), 728e732
camera, 728
clip, 730e731
front clipping plane, 732f
internal geometry, 731f
shade mode, 731f
distance, 729, 730f
extruded shape, 729f
hide, 731
house, 728f
off, 732
pan, 729
points, 729
target, 729
twist, 730
undo, 732
zoom, 730
Edges, 632e637
color, 644
copy, 644e647
Edgesurf, 665
final result, 667f
two connected arcs, 666f
Edit Block Definition, 183, 183f
Editing, 466e469
attribute properties and, 478e479
dimensions, 160e161, 160f
Edit box, 467f
Enhanced Attribute Editor, 478f
Reference panel, 468f
text, 103
Edit/Modify Objects command, 4e5,
Edit Source, 211
Elect_Layout, 315
Electrical engineering, 329e332, 330f
education for, 329
Electrical Plan, 518f
Electronics engineering, 329
command, 56
in isometric drawing, 511e512
basic ellipse, 511f
isometric box with ellipse, 512f
Encapsulated PS, 456
Enclose text with object, 384
ENDpoints, 30
Engineering drafting, 723e724
.eps file format, 788
Erase, 19e20
.err file format, 787
Esc key, 19
eTransmit command, 405e407, 406f
832 Indexcreating transmittal, 406f
modify transmittal setup, 408f
New transmittal setups, 407f
transmittal setups, 407f
Excel into AutoCAD, 449e450
Copy/Paste Excel into AutoCAD, 449f
object linked embedded (OLE)
properties panel, 450f
Explode, 53e54
Exploding attributes, 479
Export, 318
Express tools, 382e386
blocks, 383, 383f
dimension tools, 386
draw tools, 385e386
explode attributes to text, 383
layout tools, 385
reference in help files, 382f
ribbon access, 382f
text, 384
web tools, 386
Extend, 24e25
Extended Offset, 384
Extents, 236
External References (Xrefs), 360, 363,
Attach, 464f
editing, 466e469
Edit box, 467f
layers in, 466
bound layering, 466f
level 2 drawing project, 470
loaded, 464f
menu, 465f
multiple, 469e470, 469f
palette, 463f
reloading, 466e469, 467f
ribbon and, 470, 470f
uses, 462e465
Extrude, 547
Extrusion deposition, 816
Faces, 536, 632e637
color, 644
applied to hole, 641f
applied to surface, 641f
extruded, 641f
delete, 638e639, 639fe640f
move, 640
offset, 642
rotate, 643
Face UCS, 708
Falloff, 756
FBX. See Filmbox (FBX)
Fence (F), 421
Field angle, 756
Fields, 368
File extensions
AutoCAD primary extensions, 787
AutoCAD secondary extensions,
miscellaneous software extensions, 788
File Open, 363
File Safety Precautions, 361e363, 362f
File Save tab, 361
Files tab, 357e358
review questions, 528
Fill Angle, 212, 213f
Fill color, 337
Fillet, 4, 27, 572e574, 573fe574f
Filmbox (FBX), 455
FilterColor, 755
Filter command, 408e410, 409f
basic shapes for filters, 409f
objects and colors selected, 409f
object selection filters, 409f
segmented arcs selected by filters,
Finite element analysis (FEA), 670,
Flagship products, 778
Flat design, 534
Flatshot, 694e695, 694fe695f
Flatten, 693, 694f
Flatten Objects, 384
Floating model space, 253e254, 254f
Floor finish Plan, 517f
Floor plan layout, 90e94
adding dimensions, 168
adding hatch to, 132
adding text and furniture to, 111e113
Foreshortening, 506
Fraction height scale, 337
Free Orbit, 548
Freeze VP, 259, 260f
Fundamentals of Engineering (F.E.),
Furniture Plan, 517f
Gap tolerance, 127e128
GEOmetric Center OSNAP, 305, 305f
Geometric constraints, 343e345.
