كتاب COSMOSFloWorks Fundamentals
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب COSMOSFloWorks Fundamentals

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18973
التقييم : 35425
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب COSMOSFloWorks Fundamentals    كتاب COSMOSFloWorks Fundamentals  Emptyالخميس 05 سبتمبر 2019, 6:40 pm

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COSMOSFloWorks Fundamentals
Solving Engineering Tasks

كتاب COSMOSFloWorks Fundamentals  C_f_w_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Introduction .1-1
Simulating Engineering Tasks with COSMOSFloWorks 1-4
Solving Engineering Tasks .1-6
Frequent Errors and Improper Actions . 1-11
Advanced Knowledge
Introduction .2-1
Mesh Introduction 2-1
Type of Cells .2-1
Mesh Constructing Stages .2-3
Basic Mesh 2-4
Control Planes 2-5
Resolving Small Features by Using the Control Planes 2-5
Contracting the Basic Mesh 2-7
Resolving Small Solid Features .2-9
Curvature Refinement .2-10
Tolerance Refinement .2-12
Narrow Channel Refinement . 2-12
Local Mesh Settings 2-15
Recommendations for Creating the Computational Mesh . 2-16
Mesh-associated Tools 2-16
Introduction 2-16
Visualizing the Basic Mesh Before Constructing the Initial Mesh 2-17
Widened Capabilities of Loading the Results 2-17
Viewing the Initial Computational Mesh Saved in the .cpt Files . 2-18
Viewing the Computational Mesh Cells with the Mesh Option 2-18
Visualizing the Real Computational Geometry . 2-19
Switching-off the Calculation Results Interpolation and Extrapolation 2-21
Conclusion . 2-22
Calculation Control Options 2-23
Introduction 2-23
Finishing the Calculation 2-23
Refining the Computational Mesh During Calculation . 2-25
Flow Freezing . 2-27
What is Flow Freezing? . 2-27
How It Works . 2-28
Flow Freezing in a Permanent Mode 2-28
Flow Freezing in a Periodic Mode 2-30
Meshing – Additional Insight
Introduction 3-1
Initial Mesh Generation Stages . 3-2
Refinements at Interface Between Substances . 3-7
Local Mesh Settings .3-11
Irregular Cells . 3-12
Postamble 3-13
Glossary 3-14
Validation Examples
Introduction 4-1
Flow through a Cone Valve 4-3
Laminar Flows Between Two Parallel Plates 4-7
Laminar and Turbulent Flows in Pipes 4-15 iii
Flows Over Smooth and Rough Flat Plates . 4-21
Flow in a 90-degree Bend Square Duct 4-25
Flows in 2D Channels with Bilateral and Unilateral Sudden Expansions 4-29
Flow over a Circular Cylinder . 4-33
Supersonic Flow in a 2D Convergent-Divergent Channel 4-37
Supersonic Flow over a Segmental Conic Body . 4-41
Flow over a Heated Plate . 4-47
Convection and Radiation in an Annular Tube 4-51
Heat Transfer from a Pin-fin Heat Sink 4-57
Unsteady Heat Conduction in a Solid . 4-61
Tube with Hot Laminar Flow and Outer Heat Transfer 4-65
Flow over a Heated Cylinder 4-69
Natural Convection in a Square Cavity 4-73
Particles Trajectories in Uniform Flows . 4-77
Porous Screen in a Non-uniform Stream . 4-81
Lid-driven Flows in Triangular and Trapezoidal Cavities 4-87
Flow in a Cylindrical Vessel with a Rotating Cover 4-93
Flow in an Impeller . 4-97
References . 4-103
Technical Reference
Physical Capabilities of COSMOSFloWorks . 5-1
Governing Equations . 5-2
The Navier-Stokes Equations for Laminar and Turbulent Fluid Flows 5-2
Laminar/turbulent Boundary Layer Model 5-5
Constitutive Laws and Thermophysical Properties . 5-5
Compressible Liquids 5-7
Non-Newtonian Liquids 5-7
Equilibrium volume condensation of water from steam 5-9
Buoyancy Force 5-9
Conjugate Heat Transfer 5-9
Radiation Heat Transfer Between Solids 5-10
General Assumptions . 5-10
Ray Tracing . 5-10iv
View Factor Calculation .5-12
Environment and Solar Radiation 5-13
Radiative Surface Types .5-14
Viewing Results 5-15
Rotating Reference Frame . 5-15
Mass Transfer in Fluid Mixtures 5-15
Flows in Porous Media . 5-16
Two-phase (fluid + particles) Flows . 5-17
Boundary Conditions . 5-18
Internal Flow Boundary Conditions .5-18
External Flow Boundary Conditions 5-19
Wall Boundary Conditions 5-19
Internal Fluid Boundary Conditions 5-20
Numerical Solution Technique 5-20
Computational Mesh . 5-21
Spatial Approximations . 5-22
Spatial Approximations at the Solid/fluid Interface 5-22
Temporal Approximations . 5-23
Form of the Numerical Algorithm . 5-24
Methods to Resolve Linear Algebraic Systems . 5-25
Iterative Methods for Nonsymmetrical Problems 5-25
Iterative Methods for Symmetric Problems .5-25
Multigrid Method .5-25
References 5-26

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