كتاب Autodesk Fusion 360 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users (6th Edition)
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Autodesk Fusion 360 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users (6th Edition)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Autodesk Fusion 360 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users (6th Edition)

كتاب Autodesk Fusion 360 - A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users (6th Edition) F_3_6_48
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Who Should Read This Textbook
What Is Covered in This Textbook
How to Download Online Resources
How to Contact the Author
Chapter 1: Introducing Fusion 360
Installing Fusion 360
Getting Started with Fusion 360
Working with User Interface of Fusion 360
Application Bar
Profile and Help Menus
Navigation Bar
Invoking a New Design File
Working with Workspaces
DESIGN Workspace
RENDER Workspace
DRAWING Workspace
Managing Data by Using the Data Panel
Creating a New Project Folder and SubFolders
Uploading Existing Files in a Project
Collaborating with Other Users
Filtering Project Display in the Data Panel
Opening Data Panel in Web Browser
Saving a Design File
Exporting a Design to Other CAD FormatsOpening an Existing Design File
Opening an Existing File from the Data Panel
Opening an Existing File by using the Open
Opening an Existing File from the Local
Working in the Offline Mode
Recovering Unsaved Data
Sharing a Design
Sharing Design Using a Link
Sharing Design to Autodesk Gallery
Sharing Design to GrabCAD
Invoking a Marking Menu
3D Printing
Exporting a Design in .STL File Format for
3D Printing
Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches with Autodesk Fusion 360
Invoking a New Design File
Creating Sketches
Working with Selection of Planes
Specifying Units
Specifying Grids and Snaps Settings
Reference Numbers
Drawing a Line Entity
Tutorial 1
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Drawing a Tangent Arc by Using the Line Tool
Tutorial 2
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Drawing a Rectangle
2-Point Rectangle Tool
3-Point Rectangle Tool
Center Rectangle ToolDrawing a Circle
Center Diameter Circle Tool
2-Point Circle Tool
3-Point Circle Tool
2-Tangent Circle Tool
3-Tangent Circle Tool
Drawing an Arc
3-Point Arc Tool
Center Point Arc Tool
Tangent Arc Tool
Drawing a Polygon
Circumscribed Polygon Tool
Inscribed Polygon Tool
Drawing an Ellipse
Drawing a Slot
Center to Center Slot Tool
Overall Slot Tool
Center Point Slot Tool
Three Point Arc Slot Tool
Center Point Arc Slot Tool
Drawing Conic Curves
Drawing a Spline
Control Point Spline Tool
Editing a Spline
Inserting Text into a Sketch
Inserting Text by Drawing a Rectangular
Inserting Text along a Path
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 4
Hands-on Test Drive 3
Hands-on Test Drive 4
Hands-on Test Drive 5
Chapter 3: Editing and Modifying Sketches
Trimming Sketch EntitiesExtending Sketch Entities
Offsetting Sketch Entities
Creating Construction Entities
Mirroring Sketch Entities
Patterning Sketch Entities
Rectangular Pattern Tool
Circular Pattern Tool
Creating a Sketch Fillet
Creating a Sketch Chamfer
Equal Distance Chamfer
Distance and Angle Chamfer
Two Distance Chamfer
Scaling Sketch Entities
Breaking Sketch Entities
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Chapter 4: Applying Constraints and Dimensions
Working with Constraints
Horizontal Constraint
Vertical Constraint
Coincident Constraint
Collinear Constraint
Perpendicular Constraint
Parallel Constraint
Tangent Constraint
Concentric Constraint
Equal Constraint
Midpoint Constraint
Symmetry Constraint
Curvature Constraint
Fix ConstraintApplying Constraints
Controlling the Display of Constraints
Applying Dimensions
Applying a Horizontal Dimension
Applying a Vertical Dimension
Applying an Aligned Dimension
Applying an Angular Dimension
Applying a Diameter Dimension
Applying a Radius Dimension
Applying a Linear Diameter Dimension
Modifying/Editing Dimensions
Working with Different States of a Sketch
Under Defined Sketch
Fully Defined Sketch
Look At
Show Profile
Show Points
Show Dimensions
Show Constraints
Show Projected Geometries
3D Sketch
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Chapter 5: Creating Base Features of Solid Models
Creating an Extrude Feature
Creating a Revolve Feature
Navigating a 3D Model in Graphics Area
Controlling the Navigation Settings
ZoomZoom Window
Free Orbit
Constrained Orbit
Look At
Navigating a 3D Model by Using the
Changing the Visual Style of a Model
Shaded with Hidden Edges
Shaded with Visible Edges Only
Wireframe with Hidden Edges
Wireframe with Visible Edges Only
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Hands-on Test Drive 3
Chapter 6: Creating Construction Geometries
Creating a Construction Plane
Creating a Plane at an Offset Distance
Creating a Plane at an Angle
Creating a Plane Tangent to a Cylindrical or
Conical Face
Creating a Plane at the Middle of Two
Creating a Plane Passing Through Two Edges
Creating a Plane Passing Through Three
Creating a Plane Tangent to a Face and
Aligned to a Point
Creating a Plane Along a Path
Creating a Construction AxisCreating an Axis Passing Through a
Creating an Axis Perpendicular at a Point
Creating an Axis Passing Through Two
Creating an Axis Passing Through Two
Creating an Axis Passing Through an Edge
Creating an Axis Perpendicular to Face at
Creating a Construction Point
Creating a Point at Vertex
Creating a Point at the Intersection of Two
Creating a Point at the Intersection of Three
Creating a Point at the Center of
Creating a Point at the Intersection of an Edge
and a Plane
Creating a Point Along a Path
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Hands-on Test Drive 3