See also Dimensional constraints
adding, 344e345, 344f
geocentric geometric constraints, 345f
hiding, showing, and deleting, 345
options, ribbon, 346f
perpendicular geometric constraints,
settings, 346f
toolbar, 343
types, 343e344
Geometric data entry, 45e48
dynamic input, 45e46, 45fe47f
manual input, 47e48, 48f
Gizmo, 561e562
3Dscale, 569, 570f
Gradient, 129
Granite, 811
Graphical projection, 506
Grid, 43e44, 44f
Grips, 42, 42f, 372
size, 371
Group Edit, 197
Group object editing, 197f
Group QuickProperties, 196, 196f
Groups, 194e198
Group Selection On/Off, 196
Grumman X-29 Experimental, 489f
Hard drive, 806
Hardware acceleration, 366
Hatch, 122
advanced hatch topics, 127e128
gap tolerance, 127e128, 128f
gradient and solid fill, 129, 129f
and Gradient dialog box, 129, 129f
in-class drawing project, 132
Island, 127
options, 127
origin, 127
patterns, 122e128, 123f, 125f
exploding, 126
fine-tune the pattern by adjusting
scale and angle, 125, 125f
layers and colors, 126, 126fe127f
working with, 126e128
procedures, 122e125
review questions, 279
Hatch pattern definitions (basic), 791
Heads-up display, 45
Heating ventilation air conditioning
(HVAC), 379, 458
Helical coil, 625e626, 645e647
creating, 645f
drawing, 626f
Helix, 633e634, 634f
Help files, 59e62, 61f
Help options, 367
HelveticaLight 0.5, 337
Hide, 548e551
Hiding VP, 262
High-end software tools, 141
Honeycomb pattern, 791, 791f
Hotspot, 755
Hyperlink command, 368, 410e411,
chair and web address, 410f
insert hyperlink, 411f
Hyperthreading technology, 805e806
Index 833I
ID Inquiry command, 52
IF-THEN statements, 802
IGES. See Initial Graphics Exchange
Specification (IGES)
Importing and exporting data
CAD software, 454e455
exporting and save as feature,
inserting and object linked embedded
(OLE), 457e458
JPGs, 451
level 2 drawing project, 458
to and from MS Office applications,
Portable Document Formats (PDFs),
screen shots, 451
In-class drawing project, 219e221
adding dimensions to floor plan layout,
168, 168f
adding hatch to floor plan layout, 132
adding text and furniture to floor plan
layout, 111e113
floor plan layout, 90e94
Index Color, 82
InfoCenter, 367
Information, 474
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification
(IGES), 456
In-place spell check, 110, 110f
Inquiry Commands, 49e53
Insert, 178e180, 179f
Inserting attributes, 479, 479f
Insertion scale, 368
Interior design, 229e231
Interior designers
earnings, 229
education for, 229
work in 3D, 230
INTersection, 31
Intersection operation
completed intersect operation, 589f
3D modeling exercise, 589e590,
shapes, 588f
Inventor, 778, 784
Inventor software, 811
Invisible attributes, 484, 485f
IronCAD, 784
Island detection option, 291
Isometric drawing
basic technique, 508e511
ellipses in, 511e512, 511fe512f
graphical projection, 506
isometric projection, 506e508
level 2 drawing project, 515e516,
review questions, 531
text and dimensions in, 512e515,
Isometric projection, 506
drafting settings with isometric snap
selected, 509f
instead of 3D, 507
isometric perspective, 508
isometric planes, 508f
Item Count, 212
Job boards, 823
Jogged dimensions, 159, 159f
Jogged linear dimensions, 160, 160f
John Walker’s site, 779e780
.jpg file format, 788
embedded JPG, 452f
image adjust, 452f
Kernels, 811
Lancair Legacy, 491
Landscape mode, 235
Landscaping Layout, 251
Landscaping Plan, 519f
.las file format, 788
Lasso function, 28
Layer Freeze, 321
Layer Group Filter, 320
Layer Isolate, 321
Layers, 80, 259e260
assigning layer colors, 81e82
Color Books, 83
creating and deleting, 81
current, 81
filtering, 318e320
freeze/thaw and on/off, 83
Index Color, 81
lock/unlock, 85
review questions, 278
toolbar, 89
True Color, 82e83
uses, 80
Layers Properties Manager, 80
Layer State Manager (LSM), 315e318
Layer Walk, 321e322
Layout elements, 360
Layout Regen Options, 366
Layouts, 682
details, 686
options, 691e692, 693f
parent view, 685
projections, 686
sections, 686
tools, 247, 385
dimension, 384
draw tools, 385e386
modify tools, 384
web tools, 386
VIEWBASE, 686, 688fe689f
VIEWPROJ, 687, 689fe690f
VIEWSECTION, 687, 690fe691f
Leader, 154e155, 154f
Lengthen command, 412, 412f
Level Count, 212
Level 2 drawing project, 306, 322e323,
350, 387e388, 436
Levels, 781
Lighting, 750
Distant Light, 753e756
options for, 750
Point Light, 751e752, 752f
Realistic Visual Style (RVS), 751,
Ribbon Visualize tab, 750f
shadows, 756e760
sky, 756e760
Spotlight, 752e753, 753f
sun, 756e760
Lights glyph settings, 370
Limits, 59, 236
tolerances, 341
Line, 12
Linear dimensions (Linear Dim)
method, 146
for ribbon input, 147
for typing input, 148
for typing or ribbon input, 148
Lines Tab, 335e336, 335f, 528
Linetypes, 85e87, 85f
definitions, 789e790
Manager, 85, 85f
string complex and shape complex,
Lineweight settings, 369
visibility settings, 500e502
lineweight icon, 500f
.lin file format, 788
List Inquiry command, 52
List processing language (LISP),
Lithography, 456
Load or Reload Linetypes, 85, 86f
Load/unload applications, 801f
Local area network (LAN), 807
Lock VP, 260
barrel, 616f
three-ring profile, 617f
completed, 618f
834 Index3D modeling exercise, 620e621,
rectangle and circle, 619f
settings menu, 618f
two arcs, 619f
using arcs, 619f
Log File Location, 357
.lsp file format, 788
Ltscale, 113
Mac, AutoCAD for, 775
Mac-based CAD software, 775
Macros, 394
Manual input, 47e48, 48f
Match properties, 89
Materials, 761f
application, 762f
Expanded Materials Browser, 762f
Maya, 778, 813e814
Measurement scale, 339
Mechanical device, 219e221
Mechanical engineerings, 141e143
Mechanical engineers, 141
education for, 142
Mech_Layout, 315
Merging of industries, 826
Metafile, 455
MicroCAD, 776
MicroStation, 781
MIDpoint, 30
Mirror, 4, 26
bookshelf model, 564, 566f
flat plate for, 562, 564f
XY plane, 564, 565f
YZ plane, 564, 565f
ZX plane, 564, 565f
Mirrtext, 423
Misspelled word, 110, 110f
Model Space, 8, 246e247, 695
Monitor, 806
Motherboard, 806
Mouse and keyboard, 806
Move approach, 20, 251
Move faces, 640
Multifunctional grips, 42
Multileader, 154e158, 156f
Multiline (Mline)
exploding, 302
modifying, 296
properties, 296, 302
Multiline Edit (Mledit), 300e302, 301f
Multiline Style (Mlstyle), 297e300,
Multiline text (Mtext), 103e108
formatting, 104e107
Ribbon Text Editing, 107
right-click menu, 108f
symbols, 106f
Multiple external references, 469e470
Named UCS, 712e714, 713fe714f
NASTRAN, 784e785
Navigation Bar, 552e555
NEArest OSNAP, 113, 113f