Chapter 7: Advanced Modeling - I
Using Advanced Options of the Extrude Tool
Using Advanced Options of the Revolve Tool
Working with a Sketch having Multiple Profiles
Projecting Edges onto a Sketching Plane
Creating 3D Curves
Creating a Projected Curve
Creating an Intersection CurveCreating a Curve by Projecting Intersecting
Editing a Feature and its Sketch
Editing the Sketching Plane of a Sketch
Applying Physical Material Properties
Customizing Material Properties
Calculating Mass Properties
Measuring the Distance between Objects
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Chapter 8: Advanced Modeling - II
Creating a Sweep Feature
Creating a Sweep Feature with a Single Path
Creating a Sweep Feature with Path and
Guide Rail
Creating a Sweep Feature with Path and
Guide Surface
Creating a Loft feature
Creating a Loft Feature with Profiles
Creating a Loft Feature with Profiles and
Guide Rails
Creating a Loft Feature with Profiles and
Creating Rib Features
Creating Web Features
Creating Emboss Features
Creating Holes
Creating a Single Hole on a Face
Creating Multiple Holes on Points
Creating a Thread
Creating a Rectangular Box
Creating a Cylinder
Creating a SphereCreating a Torus
Creating a Helical and a Spiral Coil
Creating a Pipe
Creating 3D Sketches
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Tutorial 3
Tutorial 4
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Chapter 9: Patterning and Mirroring
Creating a Rectangular Pattern
Creating a Circular Pattern
Creating a Pattern along a Path
Mirroring Features/Faces/Bodies/Components
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Hands-on Test Drive 3
Chapter 10: Editing and Modifying 3D Models
Working with the Press Pull Tool
Offsetting a Face by Using the Press Pull Tool
Filleting an Edge by Using the Press Pull
Extruding a Sketch Profile by Using the Press
Pull Tool
Creating Fillets
Creating a Constant Radius Fillet
Creating a Variable Radius Fillet
Creating a Fillet by Specifying the Chord
Creating Rule FilletsCreating Full Round Fillets
Creating Chamfers
Creating Shell Features
Adding Drafts
Creating the Fixed Plane Draft
Creating the Parting Line Draft
Scaling Objects
Combining Solid Bodies
Offsetting Faces of a Model
Splitting Faces of a Model
Splitting Bodies
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Hands-on Test Drive 2
Chapter 11: Working with Assemblies - I
Working with Bottom-up Assembly Approach
Working with Top-down Assembly Approach
Creating an Assembly by Using Bottom-up Approach
Inserting Components in a Design File
Fixing/Grounding the First Component
Working with Degrees of Freedom
Applying Joints
Applying a Rigid Joint
Applying a Slider Joint
Applying a Revolute Joint
Applying a Cylindrical Joint
Applying a Pin-slot Joint
Applying a Planar Joint
Applying a Ball Joint
Editing Joints
Editing Joint Limits
Animating a Joint
Animating the Model
Locking/Unlocking the Motion of a JointDriving a Joint
Defining Relative Motion between Two Joints
Grouping Components Together
Enabling Contact Sets between Components
Capturing the Position of Components
Tutorial 1
Tutorial 2
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Chapter 12: Working with Assemblies - II
Creating an Assembly by Using Top-down Approach
Creating Components within a Design File
Creating a New Empty Component
Create a New Component from Existing
Create a Component During an Active Tool
Creating Features of an Empty Component
Fixing/Grounding the First Component
Applying As-Built Joints
Defining a Joint Origin on a Component
Between Two Faces
Two Edge Intersection
Editing Assembly Components
Tutorial 1
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Chapter 13: Creating Animation of a Design
Invoking the ANIMATION Workspace
Capturing Actions on the Timeline
Transforming Components (Move or Rotate)
Creating an Exploded View of an Assembly
Toggling on or off the Visibility of
Creating a Callout with AnnotationCustomizing Views and Actions on the Timeline
Deleting Views and Actions of a Storyboard
Creating a New Storyboard
Toggling On or Off Capturing Views
Playing and Publishing Animation
Tutorial 1
Hands-on Test Drive 1
Chapter 14: Working with Drawings
Invoking the DRAWING Workspace
Creating the Base View of a Design
Creating Projected Views
Working with the Angle of Projection
Defining the Angle of Projection
Defining Drawing Preferences
Editing Document and Sheet Settings
Editing and Inserting a New Title Block
Creating Auxiliary Views
Creating Section Views
Creating Full Section Views
Creating Half Section Views
Creating Offset Section Views
Creating Aligned Section Views
Creating Detail Views
Creating Break Views
Creating an Exploded Drawing View
Invoking DRAWING Workspace From Animation
Editing Properties of a Drawing View
Editing Hatch Properties of a Section View
Creating a Sketch
Moving a Drawing View
Rotating a Drawing View
Deleting a Drawing View
Adding Geometries in Drawing Views
Adding Centerlines
Adding Center MarksAdding Center Mark Pattern
Adding Edge Extension between Two
Intersecting Edges
Applying Dimensions
Applying Linear, Aligned, Angular, Radius,
and Diameter Dimensions
Applying Ordinate Dimensions
Applying Baseline Dimensions
Applying Chain Dimensions
Editing a Dimension
Arranging Dimensions
Breaking Dimension Lines
Adding Text/Note
Adding Text/Note With Leader
Adding the Surface Texture Symbol
Creating the Bill of Material (BOM)/Part List
Adding Balloons Manually
Adding Drawing Sheets
Creating a New Drawing Template
Exporting a Drawing
Exporting a Drawing as a PDF File
Exporting a Drawing as a DWG File
Exporting a Drawing as a DXF File
Exporting the Drawing Part List as a CSV
Tutorial 1
Hands-on Test Drive 1


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