.NET Framework, 800
Networks, 808e809
New Dimension Style (NDS),
Nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS
curve), 294
NX, 783
ObjectARX, 800
applications, 363
Object Grouping dialog box, 194
Object linked embedded (OLE), 364,
Object manipulation
3Darray, 565e569
3Dmove, 571
3Drotate, 561e562
3Dscale, 569e571
mirror3D, 562e564
rotate3D, 560e561
Object-oriented language, 799
Object snap options, 369
Object snap tracking (OTRACK),
rectangles for, 412f
tracking tool, 370
Oblique-Left text style added, 514f
Oblique projection, 506
Oblique-Right text style, 513f
Offset, 4, 25e26, 237
Offset faces, 642, 642f
One-touch method, 146
Open tab, 360e363, 361f
applications menu, 363
File Open, 363
ObjectARX applications, 363
Xrefs, 363
Optical drive (CD/DVD), 806
accessing options, 356f
dialog box, 358f
display tab, 358e360
3D modeling tab, 371
drafting tab, 369e370
files tab, 357e358
open and save tab, 360e363, 361f
plot and publish tab, 363e365
plot to file, 363
selection tab, 371e372, 371f
system tab, 365e367, 366f
User Preferences tab, 367e369, 367f
Ordinate dimensions, 160, 160f
Orientation, 237
Ortho, 30, 794
Orthographic projection, 506
OSNAP, 30, 404, 412e413, 794
drafting settings, 32e33
GEOmetric Center, 305, 305f
NEArest, 113, 113f
TANgent, 63e64, 64f
Overkill command, 413
delete duplicate objects, 414f
Page setup manager, 240e241, 240f
Pan, 18
Paper size, 235
A size, 235
B size, 235
C size, 235
D size, 235
E size, 235
Paper Space, 236, 246e247, 414, 695
annotation, 265e274
floating model space, 253e254
layers, 259e260
layouts, 247e252
review questions, 281
scaling, 257e258
tabs, 8
text and dims, 263e265
viewports, 252e253, 253f
Parallel projection, 506
Parameters, 183e188, 183f
design, 347
dimensions and constraints, 334
“Parametric change engines,” 826
Parametric modeling, 784
Parasolid, 811
.pat file format, 788
Path animation
camera/target, 740
format, 740
frame rates, 740
generation, 742f
motion pathway, 740f
preview, 741f
resolution, 740
saving animation, 741f
Path array, 216e218, 216f
additional operations with, 217e218,
steps in creating, 216e217, 216f
Path extrusion
basic path, 622f
Index 835Path extrusion (Continued)
circle rotated, 622f
3D, 622f
pipe, 623f
hollow center, 623f
PC hardware, 805e808
.pdf file format, 788
Pen settings, 236e237, 494
PERPendicular, 31e32
Perpendicular geometric constraints,
344, 344f
Perspective projection, 506
PGP file, 374
altering, 375
.pgp file format, 788
Pickbox size, 371
Pickstyle, 196
Piping and instrumentation diagrams
(P&ID), 142, 580, 580f
Piping valves, 142, 143f
Pixilation, 302
Planar surface, 658f
rectangle, 659f
review questions, 771
shape, 659f
Planes, 527, 536
dialog box, 237e239, 238f
preview, 239, 239f
display, 236
extents, 236
limits, 236
scale to, 236
background processing options, 364
general plot options, 364
plot log file, 364
plot stamp settings, 365, 365f
plot style table settings, 364f, 365
plot to file, 363
specify plot offset relative to, 365
Plot and publish log file, location, 357
Plot and publish tab, 363e365
Plotters, 235, 808
Plotting, 235e236
Point and node command, 413e414,
Pointing Device, 366
Point Light, 751e752, 752f
Pointlight4, 756
Polar array, 208e213, 208fe210f.
See also Rectangular array
additional operations with, 210e213,
Ribbon, 210
steps in creating, 208e209, 209f
Polygonal viewport, 255, 256f
Polygon command, 54e55
star, 56
Polyline (Pline), 286e292, 286f
additional pline options, 288e290
boundary command, 290e292, 291f
exploding, 288
Pedit command, 287e288
Polyline edit (Pedit), 287e288
Polysolid, 632, 632f
with arc, 633f
features, 632
rectangle to, 633f
review questions, 770
Portable Document Formats (PDFs),
Portrait, 237
PowerPoint into AutoCAD, 451
.ppt file format, 788
.pptx file format, 788
Prefix/Suffix, 339
Preview, 239, 239f, 372
Primary dimensions, 146
Primary extensions, AutoCAD, 787
Primary Units Tab, 338e339, 339f
Primitives, 583
applications, 597
box, 592
cone, 594, 594f
cylinder, 595, 595f
pyramid, 596e597, 597f
sphere, 594e595, 595f
torus, 596, 596f
wedge, 592e593, 593f
Printers, 235, 808
Printing and output
essentials, 234e237
area to plot, 235e236
display and limit, 236
extents, 236
miscellaneous, 237
offset, 237
orientation, 237
paper size, 235
pen settings, 236e237
printer or plotter, 235
scale to plot, 236
window, 236
page setup manager, 240e241, 240f
plot dialog box, 237e239
review questions, 281
Print Studio, 816
Priority for coordinate data entry, 369
Procedural materials, 813
Process control, 142
Process engineering, 579
Processor, 805e806
Product lifecycle management (PLM)
software, 783
Professional Engineer (P. E.), 142
Profiles tab, 372, 373f
Properties, 87e90
match properties, 89
palette, 87e89
.psd file format, 788
PTC Creo elements/Pro, 784
Publish command, 414e415
Publish tab, 363e365, 364f
auto publish, 364
background processing options, 364
publish log file, 364
Purge, 180e181, 181f
Pyramid primitive, 596e597, 597f
QUADrant, 31
QuickCalc, 402, 403f
Quick Dimension (QDIM), 146
Quick Inquiry command, 49
QuickProperties, 196, 196f
palette, 88e89, 88f
Racked equipment, 331f
Radius dimension, 150e151, 150f
Radius Inquiry command, 52e53
RAID configuration, 806
Random access memory (RAM), 806
Raster, 415e416
Ray command, 294
RCP_HVAC Plan, 518f
Realistic Visual Style (RVS), 751, 751f
Record increment, 302e303
Rectangle, 15e17
Rectangle sweep, 625f
Rectangular array, 213e215,
additional operations with, 215,
steps in creating, 213e215, 214f
Reflected ceiling plan (RCP), 458
Regen, 18e19
Regenerating model, 253
Region, 659
“Relational databases,” 826
Relative Data Entry, 48
Relative Distance Angle Entry, 48
Reloading, 466e469, 467f
Rendering, 750, 763, 813
advanced settings, 766f
Environment and Exposure palette,
JPEG image option, 765f
levels and times, 766f
model, 764f
size output settings, 765f
toolbar, 764f
836 IndexReplace Item, 209, 211f
Reset Array, 212
Retain, 177, 182
Reuse, 176
Revcloud command, 416e417, 416f
Review questions, 277e281
Revision clouds (Revclouds), 416e417,
Revit, 778, 826e827
completed offset, 607f
completed revolution, 606f
cup profile, 610f
2D wireframe, 606f
offset axis of, 607f
polyline profile for, 604f
review questions, 770
rotation axis, 605f
surface, 609f
Revsurf, 664e665, 665f
.rfa file format, 788
Ribbon, 7e8, 470, 470f, 536e538
options, 371
tabs, icons, and menus, 9
Ribbon Text Editing, 107
Right-click Customization button, 368
Roof Plan, 519f
Rotate, 21e22
flat plate, 560, 560f
review questions, 769
X axis, 561, 561f
Rotate faces, 643, 643f
Row Count, 212, 212f
Rulesurf, 660
final result, 662f
perpendicular arcs, 661f
random lines, 660f
first line for, 661f
.rvt file format, 788
Sample Data Table, 424
Save As tab, 361
Save tab, 59, 360e363, 361f
File Safety Precautions, 361e363
File Save, 361
security options, 362f
Scale, 22e23, 43, 43f
Scaling, 257e258
Screening, 129
Screen shots, 451
.scr file format, 788
Script files, 314e315
Secondary dimensions, 146, 159e160,
Secondary extensions, AutoCAD,
Sectioning, 682, 684e685
Security, 367
Selection methods, 421e422
crossing polygon, 421f
import layouts as sheets, 420f
window polygon, 421f
Selection tab, 371e372
grips, 372
grip size, 371
Pickbox size, 371
preview, 372
profiles tab, 372, 373f
ribbon options, 371
selection modes, 371
visual effects settings, 372f
Setting Oblique-Right text style, 513f
Shadows, 755e760
Shape complex linetypes, 790
Sheet sets, 417, 418fe420f
Manager, 420f
basic block, 611f
completed, 612f
Shortcuts, 373e375
altering the PGP file, 375, 375f
PGP File, 374, 374f
Sketch command
applications, 304
GEOmetric Center OSNAP, 305, 305f
.skp file format, 788
Slicing, 682
anchor point for, 683, 683f
completed, 683, 684f
object option, 685f
sides option, 684f
Smooth Mesh Primitives
box, 669f
collapsed face, 673, 673f
Options, 669f
section plane, 673, 673f
smoothness, 670e671
filters, 671
gizmos, 671
toolbar, 668f
Snap, 43e44, 44f
Software vacuum, 448
SolidEdge, 784
SolidEdge 2D Drafting, 784
Solid fill, 129
Solid modeling, 604, 825e826
loft, 616e621
path extrusion, 622e624
revolve, 604e611
shell, 611e612
sweep, 624e626
taper, 612e616
Solid modeling software, 826
SolidWorks, 784
Sound (audio) card, 806
Spell Check, 110
Sphere primitive, 594e595, 595f
Spline command, 285, 294e296, 295f
Spotlight, 752e753, 753f
Spotlight5, 756
Staffing firms, 823
Star, 56, 64e65
Stereolithography, 815
Stretch command, 422e423
Stretch option, 289, 289f
Stretch Radius, 212, 212f
String complex linetypes, 790
Style, 111e113
Substation power equipment, 331f
Subtraction operation, 586fe587f
circle extruded, 587f
completed subtraction operation, 588f
Superhatch, 129e131, 130fe131f, 386
Surfacing commands
3Dface, 667e668
3Dmesh, 667e668
edgesurf, 665e666
planar surface, 658e659
region, 659
revsurf, 664e665
rulesurf, 660
tabsurf, 662e663
.sv$ file format, 788
Sweep, 624f
circle, 625f
drawing challenge, 625e626, 626f
rectangle, 625f
SW Isometric, 539
arrows tab, 336, 336f
libraries, 176
Symmetric tolerances, 341
System tab
current pointing device, 366
dbConnect options, 367
general options, 366
hardware acceleration, 366
help, 367
InfoCenter, 367
layout regen options, 366
touch experience, 366
System Variable Monitor, 423
System variables (SV), 411, 423, 423f
Tables, 424
fill in individual cells, 425f
insert table, 424f
Table Style, 425f
Tabsurf, 662
arcs in 2D, 663f
circle and line, 662f
Index 837Tabsurf (Continued)
completed, 664f
direction vector in 3D, 664f
final result, 663f
I-beam, 663f
TANgent OSNAP, 63e64, 64f
Tapering, 612
box for, 613f
completed taper, 614f
3D modeling exercise, 614e616,
Teaching AutoCAD, 724e725
Templates, 58e59
Tentative points, 781
Tessellation divisions, 670
Text, 102e103, 263e265, 384, 384f
alignment, 337
color, 337
editing text, 103
height, 337
in isometric drawing, 512e515
placement, 337
review questions, 279
Tab, 337, 337f
Text height, 337
Three-dimension (3D)
chamfering, 572e574, 574f
fillets, 572e574, 573fe574f
tab, 356, 371
photorealistic rendering, 231, 231f
text and dimensions, 716
Time, 64e65
star, 64e65
Tolerances tab, 341, 342f
Toolbar(s), 8
icons to activating commands, 9
Tool palette, 426
spine menu, 428f
tabs menu, 429f
Torus primitive, 596, 596f
Touch experience, 366
TraceParts, 784
Trim, 23e24
Trimetric projection, 506
True Color, 82e83
Tuning peg assembly, 142e143
TurboCAD, 782
Twist, 730
UCS, 429e431. See also Universal
Coordinate System (UCS)
UGS, 783
Undo/redo category, 369
Ungroup, 196
Union operation
one solid cube after union, 585fe586f
two solid cubes before union, 585f
Units, 43, 43f
Universal Coordinate System (UCS)
advanced, 705
Face, 708
icon, 539, 543, 706
Named, 712e714
Object, 708f
Origin, 710f
3 Point, 711e712
Previous, 707e708
rotation, 543
shapes for, 707f
toolbars, 706f
world, 707
X, Y, and Z, 712
Z-Axis Vector, 710
User Preferences tab, 367e369
associative dimensioning, 369
block editor settings, 369
default scale list, 369
fields, 368
hyperlink, 368
insertion scale, 368
lineweight settings, 369
priority for coordinate data entry, 369
undo/redo category, 369
windows standard behavior, 368
Value Set, 188
V7 DGN, 456
V8 DGN, 456
VectorWorks, 775
Verticals, 778, 825
Video graphics card, 806
Viewbase, 686
Viewdetail, 689
View controls, 552f
Viewcube, 552e555
View Manager, 714e716
View Objects command, 5, 17e19
Viewport (VP), 246e247, 252e253
freeze, 259
frozen, 260f
hiding, 262
lock, 260, 261f
modifying, 254e255
polygonal, 255, 256f
Viewport Controls, 552f
Viewport scale, 260
Viewproj, 687
Views, 714e716
Viewsection, 687
Visibility, 188e194, 189f
Visidex application, 776
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA),
Visual LISP, 799, 803f
Visual Styles
conceptual shading box, 550f
Hidden box, 549f
realistic shading box, 550f
realistic vs. conceptual shading, 551f
Render toolbar, 548f
sketchy visual style, 551f
View controls, 552f
Viewport Controls, 552f
X-ray visual style, 552f
Vlide command, 802e803
Vports, 682, 696f, 700f
completed, 699f
controls, 699f
creating, 699f
equal split, 697f
view modifications, 697f
left split, 698f
Paper Space, 698f
wastebasket model, 695, 696f
.vsd file format, 788
Walk and Fly, 735
2D apartment, 736f
3D apartment, 737f
with windows, 738f
navigation tools, 738f
settings, 739f
toolbar, 738f
warning prompt, 738f
Wedge primitive, 592e593, 593f
What you see is what you get
(WYSIWYG), 236
WHILE function, 802
Wide area network (WAN), 807
Window, 28, 93e94, 236
elements, 358e360
Lasso, 28, 29f
standard behavior, 368
tiling, 431
Wipeout command, 432e436
bus, building, and car in wireframe,
bus, building, and caresolid, 434f
electrical gear on rack with wipeout,
electrical gear relocated, 435f
electrical gear with no wipeout, 435f
grips, 433f
solid and wire fame images, 433f
Wish list entries, 633
Word into AutoCAD, 448
insertion of AutoCAD design, 448f
Workspace, 7, 506e508
Write Block dialog box, 181e182,
838 IndexWrite blocks (Wblocks), 176, 181e183,
inserting, 182e183
Xline, 292e293
.xls file format, 788
.xlsx file format, 788
Attach, 465
Bind, 465
Detach, 465
Editing, 466e469
Layers, 466
Multiple, 469e470
Open, 465
Reload, 465e469, 468f
review questions, 530
Unload, 465
Z-axis vector, 710
Zero suppression, 339
Zoom, 17

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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Up and Running with AutoCAD 2023 - 2D and 3D Drawing, Design and Modeling
» كتاب Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2024 - 2D Drawing, 3D Modeling
» كتاب Technical Drawing 101 with AutoCAD 2024 - A Multidisciplinary Guide to Drafting Theory and Practice
» كتاب AutoCAD 2024 Tutorial Second Level - 3D Modeling
» كتاب AutoCAD 2024 3D Modeling

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